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Lymphoplasmacytic hemorrhagic
cystitis in dog: case report
Cistite hemorrágica linfoplasmocitária em cão: relato de caso
Karen Santos Março1* , João José da Costa Neto2 , Suzana Akemi Tsuruta3 , Alisson de Souza Costa4 ,
Sofia Borin-Crivellenti5 , Alessandra Aparecida Medeiros-Ronchi6 , Carolina Franchi João7

ABSTRACT: Hematuria is a relatively common manifestation in dogs and cats secondary to disorders of the urinary tract,
such as bacterial cystitis and urolithiasis, with its treatment being limited to the elimination of the primary cause. However,
when hematuria is persistent or capable of causing significant hematological disorders, other less common causes should be
investigated. A dog, pit bull, male, 12 years old, was admitted in the Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Uberlândia
(Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlândia) with a major complaint of severe urinary bleeding 10 days
ago. Laboratory tests showed normocytic and normochromic anemia, associated to intense hematuria. Ultrasound images
revealed alterations compatible with chronic cystitis. Based on the results of the laboratory and imaging tests, treatments
with antibiotic therapy associated to blood transfusions were started and the animal was referred for bladder biopsy. The
histopathologic examination revealed lymphoplasmacytic hemorrhagic cystitis, a rare and very aggressive disease, which
presents similar descriptions in human beings, but not yet described in dogs.
KEYWORDS: Canine; bladder; hematuria; chronic inflammation.

RESUMO: A hematúria é uma manifestação relativamente comum em cães e gatos quando secundária a distúrbios do trato
urinário, tais como cistite bacteriana e urolitíase, sendo seu tratamento limitado à eliminação da causa primária. Entretanto,
quando a hematúria é persistente ou capaz de causar distúrbios hematológicos significativos, outras causas menos comuns
devem ser investigadas. Um cão, pit bull, macho de 12 anos de idade deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário da xxx com queixa
principal de acentuado sangramento urinário há 10 dias. Os exames laboratoriais mostraram anemia normocítica e normo-
crômica e hipoalbuminemia, associadas à proteinúria e hematúria intensa. As imagens ultrassonográficas revelaram à presença
de estruturas compatíveis com coágulos sanguíneos e aumento da espessura e irregularidade da parede da bexiga, e a citologia
do lavado vesical sugeriu cistite crônica. Com os resultados dos exames laboratoriais e de imagem, iniciaram-se os tratamentos
com antibioticoterapia associados às transfusões sanguíneas, e o animal foi encaminhado para a biopsia de bexiga. Durante o
procedimento cirúrgico, observou-se que a parede vesical apresentava-se espessa e ricamente vascularizada, com elasticidade
normal e ausência de massas ou pólipos nas faces interna e externa. O exame histopatológico revelou tratar-se de cistite hemor-
rágica linfoplasmocitária, uma doença rara e muito agressiva, a qual apresenta descrições semelhantes em seres humanos, mas
ainda não descrita em cães.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Canino; bexiga; hematúria; inflamação crônica.

INTRODUCTION cause of acute cystitis, with bitches being more predisposed

Hematuria is related to diseases that affect the urinary system to infections than males (WESTROPP; DIBARTOLA,
involving the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, and also the 2015).
bleeding of the genital tract. Its main causes are urinary tract Chronic cystitis in dogs is uncommon and generally
infections, neoplasia, urolithiasis, trauma, coagulopathies, and associated with urolithiasis, and may be present in three
vascular abnormalities (WESTROPP; DIBARTOLA, 2015). different ways according to the pattern of inflammatory
Among these, acute cystitis is the most common cause of response, diffuse, follicular, and polypoid (BRESHEARS;
hematuria in dogs, and bacterial infection is the most common CONFER, 2018).

Doutoranda do programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária de Araçatuba, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita filho –
Araçatuba (SP), Brazil.
Médico veterinário autônomo.
Médica veterinária e preceptora do programa de residência médico veterinária no Hospital veterinário da universidade federal de Uberlândia – Uberlândia (MG), Brazil.
Médico Veterinário e preceptor do programa de residência médico veterinária, no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – Uberlândia (MG), Brazil.
Professora da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – Uberlândia (MG), Brazil.
Professora da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – Uberlândia (MG), Brazil.
Professora da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – Uberlândia (MG), Brazil.
*Corresponding author:
Received: 04/08/2020. Accepted: 07/28/2020

Acta Veterinaria Brasilica March 15 (2021) 9-14 9

Março et al.

In the diffuse form, the mucosa is irregularly reddish and transferase enzyme activities were borderline or within the spe-
thickened, with thickening of the submucosa connective tissue, cies reference values (KANEKO; HARVEY; BRUSS, 2008).
hypertrophy of the muscle layer, and infiltration of mononu- Abdominal ultrasound revealed an irregular and thick
clear cells and few neutrophils in the submucosa. The follicular internal bladder wall, with hyperechoic dispersed sediment
form is associated with chronic urolithiasis, presents forma- deposited on the dorsal wall in a large amount, compatible
tion of lymphoid foci surrounded by hyperemia, hyperplastic with clots, and the presence of intense cellularity. The organ
mucosa with hyperplasia of caliciform cells, chronic lympho- also presented acoustic shading in some points, which is sug-
plasmacytic infiltrate and fibrosis in the lamina propria. The gestive of chronic cystitis.
polypoid form, in general, is also associated with urolithiasis The kidneys kept their dimensions and architecture pre-
or chronic bacterial infection, but are characterized by nodu- served, both presenting a defined corticomedullary aspect,
lar mass formations in the mucosa, composed of connective with hyperechoic cortical, hyperechoic pelvis with acoustic
tissue and infiltrated by neutrophils and mononuclear leuko- shading points, and discretely irregular diverticula (Figure 1).
cytes (BRESHEARS; CONFER, 2018). Prostatic hyperplasia was also observed.
Besides these, another type of cystitis reported in In view of the findings, the animal was treated with nor-
the literature is the eosinophilic cystitis, which is also floxacin 18 mg/kg every 12 hours, orally. After 6 days of treat-
related to the chronicity of bladder inflammation mainly ment, the animal returned to the veterinary hospital showing
due to urolithiasis (FUENTEALBA; ILLANES, 2000; intense hematuria and worsening of the general clinical pic-
WALKER, 2018). ture, with aggravation of anemia (VG 12.9%), and change
The bleeding cystitis with sterile urine in dogs, reported of the erythrocytic picture, from normocytic normochromic
in the literature, usually results from the use of cyclophos- with signs of regeneration to microcytic hypochromic (VCM
phamide or, less commonly, carboplatin (BEST; FRY, 2013; 58.9 µm³; CHCM 28.7 g/dL, respectively), with appearance
MACDONALD; DICKINSON, 2014). of mild neutrophilic leukocytosis, with a regenerative left shift
In humans, chronic cystitis with sterile urine varies his-
tologically between interstitial cystitis, eosinophilic cystitis,
and cystic cystitis, all presenting the same symptoms of acute Table 1. Results of the urinalysis tests.
bacterial cystitis, such as urgency, painful urination, macro- Urinalysis 1 Urinalysis 2
scopic hematuria, and pelvic pain, but in general with a longer
Physical examination
clinical course and a higher number of relapses (PACELLA
Color Red Red
et al., 2010).
The present report had the objective to describe a rare Smell Sui Generis Stinky
case, possibly unpublished, of hemorrhagic lymphoplasma- Density: 1.020 1.022
cytic cystitis in a male dog, since no similar case was found Reaction Acid Alkaline
in the consulted literature. Aspect Cloudy Cloudy
Abnormal Elements
A 12-year-old male, pit bull dog, was seen at the Hospital Acetone Neg. Neg.
Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia with a Glucose Neg. Neg.
history of intense urinary bleeding 10 days ago. At physical Albumin Pos +++ Pos +
examination, the animal did not present alterations, except Hemoglobin Pos + Neg.
abdominal pain at palpation of the hypogastric region and Biliary Pigments Neg. Traces
presence of two nodules in the abdominal region lateral to the
Urobilinogen Neg. Neg.
foreskin, reddish, of soft consistency, adhered in skin, with
approximately 0.2 cm of diameter each. Sediment
Normocytic normochromic anemia (VG 22.3%; VCM Red Blood Cells Full field Full Field
65 µm³; CHCM 32 g/dL, respectively) was observed in the Cylinders - Granules +
CBC, with cytological aspects of evident anisocytosis and Epithelial Cells - Renal 2/field
polychromasia compatible with regeneration and thrombo-
Piocytes - 2/field
cytosis (558,000 mm3), associated with intense hematuria as
Mucus - ++
the only finding in urinalysis (Table 1) (SCHALM’S et al.,
2000). Uroculture was not performed due to the impossibil- Amorphous
Crystals -
ity of aseptic collection given the hematuria. phosphate +
Regarding the serum biochemical tests, both creatinine Spermatozoid - Absent
concentration and the alkaline phosphatase and alanine amino - Not performed due to intense hematuria.

10 Acta Veterinaria Brasilica March 15 (2021) 9-14

Lymphoplasmacytic hemorrhagic cystitis in dog: case report

(18,600 leukocytes/mm³; 2,418 rods/mm³) compatible with between the muscle fibers extending to the lamina propria.
a leukemoid reaction. The mucous membranes became pearly Numerous capillaries were intact and ruptured, when intact
and the animal presented typical signs of hypoxia, panting, they were dilated and filled with RBCs, and when ruptured
tachycardiac, and prostrated. the RBCs were released into the lumen. In addition, there
Due to the presented picture, the blood transfusion was was a discrete infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells on a
performed raising the VG to 28.1%. Then, a urinary sample multifocal slide with multifocal distribution, which is com-
was collected by cystocentesis for uroculture and a bladder patible with discrete multifocal lymphoplasmacyte hemor-
wash was performed for cytology. The uroculture was negative rhagic cystitis (Figure 2).
and the vesical lavage revealed scarce cellularity, characterized Treatment with prednisolone in immunosuppressive dose
by typical and free urothelial cells, rare intact, and degenerated (2mg/kg) was prescribed, which led to a gradual decrease
neutrophils, typical lymphocytes, and plasma cells among the until the absence of macroscopic hematuria in urinalysis,
lymphocytes, suggesting chronic cystitis. Orchiectomy was and consequent improvement of the hematological picture
also performed as a treatment for prostatomegaly and exci- (VG 31 %) (Table 1). However, the owner interrupted the
sion biopsies of nodules near the foreskin, which were found treatment without veterinary guidance, leading to the reap-
to be cutaneous hemangiosarcoma. pearance of intense macroscopic hematuria with a stinking
Forty-eight hours after blood transfusion, the animal main- odor and alkaline pH, accompanied by a further drop in the
tained leukocytosis by neutrophilia, with a left shift (22,000 hematocrit (VG 19.8%) and reappearance of leukocytosis
total leukocytes/mm³; 18,000mm segmental neutrophils/mm³, neutrophilia, with left regenerative deviation (43,100 total
and 440 rods/mm³, respectively) which normalized 72 hours leukocytes/mm³; 34,049 segmental neutrophils/mm³; 5,172
later, without any treatment. Since the hematuria presenta- rods/mm³, respectively). New uroculture revealed growth of
tion remained intense during the waiting for the test results, Escherichia coli. Even though the antibiotic therapy with
there was a significant drop in hematocrit (VG 21.4%), even Amoxicillin-Potassium Clavulanate (22 mg/kg, VO, IDB)
though a recent blood transfusion was performed. At physi- was prescribed associated to prednisolone in immunosup-
cal examination, the mucous membranes were hypocolored, pressive dose (2 mg/kg, VO, IDB), according to the anti-
and although the animal remained at normorexia and alert, biogram result, the patient did not present response to the
a second blood transfusion was performed after the blood treatment, which led to severe hematocrit drop (VG 7.5%)
compatibility test, to enable the performance of exploratory and maintenance of leukocytosis.
laparotomy and cystotomy for incisional biopsy of the blad- The animal received a third blood transfusion after a com-
der. During the cystotomy it was possible to observe the thick- patibility test, and Azathioprine (dose 1 mg/kg, orally, every
ened and vascularized bladder wall, with normal elasticity, and 24 hours) was associated with the treatment. The animal died
absence of polyps and/or bladder masses. less than 24 hours after the initiation of the immunosuppres-
The histopathology of the bladder sample showed a thick- sive medication, and the postmortem evaluation was not per-
ening of the muscle layer, hemorrhage, and diffuse hyperemia formed by choice of the tutors.

Source: Archive of the Diagnostic Imaging Sector of the Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Veterinary Hospital of the
Federal University of Uberlandia).
Figure 1. Ultrasound image of the canine bladder showing irregular, thick walls (A). The bladder content was echoic, with hyperechoic
sediment, and acoustic shading in some points, dispersed and deposited in the dorsal wall in a pronounced amount, suggesting clots
and cellularity (B).

Acta Veterinaria Brasilica March 15 (2021) 9-14 11

Março et al.

DISCUSSION red blood cells (SILVA et al, 2014), hematic cylinders in any
Anemia and persistent hematuria are striking features in this microscopically evaluated urine sample (MEUTEN, 2015),
report. Although hematuria is a common clinical sign in nor any significant macroscopic renal structural change was
diseases affecting the urinary system, severe hematuria lead- detected at ultrasound, associated with the presence of clots in
ing to anemia is an uncommon condition (WESTROPP; the urinary bladder, which are suggestive of alterations in the
DIBARTOLA, 2015; ADAMAMA-MORAITOU et al., 2017; lower urinary tract (COUTINHO LN, CRIVELLENTI, 2015).
BRESHEARS; CONFER, 2018), which highlights the case Prostatic hyperplasia is also a common cause of hematuria
reported as rare. It should be noted that even in the presence in intact male dogs more than 5 years old, and its diagnosis
of a neoplastic cause, with the exception of hemangiosarcoma, can be confirmed by histopathology (MOTHEO, 2015). In
this is not usually severe (HOLT, 2008) to the extent of caus- the patient under study, although it may be involved, pros-
ing anemia with risk of death in a short period of time. tatic hyperplasia is definitely not a major cause of hematuria,
Although idiopathic renal hematuria, an uncommon and since the reflux of red blood cells of prostatic origin is mini-
intermittent disease that usually affects young adult dogs with mal even in these patients, and the semiologic characteris-
an average of 5 years old, is the disease with greater probability tic of hematuria has always been bleeding during the whole
of leading to anemia (WESTROPP; DIBARTOLA , 2013), this urination period, and there is no observation at any time of
was discarded because the patient did not present dysmorphic drips in the intermictional periods and/or elimination of clots

Source: Archive of the Sectors of Animal Pathology and Small Animal Surgery of the Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
(Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Uberlandia).
Figure 2. (A) Macroscopic photo of the bladder during the cystotomy, showing the thickened and vascularized bladder wall, and
absence of bladder masses or polyps. (B) Clot removed from the inside of the bladder. (C; D; E) Photomicrography of the bladder wall
stained in H.E.n (D) Obj. 40x. Lamina propria with focal cluster of lymphocytes and plasma cells and a small number of leukocytes
distributed in the fragment (arrow). (E) Obj. 10x. Bleeding between the muscle layer and the lamina propria (arrow), with moderate
amount of red blood cells outside the vessels. (F) Obj. 10x extensive bleeding in the muscle layer (arrow).

12 Acta Veterinaria Brasilica March 15 (2021) 9-14

Lymphoplasmacytic hemorrhagic cystitis in dog: case report

concentrated at the beginning of urination, which typically significant resolving of urinary symptoms and improvement of
involves bleeding into the genital tract (CARVALHO, 2016). cystoscopic characteristics, which suggests that some of them
The anemia presented in the first examination showed may have an autoimmune etiology (PACELLA et al., 2010;
attributes of slightly regenerative anemia when the morphologi- CERRUTO; D’ELIA; ARTIBANI, 2013; UEDA et al., 2016).
cal characteristics of the red blood cells are considered, which However, the presence of intact and ruptured capillaries
is consistent with the expected in hemorrhagic anemia that is both in the lamina propria and in the muscle layer is the most
chronifying. Chronic bleeding initially leads to regenerative striking characteristic of the case in question and this finding
anemia, but chronic blood loss leads to reduced substrates for is not similar to any type of chronic cystitis mentioned in the
erythropoiesis, especially iron stores, resulting in the release literature about dogs.
of hypochromic and microcytic RBCs into the circulation, The patient in this report died after receiving three trans-
with a consequent decrease in MCV and HCMC. Persistent fusions and several treatment attempts, with good initial
leukocytosis and thrombocytosis are also common features of response to the use of corticoids. This suggests that continuous
chronic bleeding (VILLIERS; RISTIĆ, 2016). use of corticoids with an adjusted dose in response to treat-
The cytology examination through bladder washing and ment, similar to that performed in other autoimmune dis-
ultrasound suggested a chronic cystitis condition. Despite the eases, could increase the quality and survival of patients with
cytology not suggestive of neoplasm, the fact of the patient being lymphoplasmacytic hemorrhagic cystitis, with the possibility
elderly, associated to the severe clinical picture and clinical signs of association with other immunosuppressants.
similar to a report of bladder lymphoma in a dog (BENIGNI et In cases of bladder malignancies, cystectomy surgery has
al., 2006), the diagnosis of bladder neoplasm was only discarded been suggested as a treatment with satisfactory management
with the result of the histopathology, that pointed a cystitis of of quality of life (ANDERSEN et al., 2012; HUPPES et al.,
chronic nature, with possible autoimmune origin. 2016), as well as in humans with bladder pain syndrome /
Acute cystitis is common in dogs (WESTROPP; disabling interstitial cystitis not responsive to treatment. For
DIBARTOLA, 2015), although chronic and hemorrhagic cysti- this reason, we may consider it as an option for the treatment
tis is not frequent, with few cases already reported in the litera- of patients with severe hemorrhagic cystitis with resistance to
ture, especially without an underlying cause (FUENTEALBA; drug treatment.
ILLANES, 2000; WALKER, 2018,). However, studies with Due to histopathological aspects and to the initial response
histopathology of urinary lesions in dogs have described to immunosuppressive drug treatment, we suggest that con-
an occurrence of 20% to 35% of chronic cystitis, consid- ditions like this may have an autoimmune origin and require
ered occasional findings, with higher occurrence in females further studies on possible underlying diseases such as leish-
(INKELMANN et al., 2012; SAPIN, et al., 2016). maniasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and tumors.
Reports of hemorrhagic cystitis in dogs and humans in
general are associated with bacterial infections or use of che- CONCLUSION
motherapy (BEST; FRY, 2013; UKWUEZE, 2015). Therefore, lymphoplasmacytic hemorrhagic cystitis in dogs is
In humans, there are reports of various chronic cysti- rare, with the present report being the first case reported in
tis, such as panmural and interstitial cystitis, some of which the consulted literature. Even after the diagnosis, the prog-
present a good clinical response to the use of corticoids, with nosis of the animal was unfavorable.

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© 2021 Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons license.

14 Acta Veterinaria Brasilica March 15 (2021) 9-14

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