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Kill Yourself To Progress

Throughout my gaming life, I’ve always been told that dying is bad. This thought was amplified whenever I played Team Fortress 2, because I am a Medic main at heart and Medics dying is generally considered a bad thing. As far as I was concerned, my staying alive to heal people and get Uber was vastly more important than literally anything else. If I died, my team would be in trouble and they’d die as well. Death meant failure, that my team would suffer without me. And of course, the dislike of dying carried over into pretty much every other… [Continue Reading]

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More Things You Should NOT Take in Radiation Hazard and Radiation Elemental Enhancement Missions

In light of a recent Radiation Hazard Survival, and since everyone’s doing Sorties today because of the weekly elite challenges for Nightwave, I think it’s worth looking at a bunch of other things you REALLY shouldn’t take into Radiation Hazard and Radiation Elemental Enhancement missions. A quick thing though, there is a difference between Radiation Hazard and Radiation Elemental Enhancement. Radiation Hazard missions spawn big green clouds throughout missions that give you Radiation damage if you walk through them. You can avoid them completely with an Operator’s Void Mode. Radiation Elemental Enhancement means that all enemies have resistance to elemental… [Continue Reading]

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Tentatively Start Playing Sanctuary Onslaught Now

The other day, I suggested avoiding Sanctuary Onslaught because the mission was, to put it lightly, a mess. Luckily, the following update fixed a large number of problems. The game mode is pretty playable now, way better than it used to be. Enemies spawn properly now, a lot of the random crashes were fixed and the whole efficiency problem is better than it used to be. And the rewards are a bit better now. The chances of obtaining both Khora and the Lato and Braton Vandals is still astonishingly low and the Synthetic Eidolon Shards are still an utter waste… [Continue Reading]

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On Being a Massive Coward

I like to think that I’d be a great NPC for a game like Skyrim. A coward of a person who asks the protagonist to go and fetch some insane item for them because there’s no way they’ll ever be able to obtain it themselves. Then, when danger rears its ugly head, I stand in a corner failing to hit it with my bow and arrows, then panic and run away. On the plus side, at least I’d pay you for your hard work. I’m a coward. I don’t like taking risks. I’ll let the strong ones deal with the… [Continue Reading]

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Team Fortress Comics #6 is out!

It’s only been forever (okay, nearly a year and a half) since the last issue, but woo boy, this one is a biggie! And by biggie, I mean it both in actual size and in content. Issue 6 comes in at a lovely 270-something individual panels and a LOT of new lore, as well as an ending that makes you want more but also makes you willing to wait for two and three quarter years for issue 7. Before we start, be warned, there are spoilers ahead. Although this is just an overview, so I won’t be discussing every detail… [Continue Reading]

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It all dies in the end…

When was the last time you played something other than Payload, Attack/Defend, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill or Control Points? Was it a while go? Probably. You might not have touched some of the letter game modes in years. Not that I blame you, there’s a lot of excitement right now for matchmaking, everyone’s all geared up for it. The chosen maps are mostly 5CP, with the odd other random map thrown in. Apparently Viaduct is in there somewhere. I like Viaduct, always been a fan of King of the Hill. Normal Viaduct isn’t the greatest map, the… [Continue Reading]

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Killcams and Comp TF2

Killcams are a masterfully-designed element in TF2. As the developer commentary states, killcams were added due to many Team Fortress Classic players having trouble determining who killed them and what they themselves did to get into that lethal situation. By showing you a quick screenshot of your attacker with some subtle “swoosh” effects showing you his rough location, Valve turned every death into a learning experience while simultaneously lessening the chance the killer can keep farming kills from the same location. But I’m wondering if that behavior becomes slightly unbalanced in a competitive setting. When you’ve reached the point that all the… [Continue Reading]

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Maybe we do need deathmatching after all?

Team Fortress 2 has a LOT of game modes, not all of them successful. Territory Control, Arena, Special Delivery, Medieval, all rather tired and ignored, lacking in maps or players or both, while King of the Hill, Capture the Flag and Attack/Defense flourish. 5CP and Payload play along, trailing behind slightly. The most popular servers around have always been 24/7 Dustbowl or Teufort or something like that. Why? Because we all really like deathmatching. That’s the one thing Team Fortress 2 has never really had – a pure killing game mode. While every single game mode requires you to kill… [Continue Reading]

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Let’s talk about the Sun on a Stick

The Sun-On-A-Stick is a very queer weapon. It was released alongside the Sharpened Volcano Fragment when RIFT came along, and it’s remained fairly unused ever since its first ever appearance. It’s not a sun on a stick at all, more like a wonderfully crafted ball of lava on a stick, certainly one of the more detailed and pretty weapons in TF2. Unfortunately for the Sun on a Stick though, it’s a victim of awful stats, rendering the poor thing nigh unused. Why? Well, it’s obvious really. The idea behind the Sun-On-A-Stick is simple. You team up with a Pyro to… [Continue Reading]

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Mod Showcase: Death Run

Welcome to another thrilling instalment of Mod Showcase. Brickinator here and I’m gonna chat about Death Run. Contrary to its name Death Run is not an 80’s action movie and is instead a frantic gamemode in which one team must navigate through an obstacle course of deadly traps. The traps usually kill instantly and you don’t respawn for the rest of the match; it’s basically a Japanese gameshow but without the remorse. All but one player are put on the RED team, known as the ‘runners’. The BLU team consists of that one guy left over- usually whoever won last round. He’s… [Continue Reading]

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