moon reflected in oily clouds, may 27
Are you helping or adding to it?.... please resist the urge to judge & utter recriminations, there is time for that later & plenty will do it anyway. If you feel horror, panic or distress, please consciously try to turn it around into hope, focus & strength... send positive thoughts to those actively working in the area... to those working for a solution, to those rescuing wildlife, to those directly affected so far, to the creatures, the plants, the water, etc etc......
it has been shown time & again both in the scientific world & the spiritual. Visualise the wound closing, healing... the flow of oil from it being plugged... clear, healthy waters returning. Send energy to stem the flow & see it happening as often as you can throughout the day.... every time you boil the kettle...wash up... go to the loo... wait in a queue... once you have the picture in your mind it gets easier to recall the more you try.... associate it with the simple things you do. Actively help.
Here’s a vizualisation/meditation... you can expand on it or you can use parts of it at any time... spend as much time as you need on each part...
...set your scene... gather whatever tools or symbols you need to aid your focus & direct energy... perhaps a bowl of water with a floating candle would be appropriate here... crystals, stones... earth energy is vital.... connect to the Earth in whatever way you choose, either literally or through visualization...
See yourself in a place where you connect to the Earth... sitting against a tree, whose roots go deep into the Earth... on a boulder that reaches far into the ground... on a mountain, in a forest, it doesn’t matter, wherever you connect... connect... feel yourself becoming one with the Earth.... feel her steady resolve... feel the heartbeat...
Be part of it...
Take yourself to the source of the out-pouring... feel yourself rising through the earth on the ocean floor... Be there... see the turbulence where the oil meets the ocean... don’t panic, just observe... watch, feel... until you are fully present.... until you are fully part of it...
Arc of light...
Feel the energy of the earth building in you... moving through you... building... expanding... when you can contain it no longer, when you are tingling with energy, shoot out a beam of light (i’m seeing gold, but use whatever colour you choose)... straight out, up through the turbulence of the out-pouring.... see it arc above you... a streak of golden brilliance.... see it expand outwards... forming a canopy of light high above you... golden light extending in a brilliant dome that reaches out & down... around... as far as you can see... gradually extending down until it meets the ocean floor in all directions.... See the light forming a dome over the open wound on the sea-bed... holding the turbulence within....
Hold it there a while.... letting the energy, the heart-beat, pulse through you... through the oil & water... around the sides of the dome of light... hold the turbulence within... breathe calm into the waters until the turbulence settles... breathe calm... breathe....until the oil knows it is contained...
Close the dome....
Then gradually draw the dome of light closer.... see it coming closer... down & in.... easing the oil back into the earth.... gently... slowly... contract the dome of light... keep it going... down & down until you are back within the earth... back into safety... and the golden light is sealing the gash in the earth’s crust....
Heal the wound...
Visualize the wound above you healing.... light & earth melding... closing the gap.... see it closing.... see it healing...until you are sealed safely in the Womb of the Earth... relax... you are safe in the arms of the earth.... rest a while.... breathe.... relax & breathe until you feel it is done.... then slowly come back to the place you started.... feel the warmth of the sun & a gentle breeze... hear water trickling somewhere nearby.... & know that all is well.....
Please share this... let us use the web to spread a web of love & hope... encourage as many as possible to actively help with energy & intention... and add to the energy of others around the world to repair the tears in the web of life...
may 28th