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Quantas vezes você ouviu está pergunta?

Em tempos de globalização, saber inglês passou a ser requisito básico para a
sobrevivência nesse mundo interconectado. Não é nada incomum encontrarmos
pessoas que até tentam fugir do idioma, mas se rendem a ele quando descobrem
que estão rodeados de situações as quais, no mínimo, a habilidade de ler em
inglês se faz necessária. Quer seja por diversão, a trabalho ou simplesmente
para enriquecimento cultural, navegar pela internet, consultar um site de notícias
internacionais, bater aquele papo com o amigo “indiano” que você acabou de
conhecer virtualmente, ler o manual daquela máquina fotográfica de última
geração e tantas outras circunstâncias que nos abrem infinitas possibilidades de
crescimento quando o idioma deixa de ser uma barreira para tornar-se
instrumento de ação e autonomia dentro dessa nossa imensa aldeia global.

O curso de inglês instrumental tem o objetivo específico de instrumentá-lo para a

prática da leitura em língua inglesa e não envolve as habilidades de fala, audição
e escrita. Durante o curso, você será apresentado às diversas técnicas de leitura
que vão auxiliá-lo na compreensão de textos dos mais variados gêneros. No
entanto, é preciso observar que o seu sucesso no curso dependerá
primordialmente de sua dedicação e empenho para desenvolver as atividades
práticas que farão parte das aulas. Entender a dinâmica das aulas irá auxiliá-lo na
organização de seu tempo de estudo.

Compreensão de textos em língua inglesa é aqui entendida como leitura para a

construção de significados e não um pretexto para a prática descontextualizada
de estruturas da língua e, para atingir a compreensão textual desejada, você
leitor irá ser convidado a interagir com o conteúdo do texto, relacionando-o ao
seu conhecimento de mundo, ativando os diversos níveis de conhecimento
(lingüístico, textual, prévio e estratégico) em um processo ativo de construção e
reconstrução de significados.

Para darmos início, vamos começar com uma atividade de conscientização para
a prática do inglês instrumental:


a) Você acha que quem conhece bem a própria língua tem vantagem na
compreensão de um texto em língua estrangeira?

a) Não: são duas línguas diferentes;

b) Depende: se as duas línguas forem parecidas...
c) Sim: sempre é possível estabelecer relações.

b) O que a leitura representa para você?

a) satisfação
b) obrigação
c) informação.

c)Como você organiza seu tempo?

a) Mal: estou sempre “correndo atrás”; queria que o dia tivesse 30 horas.
b) Depende da época – às vezes estou mais folgado; às vezes menos.
c) Bem – procuro fazer o que preciso é reservar um tempinho para me distrair.
d) O que é mais importante para um atleta?
a) vocação
b) Inspiração e transpiração.
c) sorte.

e)Imagine-se na cozinha. Você vai testar uma receita e descobre que não tem um
dos ingredientes. O que você faz?
a) Vai ao mercado e compra o que está faltando.
b) Deixa para fazer aquele prato outro dia;
c) Substitui o ingrediente que falta por algo semelhante.


O seguinte roteiro tem a função de orientá-lo para a leitura de todos os gêneros

de texto. Muitas delas já são usadas inconscientemente e automaticamente
quando você lê um texto em sua língua materna. A partir de agora, você irá usá-
las para engajar-se em um processo consciente de diálogo com o texto em língua
inglesa também. Assim, você se tornará ativo e autônomo em seu processo de



A- ANALISE TÍTULO E SUBTÍTULO: faça perguntas para o título: Ex.: Qual o

gênero do texto? Quais assuntos são geralmente abordados nesse tipo de
Para um texto jornalístico, por exemplo, pergunte:
O que aconteceu?/ Quem involveu?/ Quando? Onde? Como?

Para um texto científico, pergunte?

Qual a pesquisa realizada? Por quê? Quando? Onde? Qual o objetivo?
A partir dos questionamentos levantados, busque acionar seu conhecimento
prévio sobre o assunto do texto para levantar hipóteses e fazer inferências sobre
possíveis respostas.

B- ANALISE INFORMAÇÕES NÃO VERBAIS: gráficos, layout, tabelas, figuras

etc. Muitas vezes, a leitura de um gráfico já dá uma boa idéia do texto como um

C- SKIMMING: Leitura rápida na qual o leitor apenas “Corre os olhos” pelo texto
e tenta responder à seguinte pergunta: SOBRE O QUE FALA O TEXTO?
Parece simples, não é? E é realmente, porém, exige uma dose de disciplina.
Nesse momento, você deve focar sua atenção para o que você já sabe. Leia o
texto do início até o final, concentre-se nas palavras cognatas (aquelas palavras
cuja grafia e significado são parecidos com a do português); nas palavras chaves
(aquelas que geralmente se repetem no texto) e nas palavras cujo significado
você já conhece. Tente verificar suas hipóteses sobre o assunto do texto.

D- SCANNING: Volte ao texto. Agora é hora de ir um pouco mais a fundo,

interagir mais com o texto, procurar respostas para aquelas perguntas que você
fez no item 2. Nesse momento, é recomendável que você:

a) Observe novamente se circulou todas as palavras cognatas, chaves e

b) Analise os tempos verbais empregados;
c) Localize e relacione os pronomes empregados pelo autor às palavras às
quais se referem. Ao fazer isso, você não irá distanciar-se das idéias
enquanto lê.
d) Localize os marcadores de discurso, ou seja, os conectivos (elementos
que dão coesão, que ligam uma idéia a outra, uma frase a outra) e que
implicações trazem para o entendimento do texto. Os conectivos podem
indicar: concessão, tempo, causa/efeito, resultado,modo, propósito,
condição, lugar etc. Ex.: I won´t go out, unless you want me togo (Eu não
vou sair, a não ser que você queira). A conjunção UNLESS indica a
condição para que eu saia de casa.
deparar com uma palavra cujo significado você não conhece, procure seguir os
seguintes passos:
a) Procure identificar se a palavra é realmente essencial para a informação que
você procura;
b)Caso seja uma palavra chave para o entendimento global do parágrafo, procure
inferir o conteúdo pelo contexto;
c) Verifique se o vocábulo é parte de uma informação é parte de um grupo
nominal e qual a sua função dentro desse grupo. De modo geral a estrutura
sintática de uma frase em inglês é a mesma que o português:


Localizar esta estrutura facilita seu entendimento e ajuda na inferência do

significado de palavras desconhecidas.
Ex.: Observe a frase abaixo:

The price of the petrol skyrocketed last month.

Vamos imaginar que você não saiba o significado de skyrocketed, porém, a

partir da análise das funções sintáticas podemos estabelecer algumas deduções:

SUJEITO: The price of the petrol

Portanto, já sei que skyrocketed refere-se a uma ação realizada pelo sujeito (o
preço do petróleo).

A partir daí, continue fazendo inferências e tentado chegar ao significado através

de uma análise aprofundada.

d)Observe se o vocábulo apresenta afixos (prefixos e sufixos) que possam dar

pistas de seu significado: Ex.: unbelievable : believe – acreditar / un- prefixo que
significa “que não dá para” / able – sufixo que significa “ser capaz de”. Portanto
unbelievable significa: inacreditável.
e) Caso tenha recorrido a todos os recursos acima e ainda tiver dúvida, recorra
ao dicionário;


as informações trabalhadas acima, leia o texto diversas vezes e escreva uma
frase contendo o assunto de cada parágrafo ao lado do mesmo (idéia geral).
Junte todas as frases em um parágrafo único e você terá um panorama geral do
texto lido.



a) Utilizando o roteiro acima e os conhecimentos adquiridos em nossas tele

aulas, analise o texto abaixo e responda:

1- Qual o assunto da notícia? O que aconteceu?

2- Onde aconteceu o fato narrado?
3- Quem está envolvido na notícia? A quem interessa a informação dada?
4- Quando aconteceu?
5- Como aconteceu?
b) According to the text, are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

a. President Obama has called a global H1N1 emergency. T/F

b. Medical centers aren't prepared yet for a rise in H1N1 cases. T/F
c. There are many more flu-like cases than usual. T/F
d. H1N1 has killed more than 1,000 people in the USA this year. T/F
e. H1N1 has not killed as many people as thought earlier. T/F
f. H1N1 is one of the biggest pandemics in centuries. T/F
g. Governments have very few stocks of H1N1 vaccines. T/F
h. The WHO says there is little need for us to worry. T/F

c)Elabore um glossário contendo as palavras do texto que você não conhecia.


Obama Declares H1N1 National

President Obama has declared H1N1 influenza a national emergency in the USA.
He has given doctors and medical facilities more resources to deal with the
pandemic. The autumn weather has increased the number of flu cases reported.
Scientists have warned all year that the cooler weather could see a sharp rise in
H1N1. Medical centers and hospitals are prepared for a much busier than usual
flu season. Reports are that flu-like illnesses are already much higher than the
usual seasonal peak. Since August the 30th, 8,200 people have contracted H1N1
in the United States and 411 people have died. This brings the total number of
hospitalizations in the US this year to 20,000, with over 1,000 deaths.

The H1N1 pandemic continues to spread across the world. It has not reached the
levels people feared back in April when it first broke out. Then, experts predicted it
could be one of the largest outbreaks in centuries. Fears increased when schools
started closing and people started dying. However, the predicted hundreds of
thousands of deaths did not happen. Even though, there has been a huge effort
by laboratories to find a vaccine for H1N1. Governments around the world have
created awareness campaigns on how to prevent the spread of the disease and
have stocked up on millions of doses of H1N1 vaccines. Some countries have
started an immunization programme. The WHO warns we still need to be careful.


a) Utilizando o roteiro acima e os conhecimentos adquiridos em nossas tele
aulas, analise o texto abaixo e responda:

6- Qual o assunto da notícia? O que aconteceu?

7- Onde aconteceu o fato narrado?
8- Quem está envolvido na notícia? A quem interessa a informação dada?
9- Quando aconteceu?
10- Como aconteceu?

b) According to the text, are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?
a. People who eat lots of Mediterranean food are generally miserable. T/F
b. Researchers said you need to be rich to eat lots of whole grain food. T / F
c. Those in Mediterranean countries are the most depressed Europeans. T / F
d. The writer says live oil is needed with meals in Italy, Spain and T/F
e. Scientists studied 10,000 people for about four years. T/F
f. A Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of depression by 30%. T/F
g. Scientists say the diet reduces depression because it is low in fats. T/F
h. The authors say the diet can have a bad effect on our blood vessels. T / F

c)Elabore um glossário contendo as palavras do texto que você não conhecia.


Mediterranean Diets Keep You Happier

People who follow a Mediterranean diet are likely to be happier in life. This is the
conclusion of a new report published in the journal ‘Archives of General
Psychiatry’. The study’s authors say a diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts,
whole grains and fish seems to make people less likely to develop depression.
This may explain why people who live in Mediterranean countries are more laid
back than other Europeans. There are fewer mental disorders in Mediterranean
countries and scientists believe this could be because of the diet. The new
research supports previous studies that suggested olive oil protects against
depression. No Italian, Spanish or Greek meal is complete without olive oil.
Researchers from Spain’s University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the
Clinic of the University of Navarra, Pamplona asked 10,000 people to keep track
of what they ate. The scientists observed dietary habits and instances of
depression for four years. They discovered there was a thirty per cent lower risk of
developing depression in people who stuck to the Mediterranean diet. The
research team says it is still unsure why this diet reduces the likelihood of
depression. They said the diet could boost blood vessel performance and
increase the body’s efficiency to produce oxygen. Both these things make the
brain and heart perform better. If our mind and body are healthier, it seems natural
we will be happier.


3- Leia o texto Religion and the vote in the 2008 election que se encontra nos
anexos e responda ao questionamento abaixo:
a) Qual foi a relação entre religião e o voto nas eleições presidenciais americanas
de 2008?

b) Se a mesma pesquisa fosse feita no Brasil, qual seria o resultado? Qual a

relação VOTO X RELIGIÃO no Brasil?

c) Monte um glossário com as palavras chaves do texto.


4- Acesse os principais jornais internacionais on-line e faça uma pesquisa sobre

notícias brasileiras veiculadas por eles no último mês. Use as estratégias de
leitura estudadas para levantar o assunto principal de cada notícia:

e) Outro de sua preferência


5- Usando as estratégias de leitura e seu conhecimento prévio sobre a turma da

Mônica, leia a tirinha abaixo e responda:
a) O que a turminha da Mônica estava fazendo?
b) Por que a Magali parece brava e chateada?
Obs. Para entendimento de uma tirinha, as informações não verbais são
6- Leia o anúncio abaixo. Por que a multa de $200 dá ao texto um efeito de

7- A receita abaixo é de um bolo de frutas. Após le-la, responda:

a) Quais são os principais ingredients?

c) Faça um resumo do modo de preparo.

d) Em sua opinião, por que o autor da receita diz que este é o melhor bolo de
todos os tempos (veja nome do bolo), o que o torna especial?
Best Fruit Cake Ever


1 or 2 quarts Whiskey
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt
4 large eggs
1 cup dried fruit
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup of nuts
1 oz of lemon juice

Mixing Instructions:

Before you start, sample the whiskey to check for quality. Good, isn't it? Now go
ahead. Select a large mising bowl, measuring cup, etc. Check the whiskey again
as it must be just right. To be sure whiskey is of the highest quality, pour one
level cup into a glass and drink it as fast as you can. Repeat.
With an electric mixer, beat 1 cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 tsp. of
thugar and beat again. Meanwhile, make sure that the siskey is of the finest
quality. Cry another cup.
Open the second quart is necessary. Add the 2 arge eggs, 2 cups dried fruit and
beat till high. If druit gest stuck in the beaters, juse pry it loose with a drewscriver.
Sample the whiskey again, checking for toxscisticity.
Next sift 3 cups of the salt or anything: it really doesn't matter. Sample the
whiskey. Sift 1/2 pint lemon juice.
Fold in chopped butter and strained nuts. Add one babblespoon of the brown
thugar, or whatever color you can find and wix mel.
Grease oven and turn cake to 350 degrees. Now pour the whole mess into the
coven and bake. Check whiskey again, and go to bed.


8 – Exercicios em anexo no material complentar em PDF.



Religion and the vote in the 2008 election


KEY WEST _ At the final session of the Faith Angle conference today, two
prominent survey researchers, John C. Green and Anna Greenberg, examined a
variety of polling data about the relationship between religious affiliation and
voting behavior in this year's presidential election.
The chart above shows the bottom line, and reinforces patterns that have been in
place for at least the last two decades -- Democrats are favored by minority ethnic
and religious groups, as well as by less observant white Christians, while
Republicans are favored by more observant white Christians. The chart was
generated by Green (left), who is a political science professor at the University of
Akron, and also a senior fellow at the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, which
is the sponsor of the conference.
Green suggested that the basic structure of "faith-based politics" did not change
much since the 2004 campaign -- despite unprecedented efforts by the Obama
campaign to move religious voters, and a lot of erroneous predictions by pundits --
but that it was enough to elect Obama. "It was not very different than we’ve seen
in the past, but different enough to have a different result,'' he said. He said the
Democrats made their biggest gains among minority religious groups (particularly
Hispanic Protestants) and failed to make significant gains among white Christians
(although there was some movement to the Democrats among evangelicals who
go to church less than weekly, and among young evangelicals).
The minimal change demonstrates, Green said, "that these basic differences are
deeply embedded.''
"Religious groups are strongly partisan these days, and deeply embedded into the
party coalitions,'' Green said -- meaning that groups like black Protestants and
Jews are important parts of the Democratic coalition, while white evangelicals play
a similar role for the Republican Party. "In the short run, there is only a limited
capacity for religious groups to move.''
Among Catholics, Green said, the data shows increasing polarization, with weekly
communicants shifting more to the right, and less frequent Massgoers shifting
further to the left.
Greenberg (right), is a Democratic pollster and senior vice president at Greenberg
Quinlan Rosner Research. She had several interesting findings -- among them,
that Barack Obama was clearly underperforming (compared to previous
Democratic candidates) among Jewish voters through much of the campaign, but
that he wound up with about 78 percent of the Jewish vote -- which is typical for a
Democratic presidential candidate. Greenberg, who said "I was actually pretty
shocked" at how well Obama did among Jews, said it was not clear how Obama
succeeded in moving Jews back to the Democratic column, but speculated that it
was the combined effect of concern among Jewish voters about Sarah Palin's
social conservatism, and what Greenberg described as the reassuring effect on
Jewish votes of Obama's performance during the debates. Green agreed, saying,
"Many Jews are Democrats, and once they became reassured that some of these
problems were not serious, they went back to their partisanship...Once the Jewish
community became reassured that Obama was going to be all right -- not that he
was going to be excellent -- that was enough.''
Perhaps Greenberg's most interesting finding, though, has to do with young
evangelicals -- a population of increasing interest to scholars and journalists
because of the perception that they may exhibit different political behaviors than
their elders. Greenberg said that research shows that young evangelicals in fact
are more liberal than older evangelicals on multiple issues -- including gay
marriage (below), global warming, and the Iraq War -- but are not moving on
abortion -- young evangelicals are just as strongly opposed to abortion as are
older evangelicals.
Green said that, although white evangelicals are still strongly Republican, there is
clearly change taking place among younger evangelicals. "Generational change
happens all the time on a steady basis, but there are points of time when it has a
big effect, and evangelicals are going through one of those times, on religious
terms, social terms, and political terms.''
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Severe storms in the South of France caused the river Arc to rise and flood
several towns. Trains had to be diverted through Switzerland because tracks
were covered with water. Many towns suffered severe damage as the water
carried all before it. Cars were swept away and piled on top of one another. Fifty
people were also carried away by the waters. Many homes and shops were
wrecked by a combination od water and mud.
Compton´s Interactive Encyclopedia. Copright © 1994, 1995 Compton´s New Media, Inc.


Computers are electronic machines that process information. They can perform
complex operations in a fraction of time. But, they can´t think.
Computers are divided into two parts: hardware and software. Hardware refers to
the actual equipment and software refers to the programs that control and
coordinate the activities of the computer.
The CPU is the part of a computer that executes the arithmetic and logic
operations. It controls all the computer activities.

July’s Poem of the Month
If Death is Kind
By Sara Teasdale (1884 - 1933)

Perhaps if Death is kind, and there can be returning,

We will come back to earth some fragrant night,
And take these lanes to find the sea, and bending
Breathe the same honeysuckle, low and white.
We will come down at night to these resounding beaches
And the long gentle thunder of the sea,
Here for a single hour in the wide starlight
We shall be happy, for the dead are free.



Love conquers all. This is certainly so for the former heaviest man in the world.
Mexican Manuel Uribe used to be the world’s most overweight person. He was in
the Guinness Book of Records in 2006 after breaking the human weight record.
Special weighing scales showed he weighed 560kg. He was so enormous he
could not leave his room. He spent his whole life living on his bed, eating huge
meals and watching TV. He decided enough was enough and that he wanted to
change his life. He also wanted to marry his longtime girlfriend Claudia Solis.
Uribe went on a crash diet and lost almost half his body weight. He lost a
whopping 250kg and has slimmed down to a lighter 310kg. He still has a long way
to go before he can once again lead a normal life.


Ponds Freeze in the Winter — Why Doesn't the Ocean?

In New England, winters are cold enough to freeze the surfaces of ponds and
lakes. But why doesn't the ocean freeze along the New England coast? And how
do the animals that live in ponds survive when they freeze?
If you visite a pond during the summertime, you will probably be aware that you
are not alone. The buzzing of insects, the croaking of frogs and the splashing of
fish show that the pond is home to many living things. However, if you go to a
pond in winter, you may think that the wildlife have packed their bags and gone
on vacation for the holiday season. With the exception of a few animal tracks, the
area may seem deserted. Where did the pond's inhabitants go?
First, ponds freeze from the top down, and rarely freeze all the way through.
(Shallow ponds are more likely to freeze than deep ponds.) The layer of ice at the
top of the pond protects the water underneath from the extreme temperatures and
the wind.
Each animal has its own way of dealing with the winter cold. Many birds fly south
in the winter. Certain ducks stay, and can be seen feeding in unfrozen water.
Frogs and turtles burrow in the mud at the edge or at the bottom of the pond.
Some may burrow under leaves onshore. There, they hibernate — or sleep —
through the harsh weather. Their breathing and heartbeat slow, and their body
temperature lowers to conserve energy.



There are many new ways of making friends in today’s world. The best known of
these is meeting new pals online. The Japanese are doing things a little
differently. There is a growth in rent-a-friend agencies. The only catch is that the
friends you meet will not become your true friends. You simply rent one when you
need one for a specific occasion. The friends for rent are professional fakers.
They will pretend to be anyone you want them to be. They serve a very useful
purpose in Japan, where it’s very important to keep up social appearances. If you
do not have a best man for your wedding or you need a rich aunt to seal a
business deal, rent-a-friend agencies will provide you with the perfect



A British anti-bullying group has issued a report on the new problem of ‘sexting’
among teenagers. ‘Sexting’ is the sending of naked photos via text and e-mail.
The word is a combination of ‘sex’ and 'texting’.’s research
reveals that over a third (38%) of under-18s have received a ‘sext’, a text with an
image of someone naked. The pictures young boys and girls are sending each
other would be viewed as pornographic by most people. Many of the photos are
breaking child pornography laws. Emma–Jane Cross, head of BeatBullying, said:
“It is important that parents and schools are aware that sexting is a significant
issue amongst our children…so together we can act to stop this kind of
BeatBullying says sexting is increasing at an alarming rate. More and more young
people are using it to bully others online. This often leads to tragedy. Many
teenagers have committed suicide after bullies spread their private photos online.
One case that made Americans aware of the problem was that of eighteen-year-
old Jessica Logan. She sent a nude photo of herself to her boyfriend. After she
broke up with him, he sent the picture to hundreds of teenagers in her hometown.
Jessica’s friends said she felt like “she was being attacked and tortured”. Jessica
ended her own life because of the pain she felt. BeatBullying says sexting “is one
of the biggest threats facing our young people today online”.



Taking A Shower May Be Bad For You

Scientists have found that taking a shower might not be so good for you. New
research from the University of Colorado has found there can be a build-up of
harmful bacteria in showerheads. Researchers said the very first jets of water
from the shower are the most dangerous. The shower acts like an aerosol,
spraying the bacteria into the air. This means having a daily shower may not be as
hygienic as we think. Scientists tested 50 different showers across nine US cities.
They discovered that a third of these had very high levels of bacteria that can
cause lung damage. Researcher Laura Baumgartner advised: “For most people,
the answer is simple. Don’t stand in front of the shower when the first blast comes
The research is part of a wider project that is looking at our daily environment. In
particular, the research team is looking at the microbiology of water and air in
schools, homes and public buildings. Research into the bathroom environment
provided interesting results. Ms. Baumgartner said showers were more dangerous
than baths because they act like aerosol sprays. Showerheads are much harder
to clean than baths because they are enclosed. Furthermore, it is easier for us to
inhale the bacteria into our lungs because of the steam in the shower.
Baumgartner did say we should not be too concerned about her discovery: "I take
showers every day, and I’m not at all worried," she said.



Woman Fired for Using Capital Letters

LETTERS? A New Zealand boss saw red after one of his employees used block
capitals in e-mails to colleagues. Vicki Walker, an accountant in Auckland, was
fired after her co-workers complained about her use of caps. Members of staff at
ProCare Health were angry with Ms. Walker for constantly filling her mails with
sentences in capital letters, bold and red text. They said they found the e-mails
“confrontational”. Bosses at ProCare dismissed Ms Walker for causing
“disharmony” in the workplace. Walker took the company to court and sued for
unfair dismissal. She won the case and ProCare had to pay her US$11,500 in
damages and lost pay.


Arctic Ice May Disappear in a Decade

A new report on global warming predicts the frozen Arctic Ocean will soon be like
a normal sea in the summers. There are shocking changes happening in the polar
environment and its fragile eco-systems. For millions of years, the sea around the
North Pole has been frozen all year round. Recent research from the World
Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Catlin Atlantic Survey show things are changing fast.
They predict that within a decade, the Arctic will be largely ice-free in the summer.
They base their prediction on the rate at which the sea ice is currently thinning.
The lead researcher, Professor Peter Wadhams, said: "The area is now more
likely to become open water each summer, bringing forward the potential date
when the summer sea ice will be completely gone."

Storing data in computer programs

For those new to computer programming, data and code go hand in hand. You
cannot write a program of any real value without lines of code, or without data. A
Word Processor program has logic that takes what the user types and stores it in
data. It also uses data to control how it stores and formats what the user types
and clicks.

Data is stored in the memory of the computer when the program runs (it can also
be stored in a file, but that is another matter beyond the scope of this tutorial).
Each memory 'slot' is identified by a name that the programmer chooses. For
example LineTotal might be used to name a memory slot that holds the total
number of lines in a Word Processor document.



Researchers in computer imaging technology are developing systems by which

users can experience a simulated three-dimensional reality (3D). This simulated
reality is known as virtual reality (VR). Sometimes the term cyberspace is used as
synonym with VR.
Since the 1970s, technologists have learned how to produce animated
computer images of objects that exhibit colors, textures and special changings.
The images can also be subjected to changing light conditions and to simulated
effects of gravity and other forces. The results can look as real as actual motion
The further aim of technologists is to make it for person t “enter” and actually
manipulate VR. This is being achieved by having an observer who wears a
headgear through which computer images are displayed on small screens in front
of the eyes. At the same time, gloves that are equipped with sensors are
transmitting apparent changes of body orientation in VR. A simpler form of these
VR techniques is seen in the flight simulators used for training pilots.
Adapted from: Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc., 1996

Computer specialists include System Analysts, Programmers and Operators.
Systems Analysts develop methods for computerizing business. They also
improve the efficiency of systems in use. Application Programmers write
commercial programs to be used by business, science center and home. System
Programmers write the complex programs that control the inner working of the
computer. Computer operators handle several types of computers.
Other people who work in the computer field include Computer Scientists, who
conduct research and teach at universities; Hardware Designers and Engineers,
who work in areas such as microchip and peripheral equipment design;
Information Center Administrators or Data Base Administrators, who manage the
information collections of business or data banks.
Excerpted from Compton´s Interactive Encyclopedia – 1993, 1994.
Base Past Past Portuguese
Form Tense Participle Translation
------- ------- --------------- -------------------

arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se

awake awoke awoken despertar
be was, were been ser, estar
bear bore borne suportar, ser portador de
beat beat beaten bater
become became become tornar-se
befall befell befallen acontecer
beget begot begotten, begot procriar, gerar
begin began begun começar
behold beheld beheld contemplar
bend bent bent curvar
bet bet bet apostar
bid bid bid oferecer, fazer uma
bind bound bound unir, encadernar,
bite bit bitten morder
bleed bled bled sangrar, ter hemorragia
blow blew blown assoprar, explodir
break broke broken quebrar
breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir
bring brought brought trazer
broadcast broadcast broadcast irradiar, transmitir
build built built construir
buy bought bought comprar
cast cast cast atirar, deitar
catch caught caught pegar, capturar
choose chose chosen escolher
cling clung clung aderir, segurar-se
come came come vir
cost cost cost custar
creep crept crept rastejar
cut cut cut cortar
deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar
dig dug dug cavocar
do did done fazer **
draw drew drawn tracionar, desenhar **
drink drank drunk beber
drive drove driven dirigir, ir de carro
eat ate eaten comer
fall fell fallen cair
feed fed fed alimentar
feel felt felt sentir, sentir-se
fight fought fought lutar
find found found achar, encontrar
flee fled fled fugir, escapar
fling flung flung arremessar
fly flew flown voar, pilotar
forbid forbade forbidden proibir
forget forgot forgot, forgotten esquecer
forgive forgave forgiven perdoar
freeze froze frozen congelar, paralisar
get got gotten, got obter **
give gave given dar
go went gone ir
grind ground ground moer
grow grew grown crescer, cultivar
have had had ter, beber, comer
hear heard heard ouvir
hide hid hidden, hid esconder
hit hit hit bater
hold held held segurar
hurt hurt hurt machucar
keep kept kept guardar, manter
know knew known saber, conhecer
lay laid laid colocar em posição
horizontal, assentar
lead led led liderar
leave left left deixar, partir
lend lent lent dar emprestado
let let let deixar, alugar
lie lay lain deitar
lose lost lost perder, extraviar
make made made fazer, fabricar **
mean meant meant significar, querer dizer
meet met met encontrar, conhecer
overcome overcame overcome superar
overtake overtook overtaken alcançar, surpreender
pay paid paid pagar
put put put colocar
quit quit quit abandonar
read read read ler
ride rode ridden andar
ring rang rung tocar (campainha, etc.)
rise rose risen subir, erguer-se
run ran run correr, concorrer,
saw sawed sawn serrar
say said said dizer
see saw seen ver
seek sought sought procurar obter, objetivar
sell sold sold vender
send sent sent mandar
set set set pôr em determinada
condição, marcar, ajustar **
shake shook shaken sacudir, tremer
shed shed shed soltar, deixar cair **
shine shone shone brilhar, reluzir
shoot shot shot atirar, alvejar
show showed shown mostrar, exibir
shrink shrank shrunk encolher, contrair
shut shut shut fechar, cerrar
sing sang sung cantar
sink sank sunk afundar, submergir
sit sat sat sentar
slay slew slain matar, assassinar
sleep slept slept dormir
slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar
sling slung slung atirar, arremessar
speak spoke spoken falar
spend spent spent gastar
spin spun spun fiar, rodopiar
spit spit, spat spit, spat cuspir
spread spread spread espalhar
spring sprang sprung fazer saltar
stand stood stood parar de pé, agüentar
steal stole stolen roubar
stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar, enfiar
sting stung stung picar (inseto)
stink stank stunk cheirar mal
strike struck struck golpear, desferir, atacar
string strung strung encordoar, amarrar
strive strove striven esforçar-se, lutar
swear swore sworn jurar, prometer,
sweep swept swept varrer
swim swam swum nadar
swing swung swung balançar, alternar
take took taken tomar **
teach taught taught ensinar, dar aula
tear tore torn rasgar, despedaçar
tell told told contar
think thought thought pensar
throw threw thrown atirar, arremessar
tread trod trodden pisar, trilhar
undergo underwent undergone submeter-se a, suportar
understand understood understood entender
uphold upheld upheld sustentar, apoiar,
wear wore worn vestir, usar, gastar
win won won vencer, ganhar
wind wound wound enrolar, rodar, dar corda
write wrote written escrever, redigir

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