He's been visiting Stevens again and she is amazingly good with him- even when he made an attempt to investigate her undercarriage in search of sustenance.
He did have a little hiss at her when she was over-enthusiastic in the matter of earwashing. I hope he's not going to be a bully, as he is likely to be much bigger than her. You will see that Stevens sleeps in a wicker bowl. It used to hold my threads but she kept sitting on them so I gave in and handed it over. I can't tell you how many cat baskets I have offered her over the years.
You are right about the benefits of blogging Chrissy. I'm so grateful to Carol.
Clive has to do figure drawing in the next module - hope he's not going to suggest I pose for him.
Dale - so glad that the book is selling well for you. Here I am in signing mode - I have got writer's cramp and Fiona has book-stuffer's elbow. They have all gone in the post now, so should be with you soon.
I find that I spend more time looking over the top of my glasses than looking through them, lately. I have ordered a new pair with a flat top for peering over.
Anna - thanks for the tag but hope you don't mind if I respond next week. I seem to have a lot to squeeze into this epistle.
I think I will update to version 12 of PSP, Cathy. That is such a good price. I am keeping Amazon going, as I've recently had lots of books and the expresso maker died last week. I cannot live without it and am waiting for the new one to arrive.
I will look forward to your Layers demo, Maggie-Tom. Seem to be doing a lot of talks just now on computer design. I wonder why?
You are in the States, aren't you, Wabbit? (Just love that name). The books come out much later there.
I do like your drawing blog, Penny - lovely stuff. Lots of base material there for scanning in and playing. There is an article in the free taster of Quiltwow on doing stuff with Picasa. Have you seen it? http://www.quiltwow.com/
A product that features in the book is InkAid http://www.inkaid.com/ (Art Van Go in the UK). You paint it on to a surface for a better print. I have used it mostly on paper - it makes the most fantastic difference to the print quality and allows you to print on almost anything - even black paper. Jane Wild and I had huge fun making collages and printing on them. The question was often posed - does it work on fabric. Here's the answer on black poly-cotton - you can see the product (the white bit on the edge) . I don't paint the stuff all over the fabric as I love the hints of black that show through. I ironed the fabric onto freezer paper first and it went through my ordinary printer with no problems. (No responsibility taken for other people's printers, please note. The next thing is to see if I can machine into it.