Views: 30021
Submissions: 169
Favs: 3900
Cutie Shiba | Registered: Mar 1, 2009 09:17
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My fursona:
My fursona’s name is Chris; he is a 3 year old shiba inu. He loves diapers, pacifiers, baby bottles, hugs, cuddling, snuggling, and just anything baby related. He loves to be taken care of; by a caretaker, his family, or even his friends. He also loves to stargaze, listen to music, and take walks in the park (or even in the woods behind his house). His favorite clothes to wear are; a blue shirt with red overalls (or shortalls when it’s warm enough) and just a diaper almost all the time. Chris can be a little shy at times, but that doesn't mean he's not friendly, because he is. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he still knows how to be a good person and how to get the job done.
About me:
My real name is Christopher, but everyone calls me Chris. I'm down to earth, but can dream big, I'm usually a quiet person, but get to know me and I open up. I am a college graduate of University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff. My hobbies include; playing video games and collecting film score soundtracks (I currently have a little under a hundred. Yeah…that is how big of a collector I am). A few of my favorite composers include famous ones; such as Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elmer Bernstein, John Barry, Basil Poledouris (very under-appreciated), Bruce Broughton, Georges Delerue, Michael Kamen, James Newton Howard, and Alan Silvestri. I joined the fandom around 2009. I found out about the fandom while looking up pictures of anime in diapers. I saw some pictures of little animal characters that I had never seen before and tried looking for more, and I accidentally stumbled across the fandom, here on FA. I spent a while looking up all kinds of pictures of furry characters in diapers, so I thought about creating an account and a character. I had trouble coming up with a character at first, so I asked for help from the first friend I met on here, and that was Hexx (thanks again, bro ^^). So, here I am today, a babyfur/diaperfur and proud to be apart of the fandom. ^^
Member of:
I am also, an
arkansasfurs and proud to be one.
.......... put this
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[][][][] if your
---[]--- not embarrassed
---[]--- to tell
---[]--- others that
---[]--- your a
---[]--- Christian, I ♥ Jesus!
║╚╝╠══╦╦══╦═╗ (I'm a huge fan)
║╔╗║╔╗║║║║║╩╣ Put this in your account
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╩╩╩╩═╝ if you love anime.
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║╔╗║║║║║║║║║╚═╗║ if you love
║║║║║╚╝║║╚╝║╔═╝║ a good hug
Current commissions from:
List of friends:
- Honest, kind, loving, considerate, and respectful fun loving babyfur wuffy cub (want to meet in real life one day ^^).
- Good loving person and great daddyfur :)
runningwithautisticwolves - Loving brother who knows me in and out as I do him. ^^
- Loving, kind, hilarious, and caring fox. :p Have met and is a ton of fun to hang out with in real life! :)
- Movie buff and great fanfiction writer. Check out his stories!! :D

This is a list of current people I want to meet one day, even though this is not set in stone.
My fursona:
My fursona’s name is Chris; he is a 3 year old shiba inu. He loves diapers, pacifiers, baby bottles, hugs, cuddling, snuggling, and just anything baby related. He loves to be taken care of; by a caretaker, his family, or even his friends. He also loves to stargaze, listen to music, and take walks in the park (or even in the woods behind his house). His favorite clothes to wear are; a blue shirt with red overalls (or shortalls when it’s warm enough) and just a diaper almost all the time. Chris can be a little shy at times, but that doesn't mean he's not friendly, because he is. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he still knows how to be a good person and how to get the job done.
About me:
My real name is Christopher, but everyone calls me Chris. I'm down to earth, but can dream big, I'm usually a quiet person, but get to know me and I open up. I am a college graduate of University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff. My hobbies include; playing video games and collecting film score soundtracks (I currently have a little under a hundred. Yeah…that is how big of a collector I am). A few of my favorite composers include famous ones; such as Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elmer Bernstein, John Barry, Basil Poledouris (very under-appreciated), Bruce Broughton, Georges Delerue, Michael Kamen, James Newton Howard, and Alan Silvestri. I joined the fandom around 2009. I found out about the fandom while looking up pictures of anime in diapers. I saw some pictures of little animal characters that I had never seen before and tried looking for more, and I accidentally stumbled across the fandom, here on FA. I spent a while looking up all kinds of pictures of furry characters in diapers, so I thought about creating an account and a character. I had trouble coming up with a character at first, so I asked for help from the first friend I met on here, and that was Hexx (thanks again, bro ^^). So, here I am today, a babyfur/diaperfur and proud to be apart of the fandom. ^^
Member of:
I am also, an
.......... put this
---[]--- on your
---[]--- page
[][][][] if your
---[]--- not embarrassed
---[]--- to tell
---[]--- others that
---[]--- your a
---[]--- Christian, I ♥ Jesus!
║╚╝╠══╦╦══╦═╗ (I'm a huge fan)
║╔╗║╔╗║║║║║╩╣ Put this in your account
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╩╩╩╩═╝ if you love anime.
║║║║║║║║║╔═╝║╔═╝ Put this on.
║╚╝║║║║║║║╔╗║╚═╗ your page
║╔╗║║║║║║║║║╚═╗║ if you love
║║║║║╚╝║║╚╝║╔═╝║ a good hug
Current commissions from:
List of friends:
This is a list of current people I want to meet one day, even though this is not set in stone.
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 5428
Comments Made: 9103
Journals: 238
Comments Made: 9103
Journals: 238
Recent Journal
LIfe Update TL;DR
a year agoSo, I want to now make a list of things that I am going to be doing this year. Because I am tired of feeling like a failure, for not being able to live independently. And the main reason for that, is because I am a reckless spender, like I do not think about my spending habits, I just SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, and not even think about saving up to finally move out. x.x Well, last year, I started chatting with someone, and I have been sending them money to help them out. Well, my parents noticed that I was dumping money out of my bank account, and I did not want to listen to them. Well, it all finally came to bite me in the "padded" butt. I got an overdraft, and I was SOOOO scared. Like, I thought I was literally gonna go to jail for that! D: But thankfully, my paycheck managed to come through and get me out of it. I was terrified, and that set off a chain of events in my mind. I think that was the point, where reality decided to b*tch slap me and say, "This is why, you are stuck here! You cannot control your spending, so you cannot move out! When are you gonna start learning to be more responsible?" And I immediately began to just work and not spend any money, just to get my bank account back up. I didn't want my parents to find out, but I had to because I didn't know what an overdraft was. Needless to say, they were furious. I've had about six months to think about this, and I want to change that. So, this year, I am going to finally get my bank account back up to where I was before this all went down, and then work on moving out. I'm also gonna look into finding other jobs, that pay more.
On another note, I am thinking about finally going to get professionally diagnosed for my Autism, see where I land on the spectrum. Because, I want to know, what is it, and do I meet the criteria. Someone did say, I might have PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder). I want to know for sure, because I want to finally figure out what's wrong with me. Why do I stutter, when I get frustrated? Why did it start when I was a three-years old? So yeah, I want to get this checked out, so I can finally learn to accept it, and hopefully myself in the process. Only when I do that, will I be able to move forward in life. It's a part of me, but I won't let it define me, because that is not my entire identity. That is what I like to call, a footnote in my book.
On the plus side, one thing that I am definitely planning on, is going to go see my babyfur bro who I have known ever since I showed up here,
To make a long story short, I am making some serious changes in my life, starting now. I just hope and pray, that the Lord God Almighty, can help me along this journey. Thank you all for listening, I hope I didn't bore you, and I will hopefully see you all in the near future. Bye for now, and have a blessed day!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Shiba Inu
Favorite Music
Classic rock, oldies (40s-80s), film soundtracks
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Mary Poppins, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Rocky, Captain America: Winter Soldier
Favorite Games
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Switch and PC
Favorite Site
FurAffinity YouTube RightStuf MyAnimeList
Favorite Quote
If you're not making mistakes, how will you learn anything? Failure, is the best teacher.