M345079 八、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 本創作係關於-種電控窗,特別有關於一種電子熱控 節能玻璃。 ^工 【先前技術】 •傳統建築物或汽車的玻璃,為了隱蔽、隔絕陽光可加装窗 「簾、採用著色玻璃’或者黏貼隔熱紙。s簾較佔空間且須定時 清理,❹著色玻璃紐任意變換透光度,㈣熱紙也益法任 意變換縣度,且因為通常是貼在玻璃外表面,日久容㈣污 與損壞。 目前已經發展出可電子控制透光度的_,例如台灣新型 專利觀⑽,題為「電控調光玻璃單心,揭露—種電控調 光玻璃單元,如第一圏, A ,. 平如弟圖所不,包含一上透明玻璃板1〇盥一下 1透明玻璃板η、-透明導電膠層12包夾於前述上、下透明玻 璃板議之間、-密封材料13設置在前述上、下透明玻璃板 10/11的接合面周邊。其中透明導電膠層12結合有獼散分布的 液晶分子15,透明導電膠層的相對側分別連接正極與負極導線 (未圖式)。 #正極與負極導線通電前,透明導電膠層12的液晶分子 15呈現通過導電膠層12 #光線會折射散開,外觀 M345079M345079 VIII. New description: [New technical field] This creation is about an electronic control window, especially for an electronic thermal control energy-saving glass. ^Works [Prior Art] • Glass of traditional buildings or cars, in order to conceal and isolate sunlight, window can be added "curtain, colored glass" or adhesive paper. S curtain is more space-consuming and must be cleaned regularly, ❹ stained glass Newly arbitrarily transforms the transmittance, (4) The thermal paper is also free to change the county, and because it is usually attached to the outer surface of the glass, it has been stained and damaged for a long time. Currently, an electronically controllable transmittance has been developed, for example. Taiwan's new patent concept (10), entitled "Electrically Controlled Dimming Glass Single Heart, Uncovering - An Electronically Controlled Dimming Glass Unit, such as the first 圏, A,. 平如弟图不, including a transparent glass plate 1〇 1 a transparent glass plate η, a transparent conductive adhesive layer 12 is sandwiched between the upper and lower transparent glass sheets, and a sealing material 13 is disposed around the joint surface of the upper and lower transparent glass sheets 10/11. The transparent conductive adhesive layer 12 is combined with the liquid crystal molecules 15 dispersed in the ruthenium, and the opposite sides of the transparent conductive adhesive layer are respectively connected to the positive and negative conductive wires (not shown). # Before the positive and negative conductive wires are energized, the liquid crystal molecules of the transparent conductive adhesive layer 12 15 presentation through the guide Electro-adhesive layer 12 #光光反射scatter, appearance M345079
'I 上呈現乳白色均勻霧化的不透明狀態;在正極與負極導線通電 後,透明導電膠層12的液晶分子15因電場作用,呈單一方向 性的排列,使平行光線順利通過,使透明導電膠層12呈現高 透明狀態。藉由通電或斷電切換,可任意控制玻璃呈現透明或 不透明的效果。 . 前述電控調光玻璃單元,雖然可藉電流隨意變換玻璃透明 赢度,但仍無法做到隔熱、隔絕水氣、保溫、隔音等功用,並且 響 在太陽照射下由玻璃傳導的熱減少了透明導電膠層的使用壽 命。為了隔熱,可能需要加裝隔熱紙,為了隔絕水氣與保溫, *可能需要額外的材料與施工,且效果可能不能令人滿意,或者 *有維修、容易髒污或損壞等困擾。 因此,亟需提出一種新的結構,除了可以隨意變換玻璃透 明度,也具有隔熱、隔絕水氣、保溫、隔音的效果。 • 【新型内容】 - 鑑於上述傳統技術的缺失,本創作的目的在於提出一種新 的結構,除了可以隨意變換玻璃透明度,也具有隔熱、隔絕水 氣、保溫、隔音的效果。 根據上述目的,本創作提供一種電子熱控節能玻璃,包含 一前透明層、一第一金屬條、一霧幕膜藉由第一密封材固定所 構成的前密閉空間,一後透明層、一第二金屬條、前述霧幕膜 6 M345079 藉由第一密封材固定所構成的後密閉空間,且霧幕膜設置在前 透明層與後透明層之間,以及一第二密封材設置在前透明層之 間,密封第一金屬條、第二金屬條、霧幕膜。 此外,本發明的另一個實施例是在前透明層與第一金屬條 之間設置一隔熱膜。 * 【實施方式】 ·· 々一 第一圖顯示根據本創作實施例電子熱控節能玻璃的立體 剖面圖,電子熱控節能玻璃2的基本元件由一前透明層21、一 •後透明層22、一第一金屬條23、一第二金屬條24、一霧幕膜 • 25、一第一密封材26、一第二密封材27構成。 前透明層21具有一第一表面34與一第二表面35,第一表 面34面向自然或人造光源。後透明層22具有一第三表面36 _與一第四表面37,其中第三表面36面向第二表面35。前透明 層21與後透明層22在較佳實施例中的材質為玻璃,但也可以 是其他透明材料如高分子等。 當前透明層21與後透明層22的材質為玻璃時,可以選用 清玻璃,依據厚度其透光率大約在80至92之間,也可依照電 子熱控節能玻璃2的應用需求,選擇其他玻璃,例如··反射玻 璃’其在玻璃表面塗佈有金屬膜或其他材質可反射光線,低鐵 M345079 玻璃,當應用於商品展示可不產生色差;色板玻璃,通過各種 顏色的色板玻璃產生不同的視覺效果。 前透明層21經由第一密封材26與第一金屬條23固定。 第一密封材26是一種高分子膠,例如丁基膠、樹脂等等。第 一金屬條23再藉由第一密封材26與霧幕膜25固定;藉此, 前透明層21、第一金屬條23、霧幕膜25構成了前密閉空間32。 第一金屬條23具有支撐的作用,為了構成密閉空間,第 一金屬條23具有封閉的輪廓,例如矩形條狀、圓形條狀、或 其他形狀,且尺寸不限。第一金屬條23的材質為金屬,例如 -鋁、金屬合金類等。嚴格來說,第一金屬條23也可以是其他 . 材質,例如陶瓷、硬度足夠的塑膠類、複合材料等等。 前密閉空間32内自然填充有空氣,或者人工填充惰性氣 體,也可以是真空狀態,真空度不限。在構成前密閉空間32 時,空間内會有殘留的水氣,因此在較佳的實施例中,第一金 _屬條32有部分中空並填充有乾燥劑28,且第一金屬條32面向 ~前密閉空間32的表面具有複數個孔隙29,孔隙29連通了前密 閉空間32與乾燥劑28,可以吸收或吸附水氣,可避免產生霧。 第二金屬條24通常具有與第一金屬條23相同的材質、尺 寸。同理,第二金屬條24經由第一密封材26與霧幕膜25固 定、經由第一密封材26與後透明層22固定。藉此,後透明層 M345079 22、第二金屬條24、霧幕膜25構成了後密閉空間33。後密閉 空間33内自然填充有空氣,或者人工填充惰性氣體,或者是 真空狀態,真空度不限。 此外,一第二密封材27設置在前透明層21與後透明層22 之間,且密封裸露的第一金屬條23、第二金屬條24、霧幕膜 25。第二密封材亦為高分子膠,可靠度佳、密封性好即可選用, •沒有特殊限制。 霧幕膜25是一種多層(multi-layer)結構,基本元件包含兩 透明電極層(未圖示),兩透明電極層中間夾有一層液晶(未圖 示)。電子熱控節能玻璃2具有一電源線30,電源線30具有正 負極導線,一端分別連接至兩透明電極層,另一端則連接至電 源開關31。在圖中電源開關僅為示意,電源的供應可以是一般 家用電源、電池、或其他電源並具有電源開、關的裝置。此外, 電源開關31視利用的場所不同,可以是一般開關、溫度控制 -開關、搖控開關、定時開關、紅外線感應開關、雷達波感應開 •關、聲音控制開關等其中之一或其組合。在通電前,霧幕膜25 的液晶分子呈現雜亂排列,通過霧幕膜25的光線會折射散開, 外觀上呈現乳白色均勻霧化的不透明狀態;通電後,霧幕膜25 的液晶分子因電場作用,呈單一方向性的排列,使平行光線順 利通過,使霧幕膜25呈現高透明狀態。藉此,由通電或斷電 切換,可任意控制霧幕膜25以及控制電子熱控節能玻璃2呈 M345079 現車父透明或較不透明的效果。 本發明中霧幕膜25的構造與原理如上所述,舉例而言但 不疋限制’霧幕膜25可選用福華電子股份有限公司所生產, 型號為「電子窗簾」者。其平行光線穿透率通電時大約在75% 以上、斷電時大約在12%以下。而整體電控多功用窗的平行光 線穿透率依據使用的前、後透明層21/22的材質與厚度而變化。 馨-弟囷”属示本發明另一實施例的電子熱控節能玻璃,電子 熱控節能玻璃3與前實施例的差異處僅在於,本實施例前透明 層21的第二表面35設置或貼附有一隔熱膜38,其餘的元件及 •其變化皆與前述相同,不再贅述。 隔熱膜38通常是多層膜的構造,材質可以是聚對苯二甲酸 乙-醇醋(PET)或其他,#功用是阻絕掉大部分的紅外線光與紫 外線光 吏知包子熱控節能玻璃有更好的隔熱效果。此外,良 馨好的隔熱膜38亦具有防爆的效果,或者,可使用單一防爆功 能的防爆膜取代隔熱膜38在原先的位置,歧附加在隔熱膜 38上。防爆功能指的是當電子熱控節能玻璃遭外力使得前、後 透明層21/22破裂時,碎片不會四濺,可保障人身安全。 根據本發明前述各實施例的電子熱控節能玻璃,具有良好 的隔熱效果,前透明層21與後透明層22可阻絕大部分的熱對 流(heat co_tion)熱傳、隔熱膜可以阻絕大部分的熱輕射㈣t M345079 radiation)或紅外線熱傳、空氣可阻絕大部分的熱傳導 conduction)熱傳,若使用惰性氣體,則隔熱效果更好。此外u 前、後密閉空間32/33還具有隔絕水氣、保溫、隔音的效果, 特別是前密閉空間隔絕了太陽經由熱傳導與輻射傳進來的献 能,增加了霧幕膜25的使用壽命。 ,… …本發明的電子熱控節能玻璃應用相當廣泛,可作為大樓帷 幕隔熱保冷’節能效果良好;作為隱密隔間,例如會議室,開 1重要㈣室時’可以控制為不透明f ;作為商品展示橋窗,^ 制為透明窗加上投影機可以展示商品;作為洛室隔間玻璃,: 制為不透明可保有隱私。 以上所述僅為本創作之較佳實施例❿已,並非用以限定本 創作之申請專利範圍;凡其他未脫離創作所揭示之精神下所士 成之等效改變或修飾,均應包含在下述之申請專利範圍内。疋 i 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖顯示一種習知技術的電控調光玻璃單元; 第二圖顯林創作實施觸電子熱控節能坡璃;及 第三圖顯示本創作另—實施例的電子熱控節能玻璃。 【主要元件符號說明】 2電子熱控節能玻璃 M345079 3 電子熱控節能玻璃 10上透明玻璃板 11下透明玻璃板 12透明導電膠層 13密封材料 15液晶分子 21前透明層 後透明層 23第一金屬條 24第二金屬條 ^ 25霧幕膜 • 26第一密封材 27第二密封材 28乾燥劑 0 29孔隙 _ 30電源線 _ 31電源開關 32前密閉空間 33後密閉空間 34第一表面 35第二表面 36第三表面 M345079 37第四表面 38隔熱膜'I has an opaque state of uniform milk atomization; after the positive and negative wires are energized, the liquid crystal molecules 15 of the transparent conductive adhesive layer 12 are arranged in a single direction due to the electric field, so that the parallel light passes smoothly, so that the transparent conductive adhesive Layer 12 assumes a highly transparent state. The glass can be arbitrarily controlled to be transparent or opaque by power-on or power-off switching. The above-mentioned electronically controlled dimming glass unit can change the transparency of glass transparently by current, but it can not achieve the functions of heat insulation, moisture, heat preservation and sound insulation, and the heat transmitted by the glass is reduced by the sun. The service life of the transparent conductive adhesive layer. In order to insulate, it may be necessary to install thermal insulation paper. In order to isolate moisture and heat insulation, * additional materials and construction may be required, and the effect may be unsatisfactory, or * repair, dirt or damage. Therefore, it is urgent to propose a new structure, in addition to being able to change the transparency of the glass at will, and also has the effects of heat insulation, moisture insulation, heat preservation and sound insulation. • [New Content] - In view of the lack of the above-mentioned traditional techniques, the purpose of this creation is to propose a new structure, in addition to being able to change the transparency of the glass at will, as well as the effect of heat insulation, moisture isolation, heat preservation and sound insulation. According to the above object, the present invention provides an electronic thermal control energy-saving glass comprising a front transparent layer, a first metal strip, a front sealing space formed by fixing a first sealing material, a transparent layer, and a transparent layer. The second metal strip and the mist curtain film 6 M345079 are fixed by the first sealing material, and the fog curtain film is disposed between the front transparent layer and the rear transparent layer, and a second sealing material is disposed in front. Between the transparent layers, the first metal strip, the second metal strip, and the mist curtain film are sealed. Further, another embodiment of the present invention provides a heat insulating film between the front transparent layer and the first metal strip. * [Embodiment] The first figure shows a three-dimensional cross-sectional view of an electronic thermal control energy-saving glass according to the present embodiment. The basic components of the electronic thermal control energy-saving glass 2 consist of a front transparent layer 21 and a rear transparent layer 22. A first metal strip 23, a second metal strip 24, a mist curtain film 25, a first sealing material 26, and a second sealing material 27 are formed. The front transparent layer 21 has a first surface 34 and a second surface 35, the first surface 34 facing a natural or artificial light source. The rear transparent layer 22 has a third surface 36_ and a fourth surface 37, wherein the third surface 36 faces the second surface 35. The material of the front transparent layer 21 and the rear transparent layer 22 in the preferred embodiment is glass, but may be other transparent materials such as polymers. When the material of the transparent layer 21 and the rear transparent layer 22 is glass, the clear glass can be selected, and the light transmittance is about 80 to 92 according to the thickness, and other glass can be selected according to the application requirements of the electronic thermal control energy-saving glass 2. For example, ··Reflective glass' is coated with a metal film or other material to reflect light on the surface of the glass. Low-iron M345079 glass can be used for merchandise display without chromatic aberration; swatch glass is produced by different colors of swatch glass. Visual effects. The front transparent layer 21 is fixed to the first metal strip 23 via the first sealing member 26. The first sealing material 26 is a polymer glue such as butyl rubber, resin or the like. The first metal strip 23 is further fixed to the mist curtain film 25 by the first sealing member 26; whereby the front transparent layer 21, the first metal strip 23, and the mist curtain film 25 constitute the front sealed space 32. The first metal strip 23 has a supporting function, and in order to constitute a closed space, the first metal strip 23 has a closed outline such as a rectangular strip shape, a circular strip shape, or the like, and the size is not limited. The material of the first metal strip 23 is a metal such as aluminum or a metal alloy. Strictly speaking, the first metal strip 23 can also be other materials such as ceramics, plastics with sufficient hardness, composite materials and the like. The front confined space 32 is naturally filled with air, or is manually filled with an inert gas, and may be in a vacuum state, and the degree of vacuum is not limited. When the front closed space 32 is formed, there is residual moisture in the space, so in the preferred embodiment, the first gold-based strip 32 is partially hollow and filled with the desiccant 28, and the first metal strip 32 faces The surface of the front closed space 32 has a plurality of pores 29, and the pores 29 communicate with the front closed space 32 and the desiccant 28, which can absorb or adsorb moisture, thereby avoiding fogging. The second metal strip 24 typically has the same material and size as the first metal strip 23. Similarly, the second metal strip 24 is fixed to the mist curtain film 25 via the first sealing member 26, and is fixed to the rear transparent layer 22 via the first sealing member 26. Thereby, the rear transparent layer M345079 22, the second metal strip 24, and the mist curtain film 25 constitute the rear sealed space 33. The rear confined space 33 is naturally filled with air, or is manually filled with an inert gas, or is in a vacuum state, and the degree of vacuum is not limited. Further, a second sealing member 27 is disposed between the front transparent layer 21 and the rear transparent layer 22, and seals the exposed first metal strip 23, the second metal strip 24, and the mist curtain film 25. The second sealing material is also a polymer glue, which can be selected with good reliability and good sealing performance. • There are no special restrictions. The curtain film 25 is a multi-layer structure in which the basic element comprises two transparent electrode layers (not shown) with a layer of liquid crystal (not shown) sandwiched between the two transparent electrode layers. The electronic thermal control energy-saving glass 2 has a power supply line 30 having positive and negative conductive wires, one end connected to the two transparent electrode layers and the other end connected to the power switch 31. In the figure, the power switch is only for illustration, and the power supply can be a general household power source, a battery, or other power source and has a power on/off device. In addition, the power switch 31 may be one of a general switch, a temperature control switch, a remote control switch, a time switch, an infrared sensor switch, a radar wave induction on/off, a sound control switch, or the like, depending on the place of use. Before the energization, the liquid crystal molecules of the fog curtain film 25 are arranged in a disorderly manner, and the light passing through the mist curtain film 25 is refracted and scattered, and the appearance is a opaque state in which the milky white is uniformly atomized; after the energization, the liquid crystal molecules of the fog curtain film 25 are affected by the electric field. The arrangement of the single directionality allows the parallel rays to pass smoothly, so that the fog film 25 is highly transparent. Thereby, by switching between power-on or power-off, the fog film 25 can be arbitrarily controlled, and the electronic thermal control energy-saving glass 2 can be controlled to be transparent or less transparent to the M345079. The structure and principle of the mist curtain film 25 of the present invention are as described above, for example, but not limited to the 'mist curtain film 25' which can be produced by Fuhua Electronics Co., Ltd., and the model number is "electronic curtain". The parallel light transmittance is about 75% when energized and about 12% when power is off. The parallel light transmittance of the overall electronically controlled multi-function window varies depending on the material and thickness of the front and rear transparent layers 21/22 used. The present invention is an electronic thermal control energy-saving glass according to another embodiment of the present invention. The difference between the electronic thermal control energy-saving glass 3 and the previous embodiment is only that the second surface 35 of the front transparent layer 21 of the present embodiment is disposed or A heat-insulating film 38 is attached, and the remaining components and variations thereof are the same as those described above, and will not be described again. The heat-insulating film 38 is usually a multilayer film structure, and the material may be polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Or other, #utility is to block most of the infrared light and ultraviolet light, knowing that the thermal control energy-saving glass has better heat insulation effect. In addition, the good thermal insulation film 38 also has an explosion-proof effect, or The explosion-proof membrane using a single explosion-proof function replaces the heat-insulating film 38 in the original position, and is attached to the heat-insulating film 38. The explosion-proof function refers to when the electronic thermal-control energy-saving glass is externally forced to break the front and back transparent layers 21/22. The electronic heat-control energy-saving glass according to the foregoing embodiments of the present invention has a good heat insulation effect, and the front transparent layer 21 and the rear transparent layer 22 can block most of the heat convection ( Heat co_tion) heat transfer The heat-insulating film can block most of the heat and light (4) t M345079 radiation) or infrared heat transfer, and the air can block most of the heat conduction conduction. If the inert gas is used, the heat insulation effect is better. The confined space 32/33 also has the effect of isolating moisture, heat preservation and sound insulation, in particular, the front confined space isolates the solar energy from the heat conduction and radiation, and increases the service life of the fog curtain film 25. The electronic thermal control energy-saving glass is widely used, and can be used as a building curtain for heat insulation and good cooling. As a hidden compartment, such as a conference room, when opening an important (four) room, it can be controlled as opaque f; as a product display bridge window ^ is a transparent window plus a projector to display goods; as a compartment glass,: opaque to keep privacy. The above is only a preferred embodiment of the creation, not to limit the creation The scope of the patent application; all other equivalent changes or modifications that are not removed from the spirit of the creation should be included in the scope of the patent application below. i [Simplified description of the drawings] The first figure shows a conventional electronically controlled dimming glass unit; the second figure shows the realization of the touch electronic thermal control energy saving glass; and the third figure shows the other embodiment of the present invention. Electronic thermal control energy-saving glass. [Main component symbol description] 2 electronic thermal control energy-saving glass M345079 3 electronic thermal control energy-saving glass 10 transparent glass plate 11 transparent glass plate 12 transparent conductive adhesive layer 13 sealing material 15 liquid crystal molecules 21 transparent layer Rear transparent layer 23 first metal strip 24 second metal strip 25 25 mist curtain film • 26 first sealing material 27 second sealing material 28 desiccant 0 29 pore _ 30 power cord _ 31 power switch 32 front closed space 33 after sealing Space 34 first surface 35 second surface 36 third surface M345079 37 fourth surface 38 thermal insulation film