On this page you will find definitions that will help you find that elusive part you're looking for. Read through the categories and discover which one you're part is likely to be in.
Figure Related
- Minidoll Heads - Heads compatible with Mini-doll construction, this includes special molded heads but does not include headwear, costumes that fit over heads, or masks.
- Minidoll Lower Body - Lower Body parts such as legs, mermaid tails, dresses, etc... that are compatible with Mini-doll construction.
- Minidoll Upper Body - Upper Body parts such as torsos that are compatible with Mini-doll construction.
- Minifig Accessories - Anything Minifigure or Mini-doll related. Neckwear, hipwear, tools, weapons, headwear accessories, etc... If it fits in a LEGO hand and is something designed for a Minifigure to use it's most likely in here. The exception is cloth accessories (Capes, Skirts) which are stored in Flags, Signs, Plastics and Cloth.
- Minifig Heads - Heads compatible with Minifigure construction, this includes special molded heads but does not include headwear, costumes that fit over heads, or masks.
- Minifig Headwear - Parts, such as Hair and Hats, that utilize the top stud of a standard Minifigure Head. This does not include hair and hat accessories such as bows, plumes, visors, mask, which can be found in Minifig Accessories.
- Minifig Lower Body - Lower Body parts such as legs, mermaid tails, ghost trails, etc... that are compatible with Minifigure construction. This means the fit either with a standard Torso or any other Torso part.
- Minifig Upper Body - Upper Body parts such as torsos, arms, etc... that are compatible with Minifigure construction.
- Minifigs - Any part that is an assembly of multiple parts (Upper, Lower, or Head) are kept here. Hagrids Torso and Leg assembly for example. This is also where the Bot places all new minifgure parts that the Admin Team need to rename, re-number, and re-categorize.
- Non-Buildable Figures (Duplo, Fabuland, etc) - Figures from Duplo, Fabuland, Scala, Belville, etc... that involve no construction.
Technic Categories
- Pneumatics - Any part, cylinders, tubes connectors, etc... that is compatible with a pnuematics system. This doesn not contain tubes or hoses which appear in there own category.
- Electronics - Any part that is electronic. Battery packs, sensors, motors, lights, etc...
- Technic Axles - Bars of any length that are '+' shaped
- Technic Beams - Studless, with any type or number of holes, and any angle, but have no additional feature such as pins, ball joints, or holes at different angles.
- Technic Beams Special - Studless, with any type or number of holes, and any angle, but have additional feature such as pins, ball joints, or holes at different angles.
- Technic Bricks - Studded bricks with holes. They could be angled, sloped, or have round, '+', or 'x' holes.
- Technic Bushes - Smalls parts that fit on '+' axles or pins. The have also been used to hold elastic bands.
- Technic Connectors - A complex category consisting of parts that are used to connect other parts such as axles or beams. There is significant crossover with Technic Beams, Technic Pins, and Technic Special.
- Technic Gears - Parts with teeth designed to interlock with other parts. These are not limited to rounded 'cogs' but also plates with teeth.
- Technic Panels - Primarily used for vehicle bodywork. They commonly have holes for connectivity and could be curved, arched, or flat.
- Technic Pins - Small parts that 'snap' into holes in bricks or beams. They come in a vairety of types, Snap & '+' Axle, Snap & Stud, Snap & Bush, Snap & Double Length Snap, etc...
- Technic Special - A catch-all category that contains parts that don't fit into other Technic categories. Turntables, bricks with connectors, contruction vehicle features like treads or buckets, flexible cables, etc...
- Technic Steering, Suspension and Engine - Any part relevant to the mechanics of a vehicle, such as engine blocks, shocks, connectors, steering wheels, etc... There is crossover with Technic Connectors, and Technic Beams Special.
- Bricks - The iconic part! Studs and anti-studs, with only right angles and no height change or curved surface. See Technic Bricks for bricks with holes
- Bricks Curved - A brick that has height change with a curved surface. Curved edges do not qualify for this category and should be found in Bricks Round and Cones. Arches are included in this category. There is crossover with other Brick categories, espcially Round and Sloped.
- Bricks Round and Cones - A brick that is spherical or has a rounded edge. There is crossover with other Brick categories, espcially Curved and Sloped. If a rounded brick has a height change, the round feature takes priority when categorising the part so you will find Curved and Sloped parts such as 24599 Brick Round Corner 5x5x1 in the round category not in the Curved category.
- Bricks Sloped - A brick that has height change with a straight (or flat) surface. Sloped edges/sides do not qualify for this category and should be found in Bricks Wedged. There is crossover with other Brick categories.
- Bricks Special - A brick that has other features such as clips, pins, hinges, or studs on sides. You may also find parts here that appear to be plates but are actually to large too be categorized as such.
- Bricks Wedged - A brick that has angled sides that are not just 90°. There is crossover with other Brick categories, espcially Curved and Sloped. The wedge shape of a brick takes priority over height change so if a part has both features it will be in here not Sloped or Curved.
- Baseplates - Plates that have no anti-studs (which means you cannot connect the bottom of it to the top of a plate or brick). They may be flat, have raised areas, or have no studs.
- Plates - No more than 2/3 height of a standard LEGO Brick. Plates are Tiles with studs. Angled and Round Plates have their own catagories. If you can't find a plate here also check Bricks Special for parts that seem like plates but are too thick to be categorised as such.
- Plates Angled - No more than 2/3 height of a standard LEGO Brick. Angled plates have at least one edge not at right angles to the other creating a wedge shape, a hexagonal shape, etc...
- Plates Round Curved and Dishes - No more than 2/3 height of a standard LEGO Brick. Round plates have at least on edge that is round, either in a continuous circle or just a portion of a circle. Dishes are also kept here, a dish is usually smooth and slightly domed with at least one stud in the centre. The height and studs differentiate them from Round Bricks or Domes. However some dishes can be found with no studs but have bars that allows construction with them, the height of these studless plates differentiates them from Domes.
- Plates Special - An all encompassing category that contains any part that features at least a 1x1 plate in it. Special Plates can feature clips, brackets, steps, pins, ball joints, bars, wheel connectors, etc... Jumper plates (a 1x2 plate with only 1 center stud for example) are also kept here.
- Tiles - 1/3 height of a standard LEGO Brick with no studs. Tiles are Plates with no studs. Printed Tiles are also in this category but Round and Curved Tiles have their own.
- Tiles Round and Curved - 1/3 height of a standard LEGO Brick with no studs, with rounded or curved edges. Printed Round and Curved Tiles are also in this category.
- Tiles Special - Any part that has a mostly Tile surface (no studs) but also contains other features like clips, holes, pins, etc...
- Transportation - Land - Parts relating to land vehicles. Steering wheels, chassis', bodywork, bikes, train tracks, wheel arches, spoilers, etc...
- Transportation - Sea and Air - Parts relating to boats and planes. Propellers, hulls, tails, wings, masts, plane engines, etc...
- Wheels and Tyres - Pretty self explanatory. All Wheels and Tyres (Tires) are stored here. Including train wheels and more unconvential modes of transport like wagon wheels, space rover wheels, etc...
- Windscreens and Fuselage - All vehicle windscreens are kept here. Cars, train, truck, plane, spaceship. It also includes planes fuselage parts including nose cones and tail cones. There is quite a lot of crossover with the following categories so if you can't find what you need here check Round Bricks & Domes, Bricks Curved, Transport - Sea and Air, Panels, Windows & Doors, and Plates & Dishes.
Everything Else
- Bars, Ladders and Fences - A self explanatory category. This includes, stairs, steps, plastic 'nets', gates, lampposts, and more. There is crossover with Windows & Doors, Panels, Transportation, and Minifig Accessories.
- Containers - Any parts that are designed to contain something, such as buckets, barrels, coffins, cupboards, etc... Also contains parts that could be considered packaging as long as they contain something that makes them compatible with a LEGO construction system such as studs (64454 Pod Square 3 x 8 x 6 2/3 for example).
- Flags, Signs, Plastics and Cloth - A self explanatory category. This includes Minifig clothing that is cloth, such as Capes and Skirts.
- Hinges, Arms and Turntables - Any Brick, Plate, or Pin that has a feature to connect to another part, creating a hinge. And parts that are designed to rotate or connect to a part to create an assembly that rotates.
- Magnets and Holders - Parts that are magnetic are kept here, including train parts. Holders refers to parts that hold magnetic parts.
- Mechanical - Parts that contain mechanic elements. Mostly pull-back motors.
- Panels - Parts used to create wall sections for buildings or vehicles.
- Plants and Animals - A self explanatory category. All animals and plants including dinosaurs, fictional creatures, and animal body parts. There is crossover with the Minifig categories when an animal/creature is a character in themes like Star Wars.
- Rock - Pretty self-explanatory. Any parts that resembles a rock or crystal is in here. This includes larger 'cliff-face' parts.
- String, Bands and Reels - A self explanatory category. Includes chains, elastic bands, drums, drum holders, etc...
- Supports, Girders and Cranes - A self explanatory category. There may be some crossover with Bricks Round, Bricks Special, and Hinges, Arms & Turntables.
- Tubes and Hoses - Could be flexible & hollow, rigid & hollow, or flexible & solid. Rigid & solid tubes are considered bars and are kepy in it's own category.
- Windows and Doors - Any window or door frame or glass except vehicle windscreens. However vehicle doors are found here.
Non-construction / Admin Categories
- Non-LEGO - Offical LEGO parts that do not have studs, antistuds, or other LEGO system features that allow traditional connectivity to other LEGO parts. This includes card parts. Such as storage containers, game cards, packaging, cardboard ramps, backgrounds, etc... Stickers are not included in this category as they have their own.
- Other - This is mostly a maintenance category and is where the Bot places new, non-minifigure, parts for the Admin team to rename, re-number, and re-categorize. However you may find odd parts that don't easily fit into an existing category in here, such as watch parts.
- Stickers - Any stickers are kept here, this is not for stickered parts. Rebrickable does not inventory stickered parts.
- Tools - Parts that help you build LEGO, brick separators, wrenches, etc... These parts were not designed to be used in traditional LEGO constructions.
Niche LEGO themes
- Belville, Scala and Fabuland - Parts that are exclusively used in the themes Belville, Scala, and Fabuland. Parts from these themes that have been used in other themes since will be in different catagories (Part 4341 Fabuland Cauldron for example was introduced as a Fabuland part but has seen significant use in other themes since so is sored in the Minifigure Accessories category.) This does not include figures.
- Clikits - Parts exclusive with the Clickits theme produced between 2003-2006.
- Duplo, Quatro and Primo - Parts that are exclusively used in the themes Duplo, Quatro, and Primo. This does not include figures.
- HO Scale - HO Scale are vintage LEGO toys that are more similar to model toys rather than construction toys. These are not compatible with any LEGO construction system.
- Large Buildable Figures - Anything used to contruct Large Buildable Figures featured in Bionicle, Hero Factory, Star Wars, Super Heroes, Legends of Chima, and Ben 10. They use a system similar to Technic so there are some crossover between these themes. If you can't find a part in here search through the Technic themes.
- Modulex - Parts that belong to the Modulex construction system produced between 1963-1965. After 1965 LEGO sold off the system and Modulex parts no longer carried the 'LEGO' logo on their studs, instead using simply 'M'.
- Znap - Parts compatible with the short-lived Znap theme released in 1998 to 1999.
Last modified May 13, 2024 by jaredhinton