I had this in the works for some time now, but I believe it's time I introduced another family member!
This is Tommy, he's Tracy's baby brother, and the same age as Grace (Two years-old). He too attends Daycare with his sister, and like Grace, is part of the Nursery group instead of the Pre-K or Kindergarten group.
Tracy is the current leader of one of the strongest teams in the entire daycare, Team Hell Creek. She is renowned for her Integrity, Maturity, and hard-working Attitude that keeps her team running at tip-top shape! And isn't well respected by just her teammates and close friends, but even the daycare workers themselves! Whenever there's an issue, she's always someone you could rely upon to solve most of your problems!
Although she hadn't always been like that, in fact just one year prior, Tracy was quite possibly one of the most stubborn and biggest brats in the entire daycare! Despite being four years old, she acted completely like an overgrown toddler, often arguing with and disobeying her parents and daycare workers, acted extremely picky when it came to what she had to eat, acted highly rude and inappropriately around strangers, refused to stop wearing her diapers or have them changed even after she went potty in them, and would often kick, scream, and throw a temper tantrum whenever she couldn't get what she wanted (candy, toys, clothes, etc). To put it lightly, she was quite the handful...
Although it was later revealed that a lot of that bad attitude really did come down to the fact that Tracy felt like her parents didn't care about her anymore! Ever since Tommy came into her life, Tracy started growing jealous of how much her parents, grandparents, and family in general were spending on the new baby, everywhere she went, there was just talk about the new baby, this and that, Tommy needs to eat, Tommy is crying again, Tommy needs attention now Tracy, lets talk later. It felt like she had been left behind in such a huge family, and she grew resentful of rarely being acknowledged by her parents after she had been the center of attention for most of her life, perhaps because of this, much of that resentment developed into frustration, one which Tracy had to take out on everyone else, leading to her terrible attitude.
It got so bad that she would stubbornly remain in diapers and continued using them despite being well on the way to being potty trained. As she believed her parents would give her more attention that way. Although after a certain incident... Which Tracy would really, really, really rather not talk about...
Speaking of Tommy... While Tracy has much of her roots with her Grandparents' life on the ranch out in the country, Tommy is much different than his sister, and instead enjoys living life in the city more, the fancy buildings, walkable parks, and playgrounds are more his thing! The kid also has a thing for fast cars, action movies, and video games!
Grace also seems to have shown an 'affectionate' attitude towards Tommy, although he clearly isn't into her as he thinks she's icky, I mean, she's not even wearing pants! And do you know how stinky that girl's diapers can get sometimes!? Jeez Louise!
This is Tommy, he's Tracy's baby brother, and the same age as Grace (Two years-old). He too attends Daycare with his sister, and like Grace, is part of the Nursery group instead of the Pre-K or Kindergarten group.
Tracy is the current leader of one of the strongest teams in the entire daycare, Team Hell Creek. She is renowned for her Integrity, Maturity, and hard-working Attitude that keeps her team running at tip-top shape! And isn't well respected by just her teammates and close friends, but even the daycare workers themselves! Whenever there's an issue, she's always someone you could rely upon to solve most of your problems!
Although she hadn't always been like that, in fact just one year prior, Tracy was quite possibly one of the most stubborn and biggest brats in the entire daycare! Despite being four years old, she acted completely like an overgrown toddler, often arguing with and disobeying her parents and daycare workers, acted extremely picky when it came to what she had to eat, acted highly rude and inappropriately around strangers, refused to stop wearing her diapers or have them changed even after she went potty in them, and would often kick, scream, and throw a temper tantrum whenever she couldn't get what she wanted (candy, toys, clothes, etc). To put it lightly, she was quite the handful...
Although it was later revealed that a lot of that bad attitude really did come down to the fact that Tracy felt like her parents didn't care about her anymore! Ever since Tommy came into her life, Tracy started growing jealous of how much her parents, grandparents, and family in general were spending on the new baby, everywhere she went, there was just talk about the new baby, this and that, Tommy needs to eat, Tommy is crying again, Tommy needs attention now Tracy, lets talk later. It felt like she had been left behind in such a huge family, and she grew resentful of rarely being acknowledged by her parents after she had been the center of attention for most of her life, perhaps because of this, much of that resentment developed into frustration, one which Tracy had to take out on everyone else, leading to her terrible attitude.
It got so bad that she would stubbornly remain in diapers and continued using them despite being well on the way to being potty trained. As she believed her parents would give her more attention that way. Although after a certain incident... Which Tracy would really, really, really rather not talk about...
Lets just say it involved a fairy princess dress, her playing one of the main starring roles in her school play, being in front of the boy she had a crush on, and uhh... an entire- You know what? that's a story for another day.
But lets just say that after that whole incident, Tracy finally rushes herself to be fully toilet trained, fixes up her attitude, and grows more mature than ever, as she begins respecting her parents more, after she learnt that they have been worried sick after they heard that she went missing. She also begins taking her duties as a big sister very seriously, and because of this became better and better at potentially leading Team Hell Creek in the future! And well, here she is now!Speaking of Tommy... While Tracy has much of her roots with her Grandparents' life on the ranch out in the country, Tommy is much different than his sister, and instead enjoys living life in the city more, the fancy buildings, walkable parks, and playgrounds are more his thing! The kid also has a thing for fast cars, action movies, and video games!
Grace also seems to have shown an 'affectionate' attitude towards Tommy, although he clearly isn't into her as he thinks she's icky, I mean, she's not even wearing pants! And do you know how stinky that girl's diapers can get sometimes!? Jeez Louise!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Baby fur
Species Dinosaur
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1600 x 1400px
File Size 260.4 kB