201238878 六、發明說明: . 【發明所屬之技術領域】 • 轉明係關於將連續捲繞材料交替地(特定而言係細 線電線、帶子、紗線等)捲繞至至少兩個轉轴上以形成 捲線軸之捲線機。本發明亦係關於用於操作此類型之捲線 機之方法》 【先前技術】 捲線機為已知的’其中(例如)自連續製造過程將捲 f材料連續饋送至捲線機。接著(藉由或未藉由插入之捲 線軸管)將捲繞材料捲繞至轉轴上以形成捲線轴。可接著 此捲線軸且用於進—步處理捲繞材料。捲線軸之捲線 :轉轴上’轉軸自身可經驅動以產生捲線旋轉。或者, 之旋轉移動可藉由摩擦驅動(特定而言係徑向抵在 材表面的驅動輥)產生。在捲線過程期間,捲繞 二=橫動裝置沿著轉軸之縱轴線向後及向前移動。此 只動裝置位於捲線軸之猶前 结植说± ^ 具有增加直徑之經捲 = 線軸歸因於藉由控制單元在捲線循環之過程期間協調 的疊加之旋轉及橫動移動而得以形成。 的:且,配備有至少兩個轉軸之捲線機的使用為熟知 Γι轉轴在工作位置中交替地使用以用於捲繞捲線 二下’有可能單一橫動襄置負責在兩個轉軸 作==當捲繞材料之經界定體積到達當前處於工 之捲緣材:轉軸上時’此轉軸移動至閒置位置、繼續到達 /材料現自動地或藉由現已移動至卫作位置中之另一 5 201238878 ,的操作者或藉由配置於此轉轴上之捲線轴管來拉緊。 ^位置之此改變之後’手動地或自動地自現位於閒置位置 中之第-轉軸移除完全捲繞好之捲線轴。為了 作位置與閒置位置之間轉移,兩個轉轴中之最小者 旋轉地固持於旋轉式圓盤或旋轉器上。轉車由及旋轉巧之旋 轉軸線具有平行於彼此之定向。藉由使旋轉式圓盤旋轉, 轉軸之位置可交替地在卫作位置與閒置位置之間跳轉。 對應捲線機自申請者之專利DE l〇2 23 484 b4得知。 該專利與轉換過程有關,在本文令係捲繞材料自第:轉°袖 至第二轉轴之轉移。在此捲線機中,所謂<「固定捲線」 及所謂之「預留捲線」在捲線過程自身開始之前係轴向地 在佈設寬度之外捲繞。若橫動裝置具有鋸齒狀螺旋帶螺紋 軸桿’則橫動裝置上之往復導紗器不可配置於佈設寬产之 外,惟藉由對螺旋帶螺紋轴桿之凹槽之設計的高成本:添 加結構除外。該專利提議使橫動裝置配備有轉㈣置以用 於平行於轉軸之縱軸及轉軸之轉移移動H有可能在 佈設寬度之外將捲繞材料附接至轉軸或捲線軸管。隨後, :形成固定捲線及預留捲線。本文中所使用之轉移裝置為 氣動活塞氣壓缸單元、經由閥及相關聯之控制單元在任何 可自由選擇之時間氣動操作該單元。纟自捲線機移除完全 捲繞好之捲線軸之前’使完全捲繞好之捲線軸移動至閒置 位置中而具直徑增加中之捲線軸處於工作位置。在需要 有可能最遲在處於工作位置之另一捲線轴已完全捲繞好時 自捲線機移除處於閒置位置之完全捲繞好之捲線軸的狀況 6 201238878 下’捲線軸之中心軸線之間的距離須至少對應於完全捲繞 好之捲線軸的直徑。此情形為必須的以便避免具有增加直 控之處於工作位置的捲線軸之外表面與處於閒置位置之完 全捲繞好之捲線軸的外表面接觸。若選擇較小距離,則操 作者絕對有必要極快地(亦即在處於工作位置之捲線軸完 全捲繞好之前)移除處於閒置位置之完全捲繞好之捲線 軸。右未及時移除完全捲繞好之捲線軸,則在兩個捲線軸 之間存在碰撞且捲線機不得不停止。因此存在捲線機之構 造的目標之衝突,本文中關於兩個轉軸之間的距離,在於 -一方面,將最小化轉軸之間的間隙或距離以減小捲線 機之大小, -但另一方面,轉軸之間的間隙或距離需要為儘可能大 的以提供儘可能多的時間以促進完全捲繞好之捲線軸之移 除而無兩個捲線軸之間的碰撞的危險。 隨著饋送及捲繞捲繞材料之速度增加,目標之間的衝 突被強化。 【發明内容】 本發明之目的在於提議一種具有緊密尺寸之捲線機, 其具有適當之時間間隔以移除完全捲繞好之捲線轴(且視 情況放上新的空捲線轴管)及/或用以減小捲線軸外表面碰 撞之危險。本發明之另—目的在於提議—㈣於操作捲線 機之方法,其具有改良之改變及移除過程。 本發明之目標係藉由具有專利申請範圍獨立;員】之特 徵的捲線機達#。根據本發明之捲線機之其他具體實例由 201238878 專利申請範圍附屬項2至ίο之特 -步藉由具有專利申請範圍】 二:明之目的進 發明之方法之其他具體㈣可自專根據本 2〇之特徵看到。 專和申明範圍附屬項12至 除處:=先由饋送速度及轉轴之間的距離加寬用於移 段之固-依賴之間置位置的完全捲繞好之捲線轴的預定時 固二賴。根據本發明,此情形藉由以下操 移除位置中而不使兩ΓΛΓ置於藉由轉移裝置引起之 下 使兩個捲線軸之軸線區重疊。在此狀況 某-重之自捲繞材料突出之端部區確實具有 因卜_決疋點在於在捲線軸上不會有捲繞材料之重叠。 據本發明’一方面完全捲繞好之捲線轴及另一方 彳捲繞之捲線軸軸向地移動「越過彼此」,因此完全 排除兩個捲線軸之卩彳成j备 桂 危險。作為避免碰撞之優點的 =除了該優點以外,藉由轉移裝置引起之完全捲繞好 、·軸之轉移對於移除程序而言可為有利的。此之原因 在:其使移除程序可用延長時段。藉由轉移,完全捲繞好 之捲線軸自針對捲線過程自身的捲線機之主工作高度或平 ^移=至另-高度或平面,其中對於操作者或自動移除裝 而。較合易接近捲線軸。此情形亦可能減小受傷之風 險。.亦有可能正沿著轉移路徑轉移之捲線轴已在其他供應 或輸送構件之方向上沿著移除所需之路徑部分地移動。 在本發明之另一具體實例中,捲繞材才斗可被鎖扣及/或 捲為在轉轴上’特別係直接在處於工作位置之轉軸自身上 8 201238878 f在該轉軸所延伸穿過之捲線軸管上。亦有可能將來“ 則技術之設計整合至本發 將來自先 捲線過程期間捲線軸之位 亦p ,在 長中直徑而改變。 置)在捲線“期間對應於其增 在將捲線軸鎖扣及/或捲繞在處於工作位置 時’自捲線機移除處於閒置位 好之捲線軸。此情形##^之完全捲繞 部分自動之程序來進行。轉 次至y以 門夺卷.轉軸可在工作位置與閒置位置之 ㈣’纟中亦有可能可暫時採用諸 額外位置。 & τ间位置之 藉由轉移裝置,完全捲繞好之捲線轴 線轉移或移動。藉由此藉說 者其紅轉軸 移動,完全捲繞好之捲 位置移動至移除位置。由榦㈣$ 〃 1軸自捲線 捲線轴沿著錢轉置所採取之轉移路徑大於 产。f絲轉軸線之範圍,因此大於捲線軸之佈設寬 針對轉移裝置構造上之設計且針對提供完全捲繞好之 捲線軸之所需轉移路徑,# ' 定且栌眘^ . 存在各種選項。根據本發明之特 疋具體實例,轉移裝置相對於轉軸轉移捲線 捲線軸可沿著捲線軸之旌平例而5 之紅轉軸線具有關於轉軸之自 =自由度可在捲線軸之捲線過程期間固定,而此自由i可 二由轉移裝置使用以II由相對於轉軸移動捲線轴而引 除位置。特定而言,播線m轉軸之外表面滑動。 在本發明之替代具體音 、體實例中,轉移裝置作為一個單元 轉移捲線軸以及轉軸。因卜 1U早70 因此,轉軸自身沿著其縱軸線或旋 201238878 轉軸線具有關於i6 、 自由度。舉例而言,轉軸可經支 得而具有關於旋轉式IU般 褥式圓盤或奴轉器之此類型的自由度,其 中此自由度係藉由轉銘键 女也 轉移裝置使用。套筒式類型之轉軸設計201238878 VI. Description of the invention: . [Technical field to which the invention pertains] • The invention relates to winding a continuous winding material alternately (specifically, a thin wire, a belt, a yarn, etc.) onto at least two rotating shafts. A winding machine that forms a spool. The present invention is also directed to a method for operating a winder of this type. [Prior Art] A winder is known in which, for example, a roll of material is continuously fed to a winder from a continuous manufacturing process. The wound material is then wound onto the rotating shaft (with or without the inserted bobbin) to form a bobbin. This spool can then be used for further processing of the wound material. Winding of the spool: On the shaft, the shaft itself can be driven to produce a winding rotation. Alternatively, the rotational movement can be produced by frictional drive (specifically, a drive roller that is radially against the surface of the material). During the winding process, the winding two = traversing device moves rearward and forward along the longitudinal axis of the rotating shaft. The moving device is located at the front of the bobbin. The formation of the coil is increased by the superimposed rotation and traverse movement coordinated by the control unit during the winding cycle. And: the use of a reel equipped with at least two reels is known to be used alternately in the working position for winding the winding line. It is possible that a single traverse device is responsible for the two reversing axes. = When the defined volume of the coiled material reaches the current winding edge: the shaft, 'this axis moves to the idle position, continues to arrive/material is automatically or by moving to the other of the guard positions 5 201238878 , The operator is tightened by the bobbin tube configured on this reel. ^ After this change in position, the fully wound bobbin is removed manually or automatically from the first-rotor in the idle position. For the transfer between the position and the idle position, the smallest of the two shafts is rotationally held on the rotary disc or rotator. The rotating and rotating axes of the car have an orientation parallel to each other. By rotating the rotary disk, the position of the spindle can alternate between the guard position and the idle position. Corresponding to the winding machine is known from the patent of the applicant DE 11 2 484 b4. This patent is related to the conversion process, which is the transfer of the winding material from the first: turn sleeve to the second shaft. In this winding machine, the "fixed winding" and the so-called "reserved winding" are wound axially outside the layout width before the winding process itself begins. If the traversing device has a serrated helical threaded shaft, the reciprocating yarn guide on the traversing device may not be disposed outside the wide production, but by the high cost of the design of the groove of the helical threaded shaft: Except for adding structures. This patent proposes that the traversing device is equipped with a rotating (four) for the transfer movement H parallel to the longitudinal axis and the rotating shaft of the rotating shaft. It is possible to attach the winding material to the rotating shaft or the bobbin tube outside the laying width. Subsequently, : a fixed winding and a reserved winding are formed. The transfer device used herein is a pneumatic piston pneumatic cylinder unit that is pneumatically operated at any freely selectable time via a valve and associated control unit.纟 Before the reeling machine removes the fully wound bobbin, the fully wound bobbin is moved into the idle position and the bobbin with the increased diameter is in the working position. The condition of the fully wound bobbin in the idle position is removed from the reel at the latest when the other bobbin in the working position is required to be fully wound. 6 201238878 Between the central axis of the reel The distance must correspond at least to the diameter of the fully wound bobbin. This is necessary in order to avoid contact between the outer surface of the bobbin having the increased direct control in the working position and the outer surface of the fully wound bobbin in the rest position. If a smaller distance is chosen, it is absolutely necessary for the operator to remove the fully wound bobbin in the rest position very quickly (i.e., before the bobbin in the working position is fully wound). If the fully wound bobbin is not removed in time, there is a collision between the two bobbins and the reel has to stop. Therefore, there is a conflict between the objectives of the construction of the reeling machine. The distance between the two reels in this paper lies in that, on the one hand, the gap or distance between the reels will be minimized to reduce the size of the reeling machine - but on the other hand The gap or distance between the shafts needs to be as large as possible to provide as much time as possible to facilitate the removal of the fully wound bobbin without the risk of collision between the two bobbins. As the speed of feeding and winding the wound material increases, the conflict between the targets is strengthened. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a reel having a compact size with suitable time intervals to remove a fully wound bobbin (and optionally a new empty bobbin) and/or Used to reduce the risk of collision of the outer surface of the bobbin. Another object of the present invention is to propose - (d) a method of operating a winder with an improved change and removal process. The object of the present invention is achieved by a reeling machine having the characteristics of a patent application that is independent; Other specific examples of the winding machine according to the present invention are defined by the patent application scope of the patent application scope 2 to ίο, and the other specific (four) methods of the invention are based on the present invention. The characteristics are seen. Dedicated and abbreviated scope sub-item 12 to division: = first widened by the feed speed and the distance between the shafts for the fixed-coiled position of the fully-rolled spool of the solid-dependent position of the shifting segment Lai. According to the present invention, this situation is achieved by the following operations in which the position of the two bobbins is overlapped by the transfer means without the two turns being placed by the transfer means. In this case, the end region of the certain-heavy self-wrapping material does have an inconsistency in that there is no overlap of the winding material on the bobbin. According to the present invention, on the one hand, the fully wound bobbin and the other bobbin wound bobbin are axially moved "over each other", so that the risk of the two bobbins is completely eliminated. As an advantage of avoiding collisions = in addition to this advantage, the complete winding by the transfer device, the transfer of the shaft can be advantageous for the removal procedure. The reason for this is that it makes the removal procedure available for an extended period of time. By transfer, the fully wound bobbin is self-contained for the main working height of the reeling process of the reeling process or to the other height or plane, where the operator or the automatic removal is installed. More accessible to the spool. This situation may also reduce the risk of injury. It is also possible that the spool that is being transferred along the transfer path has partially moved along the path required for removal in the direction of the other supply or transport member. In another embodiment of the present invention, the winding material can be buckled and/or rolled onto the rotating shaft 'in particular, directly on the rotating shaft itself in the working position. 8 201238878 f extends through the rotating shaft On the spool tube. It is also possible that in the future, the design of the technology will be integrated into the hairline. The position of the bobbin will also change from the length of the long-term diameter during the first winding process. During the winding line, it corresponds to the increase in the winding spool and / or when winding in the working position, 'self-winding machine removes the spool that is in the idle position. In this case, the full winding of the ##^ part is automatically performed. It is also possible to use the extra position temporarily in the (4)' position of the working position and the idle position. & Between the τ position, the fully wound bobbin thread is transferred or moved by the transfer device. By the borrower's red axis movement, the fully wound roll position is moved to the removal position. From the dry (four) $ 〃 1 axis self-winding line The reeling path taken along the money reversal is greater than the production. The range of the f-thread axis is therefore greater than the width of the bobbin. For the design of the transfer device and for the required transfer path to provide a fully wound bobbin, there are various options. According to a specific embodiment of the present invention, the transfer device can be rotated relative to the rotating shaft, and the spool can be along the winding axis. The red axis of the rotation axis has a self-=degree of freedom with respect to the rotating shaft, which can be fixed during the winding process of the winding shaft. And this free i can be used by the transfer device to remove the position by moving the bobbin relative to the axis of rotation. Specifically, the surface of the broadcast line m is slid outside the shaft. In an alternative example of the sound and body of the present invention, the transfer device transfers the bobbin and the rotary shaft as a unit. Therefore, the shaft itself has a degree of freedom about i6 along its longitudinal axis or the axis of rotation of the 201238878. For example, the shaft can be supported to have this type of freedom with respect to a rotary IU-like disc or slave, where the degree of freedom is used by the transfer device. Sleeve type shaft design
亦為可能的。 β I 原則上彳叹想使用任何種類之轉移裝置。在本發明 之-較佳具體實例中’使用可藉由控制單元操作之軸向致 動器。轴向致動器之操作路徑較佳地對應於捲線軸之轉移 路徑以將其引人至移除位置。舉例而t,可使用經設計為 致動器,其具有相關聯之閥及相關聯之電控制單元的氣動 活塞氣壓缸致動器,如DE 102 23 484 B4中所描述(然而, 針對不同應用),以列舉出實現轉移裝置之多種不同方式 之僅一個實例。 根據本發明之另-具體實例,轉軸在橫向於捲線轴或 轉轴之旋轉轴線的平面中相對於機架在卫作位置與閒置位 置之間移動。此情形較佳地藉由輪轂或旋轉器(下文中為 旋轉器)《旋轉而發生。另一方面,藉由轉移裝置將完全 捲繞好之捲線軸自捲線位置沿著轉移路徑轉移至移除位 置。轉移路徑之方向平行於捲線軸或轉軸之旋轉軸線。上 述兩個移動可在時間方面彼此分離且相繼受控制,其中轉 移移動可在輪轂或旋轉器旋轉之前或之後發生。然而,兩 個移動至少部分地同時發生較佳’從而甚至在低移動速度 及加速度下亦致使時間的節省。 本發明進一步提出轉移裝置可對應於旋轉器之旋轉移 動而為受控的移動。有可能在設定時間或角位移之後藉由 10 201238878 7獲旋轉器之旋轉的旋轉感測器或藉由由旋轉器 作的開關來控制轉移装置。亦設想多功能性地使用用= 轉旋轉器之㈣信㈣諸_移裝置。若省去建置 移裝置之額外致動器’則有可能藉由將轉移移動與旋轉号 ,旋轉直接耗接而實現移動控制。此情形可藉由機械輕接 例如,藉由將共用驅動單元之機械驅動分支至旋轉 轉移裝置兩者)而實現。本發明亦涵蓋一具體實例,其中 由凸輪或凸輪盤將旋轉器之旋轉轉換成轉移移動,以 =藉由由凸輪或凸輪盤所提供之機械輕接來建置轉移裝 特疋而舌,對於捲線轴經由轉移裝置而相對於轉 實例,亦提議在移除位置(其中藉由轉移裝置配 置捲線軸而不使其軸向範圍重疊)中,相關聯之轉軸僅部 分延伸穿過完全捲繞好之捲線軸。轉軸穿過捲線軸之範圍 判定用於自轉㈣除捲線軸所需之移除路徑。因此,藉由 縮短轉軸穿過完全捲繞好之捲線軸之範圍,減少移除^需 努力。 & .在本發明之另一具體實例中,轉移裝置可用於多個功 能:對於此具體實例,不僅發生捲線軸之操作位置自捲線 位置至移除位置之改變。而且捲線軸可藉由轉移裝置轉移 至操作位置(可能係自捲線位置、某種等待位置及/或與移 除位置不同的位置)。在操作位置中,捲繞材料與用於捲 堯材料之切割裝置及/或鎖扣裝置相互作用。更簡單而令, 捲繞材料可(例如)藉由在完全捲繞好之捲線軸之接觸表 201238878 面上游的轉移裝置壓抵建置切割裝置之刀ι可藉由切割 裝置割斷捲繞材料。相同之情形適用於鎖扣裴置,捲繞材 料藉由鎖扣裝置而鎖扣於待捲繞之轉軸的區域中或捲線軸 之區域中。或者或另外,藉由轉移裝置而轉移至操作位置 發生於固定及/或預留捲線形成之處。此具體實例係基於根 據DE 102 23 484 B4之解決方案,其中必須操作橫動農置 以形成固定或預留捲線。藉由使用同一類型之致動器而且 亦使用轉移裝置,可達成相當之效應。此情形係歸因於以 下事實:藉由捲線軸之轉移,捲繞材料亦移動至轉軸之軸 區中,其中將建置固定或預留捲線。& 了獲得關於固定或 預留捲線之基本設計及將採取之控制措施的其他細節,參 考 DE 102 23 484 B4。 > 在根據本發明之方法中,完全捲繞好之捲線軸經由轉 移裝置轉移至移除位置,其中此完全捲繞好之捲線軸之軸 區並未與待捲繞於另一轉軸上之另一捲線軸的軸區重疊。 本發明之有利的進一步發展自申請專利範圍、描1及 圖式看出。說明書中所列出之特徵及複數個特徵之組合的 優點僅作為實例而給出且可作為替代或累積地使用,而不 需要必須藉由根據本發明之具體實例達成任何或所有優 點。其他特徵可得自圖式-特別係複數個組件之所說明之幾 何形狀及相對於彼此的尺寸以及其相關配置。本發明之 同具體實例的特徵或不同專利申請範圍之特徵之組人亦:、 可能的且在本文中係鼓勵的。此情形亦適用於單獨圖弋申 所展示或其描述中所列出之特徵。此等特徵 人々J興不同專 12 201238878 利申請範圍之特徵組合。而且,在根據本發明之其他具體 實例中可不出現包括於申請專利範圍中之特定特徵。 【實施方式】 下文中將藉由由諸圖所描繪之例示性具體實例更詳細 地解釋及描述本發明。 圖1及圖2為捲線機1之示意圖。捲線機1具有旋轉 式圓盤或旋轉器2,旋轉式圓盤或旋轉器2可藉由合適驅動 單元關於捲線機1之支撐結構3繞旋轉軸線旋轉,旋轉軸 線垂直於圖1中所展示之圖式的平面定向。旋轉器2承載 轉軸4、5,轉軸4、5之旋轉軸線及縱軸線18、19亦垂直 於圖1中之圖式的平面定向且經配置而與旋轉器2之旋轉 轴線的相反側相距元全相同之間隙或距離。完全捲繞好之 捲線軸6位於轉軸4上,轉軸4較佳地具有插入之捲線軸 管7。完全捲繞好之捲線軸6具有直徑d。 捲線軸8 (視情況亦具有捲線軸管9 )位於轉軸5上且 繼續捲繞而具有增長之直徑d。捲繞材料1()經由橫動裝置 =饋送至捲線軸8。在具有增加之直徑d的捲線循環期間, 橫動裝置U距轉軸5之縱軸線及旋轉轴線之距離以已知方 式改變。橫動裝置U或轉軸5具有針對圖1中之圖式 相對移動之對應自由度。根據圖丨,捲線軸6處於閒 過程ΪΓ,其中必須藉由操作者及/或至少部分地藉由自動 新捲績軸4移除捲線軸6。視情況地,在閒置位置丨2中 新捲線轴管7可被置放至轉軸4 中’ 於工作位署η . , ^ 對的捲線軸8位 置13,其中藉由轉軸5<(視情況)捲線輪管9 13 201238878 鎖扣捲繞材料10。產生 加之直…實際捲線過程。==及/或發生具有增 得d = D,則旋轉器繞其丄…捲繞好捲線I"以使 疋釋器繞其旋轉軸線旋轉 著移動至間置…,而已自其移除捲線二:轉轉广5接 動至工作位置1 3,在此妝 之轉軸4移 狀况下允許開始新的捲線過程。 ,已經清楚的係隨著直徑d在捲線 一時間點增加,捲線軸6、8 、’’衣” 直至捲線軸8之外表面…/ 之間的距離21減小 外表面與捲線軸6之外表面接觸為 情形將引起對捲線過程之停止或,斷。因此, :加至距離21減至零之前自轉轴4移除捲線轴6。自二 中之平面圖可看屮,娃 之佈1具有對應於捲繞材料 佈3又寬度及橫動裝置11之橫動路徑的軸向範圍14、15。 厂自圖2看出,捲線軸管7、9在前側上突出於捲線軸“ 8之外’使得捲線轴管7、9具有大於軸向範圍ΐ4' 15之長 度。捲線軸6、8之前側16、17相對於彼此而配置,立中 不具有台階而是在同一垂直平面中’該平面具有橫向㈣ 線軸6、8之旋轉軸線18、19的定向。因此,捲線軸6、8 具有根據先前技術對應於軸向範圍14、15之重疊2〇。捲線 軸6、8之間的距離21存在於伸展穿過轉軸4、$之縱軸線 的平面中。特定而言,轴向重#2()係藉由將軸向範圍Μ、 1 5投影至捲線軸6、8之縱軸線或旋轉軸線丨8、19中之一 者上來量測。 對於根據本發明之具體實例(其正視圖原則上可對應 :圖)根據圖3之元全捲繞好之捲線轴6位於閒置位置 14 201238878 12乂’而捲線軸8建置於工作位置13中。此處,捲線軸6、 8最初亦具有重疊2G ’此係因為捲線軸6、8皆位於捲線位 置22中以使付其配置於同一垂直平面上。捲線位置22此 處描述捲線軸6、8關於相關聯之轉軸4、5或切結構3 或方疋轉器2的相對位置。在根據圖3之捲線轴6之間置 及捲t位置22中,尚未發生完全捲繞好之捲線車“It is also possible. β I In principle, I would like to use any kind of transfer device. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, an axial actuator operable by the control unit is used. The operating path of the axial actuator preferably corresponds to the transfer path of the spool to attract it to the removal position. For example, a pneumatic piston cylinder actuator designed as an actuator with an associated valve and associated electrical control unit can be used, as described in DE 102 23 484 B4 (however, for different applications) ) to cite only one example of the many different ways in which the transfer device is implemented. According to another embodiment of the invention, the spindle is moved between the guard position and the rest position relative to the frame in a plane transverse to the axis of rotation of the spool or shaft. This situation preferably occurs by rotation of a hub or rotator (hereinafter referred to as a rotator). On the other hand, the fully wound bobbin is transferred from the winding position to the removal position along the transfer path by the transfer device. The direction of the transfer path is parallel to the axis of rotation of the spool or shaft. The two movements described above may be separated from each other in time and successively controlled, wherein the transfer movement may occur before or after the rotation of the hub or rotator. However, the two movements occur at least partially simultaneously preferably so that time savings are achieved even at low moving speeds and accelerations. The invention further proposes that the transfer device can be controlled for movement corresponding to the rotational movement of the rotator. It is possible to control the transfer device by a rotation sensor that rotates the rotator by 10 201238878 7 or by a switch made by the rotator after setting the time or angular displacement. It is also conceivable to use the (four) letter (four) signals of the rotator with versatility. If the additional actuator of the built-in shifting device is omitted, it is possible to realize the movement control by directly transferring the transfer movement and the rotation number. This can be accomplished by mechanically attaching, for example, by branching the mechanical drive of the common drive unit to both of the rotary transfer devices. The present invention also contemplates a specific example in which the rotation of the rotator is converted into a shifting movement by a cam or cam disc to = establish a transfer fitting feature by a mechanical light connection provided by a cam or cam disc, for The spool is also proposed to be in the removal position via the transfer device, wherein in the removal position (where the spool is configured by the transfer device without overlapping the axial extent), the associated spindle extends only partially through the complete winding The spool of the roll. The range of the shaft passing through the spool is determined to be used for the rotation (4) removal path required to wind the spool. Therefore, efforts are made to reduce the removal by shortening the range of the shaft through the fully wound bobbin. & In another embodiment of the present invention, the transfer device can be used for a plurality of functions: for this specific example, not only the change in the operation position of the bobbin from the reel position to the removal position occurs. Moreover, the bobbin can be transferred to the operating position by the transfer device (possibly from a reel position, a certain waiting position, and/or a position different from the removal position). In the operating position, the winding material interacts with the cutting device and/or the locking device for the rolled material. More simply, the winding material can be used to cut the winding material by a cutting device, for example, by pressing a transfer device upstream of the fully wound bobbin contact table 201238878 against the cutting device. The same applies to the latching device, the winding material being locked in the region of the shaft to be wound or in the region of the bobbin by means of the latching device. Alternatively or additionally, the transfer to the operating position by the transfer device occurs where the fixed and/or reserved windings are formed. This particular example is based on the solution according to DE 102 23 484 B4, in which traverse farming has to be operated to form a fixed or reserved winding. A comparable effect can be achieved by using the same type of actuator and also using a transfer device. This situation is due to the fact that by the transfer of the bobbin, the winding material also moves into the shaft region of the shaft in which the fixed or reserved winding is to be built. & For additional details on the basic design of fixed or reserved coils and the control measures to be taken, refer to DE 102 23 484 B4. > In the method according to the invention, the fully wound bobbin is transferred to the removal position via the transfer device, wherein the shaft region of the fully wound bobbin is not to be wound on the other reel The spool area of the other spool is overlapped. Advantageous further developments of the invention are apparent from the scope of the patent application, the description and the drawings. The advantages of the features listed in the specification and the combination of the plurality of features are given by way of example only and may be used alternatively or cumulatively without necessarily having to achieve any or all of the advantages in accordance with the embodiments of the invention. Other features may be derived from the figures - particularly the geometric shapes illustrated by the various components and the dimensions relative to one another and their associated configurations. The features of the same specific examples of the invention or the features of the different patent application scope are also: possible and encouraged herein. This situation also applies to the features listed in the individual drawings or their descriptions. These characteristics are different from the characteristics of the application scope. Moreover, specific features included in the scope of the claims may be absent in other specific embodiments in accordance with the invention. The present invention will be explained and described in more detail below by way of exemplary embodiments illustrated in the drawings. 1 and 2 are schematic views of the winding machine 1. The reel 1 has a rotary disc or rotator 2 which can be rotated about a rotational axis by a suitable drive unit with respect to the support structure 3 of the reel 1 which is perpendicular to that shown in FIG. The plane orientation of the schema. The rotator 2 carries the rotating shafts 4, 5, the axes of rotation and the longitudinal axes 18, 19 of the rotating shafts 4, 5 are also oriented perpendicular to the plane of the drawing in Fig. 1 and are configured to be spaced from the opposite side of the axis of rotation of the rotator 2 The same gap or distance. The fully wound bobbin 6 is located on the spindle 4, which preferably has an inserted bobbin tube 7. The fully wound bobbin 6 has a diameter d. The spool 8 (and the spool tube 9 as the case may be) is located on the spindle 5 and continues to be wound to have a diameter d that grows. The winding material 1 () is fed to the bobbin 8 via a traversing device. During the winding cycle with the increased diameter d, the distance of the traverse U from the longitudinal axis and the axis of rotation of the shaft 5 is changed in a known manner. The traversing device U or the shaft 5 has a corresponding degree of freedom for the relative movement of the pattern in Fig. 1. According to the figure, the bobbin 6 is in a free process, in which the bobbin 6 has to be removed by the operator and/or at least partly by the automatic new reel shaft 4. Optionally, in the idle position 丨2, the new bobbin tube 7 can be placed in the shaft 4 in the working position η. , ^ the position of the bobbin 8 of the pair 13, with the reel 5 < (as appropriate) Reeling wheel tube 9 13 201238878 Locking winding material 10. Produce plus straight... actual winding process. == and / or occurrence with increased d = D, then the rotator wraps around the winding ... I wrap the applicator around its axis of rotation and move to the interposition ..., and the reel has been removed from it : Turn the wide 5 to the working position 1 3, and allow the new winding process to start when the makeup is moved 4 times. It has become clear that as the diameter d increases at the time of the winding, the distance between the bobbin 6, 8 and the 'clothing' up to the outer surface of the bobbin 8 is reduced by the outer surface and the bobbin 6 The surface contact will cause the stop or break of the winding process. Therefore, the winding shaft 6 is removed from the rotating shaft 4 before the distance 21 is reduced to zero. The plan of the second middle can be seen, and the cloth 1 of the baby has a corresponding The winding material 3 has the width and the axial extent 14 and 15 of the traversing path of the traversing device 11. As seen from Fig. 2, the bobbin tubes 7, 9 protrude above the bobbin "8" on the front side. The bobbin tubes 7, 9 are made to have a length greater than the axial extent ΐ4'15. The front sides 16, 17 of the bobbins 6, 8 are arranged relative to each other, having no steps in the center but in the same vertical plane 'the plane having the orientation of the axes of rotation 18, 19 of the transverse (four) bobbins 6, 8. Thus, the bobbins 6, 8 have an overlap 2 对应 corresponding to the axial extents 14, 15 according to the prior art. The distance 21 between the winding shafts 6, 8 is present in a plane extending through the longitudinal axis of the shaft 4, $. In particular, the axial weight #2() is measured by projecting the axial extent Μ, 15 to one of the longitudinal axes of the bobbins 6, 8 or the axes of rotation 丨 8, 19. For a specific example according to the invention (the front view of which can in principle correspond to: a drawing) the fully wound bobbin 6 according to FIG. 3 is situated in the idle position 14 201238878 12乂' and the bobbin 8 is placed in the working position 13 . Here, the bobbins 6, 8 also initially have an overlap of 2G' because the bobbins 6, 8 are all located in the winding position 22 so that they are placed on the same vertical plane. The winding position 22 here describes the relative position of the bobbin 6, 8 with respect to the associated shaft 4, 5 or the cutting structure 3 or the square turret 2. In the position t of the roll t between the spools 6 according to Fig. 3, the fully wound reel has not yet occurred.
县而疋在捲線輛6、8之接觸表面之間的距離21由 於增長之直徑d而「洁鉍 +义 ^ L 捲線位置22改變至根:圖」4#由操作轉移裝置23, 根據圖4之捲線軸6之移除 ^轴管7之捲…自捲線位置22沿著轉二 關於轉軸4軸向地移動至 25 以使得捲線軸6、轉料彳125經選擇 是具有距離26 (藉由將軸… I5不再具有重疊20而 轉軸線18、二:圍14、15投影至縱轴線或旋 将神跟1 8、19上來量測)。鏟 於捲線軸6、8之軸向範圍14、⑴在圖4之中轉移路二25大 立於待捲繞之捲線軸之直“,避免捲線轴6、::= 撞。捲線軸ό沿著轉移路徑25之 、 例如緊接在捲線軸8之捲線 彳發生於任何時間, 線循環之過程中。亦有可能,在需捲線軸8之捲 "之捲線位置22移除捲線轴6的「正=操㈣自根據 未發生藉由轉移裝置23進行之。,、作階段」中, 之操作僅在自動地❹Ά貞測到在捲線轴1移裳置23 或超過臨界直徑dGRENZ時尚未 直徑d達到 況下發生。在此狀況下,根據 #除捲線軸6的情 根據圖4之指明為「移除位 15 201238878 之位置建置—種類型之安全位置。 動器㈣n實例’轉移裝置23說明為可在致 勤器之控制下延仲 ^ 7之形式。為了延伸桿27,可使用 =塞氣壓虹單元’其抵住彈酱而操作,使得在活塞氣 疋為二時,桿27自動重設。亦有可能對於空活塞氣 ’缸單7L,桿27之重設在將新的捲 士時發生。根據圖4中所展示之例示性具體實例,桿轉:之4 (例如,具有喷射器板37 )使捲線軸管7之前側偏置 以引起捲線軸6沿著轉移路徑4轉移。對於對應桿”之前 直接作㈣捲料6之捲線,㈣係在無捲線 軸管7之情況下形成捲線軸6的狀況下。有可能處於工作 位置13及在自工作位置13移動至閒置位置η時之捲線軸 6或捲線軸管7軸向地及/或徑向地以於轉抽^,兑中 必須首先在轉移裝置23之操作之前起始對應軸向及/或徑 向固定。 圓2及圖3之比較展示根據本發明之轉軸4、5可具有 大於先前技術之長度:如可扃闻 我度 J在圖3巾看出,處於捲線位置 22之捲線軸6、8自捲線軸“8 (此處係自捲線軸管7、” 突出長度28»此長度28可經調整以符合使用狀況。長度 28較佳地在捲線軸6、8之輪向範圍14、15的5__ 之間。在為軸向範圍14、15的5〇%之最小長度28的情況 下,處於移除位置24之捲線車“、8剛好藉由轉軸固持而 無傾斜。在減小之長度28的情況下,路徑減小,捲線轴6 必須在旋轉軸線18之方向上沿著該路徑移動以便由操作者 16 201238878 或自動移除裝置移除◊對於長度28有可能為軸向範圍Μ、 15之60%、7〇%、8〇%、9〇%或i嶋。對於長度28亦有可 能長於上文所指定之長度。 旋轉軸線18、19之間(亦即,在圖3及圖4中之投影 中所展示的轉軸4、5之縱軸線之間)的距離%較佳科 於直徑D。有可能旋轉軸線18、19之間的距離%為直徑d 之60%、70%、80%、9〇%或1嶋。本發明亦涵蓋旋轉轴線 18、19之間的距離大於直徑D之具體實例。本發明設計增 加處置區域且藉由轉移裝置23《供移除及部分移除之預 備0 圖5展示根據本發明之方法之具體實例。 在步驟29中’捲線轴6之完全捲繞發生於處於工作位 置13之轉軸4上。捲線軸6處於捲線位置22中。 在步驟30中,旋轉器2接著繞著旋轉18〇。之角度直到 轉軸4位於閒置位置12中(如原則上在圖3中所說明)。 較佳地’捲線軸6仍處於關聯於轉軸4之捲線位置22中。 在步驟3!中(可能同時發生),將捲繞材料1〇饋送至處 於工作位置13之轉軸5或配置於轉軸5上之捲線轴管9。 ^適鎖扣裝置鎖扣捲繞材料。有可能產生固定及/或預 留捲線以便預備實際捲線過程。 狂敢傻’在步驟3 1中割斷捲 現材料1 〇。 在後續步驟32中,發;^τ a 綠 發生處於工作位置之捲線軸8之捲 、’、。捲線軸8位於關於轉軸5之媒蠄/ 之捲線位置22中。有可能與 梅線轴8之捲線並行地發生棘舳 I王轉軸4上之捲線軸ό的減速。 17 201238878 的已Γ=9。至步驟32對應於捲線機1上之轉換程序期間 裝置?二本處::,:用另, '置位置12之捲線軸6自捲線位置22移動 移除位置24,在移除位置24中消除轴 重疊20。 _ D之 在步驟34中,發生藉由捲線機】之控制 置23之自動操作。 ㈣裝 在步驟35中,可發生捲線軸6自轉軸4之移除 藉:在方法步驟34期間長度28之先前描述的定尺寸進行 之部分移除可已經藉由操作轉移裝置而發生。® 5中之各 線可選替代或累積分支機會指示可在步驟至步驟Μ 中之至少—者期間在離散時間或在一時段内至少部分地進 行過程步驟33、34。因此,上部虛線分支指示轉移裝置23 之操作可在步驟3〇中在旋轉器2之旋轉期間(至少部分 發生於步驟34中。亦有可能(在中間虛線分支之後)轉移 裝置23之操作與捲線軸8之捲線過程的預備(此處,預備 意謂細線之轉移、固定或預留捲線之產生及/或捲繞材料之 割斷)同時發生。亦有可能在步驟34中發生轉移裝置门 操作的部分及/或在捲繞捲線軸8的同時,在步驟35期 間發生移除。 亦有可能每一轉軸4、5具有其自身相關聯之轉移裝置 23 °此兩個轉移裝置23可切於旋轉器2上且隨旋轉写2 旋轉。若單—轉移裝置23負責轉軸4、5兩者,則可達到 18 201238878 構造成本之降低。— -在此狀況下,轉移裝置23可(例如)在 -位置處固持於支撐社媒“ J 、例如)在 ^ ^ 搽、。構上,在該位置處可藉由旋轉芎2 之旋轉移動待移除捲線軸之轉轴4、5。 疋轉益2 若轉移裝置體j貝盔名^ 重操作以ΜΜ 則該氣壓缸可具有雙 重操作以使仔轉移裝置23之氣動重設為可能的。 彈*==!線軸管可藉由徑向地展開圍繞轉軸之蜗桿 ==定於轉軸上,蝎桿彈簧藉由徑向張開而自 寄配置:=因此實現旋轉式及軸向鎖定。蜗桿彈 = 之”凹槽中,其中凹槽之v狀輪,: 二叫彈簧藉由㈣彈簧沿著斜面向外 產生-向張開。氣動起始固定係因為致動器' 配置於轉移裝置23正下方)抵消螺旋彈菁之二 ) 直徑D對距離3 ό之比率| 更佳地在纽7至G.9之範圍中, 可為〇8。關於b "圍令。舉例而言,所指定之比率 了為0.8。關於可經捲繞之捲繞材 手 於直至發生碰撞為止之時積或長度且因此關 全捲繞好之捲線軸,則在#' 胃若未及時移除完 撞。 在捲線循環之大約"5處將發生碰 =料應限制本發日^^_,料 捲線軸6之前側16的距離對完全捲繞好之捲… 範圍14的比率可為〇.7至 %子之捲線軸6之軸向 捲繞好之捲線軸6之軸向範圍】:如〇.73。長度28對完全 至…特定而言係〇.66。=二的比率可為(例如)〇.6 比率亦為可能的。 I發明之範疇内,其他 19 201238878 在藉由合適減速裝置使完全捲繞好之捲線轴6靜止之 前較佳地不觸發轉移裝置23之操作。亦有可能在完全捲繞 好之捲線軸6仍在旋轉時操作轉移裝置23。在此上下文中, 此情形在轉移裝置23係整合至轉軸自身中(亦即,旋轉轉 軸或其部分軸向地移動)之情況下可為有利的。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1以正視圖展示根據先前技術之捲線機的示意性表 示0 圖2以平面圖展示圖1中之捲線機。 圖3展示平面圖中所見之根據本發明之捲線機的示意 性表示’其中完全捲繞好之捲線軸處於等待位置。 圖4展示平面圖中所見之根據本發明之捲線機的示意 性表示’其中完全捲繞好之捲線軸處於移除位置。 圖5展示根據本發明之方法之簡化方塊圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :捲線機 2 :旋轉器 3 :支撐結構 4 :轉軸 5 :轉軸 6 .捲線轴 7 :播線軸管 8 ·捲線轴 9 :捲線軸管 20 201238878 I 〇:捲繞材料 II :橫動裝置 12 :閒置位置 1 3 :工作位置 14 :軸向範圍 1 5 :軸向範圍 1 6 :前側 1 7 :前側 1 8 :旋轉軸線 19 :旋轉軸線 20 :重疊 2 1 :距離 22 :捲線位置 23 :轉移裝置 24 :移除位置 25 :轉移路徑 2 6 :距離 27 :桿 28 :長度 29 :方法步驟 30 :方法步驟 3 1 :方法步驟 32 :方法步驟 33 :方法步驟 21 201238878 34 :方法步驟 3 5 :方法步驟 3 6 :距離 37 :喷射器板 22In the county, the distance 21 between the contact surfaces of the reels 6, 8 is due to the diameter d of the growth, and the "cleaning + y ^ L winding position 22 is changed to the root: Fig. 4# by the operation transfer device 23, according to Fig. 4 The roll of the bobbin 6 is removed. The roll of the bobbin 7 is axially moved from the reel position 22 along the turn 2 to the reel 4 to 25 so that the bobbin 6 and the reed 彳 125 are selected to have a distance 26 (by The axes ... I5 no longer have an overlap 20 and the axis of rotation 18, two: the circumferences 14, 15 are projected onto the longitudinal axis or the rotation is measured with the gods 18, 19). Shovel the axial range 14 of the bobbins 6, 8 (1) in Figure 4, the transfer path 25 is standing straight on the bobbin to be wound "to avoid the bobbin 6, ::= collision. The winding path 25, for example, immediately after the winding of the bobbin 8 occurs at any time during the line cycle. It is also possible to remove the bobbin 6 at the winding position 22 of the reel of the bobbin 8 "正=Operation (4) Since the operation by the transfer device 23 has not occurred, the operation is only automatically detected when the bobbin 1 is moved or the critical diameter dGRENZ is exceeded. d occurs under the condition. In this case, according to #, the winding spool 6 is indicated as "safe position of the position of the removal position 15 201238878" as shown in Fig. 4. The actuator (four) n example 'transfer device 23 is described as being available at the time of attendance Under the control of the device, the form of Yanzhong ^7. In order to extend the rod 27, it can be operated with the =plug pressure red unit's against the bomb so that the rod 27 is automatically reset when the piston is at two. It is also possible For the empty piston gas 'cylinder unit 7L, the reset of the rod 27 occurs when a new coil is to be taken. According to the illustrative embodiment shown in Figure 4, the rod turns: 4 (for example, with the ejector plate 37) The front side of the bobbin tube 7 is biased to cause the bobbin 6 to be transferred along the transfer path 4. For the corresponding rod "directly before (4) the winding of the coil 6, (4) the winding bobbin 6 is formed without the bobbin 7 In the situation. It is possible that in the working position 13 and in the case of moving from the working position 13 to the idle position η, the bobbin 6 or the bobbin tube 7 is axially and/or radially for the purpose of the pumping, which must first be at the transfer device 23 The corresponding initial axial and/or radial fixation is preceded by the operation. A comparison of the circle 2 and Fig. 3 shows that the spindles 4, 5 according to the invention can have a length greater than that of the prior art: as can be seen in the figure 3, the spools 6, 8 at the winding position 22 are self-winding. The shaft "8 (here is the self-winding spool 7, "protruding length 28» this length 28 can be adjusted to suit the condition of use. The length 28 is preferably 5__ in the wheel range 14, 15 of the bobbins 6, 8 In the case of a minimum length 28 of 5% of the axial extents 14, 15, the reel ", 8 in the removal position 24 is just held by the spindle without tilting. In the case of a reduced length of 28 Down, the path is reduced and the bobbin 6 must be moved along the path in the direction of the axis of rotation 18 for removal by the operator 16 201238878 or the automatic removal device. For the length 28 it is possible to have an axial range Μ, 15 of 60 %, 7〇%, 8〇%, 9〇% or i嶋. It is also possible for the length 28 to be longer than the length specified above. Between the axes of rotation 18, 19 (ie, in Figures 3 and 4) The distance % between the longitudinal axes of the shafts 4, 5 shown in the projection is preferably based on the diameter D. It is possible to rotate the axis 18 The distance % between 19 is 60%, 70%, 80%, 9〇% or 1嶋 of the diameter d. The invention also covers a specific example in which the distance between the axes of rotation 18, 19 is greater than the diameter D. The design of the invention Addition of the treatment area and preparation by the transfer device 23 for removal and partial removal Figure 5 shows a specific example of the method according to the invention. In step 29, the complete winding of the spool 6 takes place in the working position 13 On the spindle 4, the bobbin 6 is in the winding position 22. In step 30, the rotator 2 is then rotated about 18 〇. the angle until the spindle 4 is in the idle position 12 (as explained in principle in Figure 3) Preferably, the reeling shaft 6 is still in the winding position 22 associated with the rotating shaft 4. In step 3! (possibly simultaneously), the winding material 1〇 is fed to the rotating shaft 5 at the working position 13 or to the rotating shaft. 5 The upper spool tube 9. The suitable locking device locks the winding material. It is possible to produce a fixed and/or reserved winding to prepare the actual winding process. “Dare to be silly” in step 3 1 to cut off the material 1 〇 In the next step 32, send; ^τ a green occurs in the work The winding of the bobbin 8 of the position, '.. The bobbin 8 is located in the winding position 22 of the medium about the reel 5. It is possible to generate the bobbin on the spindle 4 in parallel with the winding of the bobbin 8.减速 减速 。 17 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 The position 24 is removed and the axis overlap 20 is eliminated in the removal position 24. In step 34, the automatic operation of the control 23 by the winding machine occurs. (d) Mounting In step 35, the removal of the bobbin 6 from the rotating shaft 4 may occur: Partial removal of the previously described sizing of the length 28 during method step 34 may have occurred by operating the transfer device. The optional alternative or cumulative branch opportunity indications in the ® 5 may at least partially perform the process steps 33, 34 at discrete times or during a period of time during at least one of the steps to the step Μ. Thus, the upper dashed branch indicates that the operation of the transfer device 23 can be during the rotation of the rotator 2 in step 3 (at least partially in step 34. It is also possible (after the middle dashed branch) to operate and wind the transfer device 23 The preparation of the winding process of the shaft 8 (here, the preparation means that the transfer of the fine line, the generation of the fixed or reserved winding and/or the cutting of the winding material) occurs simultaneously. It is also possible that the operation of the transfer device door occurs in step 34. Partially and/or while winding the bobbin 8, the removal takes place during step 35. It is also possible that each of the reels 4, 5 has its own associated transfer device 23. The two transfer devices 23 can be rotated On the device 2 and rotating with the rotation of 2. If the single-transfer device 23 is responsible for both the shafts 4, 5, the construction cost of 18 201238878 can be reduced. - In this case, the transfer device 23 can be, for example, at - The position is held at the support social media "J, for example," in the structure, at which the rotation axis 4, 5 of the reel spool to be removed can be moved by the rotation of the rotary cymbal 2. If the transfer device body j Name ^ Re-operation ΜΜ The pneumatic cylinder can have a double operation to make the pneumatic reset of the aft transfer device 23 possible. The bomb *==! The spool tube can be radially expanded around the worm of the rotating shaft == On the rotating shaft, the mast spring is self-sending by radial opening: = thus achieving rotary and axial locking. The worm is in the "groove", wherein the groove is a v-shaped wheel, The spring is opened by the (4) spring along the oblique direction. The pneumatic starting fixture is offset by the ratio of the diameter D to the distance 3 因为 because the actuator 'is disposed directly below the transfer device 23). 2 is better in the range of New 7 to G.9, 〇 8. About b " For example, the ratio specified is 0.8. Regarding the winding bobbin that can be wound up until the time of collision, and thus the wound bobbin is completely wound, the #' stomach is not removed in time. At the approximate winding line of the winding cycle, the occurrence of the touch should be limited to the date of the release date ^^_, the distance from the front side 16 of the spool 7 to the fully wound roll... The ratio of the range 14 can be 〇.7 to The axial range of the winding bobbin 6 of the axial winding of the spool of the sub-winding 6 is as follows: 〇.73. The length 28 is 完全.66 for the specific to ... specific. The ratio of = two can be, for example, 〇.6 ratio is also possible. In the context of the invention, the other 19 201238878 preferably does not trigger the operation of the transfer device 23 until the fully wound bobbin 6 is stationary by means of a suitable reduction gear. It is also possible to operate the transfer device 23 while the fully wound bobbin 6 is still rotating. In this context, this situation may be advantageous where the transfer device 23 is integrated into the spindle itself (i.e., the rotary shaft or a portion thereof moves axially). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a front view showing a schematic representation of a winding machine according to the prior art. Fig. 2 is a plan view showing the winding machine of Fig. 1. Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of a winding machine according to the invention as seen in plan view, wherein the fully wound bobbin is in a waiting position. Figure 4 shows a schematic representation of a cord reel according to the invention as seen in plan view, wherein the fully wound bobbin is in the removal position. Figure 5 shows a simplified block diagram of a method in accordance with the present invention. [Main component symbol description] 1 : Winding machine 2 : Rotator 3 : Support structure 4 : Rotary shaft 5 : Rotary shaft 6 . Winding shaft 7 : Broadcasting shaft tube 8 · Winding shaft 9 : Winding shaft tube 20 201238878 I 〇: Winding material II: traverse device 12: idle position 1 3 : working position 14: axial range 1 5 : axial range 1 6 : front side 1 7 : front side 1 8 : axis of rotation 19 : axis of rotation 20 : overlap 2 1 : distance 22 : Winding position 23: Transfer device 24: Removal position 25: Transfer path 2 6 : Distance 27: Rod 28: Length 29: Method Step 30: Method Step 3 1 : Method Step 32: Method Step 33: Method Step 21 201238878 34 : Method Step 3 5: Method Step 3 6: Distance 37: Ejector Plate 22