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Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotions. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

A Blanket of Comfort for Japan

May we join together in our thoughts... sending healing, love & calm across the ethers...

May those threads of energy twist together, forming ever stronger strands... weaving together with the thoughts of others across the world and beyond...
forming a healing blanket... infused with love & calm & hope...
Let us spread that blanket over japan & the ocean where the effects of the earthquake are felt....
A blanket of comfort & calm... gently soothing the Earth... absorbing the anguish & pain... gently transmuting them into loving, peaceful energy... a blanket of calm gently soothing & settling the tremors... feel the earth's heart beating steadily once more... calmed by the blanket of love...
A blanket of comfort & calm... gently settling the ocean... absorbing the anger & fear... transmuting them into loving peaceful energy... quelling the tidal reactions.... feel the ocean breathing easy once more, soothed by the blanket of love...
A blanket of comfort & calm.... settling over the nuclear reactors.... gathering in the radiation... absorbing it into the strands.... gently soothing & transmuting.... settling unstable energy... converting it to loving, positive energy.... feel that power reigning in... calmed under a blanket of love...
A blanket of comfort & calm... surrounding the people... absorbing their shock & grief, their fears & uncertainties.... comforting & healing... scattered emotions & physical pain... all being absorbed... and transmuted through the strands of our blanket... into loving positive energy... see them renewed with love & hope & strength... comforted under a blanket of love...
See the blanket growing.... boosted by every thought... every energy transference... see it extending out around the world... tucking it in around everyone affected... around creatures of land & sea & air... a blanket that never wears thin... a blanket that renews & heals & grows...
settling itself over the world.... calming & loving... comforting & healing... people in every walk of life... gently reassuring & encouraging... helping more & more people to breathe easy & feel their connection....
...& feel free to share this...

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

New Horizons...

On Friday we venture south towards the big city... London bound are we, as Steve starts working on the "2012 Olympic Village". We've resisted attempts to send us that way for a long time... more people, busier roads... we're just not city folk. So we've both had more than the usual pre-headingoffinto the unknown nerves. But, the project he was due to start on has been delayed until after Easter and work is work! I wonder what my new horizon will be like next week?

Finding a suitable caravan site has been a problem... there are fewer options, often extortionately (in my opinion) priced, & i've experienced attitudes I've not had to deal with before. We travel with a caravan & a little trailer... which is our garden shed, aswell as housing motorcycle & where the dog sleeps. Apparently this makes us, I quote, "pikeys" (gypsys) and "we have to think of our other caravanners". I know some elements of the Gypsy/Travelling community do cause problems and some of them don't help their own cause, but it's the first time I've encountered such blatant hostility based on what I might or might not be. I suppose I'm lucky compared to many who are subject to various prejudices on a regular basis. Some sites haven't wanted us before, but they haven't been nasty. The tin lid on it all was when he asked what I do... I said I'd look for a job, & thinking he was actually interested I told him I walk, write, paint, read blah blah... the result? "Well, I'll definitely have to say no then"!!! His loss! We have got somewhere though.... just north of the Dartford tunnel if that means anything to anyone!

The pictures are all of recent sun-rises.... even though most days lately have been a bit insipid, cloudy, drizzly affairs... I love them all in their own way & I guess I will soon find the charms of the place we are going to. I think being a country girl I have mis-conceptions about "london"... i've visited a couple of times & it's been fine so i'm sure all will be well when we get there ... yesterdays nerves have given way to anticipation & I'm intrigued to see what happens & where we will be... new horizons are around the corner, I wonder what they'll bring?

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Snowdrops... Fragile Beauty

Beautiful aren't they? 
A mass of snowdrops in the old orchard 
they've been there for years,
 multiplying over time.
  Maybe a bit like our thoughts in they old grey matter... 
or emotions...

Sometimes the big picture is enough, but zoom in for a closer look...  
appreciate the finer details...
identify one area (thought, idea, emotion, problem etc) to focus on...

Notice how some are slightly more open... 
and if we look closer some are nearly still closed...
 some are in full bloom (ready to pursue, work on, deal with)...
 some need a little more time... 
a bit of coaxing (a bit more effort, consideration... healing...)

From another angle... wow! 
Sometimes we need to look at things from another perspective,
turn things upside down to see what we have been missing...
little details... clues...

Would we have seen that sky behind
 if we only looked at what was obvious in front of us?
The background... the past... 
something that coloured our judgement, affected our emotions...
How often are we carried away with the bigger picture, 
caught up in a mass of thoughts or feelings, 
whether it be enthusiasm or despair?

Pause... wonder.... look.... and really see...

Caught in a storm they're beautiful...
we are beautiful...
you are beautiful...
Even in a downpour...
because of it.

We may bow our heads to weather the storm,
we may look or feel extremely fragile...
but those raindrops will run off our backs...
let them cleanse and heal...

'cos even on the greyest day
be inspired by their fragile beauty...
seek another perspective.
the clouds are just a background,
highlighting strength and beauty within.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Sisters Of The Red Moon

(click on pics to enlarge & see the detail)

I've been working on this piece over the last few weeks... the words were written by Mel in this post over at 'weaving the moon'. I chose a 56x76cm 210gsm handmade 'Khadi' cotton rag paper (this is a great company for quality eco/ethical artists papers &  sketchbooks). This is a tough, durable paper, which I knew would take several layers of colour & this rough one is really textured... oh boy, did I set myself a challenge!? Several blacks, of varying shades and surfaces to write on from matte water-based to shiny acrylic, rough paper AND red on black.... red is not as solid a colour as you may think! This is the price to pay for getting carried away with the 'look' of the background without thinking about the practicalities of lettering on it... so, this is the first version, i'm sure I will work with these words again...& again no doubt!

As well as the lettering, it's also been pretty impossible to get accurate colours in the photographs. The red is not really orangey at all. I've tried in different light & playing with the editing programme, but this is as close as i'm going to get for now 

we have met before, you and i
somewhen, somewhere.
in time out of time, the space between,
the space where the veil thins and the mist floats across
moonlit oceans.

in the swirling chaos of now,
tendrils of light flicker in the darkness.
reminders of a lost tribe,
of ancient ways where blood was holy
and wisdom shared.

reaching across the chasm of time.
over expanse of space and the shackles of fate
there is hope that in the dreaming
of this and other things, we shall meet again.
somewhen, somewhere.

Although the most feminine of subjects the image reminds me of the red planet...mars.... usually associated with ‘masculine’ qualities... but both the soil of Mars and the haemoglobin of human blood are rich in iron, and because of this they share its distinct deep red color. Astrologically Mars is associated with confidence and self assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition, and impulsiveness. I wonder, how closely linked is Mars to the Moon & our ‘moontime’?
I started thinking about pmt & the issues that are usually thrown up for myself. It’s usually been what ‘someone doesn’t do’ vs ‘what I always do’, things I haven’t done ‘because of someone else’ or what I think other people’s expectations of me are... all relationship stuff with various people, me putting on my ‘victim/martyr’ suit. I know I’m being ‘unreasonable’ even as I think it & knowing I’m pre-menstrual usually helps me cope. 
At one point I started thinking that maybe these are my real feelings, not irrational, but signs I should be out of the relationship or have a head to head with whoever.... why else would the same feelings keep coming up?
Actually, as I looked deeper, I realised that they kept coming up to give me a chance to recognise their underlying causes. My issues tend to stem from situations where I don’t assert myself... to say “actually I’d rather not” or “I want to do” or “will you do”... along those lines, where I haven’t had the confidence to express my needs or ambitions (notice the connection to the astrological associations of Mars?)  I’m not sure how much of this is due to my natal chart & how much is part of a greater moon/mars connection, but I think many will recognise a familiar pattern.
My point is, that there is a great healing opportunity that arises time & again in our cycles... if we let it. Instead of expecting a time of tension, maybe we need to re-verse the way we look at it to something like pre-menstrual tenderness. i.e. to give ourselves some understanding & compassion, to invite the healing that we need. 
Maybe we could meditate on the darkness that surrounds our own red moon.... go into the moon’s vortex.... into the darkness,.... stay there until the darkness feels comforting rather than threatening, feel the comfort of the eternal sisterhood.... acknowledge your darkness, your dark thoughts, those dark feelings....listen to them, ask their on the ancient wisdom from the centre of womanhood and begin to unravel the threads that bind in a repetitive, destructive cycle....

bronze powder is sprinkled into the wet acrylic for 
a lovely reddish moonlight gleam, streaks of enamel look 
wet even when they are dry

I wonder if any research has been carried out into how the moonphase affects pmt? My cycle is fairly short, so my moontime moves through the moonphases. I don’t get particularly bad pmt, but I know about it when it falls at dark moon. I haven’t thought about looking at which sign the moon is in at this time, (until now) to see if there is a larger pattern to the severity of my moods. Has anyone thought about it themselves? It’s something to watch... maybe the moonphase affects people differently, depending on our birthchart or the sign the moon is transiting... or perhaps there are broad similarities.... I’d be interested to know. Perhaps any astrologers out there can shed some light? 

So, Mel’s words stirred up some thoughts as I wrote, even though they weren’t to do with interpreting their meaning.... my interpretation is there... visually for all to see & take as you will.... read again & see where she takes you.
I’ll end with some words from Mel when she saw some earlier photos...
“This is extremely powerful.....and the black background lends some of the power...that women's mysteries are often born in the Shadows and the Dark.”

(if you came from suzi's scribbles click here to return)

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Bleakness, Hope & New Year Blessings

These are not my words... but we were driving around in the snow earlier in the week & the skies were darkening. The landscape looked very bleak & for some reason I thought about this commission I did a few years ago. 

Skies darkened, clouds filled every void.
Darkness fell, guiding light extinguished.
Waves that crashed upon rocks.
Wind that blew.
All had gone.




Searching for the light
Heart from body ripped
Light from life imploded
Once whole, torn apart.

I found myself wondering about the person who asked for this... the words are so deeply moving. I know nothing about her or her story; the order came by email & I didn't ask, but I have often wondered... there is something raw & powerful conveyed in these few lines. I hope that time has been a healer for her, that the rawness has eased....

chinese liquid stick ink, silver powder, brause nib, compressed capitals

I've spent a fair bit of time thinking about & letting reiki flow to those going through that first Christmas after bereavement, especially when someone has died close to Christmas itself. Not just for those I know, but asking that those who need it receive the blessing of healing energy.

The bleakness of loss at this time of year is emphasized by the fact that it is supposed to be a time of festivity & everyone else seems to be going on their merry way around you, while all you can feel is a cold hole in your heart, while you go through the motions of acting ‘normally’. 

Of course grief affects everyone differently… the complicated chemical cocktail that makes us human creates different reactions & feelings. And grief isn’t solely caused by death…. separation, abandonment, illness, anything that causes a loss of hopes, dreams, future, trust, way of life… there’s many more, but sometimes we feel that ‘bleakness’ & don’t associate it with grief because no one close has died.

I read words like these & they really move me… so, as we move to the New Year I’m sending out my love & healing thoughts to those who are feeling the chill of loss… may you find comfort & the strength to re-build...

May the new decade that we enter be one of hope… may it burn inside us all, encouraging the sparks of light within us, to be a beacon of hope... a shining light that extends beyond ourselves to those around us…. our families & communities…. our countries… to the whole world & beyond….

New Year Blessings to you all xx

'Hope' Rubber Stamp available from

Like a gleaming tapers light, hope shines, no matter how you look at it.

Great hopes make great people.

Nourish your hopes, cherish your dreams.

If you have never hoped you have never breathed.

Do not fear to hope.

Hold on to all hopes & follow your dreams- never let go.


Never let go of hope.

Hope always shines.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Hear the Ocean

Hear the ocean, wild yet calm...

I hear the ocean at my feet
I feel the pain in your heart

waves crashing, thundering emotion
vast, unending, rolling gently

swim with the tide...

Let me engulf you, comfort, protect you
The power of the ocean can lift you again

I was once asked to make "something like a place-card with the word 'ocean' on it". Apparently it was a significant 'little something' for a bridal couple. I know I also wrote a few words describing the ocean on a wavy line... i'd like to think i added a bit of a pastel wave aswell, but probably didn't! Anyway, that simple little exercise led to these words.

Inspiration can come from the simplest ideas. There's a saying that "inspiration comes from doing"... and how true that can be. Of course we need to think about ideas, but it's easy to sit thinking about a great idea & not actually do anything about it except think & dream some more.

The act of focussing on a few words & writing them out set off a train of thought... a few phrases jotted down & left to simmer for a while... a few splashes of colour & a few more words...

I have written it out before but this idea has been slowly formulating... I've 'seen' how i wanted it for a while. When i did Cari's "dance the old ways" the idea of using plaster through a stencil seemed perfect for this version.

While i was at it i prepared plaster stones/rocks for a couple of other pieces aswell, this one is on a 36x24 inch canvas. (the different colours at this stage are just different tpes of mixture)
Next came the colour.... white all over then acrylic the rocks so they looked shiny & wet even when the paint dried.... splashes of acrylic, emulsion, ink & more water.... here's a close up, click on the pic to see the detail.... & finally the words....

Don't you think the characteristics of the ocean mirror the range of human emotion (or do we mirror the sea)? We tend to use emotional terms to describe these different qualities.... angry seas, tempestuous waves, tranquil waters.... the waves undulate, rise up & down like our emotions.... our emotions, whether positive or negative, ripple out affecting those around us. Virtually every emotion can be related to a movement or state of the ocean... and of course both are dramatically linked to the moon.

We can use the ocean as a powerful meditational focus.... swim with the tide... imagining gentle rolling waves to bring our breathing under control... visualising turbulent emotions crashing themselves out onto rocks... until they are spent, then gently soothed back into calmer seas.... perhaps basking by moon or sunlight.... we can plunge deeper & deeper into the depths of the ocean & our soul to uncover hidden currents of hurts or inspiration, depending on our intent.... we can imagine ourselves as a pice of stone carried by the ocean, our troubles or illness being soothed & worn away... we can ride the waves & surf with our dreams, empowered by the ocean spray.... we can return to land, refreshed & grounded by the feel of sand & lapping waves, ready to return uplifted to our lives... let the power of the ocean lift you again....
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