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Change Requests

Change Log
Change Request (CR)
WHEN to submit a CR
HOW to submit a CR


Rebrickable currently has over 15,000 sets and 33,000 parts with about 100,000 part/color combinations in several databases, and we are adding new sets and parts on an almost daily basis. No matter how thoroughly we check and verify our updates, mistakes are bound to happen, and so our databases do and will contain errors. Obviously, if we spot an error, we will try to correct it immediately, but many times this is impossible; an error in an inventory can only be fixed if you own the set yourself, while a missing photo can only be submitted if you own the part yourself. So for correcting many of these errors, we rely on the assistance of our users, in other words, we rely on YOU! -smile-

Change Log

All main set and part pages have a side-bar, and at the bottom of that side-bar, below the button Discover More MOCs, you can see something like this (using set 75894-1 as an example):

(eye icon)  1,016
(add icon)  Nov. 29, 2018, 7:41 p.m. by diniz
(edit icon) March 31, 2019, 2:43 p.m. by TobyMac
(link)      See Change Log for 75894-1
(button)    Submit Change Request

The number behind the eye icon is the view count, the number of times the page has been viewed. The add icon line shows the date and user who added this set, while the edit icon line shows the last update. If you click on the See Change Log link, you will see a limited change log for this set in table format.

Please note: the limited change log is NOT the entire change log, it only contains the most important events. If you want to see all events, you need to select Other > Change Log in the Main Menu, type the set number in the Search field and press the Apply Filter button. This full change log will also show inventory changes, which are not shown in the limited change log.

Change Request (CR)

This is how you tell us when something is wrong. The button below the link to the Change Log (Submit Change Request) will open a pop up. Simply fill in the field and hit send and we will get it. Change Requests can be sent from Sets or Parts. For MOC's you are encouraged to reach out directly to the designer to fix inventory errors as MOC inventories are the responsibility of the designer.

Every single CR is processed manually by the Admin Team. Nothing is done automatically. Bear this in mind when making a submission.

When to submit a CR

First thing to check before sending a Change Request is Does it have any Tags informing me of any known missing parts? If a set is tagged 'Incomplete' and 'Missing Torso', we don't need a Change Request telling us the set is missing a Torso.

Things to report via a Change Request (CR):

  1. Inventory Error including but not limited to:
    • Wrong part used
    • Missing part
    • Wrong quantity of part
    • Wrong color of part
  2. Incorrect Set Name, Year, Image, or Theme
  3. Add / Remove a Tag
  4. Submit Spare Parts for a Set
  5. Incorrect Part description
  6. Incorrect Part image. Element ID Image, LDraw Render, or Photo
  7. Add missing Element ID Numbers (the numbers under parts in Set Manuals inventory pages)
  8. Add/Delete/Correct Part mappings for other websites
  9. Add/Delete/Correct Part Relations (Print, Pair, Mold, etc...)

Things NOT to report via a Change Request (CR):

  1. Missing a Part that is not in our database. New Parts should be submitted through the 'Submit A Part' page.
  2. Submit a list of a full inventory. If you are trying to either submit an inventory when the set has none, or replace the current inventory because it is so wrong, you need to use the 'Submit A Set Inventory' page.
  3. To ask us to add a color for a part. The 'In Sets' tab shows you the colors that have been used in known official LEGO sets. Unless you know what set your part came in it cannot be added to the 'In Sets' tab. You can still find your color by clicking the 'All Colors' tab.
  4. To tell us how much you love this set, or offer other feedback about it. CR's are not made public and do not get forwarded to LEGO. To make opinions on a set please use the comments page.

How to submit a CR

First and most important advice is to keep it simple. Sometimes too much explanation is a bad thing. We will send you a message if we need more clarification on something, or if we mis-interpret something you can resubmit the CR explaining why we're idiots!

Be clear about what's wrong. If it's for an inventory error tell us Part number, color, and quantity. Ideally avoid using color number codes, there's hundreds of colors and the Admin Team member processing your CR may not have them memorized. If we have to commit extra time to research things relating to your CR you may find it gets a rejection asking you to provide clearer color information.

Put ALL changes for a Set or Part on 1 CR. If there's 10 inventory errors send 1 CR with the list of 10 wrong parts, NOT 10 separate CR's.

If your Change Request is to add a part to a set send the CR from the set, not the part.

Lastly, give us information that supports your change. The best way to be sure about your change is to physically owning the Set or Part. But pointing us in the direction of Instructions, external sites, or photo's you have uploaded to Bricksafe are all acceptable.

Note that just because you've made the request doesn't necessarily mean your change will be made. If we determine you are incorrect or that the supporting evidence is not strong enough your CR may get rejected. Please don't let rejections discourage you from making future submissions.

Last modified Feb. 18, 2024 by icedragonj