The Octopark

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
#4: Enter the Octohurler
Octo Canyon missions
#6: Octozeppelin Invasion

The Octopark
˜ Stay on Your Grind ˜
Number 5
Area 2
Sheldon's Request Hero Dualies
Items 1 Scroll, 1 Sardinium, 1 Crust Bucket Ticket
Music Tentacular Circus
amiibo challenges
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The Octopark

The Octopark is the fifth mission of Splatoon 2's single player mode, Octo Canyon. It appears to take place in a park.

Octo Canyon

The Kettle for this mission is on a tower in the right corner of the area. To get to it, jump up the stairs in the front of the area to reach the tower. Ink the front to get to the second level of the tower, use the Grate to get to the backside of the tower, ink it, and swim up to reach the tower.



The Octopark Stats
Area Enemies Armor Special Weapon Sunken Scroll Sardinium Crust Bucket Ticket
Beginning Area N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 1 2x Octotrooper N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 2 1x Octocopter 1x Octotrooper 1x Armor Piece N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes
Checkpoint 4 1x Octocopter N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 5 2x Octocopters 1x Armor Piece N/A N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 6 2x Octotroopers N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A
Final Checkpoint 8x Octotroopers N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A

Beginning area

Shoot at the Ride Rail to make it form a rail across the pool of purple ink. Then, go up the slope and head to the next checkpoint - the second and third sets of the Ride Rail are optional to ride on.

Checkpoint 1

Shoot at the empty Ride Rail to form a path to ride upward. Keep attempting these to head to the next checkpoint about two more times. There are a couple of Octotroopers, but it is optional to splat them.

Checkpoint 2

Shoot at the empty Ride Rail and it will form a curvy path. You will meet an Octocopter along the way but will not become too much of a bother. After the Ride Rail path, there are more empty Ride Rail generators, so shoot the one closest to you. It is optional to break the large crates, so just be sure to jump while at the end of the rail ride.

On the other side of the large crates is an Octotrooper which is optional to splat. Shoot another empty Ride Rail and it will take you to the next Checkpoint.

Checkpoint 3

There are two empty Ride Rails, but if one gets shot, both of them will form a path at the same time. There are Power Eggs and Squid Rings to go through along the Ride Rail paths.

Checkpoint 4

There is another empty Ride Rail here, and shooting it will create a long path. To have more fun at this Checkpoint, it is optional to go through the squid rings. Along this Ride Rail path there is only one Octocopter, but if it is not splatted, it can follow you to the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint 5

Taking somewhat narrow paths, there are some Octotroopers to be on the lookout. While taking this passage, there are some empty Ride Rails and extra paths that hold more empty Ride Rails at the end of the passage.

There is another Ride Rail to get on at the ending of this passage that will take you to the next Checkpoint.

Checkpoint 6

Shoot at the empty Ride Rail. It will form a path, but there are other Ride Rail paths that are already activated. It is optional to side hop to the other sets of Ride Rails. The end of the Ride Rails will take you to the final checkpoint.

Final checkpoint

Activating the Ride Rail will form a long and curvy path that leads underneath the next area. Once upon reaching your destination, turn left to find another empty Ride Rail. Activate the Ride Rail to get on the center tower of the area. When you are traveling to the top, defeat the Octotrooper sitting on the center area to reveal the launchpad. Use the launchpad to take you to the Zapfish. Before the Zapfish, you will land on a Ride Rail with a wavy path. Once off of the Ride Rail, destroy the shield and grab the Zapfish.


Sunken Scroll

This looks like a get-rich-quick scheme by some shady guy with crazy hair. "I made a cool 10 million G in a year by just sitting around! Ask me how!" Do people really fall for this bilge?

Location: At the Final Checkpoint, while on the second Ride Rail, squid rings spawn facing a large crate. Jump off of the Ride Rail through the squid rings and break the large crate to find the Scroll.

Scroll location


Location: When on the fifth set of Ride Rails, hop on the leftmost rail. Jump to the ledge with the crate which contains the Sardinium.

Sardinium location

Crust Bucket Ticket

Location: On the third checkpoint, when approaching the end of the dual Ride Rails, stay on the left side and make sure to jump off the rail at the right time. Break the small crate that holds the Crust Bucket Ticket.

Ticket location

Enemies and mechanics

Previously introduced



Marie's Quotes

You can still use your weapon when riding on top of a rail.
You can also jump with while you're riding a ride rail.
Don't forget to jump when you're riding rails.
You should be able to grab the squid rings as you ride the rail too.
Time it right and jump through that ring!
Good stuff. Let's keep going.
You gotta be careful not to fall off when jumping on winding rails like this.
You can use the dodge roll from the dualies to activate and ride a ride rail instantly!
Why, hello, armor!
Jump to the other rail with !
OK, now you're just showing off.
Ocotslobs! Fry 'em up, Agent 4!
So, Agent Four, would you say your the reckless type? Because I think so.
That looks like fun. Sometimes I wish I was the one risking my life out there...
Keep an eye out for new rails to jump to.
The Zapfish must be close. Onward!
Baddies! Steam these clams!
Going UP!
Launchpad time!

Sheldon's Quotes

Requesting the Hero Dualies:
Ok, take this with you. It'll help me gather some practical battle data.
These are the hottest weapons in the game right now - the Hero Dualies!
Press while shooting and moving in any direction to do a slick dodge roll!
You can dodge roll forward, backward, or side to side. It's totally raw!
During the Level:
Press while shooting on the move to do a dodge roll.
Ride that rail!

Netherlands Dutch

Marie's Quotes

  • "Je kunt twee keer achter elkaar rollen. Zoef, zoef!"
    (You can roll two times in a row. Zoof, zoof!)
  • "Op een rail kun je zoals gewoonlijk op drukken om te schieten."
    (On a rail, you can press as usual to fire.)
  • "Je kunt ook springen met terwijl je over een surfrail beweegt."
    (You can also jump with while you move on a ride rail.)
  • "Kom op, springen!"
    (Come on, jump!)
  • "Op de surfrails kun je ook inktvisringen buitmaken."
    (On the ride rails, you can also loot squid rings.)
  • "Wacht op het geschikte moment en spring door die ring!"
    (Wait for the right moment and jump through that ring!)
  • "Goed gedaan. Verdergaan!"
    (Well done. Continue!)
  • "Bij zulke kronkelige rails moet je oppassen wanneer je springt!"
    (With such winding rails you have to be careful when you jump!)
  • "Als je de Dubbelknallers hebt, kun je tussen surfrails heen en weer springen!"
    (If you have the Dualies, you can jump back and forth between ride rails!)
  • "Kijk die mooie bepantsering eens!"
    (Look at that nice armor!)
  • "Spring met naar de andere rail!"
    (Jump with to the other rail!)
  • "Mooie moves, agent 4!"
    (Nice moves, Agent 4!)
  • "Ja, da's dus gewoon uitsloverij."
    (Yes, that's just showing off.)
  • "Pak die Octosloebers hard aan, agent 4!"
    (Tackle those Octoslobs hard, Agent 4!)
  • "Hé, agent 4. Jij bent best wel een waaghals, toch?"
    (Hey, Agent 4. You are quite a daredevil, right?)
  • "Dat ziet er best geinig uit. Soms zou ik best met je willen ruilen..."
    (That looks quite fun. Sometimes I would quite like to swap with you...)
  • "Blijf op de uitkijk naar andere rails om op te springen!"
    (Keep on the lookout for other rails to jump on!)
  • "De voltvis is niet ver meer..."
    (The Zapfish is not far anymore...)
  • "Leg ze de inkt aan de schenen!"
    (Give them a hard time!)
  • "Hoppa, omhoog met die geit!"
    (Presto, let's get on with it!)
  • "Daar is het lanceerpunt!"
    (There is the launchpad!)
After beating the mission when a food ticket is collected for the first time:
  • "O, dat is een van de coupons die je bij Pelle kwijt kunt."
    (Oh, that is one of the tickets you can spend at Crusty Shawn's.)
  • "Zijn snackmobiel staat geparkeerd op het Inkopolisplein. Zijn gefrituurde... worsten... dingen zijn geweldig."
    (His snack mobile is parked in the Inkopolis Square. His fried... sausages... things are awesome.)
  • "(Nu begin ik trek te krijgen.)"
    ((Now I'm starting to get hungry.))
  • "O, trouwens... Druk op om onder Prestaties te bekijken wat je al hebt bereikt."
    (Oh, by the way... You press to view what all you have achieved under Archievements.)

Krabbert's Quotes

Order van Krabbert:
  • "Oké, hier, neem mee! Je kunt er gegevens mee verzamelen die mij goed van pas komen!"
    (Okay, here, take with you! You can collect data with it which is of use to me!)
  • "En deze twee vrolijke snuiters zijn de Heldendubbelknallers!"
    (And those two happy fellows are the Hero Dualies!)
  • "Druk terwijl je schiet en beweegt, op om een superhippe duikrol te doen!"
    (Press while you shoot and move, to perform a very hip dodge roll!)
  • "Je kunt een duikrol naar voren, achteren of opzij doen. Het is echt zo rauw!"
    (You can perform a dodge roll forwards, backwards or sidewards. It really is that raw!)
Mission quotes:
  • "Druk op terwijl je schiet om in de looprichting te rollen!"
    (Press while you shoot to dodge roll in the walking direction!)
  • "Spring op die surfrail!"
    (Jump on that ride rail!)
  • "Druk op terwijl je schiet om te rollen!"
    (Press while you shoot to dodge roll!)
After beating the mission for the first time:
  • "Eens zien hoe je wapengegevens binnenkomen... Ja, helemaal in orde!"
    (Let's see how your weapon data comes in... Yes, completely fine!)
  • "Dit soort data levert een schat aan informatie op!"
    (This kind of data provides a wealth of information!)
  • "Hoe meer gegevens je genereert, des te eerder kan dit wapen op de markt worden gebracht!"
    (The more data you generate, the sooner this weapon can be marketed!)
  • "Tot dan mag je het dus alleen lenen. Ik kan niet zomaar van alles cadeau doen!"
    (You can only borrow it until then. I can't just give everything away!)
  • "Oké, succes!"
    (Okay, good luck!)

Mexico Spanish (NOA)

Tina's Quotes

  • "Puedes rodar dos veces seguidas. ¡Qué divertido!"
    (You can roll two times in a row. How fun!)
  • "Puedes disparar con tu arma principal cuando estés sobre un autorriel."
    (You can shoot with your main weapon when you are on a ride rail.)
  • "También puedes saltar con cuando te desplaces por los autorrieles."
    (You can also jump with when moving along the ride rails.)
  • "Recuerda: puedes saltar cuando estés sobre un autorriel."
    (Remember: you can jump when you are on a ride rail.)
  • "A veces los autorrieles te permitirán atravesar anillos."
    (Sometimes the ride rails will allow you to went through rings.)
  • "¡Salta en el momento justo para atravesar ese anillo!"
    (Jump at the right time to get through that ring!)
  • "Bien, bien. ¡Sigue adelante!!"
    (Good, good. Keep going!)
  • "Ten cuidado para no caerte cuando saltas desde los autorrieles."
    (Be careful not to fall when you are jumping from the ride rails.)
  • "¡Puedes rodar con el difusor dual para subirte al autorriel!"
    (You can roll with the Splat Dualies to get on the ride rail!)
  • "Un poco de armadura nunca viene mal."
    (A piece armor is never a bad idea.)
  • "¡Oprime para saltar hasta el otro!"
    (Press for jump to the other!)
  • "¡Qué espectáculo!"
    (What a show!)
  • "¡Qué estilo, Agente 4!"
    (What a style, Agent 4!)
  • "¡Octarianos! ¡Al ataque!"
    (Octarians! Attack!)
  • "Cuánto te gusta el peligro, ¿eh?"
    (How much do you like danger, huh?)
  • "¡Qué divertido! Ojalá pudiera arriesgar la vida así..."
    (How fun! I wish I could risk my life like that....)
  • "Si aparecen más autorrieles, podrás saltar hacia ellos."
    (If more ride rails appear, you can jump to them.)
  • "El Volbagre tiene que andar cerca..."
    (The Zapfish must be nearby...)
  • "¡Octarianos a montones! ¡Reviéntalos!"
    (A lot of Octarians! Splat them!)
  • "¡Arribaaa!"
  • Propulsor a la vista!"
    (Launchpad in sight!)
After beating the mission when a food ticket is collected for the first time:
  • "¡Es un boleto de los de Adolfrito!"
    (It's one of Crusty Sean's tickets!)
  • Tiene un puesto de comidas en el centro y vende unas cosas fritas... como salchichas pero tienen... bueno, ¡ya verás!"
    (He has a food stand on the Center and he sells some fried things... like sausages but they have.... well, you'll see!)
  • "(Mmm, salchichas...)"
    ((Mmm, sausages...))

Jairo's Quotes

Jairo's request:
  • "¡Llévate esto! Así me ayudarás a recopilar datos para mis investigaciones."
    (Take this with you! Then you will help me to collect data for my investigations.)
  • "¡Es el Difusor dual de élite!"
    (Is the Hero Dualies!)
  • "Oprime al disparar y muévete en cualquier dirección para rodar."
    (Press when you shoot and move in any direction to roll.)
  • "Podrás rodar hacia delante, hacia atrás, ¡o incluso hacia los lados!"
    (You can roll forward, backward, or even sideways!)
Mission quotes:
  • "Oprime a la vez que disparas para moverte y rodar."
    (Press while you are shooting to move and roll.)
  • "¡Súbete a ese autorriel!"
    (Jump on that ride rail!)
  • "Oprime a la vez que disparas para moverte y rodar."
    (Press while you are shooting to roll.)
After beating the mission for the first time:
  • "A ver, déjame comprobar el registro del arma... ¡Sí, todos los datos están ahí!"
    (Let me check the weapon records... Yes, all the data is there!)
  • "¡Toda la información que me traigas me ayudará a desarrollar la versión comercial!"
    (All the information you bring me will help me to develop the commercial version!)
  • "Pero acuérdate, este ejemplar es solo un préstamo por amor a la ciencia. ¡Uno tiene que comer!"
    (But remember, this copy is just a loan by the love of science. One has to eat!)



  • This stage and The Octogalaxy are the only stages in Hero Mode to use Tentacular Circus as its song, as well as these being the only instances this track is used in Splatoon 2.
  • Despite being the stage that features the Ride rail, unlike most other mechanics in Octo Canyon, it first appears in an earlier stage, Sunset Octocopter.
  • There are two ways to skip many parts of the level:
  1. Cool Skip is just after checkpoint two and is performed by jumping off the rail over the Balloon and then performing a Dualie roll to catch the rail below.
  2. Noli Skip is just after checkpoint four and is executed by performing the 'Aggressive Squid Jump' technique onto the Ride rail hidden in a crate. This skip bypasses checkpoint five. The skip is named for the Splatoon 2 speedrunner Noli who pioneered it to gain the then-world record on this stage.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese おいでませ タコパーク #
フライハイ! イカフライ!

Oidemase Tako-Pāku #
Furai Hai! Ika Furai!
Please Come to the Octopark:
Fly High! Fried Squid![a]
Netherlands Dutch Surfpret in het Octopark Surfing fun in the Octopark
CanadaFrance French - Octaparc -
On ne perd pas le fil
- Octopark -
We don't lose the thread
Germany German Surfen im Oktopark Surfing in the Octopark
Italy Italian Parco dei divertimenti:
evoluzioni sull'octovolante!
Amusement park:
evolutions on the octo-coaster![b]
Russia Russian Осьмопарк
«Укротитель колец»

«Ukrotitel' kolets»
"Tamer of rings"
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Octoparque
˜Sendero autorriel˜
˜Ride Rail path˜
Spain Spanish (NOE) Pendiendo de un hilo Hanging by a thread

Translation notes

  1. イカフライ ika furai sounds like "squid fly"
  2. From octo and ottovolante ("roller coaster")