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IT’S A SMISSMAS MIRACLE! We’ve been waiting for issue 7 of the TF2 comic for 7 damn years. But it’s finally here and you should all go and read it right now. Yeah, seriously, stop reading this article and go and read the comic right now. It’s quite long. Then come back here when you’re done. If you want. No rush. We’ve waited 7 years already for this issue, make the most of it. I’ve already read it like 3 times now. You back? Have you read it? No? Go read it. In the mean time, I’m going to tell… [Continue Reading]

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Why Soldier?

There is one main reason why I pick Soldier: I can’t go wrong with it. It is rarely a bad time to go Soldier. Even Medic can be a bad choice if your team does not have a heavy class or you somehow already have three Medics. Soldier is just so versatile and powerful that you can have four in a team of twelve and you’ll still have a solid team. No matter the occasion, Soldier is a good pick. Offense, Defense, Payload, Capture Point, Soldier can shine in all of them. Whether you need someone to hold off the enemy,… [Continue Reading]

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A Series of Unlikely Gaming Stories 7 – The Smissmas Soldier

They’d been at this custom Mann VS Machine mission for an hour now. A Heavy, a Scout, a Medic, a Demoman and an Engineer. A pretty standard team, to be honest. The problem was, they were missing a sixth player, and the lack of that extra damage output was really screwing things over. There just weren’t enough of them to defeat all those giant Soldiers and their Uber Medics, while also staying alive. The more they tried and failed, the more frustrated the team got. Now they were all an inch away from arguing properly and turning their weapons on… [Continue Reading]

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The Closet Sniper Rifle

So, almost a year ago now, I talked about finally finding a way of playing Demoman that I enjoyed. I mentioned discovering a Soldier play style too as a footnote, but I wanted to give him a spotlight of his own! Figured he’d earned it after the amount rocket jumping around I’ve been doing as him recently. But more accurately, I want to talk about the Direct Hit. I used to see Soldier as a slow, boring and clumsy type of character which I just couldn’t find the appeal of. But the Direct Hit (and a lovely shiny pair of… [Continue Reading]

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Helix Jumping – Advanced Soldier 76 Mobility

As a Lucio main, I enjoy offclassing Soldier 76 because he retains (admittedly far less impressive) mobility and healing-focused abilities, letting me actually kill people while still filling a secondary role doing what I love best. And over time, thanks to my mobility addiction, I’ve found myself comboing the pieces of his kit in unusual ways to make my way around the battlefield. Because of the minor self-knockback on Helix rockets and the way Blizzard coded his sprint, Soldier 76 has the capability to reach some unusual places with what the community has dubbed “helix jumping”. But before we get… [Continue Reading]

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The Soldier’s Sparkplug

The Soldier’s Sparkplug is one of the many roboticised cosmetics added into TF2 during the Robotic Boogaloo update. It is, as its name suggest, a spark plug owned by the Soldier, which for some reason he kept in his mouth like a cigar. And also, said spark plug is smoking according to the TF2 Wiki. Before we talk more about the narcotic car component, can we first talk about the cosmetics introduced in the update in general? To me, while some are pretty good, like Filamental and the Byte’d Beak, some are just… odd. Stuff like this and Electric Escorter on… [Continue Reading]

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Team Fortress Comics #6 is out!

It’s only been forever (okay, nearly a year and a half) since the last issue, but woo boy, this one is a biggie! And by biggie, I mean it both in actual size and in content. Issue 6 comes in at a lovely 270-something individual panels and a LOT of new lore, as well as an ending that makes you want more but also makes you willing to wait for two and three quarter years for issue 7. Before we start, be warned, there are spoilers ahead. Although this is just an overview, so I won’t be discussing every detail… [Continue Reading]

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Poor Righteous Bison!

Out of all the Dr Grordbort weapons, I think it’s safe to say that the Righteous Bison was considered the most balanced and the most loved. Of course, the Dr Grordbort weapons have always been notorious for being unbalanced messes with tons of unneeded particles and all sorts of nastiness, but you can’t deny it, the Righteous Bison is an unbelievably cool weapon. The odd thing about the Bison is the fact that it has an unusual role among Soldiers. While a Shotgun is more of a close ranged self-defense mechanism and a close range Medic-protector, the Gunboats are designed… [Continue Reading]

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Why I Play Soldier

ROCKETS! Okay that’s not the only reason. There’s a small collection of reasons why I play Soldier in my spare time, when I’m named Medic but can’t be bothered to play my own name sake. Recently though, there are actually too many Medics around for me to be able to do so, probably because they are so good at scoring points and recently got some nice buffs. I may be a one trick pony, but I do actually dabble in other classes. Soldier is my go-to secondary class though. But yes, rockets are a big reason why. They’re both skillful… [Continue Reading]

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Pharah – Overwatch’s Soldier Wannabe

During the brief time that I played Overwatch, I tended to drift towards two characters: Pharah and Reinhardt. While I liked Reinhardt for his personality, giant shield and huge mace, I tended to play Pharah because I understood her. She plays very, very similarly to our beloved, overly patriotic Soldier. Like Soldier, Pharah uses a rocket launcher, jumps high into the air and has 200 health. Unlike Soldier, Fareeha Amari did actually get accepted into the military. And there’s a few differences here and there. But she’s essentially the same character, but easier. Much easier. The main ‘thing’ with playing… [Continue Reading]

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