201100822 * 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是有關於一種測試裝置,且特別是有關於一種用於 測試太陽能電池(solar cell)的測試裝置。 【先前技術】 太陽能是一種取之不盡、用之不竭且不會產生污染的能 源’隨著環保意識逐漸抬頭及能源危機的產生,太陽能的應用 愈來愈受到重視,其中太陽能電池是較為常見的一種太陽能應 用產品。 , 〇 圖1是習知一種太陽能電池的示意圖。請參照圖1,太陽 能電池100主要包括第一玻璃基板110、封膠層12〇與第二玻 璃基板130。習知製造太陽能電池1〇〇的製造方法是先於第一 玻璃基板110上形成光電轉換單元(圖未示)以及電性連接至 光電轉換單元的正極導線142與負極導線144。接著,在光電 轉換單元上形成封膠層120。之後,將第二玻璃基板130堆疊 在封膠層120上,以透過封膠層12〇將第二玻璃基板13〇黏著 於第一玻璃基板110上’且正極導線142與負極導線144係經 〇 由貫孔146而穿出第二玻璃基板13〇外。 ^然後,進行去膠製程,以刮除封膠層120的邊緣溢膠。之 後,透過接線盒(圖未示)連接正極導線142與負極導線144。 接著,用鋁框(圖未示)固定第一玻璃基板11〇與第二玻璃基 板130。然後,進行高壓測試,以測試太陽能電池1〇〇是否$ 漏電。之後,測試太陽能電池100的發電量。 一上述之高壓測試的方式可區分為乾式測試方式與渴式 =方式,其中乾式測财式是將職模組的兩根測試探針分別 、、妾至接線盒及Is框,並通以高壓t,以輯純 * °由於封膠層120的邊緣可能產生氣.泡,經過去膠製程後原 201100822 氣泡處會形朗凹處。由於内凹處無法與触接觸以會降 低„確性。另外,濕式測試方式可不需紹框,但需將整個 ί Ϊ池⑽浸人水中測試,所以需花費時間與額外配備使 太1%能電池100乾燥。 基於上述’由於習知太陽能電池100的製造方法包含許多 的步驟’ I致太陽能電池⑽的生產效率較差。因此,如何提 升太陽能電池的生產效率,已成為重要的課題。 【發明内容】 Ο Ο 3 ί發明提供—_試裝置,其可對太陽能電池同時進行去 膠及南壓測試製程’所以能提升太陽能電池的生產效率。 龄2明純供—種去賴組’其可在絲太陽能電池的邊 ,膠時,連接至·模組,以讓測試模㈣請太陽能電 池進仃祕測試,進而提升太陽能電池的生產效率。 本發明又提供-種太陽能電池的製造方法,以簡化太陽能 電池的生產步驟,進而提升太陽能電池的生產效率。 &為達上述優點,本發明提出一種測試裝置,其適用於太陽 =電池。此賴裝置包括賴模組與去膠。賴模組適於 ymfn且_模組具有第—測試線路與第二測試線 路:第-測試線路適於電性連接至太陽能電池的正極導線與負 =導線之至少其中之―。去膠模組包括去膠件與職頭。去膠 適於去除太陽^ί %池的封膠層的邊緣溢膠,*測試頭與去膠 相郴爿试頭適於接觸太陽能電池的封膠層,且第二測試 路係電性連接至測試頭。 在本發明之-實施例中,上述之測試裝置更包括可動式承 。此可動絲料適於承载請能冑池,並移動太陽能 池。 201100822 在本發日狀—實施例巾,上述之切模組更包括 =此私動件適於雜去㈣與太陽能__動= 連接施例中,上述之去膠模組更包括連接件, 在本發明之一實施例中,上述之去膠件 在本發明之—實關巾,上叙物_本體刀及 Ο Ο 接觸例+,上狀職頭更紐位於本體與 社入ΐ本發明之一實施例中,上述之測試頭更包括位於本體的 而第二賴線路適於配置於結合㈣,叫測試頭電 在本發明之一實施例中,上述之太陽能電池具有接線各, 連接至正極導線與負極導線,而第—測試線“ 之ί='::電性連接至太陽能電池的正極導線與負極導線 a為達上述優點,本發明另提出一種去膠模組,其適用於太 陽能電池。此去膠模組包括去膠件與賴頭。去膠件適於去除 太陽能電池的娜層的邊賴膠,而顧軸姆件相鄰,且 測試頭適於接觸太陽能電池的封膠層。 為達上述優點,本發明又提出一種太陽能電池的製造方 法’其包括下列步驟:首先,提供第一基板。此第一基板上形 成有光電轉換單元,且有正極導線與負極導線電性連接至此光 電轉換單元。之後,於光電轉換單元上形成封膠層。接著,將 201100822 ‘第二基板組立於封膠層上,其中第二基板鱼封脒展由 的邊緣溢膠,並同時進行高壓測試。 *封骖層 在本料m财,上麟帛二絲 是先將第二基板放置於封膠層 再= 的第-基板、封膠層與第二基板進行加塵加熱製程。于、、且口後 在本發明之-實施例中’上述去除封勝層的邊 時進行高_試的步驟例如是先提供上述 / ^同 ο 測騎路電性連肢正料軸貞極導中 之3並將第-測試線路電性連接至測試頭,且使 ==接著,藉由去膠件去除封膠層的邊緣溢膠,: 由測賴組發出測試訊號,以進行高壓測試。 ,曰 發明之一實施例中,上述將第—測試線路電性連接至 正極導線與負極導線之至少其中 接 =。κ線路電性連接至正極導線與負極導線之至少其中 ο 法包ΐίΐΓ之一實施例中,上述去除封縣的邊緣溢膠之方 凌包括移動去膠模組。 法包ΐΐΐ明之一實施例中,上述去除封膠層的邊緣溢膠之方 移動組立後的第一基板、封膠層與第二基板。 進行含發明之一實施例中’在去除封膠層的邊緣溢膠並同時 與負^ ^則減的步驟後’更包括將接線金電性連接至正極導線 線 太陽明之測試裝置因包括測試模組與去膠餘,所以可對 電池=池同時進行去膠及高壓測試製程,如此能提升太陽能 產效率。此外,本發明之去膠模組因包括用以去除封 7 201100822 .膠層的邊賴膠之去膠件與M f性連接至職模組的測試 頭^以在進行去膠製程時,能讓測試模組同時對太陽能電池 進盯南壓測試。因此’本發明之去膠模組能提升太陽能電池的 生產效率。另外,本發明之太陽能電池的製造方法因在去除封 膠層的邊緣溢膠時,同時進行高壓測試,所以能簡化太陽能電 池的生產步驟,進而提升太陽能電池的生產效率。 ^為讓本發明之上述和其他目的、特徵和優點能更明顯易 懂’下文特舉較佳實施例,並配合所附圖式,作詳細說明如下。 0 【實施方式】 、圖_2是本發明一實施例之一種測試裝置用於測試太陽能 電,的不意圖。請參照圖2,本實施例之測試裝置2恥適用於 $陽能電池300。太陽能電池例如包括第一基板31〇、封 膠層320與第二基板330,其中封膠層32〇係位於第-基板31〇 與第二基板330之間。第一基板31〇上形成有用以將光能轉換 ^電能的找轉換單^圖未示),且有正極導線342與負極 導線344電性連接至此光電轉換單元。第二基板33〇與封膠層 〇 ^^彡成有至少—貫孔346 ’此貫孔346貫穿第二基板330 ”十膠層320,以暴露出正極導線342與負極導線344。 、。本實鈀例之測試裝置2〇〇可應用於太陽能電池3〇〇的製造 ,耘中當對組合後的第一基板31〇、封膠層32〇與第二基板 進行加壓加熱製私後,可藉由本實施例之測試裝置2⑻來 =除封膠層320的邊緣溢膠並同時進行高壓測試。以下將對本 實施例之測試裝置200進行詳細的介紹。 本只知例之測試裝置200包括測試模組210與去膠模組 '則忒模組210適於提供測試訊號,且測試模组210 JL有 第一測試線路212與第二測試線路214。去膠模組挪包括2 201100822 膠件222與測試頭224。去膠件、ίϋ πi /ν 的封膠層320的邊緣、、化,:L -適 陽能電池3〇0 /JBL ^而測5式碩224與去膠件222相鄰。 L 224適於接觸太陽能電池3 4 一測試線路212適於電性連接i㈣層32G。此外’第 祀與負極導線344之至;1中之=池^的正極導線 電性連接至測試頭224,如:匕 弟了測,路214係 Ά » 90/1 模、,且 提供測試訊號 上述^ 32Q ^有漏電的情形。 Ο ο 正極二Si =:=導線,其電性連接至 性連接至測試 另外,測試模組210所提供的測試讀為古^連接方式。 如為1000伏特加上兩倍的工作電壓,:常二::二其電壓例 佚胜弋” Λζ]电1肉电見的工作電壓為110 2特或⑽伏特,但不以此為限,可依情況調整所需之測試電 昭圖發ΓΓ實施例之測試頭的細部結構示意圖。請參 "、、圖2與圖3,上述之測試頭224例如包括本體 224b 224a" 且接觸件224b適於接觸太陽能電池300的封勝層 二言,測試頭224可更包括位於本體22知與接觸;牛a邊二間 的無性件224e,喊·件224b具有伸·,如 ,件224b與封膠層32〇的接觸效果。此外’測試頭2^更 咖的結合部测’而第二測試線路214適於 配置於、1合部224d内,以與測試頭224電性連接。此結合部 201100822 ,嫌繼㈣物2i4,並插入本 的料二=,::=:其可對封膠層, 222 f二Ϊ _ 2〇可更包括連接件226,其連接去膠件 州= 不限於此’亦可依實際需求調整,例如 測试頭直接從铸做料來,可省錢接件。 承上述,去除封膠層32〇之邊緣溢膠 =移動去膠模組22〇。具體而言,去膠=可ΐ包 動件適於驅使去膠件222與測試頭224沿太 = 周圍移動。在本實施例中,移動件例如是與連 接件 i 5為同—部件’但在其他實施例中,移動件虚連接 it=1^_部件’惟秘於此,可依實際需求調整。此 卜在移動去膠件222與測試頭224 _,測試頭224可位於 踢件222行進方向的前方或後方。當測試頭224位於去谬件 222打進方向的後方時’由於封膠層32〇的邊緣溢膠已先被去 ❹ 去除’所以測試頭224所接觸到的封膝層320的邊緣 2二使用=能減少測試頭224的磨耗’進而提升測試頭 去除邊緣溢膠的第二種方式是移動太陽能電池300,請泉 二其為本發明另一實施例之一種測試裝置用於測試 月b電池的不意圖。本實施例之測試裝置200,是利用 電池300的方式來去除封膠層32〇的邊緣溢膠。相較於測試^ 置200,本實施例之測試裝置200,更包括可動式承載件23〇广 其適於承載太陽能電池3〇〇並移動太陽能電池3〇〇,以使去膠 件222能刮除封膠層32〇的邊緣溢膠。此外,在移動太陽能電 201100822 池獅時’可讓封膠層320 _緣先經過去膠件222後,再與 :试頭224接觸,如此可減少職頭224的磨耗,進而提升測 二式頭似的使用壽命。當然,在移動太陽能電池時,亦可 ^封膝層32〇的邊緣先與測試頭η4接觸後,再由去谬件π2 去腺►。 〇 0 基於上述’由於測試裝置200、200,包括測試模組210與 i膠模組220,所以可藉由測試模組210測試封膠層320是否 漏電的情形,並同時藉由去膠模組⑽來去除封膠層320的 邊緣溢膠。因此’本實施例之測職置細、2 能電池3,生產步驟,進而提升太陽能電池300的生產效二 圖5是圖2之測試農置用於測試另一種太陽能電池的示意 圖。請參照圖5,相較於圖2中的太陽能電池3〇〇,太陽能電 ϋ〇〇’更包括騎盒350。此麟盒35G是·連接至太陽能 ::上00的正極導線(圖未示)與負極導線(圖未示),而第 -測試線路212適於透過接線佥35〇而電性連接至太陽能電池 300的正極導線與負極導線之至少其中之—。更詳細地說,接 線盒35G的導線352例如是電性連接至正極導線,而接線盒 35〇的導線354例如是電性連接至負極導線,而第一測試線ς 212適於電性連接至導線352與導線354之至少其中之一,以 透過接線盒350而電性連接至太陽能電池3〇〇,的正極盥 負極導線之至少其中之一。 " ^圖6Α至圖6Ε是本發明一實施例之一種太陽能電池的製 造方法之流程圖。本實施例之太陽能電池的製造方法包括下列 步驟·首先,如圖6Α所示,提供第一基板31〇。此第—基板 如為玻璃基板或塑膠基板,第一基板310上形成有^電 轉換單元312,且有正極導線342與負極導線344電性連接至 201100822 - 此光電轉換單元312。 之後,如圖6B所示,於光電轉換單元312上形成封膠層 320 ’以保護光電轉換單元312。此封膠層32〇係選用高透光 性的封裝材料,如乙烯-醋酸乙烯脂(EVA, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate)、聚乙稀醇縮丁醒:樹脂(p〇iyvinyi butyral,PVB)等。 封膠層320具有高透光性,且為絕緣材料,其用以保護光電轉 換單元’並防止太陽能電池產生漏電的情形。 接著,如圖6C所示,將第二基板330組立於封膠層320 0 上。此第二基板330例如是玻璃基板或塑膠基板,且第二基板 330與封膠層320内形成有至少一貫孔346。此貫孔346貫穿 第二基板330與封膠層320,以暴露出正極導線342與負極導 線344。在另一實施例中,第二基板33〇與封膠層32〇内可形 成有二貫孔346’以分別暴露出正極導線342與負極導線344。 此外,在本實施例中,將第二基板330組立於封膠層320上的 步驟例如是先將第二基板330放置於封膠層320上,之後再對 組合後的第一基板310、封膠層320與第二基板330進行加壓 加熱製程,使封膠層320發生黏性反應,並配合真空抽氣的方 0 式,減少氣體殘留在封膠層320内。如此,可使第二基板330 透過封膠層320黏著於第一基板310上。然而,由於封膠層 320會软化且經過擠壓,故封膠層wo的邊緣會出現封膠材料 溢出的情形。 ,然後,如圖6D與圖2所示,去除封膠層32〇的邊緣溢膠, 亚同時進行高壓測試。更詳細地說,去除封膠層32〇的邊緣溢 膠並同時進行高壓測試的步驟例如是先提供上述之測試裝置 200或200’,在圖6D中是以測試裝置2〇〇為例。之後,將第 -測試線路212電性連接至正極導線342與負極導線344之至 12 201100822 少f中之―’並將第二測試線路214電性連接至測試頭224, 且使測相224接觸封膠層32G。接著,藉由去膠件222去除 Ϊ膠=Ϊf緣溢膠,並_由測試模組训發出測試訊201100822 * VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a test apparatus, and more particularly to a test apparatus for testing a solar cell. [Prior Art] Solar energy is an inexhaustible and inexhaustible source of energy. With the rising awareness of environmental protection and the energy crisis, the application of solar energy has received more and more attention. Among them, solar cells are more A common solar application. Figure 1 is a schematic view of a conventional solar cell. Referring to FIG. 1, the solar cell 100 mainly includes a first glass substrate 110, a sealant layer 12A, and a second glass substrate 130. A conventional method for manufacturing a solar cell is to form a photoelectric conversion unit (not shown) and a positive electrode 142 and a negative electrode 144 electrically connected to the photoelectric conversion unit before the first glass substrate 110. Next, a sealant layer 120 is formed on the photoelectric conversion unit. Thereafter, the second glass substrate 130 is stacked on the sealant layer 120 to adhere the second glass substrate 13 to the first glass substrate 110 through the sealant layer 12, and the positive electrode lead 142 and the negative lead 144 are passed through the crucible. The second glass substrate 13 is pierced by the through hole 146. Then, a degumming process is performed to scrape off the edge of the sealant layer 120. Thereafter, the positive electrode lead 142 and the negative electrode lead 144 are connected through a junction box (not shown). Next, the first glass substrate 11'' and the second glass substrate 130 are fixed by an aluminum frame (not shown). Then, a high voltage test is performed to test whether the solar cell 1 is leaking. After that, the amount of power generation of the solar cell 100 is tested. The above-mentioned high-voltage test method can be divided into a dry test mode and a thirst test mode, wherein the dry test type is to separate the two test probes of the service module into the junction box and the Is frame, and is connected to the high voltage. t, in order to pure * ° due to the edge of the sealant layer 120 may produce gas bubbles, after the degumming process, the original 201100822 bubble will be concave. Since the recess cannot be in contact with the touch, it will reduce the accuracy. In addition, the wet test method does not need to be framed, but the entire Ϊ pool (10) needs to be immersed in the water test, so it takes time and extra equipment to make it too 1%. The battery 100 is dried. Based on the above, since the manufacturing method of the conventional solar cell 100 includes many steps, the production efficiency of the solar cell (10) is inferior. Therefore, how to improve the production efficiency of the solar cell has become an important issue. 】 Ο 3 ί Invented the _ test device, which can simultaneously perform the degumming and south pressure test process for the solar cell', so it can improve the production efficiency of the solar cell. The age of 2 is purely for the kind of reliance group' The side of the wire solar cell, when glued, is connected to the module to allow the test die (4) to invite the solar cell into the secret test, thereby improving the production efficiency of the solar cell. The present invention further provides a method for manufacturing a solar cell to simplify The production steps of the solar cell, thereby improving the production efficiency of the solar cell. & In order to achieve the above advantages, the present invention proposes a test The device is suitable for the sun=battery. The device includes a slab module and a squeegee. The slab module is suitable for ymfn and the _ module has a first test line and a second test line: the first test line is suitable for electrical connection To the at least one of the positive lead of the solar cell and the negative = lead. The stripping module includes the stripping part and the head. The stripping is suitable for removing the edge of the sealing layer of the solar cell, * test head The test strip is adapted to contact the sealant layer of the solar cell, and the second test path is electrically connected to the test head. In the embodiment of the invention, the test device further comprises a movable support. The movable wire material is suitable for carrying the battery and moving the solar energy pool. 201100822 In the present invention, the above-mentioned cutting module further includes: the private moving piece is suitable for miscellaneous (four) and solar energy __ moving In the embodiment, the above-mentioned stripping module further comprises a connecting member. In an embodiment of the invention, the stripping member is in contact with the solid towel, the upper body, the body knife and the Ο Ο Example +, the upper head of the job is located in the body and the society into one of the implementation of the invention In the example, the test head further includes a second line and the second line is adapted to be coupled to the joint (four), which is called a test head. In an embodiment of the invention, the solar cell has a connection, and is connected to the positive lead and The negative electrode lead, and the first test line " ί = ': : electrically connected to the positive and negative conductive wires a of the solar cell to achieve the above advantages, the present invention further proposes a degumming module, which is suitable for solar cells. The glue removal module comprises a glue removal piece and a Lai head. The stripping member is adapted to remove the edge layer of the nanolayer of the solar cell, and the stem member is adjacent, and the test head is adapted to contact the sealant layer of the solar cell. In order to achieve the above advantages, the present invention further proposes a method of manufacturing a solar cell, which comprises the following steps: First, a first substrate is provided. A photoelectric conversion unit is formed on the first substrate, and a positive electrode and a negative electrode are electrically connected to the photoelectric conversion unit. Thereafter, a sealant layer is formed on the photoelectric conversion unit. Next, 201100822 ‘the second substrate is set on the sealant layer, wherein the second substrate is sealed by the edge of the glue, and the high voltage test is simultaneously performed. * Sealing layer In this material, the second substrate is placed on the sealing layer and then the first substrate, the sealing layer and the second substrate are subjected to a dusting heating process. In the present invention, in the embodiment of the present invention, the step of performing the high-test on the side of the above-mentioned removal of the sealing layer is, for example, first providing the above-mentioned / ^ ο measuring the electric pathology of the limbs Leading the 3rd and electrically connecting the first test line to the test head, and making == then, removing the edge of the sealant layer by removing the adhesive layer: The test signal is sent by the test group for high voltage test . In one embodiment of the invention, the first test line is electrically connected to at least a neutral junction of the positive lead and the negative lead. The κ line is electrically connected to at least one of the positive lead and the negative lead. In one embodiment, the above-mentioned method for removing the edge overflow of the seal includes moving the glue removal module. In one embodiment of the method, the edge of the sealant layer is removed to move the assembled first substrate, the sealant layer and the second substrate. In the embodiment containing the invention, after the step of removing the edge of the sealant layer and simultaneously reducing the negative electrode, the test device including the electrical connection of the terminal gold to the positive electrode wire is included in the test device. The group and the glue are removed, so the de-glue and high-pressure test process can be performed on the battery=cell at the same time, which can improve the solar energy production efficiency. In addition, the stripping module of the present invention includes a stripping member for removing the seal layer 201100822. The adhesive layer of the adhesive layer and the test head of the Mf-type connection to the service module can be used for performing the stripping process. Let the test module simultaneously mark the solar cell with a south voltage test. Therefore, the degumming module of the present invention can improve the production efficiency of the solar cell. Further, since the method for producing a solar cell of the present invention simultaneously performs high-pressure test while removing the edge of the sealant layer, the production steps of the solar cell can be simplified, and the production efficiency of the solar cell can be improved. The above and other objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent and understood. [Embodiment] FIG. 2 is a schematic view of a test apparatus for testing solar power according to an embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 2, the test apparatus 2 of the present embodiment is suitable for the solar battery 300. The solar cell includes, for example, a first substrate 31, a sealant layer 320, and a second substrate 330, wherein the sealant layer 32 is located between the first substrate 31A and the second substrate 330. A first conversion circuit (not shown) for converting light energy into electric energy is formed on the first substrate 31, and a positive electrode wire 342 and a negative electrode wire 344 are electrically connected to the photoelectric conversion unit. The second substrate 33 〇 and the sealant layer are formed with at least a through hole 346 ′. The through hole 346 extends through the second substrate 330 “ten glue layer 320 to expose the positive electrode lead 342 and the negative electrode lead 344 . The test apparatus 2 of the real palladium type can be applied to the manufacture of the solar cell 3〇〇, and after the combined first substrate 31〇, the sealant layer 32〇 and the second substrate are subjected to pressure heating and manufacturing, The test device 2 (8) of the present embodiment can be used to remove the edge of the sealant layer 320 and simultaneously perform a high voltage test. The test device 200 of the present embodiment will be described in detail below. The test device 200 of the present example includes the test. The module 210 and the stripping module are adapted to provide a test signal, and the test module 210 JL has a first test line 212 and a second test line 214. The stripping module includes 2 201100822 plastic parts 222 And the test head 224. The edge of the sealant layer 320 of the adhesive member, ϋπ π / ν , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , L 224 is adapted to contact the solar cell 3 4 A test line 212 is adapted to electrically connect the i (four) layer 32G. 'The first and second negative wires 344; the positive electrode of the cell = 1 is electrically connected to the test head 224, such as: 匕 了 measured, the road 214 system Ά » 90/1 mode, and provides test signals ^ 32Q ^There is a leakage situation. Ο ο Positive two Si =:= wire, which is electrically connected to the test. In addition, the test provided by the test module 210 reads the connection method. For example, 1000 volts plus two Double the working voltage,: Chang 2:: 2, its voltage is better than 弋 Λζ Λζ 电 电 电 电 肉 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A schematic diagram of the detailed structure of the test head of the embodiment of the test. For example, FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, the above test head 224 includes, for example, a body 224b 224a" and the contact member 224b is adapted to contact the sealing layer of the solar cell 300. The test head 224 may further include a body 22 And the contact; the asexual member 224e between the two sides of the cow, the shouting member 224b has a contact effect of, for example, the member 224b and the sealant layer 32〇. Further, the 'test head 2' is connected to the test portion 214 and the second test line 214 is adapted to be disposed in the 1 joint portion 224d to be electrically connected to the test head 224. The joint portion 201100822, suspected (four) object 2i4, and inserted into the material two =, :::: it can be on the sealant layer, 222 f Ϊ _ 2 〇 can further include a connector 226, which is connected to the glue member state = Not limited to this 'can also be adjusted according to actual needs, such as the test head directly from the casting material, can save money and accessories. In the above, the edge of the sealant layer 32 is removed, and the glue removal module 22 is removed. In particular, the glue removal = squeegee member is adapted to drive the stripping member 222 and the test head 224 to move around. In the present embodiment, the moving member is, for example, the same as the connector i 5 - but in other embodiments, the moving member is virtually connected to it = 1 ^ _ component, but it can be adjusted according to actual needs. The moving head 222 and the test head 224_ can be moved forward or backward of the direction in which the kick member 222 travels. When the test head 224 is located behind the direction in which the removal member 222 is pushed in, 'because the edge of the sealant layer 32〇 has been removed first, the edge of the knee seal layer 320 that the test head 224 is in contact with is used. The second way to reduce the wear of the test head 224, and thus to improve the edge removal of the test head, is to move the solar cell 300, which is a test device of another embodiment of the present invention for testing the battery of the month b. Not intended. The test apparatus 200 of this embodiment utilizes the method of the battery 300 to remove the edge overflow of the sealant layer 32. Compared with the test device 200, the test device 200 of the embodiment further includes a movable carrier 23, which is suitable for carrying the solar cell 3 and moving the solar cell 3〇〇, so that the stripping member 222 can scrape. Except for the edge of the sealant layer 32〇 overflows. In addition, when moving the solar power 201100822 pool lion, the sealing layer 320 can be allowed to pass through the stripping member 222, and then contact with the test head 224, thereby reducing the wear of the head 224, thereby improving the measuring head. Like the service life. Of course, when moving the solar cell, the edge of the 32 膝 layer of the knee layer can be first contacted with the test head η4, and then the 腺2 is removed by the 谬2.基于0 Based on the above-mentioned test device 200, 200, including the test module 210 and the i-gel module 220, the test module 210 can be used to test whether the sealant layer 320 is leaking, and at the same time, the glue removal module (10) to remove the edge overflow of the sealant layer 320. Therefore, the measurement of the thinning, the 2nd battery 3, and the production steps of the present embodiment enhance the production efficiency of the solar cell 300. Fig. 5 is a schematic view of the test farm of Fig. 2 for testing another solar cell. Referring to FIG. 5, the solar cell' further includes a riding box 350 as compared with the solar cell 3' in FIG. The lining box 35G is connected to the positive electrode (not shown) and the negative wire (not shown) of the upper solar energy:: 00, and the first test line 212 is adapted to be electrically connected to the solar cell through the wiring 佥35〇. At least one of the positive and negative conductors of 300. In more detail, the wire 352 of the junction box 35G is electrically connected to the positive electrode, for example, and the wire 354 of the junction box 35 is electrically connected to the negative wire, for example, and the first test wire 212 is adapted to be electrically connected to At least one of the wire 352 and the wire 354 is electrically connected to at least one of the positive electrode and the negative electrode wire of the solar cell through the junction box 350. " Fig. 6 to Fig. 6A is a flow chart showing a method of manufacturing a solar cell according to an embodiment of the present invention. The manufacturing method of the solar cell of this embodiment includes the following steps. First, as shown in Fig. 6A, the first substrate 31 is provided. The first substrate is formed as a glass substrate or a plastic substrate. The first substrate 310 is formed with an electrical conversion unit 312, and the positive conductive wire 342 and the negative conductive wire 344 are electrically connected to the photoelectric conversion unit 312. Thereafter, as shown in Fig. 6B, a sealant layer 320' is formed on the photoelectric conversion unit 312 to protect the photoelectric conversion unit 312. The encapsulating layer 32 is made of a high light transmissive encapsulating material such as EVA, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate or Resin (PV). The sealant layer 320 has high light transmittance and is an insulating material for protecting the photoelectric conversion unit' and preventing the solar cell from generating electric leakage. Next, as shown in FIG. 6C, the second substrate 330 is assembled on the sealant layer 320 0 . The second substrate 330 is, for example, a glass substrate or a plastic substrate, and at least a uniform hole 346 is formed in the second substrate 330 and the sealant layer 320. The through hole 346 penetrates the second substrate 330 and the sealant layer 320 to expose the positive electrode lead 342 and the negative electrode lead 344. In another embodiment, a second through hole 346' may be formed in the second substrate 33 and the sealant layer 32 to expose the positive electrode lead 342 and the negative electrode lead 344, respectively. In addition, in the embodiment, the step of stacking the second substrate 330 on the sealing layer 320 is, for example, first placing the second substrate 330 on the sealing layer 320, and then sealing the combined first substrate 310 and the sealing substrate 320. The adhesive layer 320 and the second substrate 330 are subjected to a pressure heating process to cause the adhesive layer 320 to react viscously, and the vacuum pumping method is used to reduce the gas remaining in the sealant layer 320. In this way, the second substrate 330 can be adhered to the first substrate 310 through the sealant layer 320. However, since the sealant layer 320 is softened and extruded, the sealant layer may overflow at the edge of the sealant layer. Then, as shown in FIG. 6D and FIG. 2, the edge of the sealant layer 32 is removed, and the high pressure test is simultaneously performed. More specifically, the step of removing the edge overflow of the sealant layer 32 and simultaneously performing the high voltage test is, for example, first providing the above test apparatus 200 or 200', and in Fig. 6D, the test apparatus 2 is taken as an example. Thereafter, the first test line 212 is electrically connected to the positive lead 342 and the negative lead 344 to 12 201100822, and the second test line 214 is electrically connected to the test head 224, and the phase 224 is contacted. Sealing layer 32G. Then, the glue is removed by the glue removal member 222, and the test is issued by the test module.
Hr 如此可透過測試頭224來測試封膠層 32Θ疋否有漏電的情形。 θ 導線路212電性連接至正極導線342與負極 it之—的方式以及去除封膠層32g之邊緣溢 膠的方式已於上文說明過,在此將不再重述。Hr can thus test the sealing layer 32 through the test head 224 for leakage. The manner in which the θ conductive line 212 is electrically connected to the positive electrode lead 342 and the negative electrode it and the manner in which the edge overflow of the sealant layer 32g is removed has been described above and will not be repeated here.
^由!ΐ實補之场能電池的製造料將絲邊緣溢膠 仃同全測试整合在同一步驟,所以能簡化太陽能電池的生 產步驟,進而提升太陽能電池的生產效率。 ^此外,在本實施例之太陽能電池的製造方法中,在去除封 膠層320的邊緣溢膠並同時進行高壓測試的步驟後,可更包括 將接線盒35〇電性連接至正極導線342與負極導線糾的步驟 (如圖6Ε所示)。此外,在將接線盒35〇電性連接至正極導 線3U與負極導線344的步驟中,可包括藉由絕緣 孔346的步驟。 在另一實施例中’可在去除邊緣溢膠及進行高壓測試的步 驟前,先將接線盒350電性連接至正極導線342與負極導線 344。如此,在將第一測試線路212電性連接至正極導線 線3^4之至少其中之一的步驟中’即可藉由接線盒 將第一測試線路212電性連接至正極導線342與負極導線 344之至}其中之—(如圖5所示)。也就是說,本發明組襄 接線盒的㈣可在去除鄉層的邊緣溢膠朗時進行高壓測 試的步驟之前或之後,可依實際需求調整。 綜上所述,本發明至少具有下列優點: 13 201100822 對太模組與去膠模組,所以能 能電池的生產^ m製程,如此能提升太陽 之去月之去膠模組因包括用以去除封膠層的邊緣溢膠 料制用卩1性連接至賴模組的職頭,所以在進行去 ’輯職模組同時對太陽能電錢行高壓測試。因 考明之去膠模組能提升太陽能電池的生產效率。^ ΐ ΐ 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场 场In addition, in the manufacturing method of the solar cell of the embodiment, after the step of removing the edge of the sealing layer 320 and simultaneously performing the high voltage test, the method further includes electrically connecting the junction box 35 to the positive electrode 342 and The step of correcting the negative wire (as shown in Figure 6A). Further, in the step of electrically connecting the junction box 35 to the positive electrode lead 3U and the negative electrode lead 344, a step of insulating the hole 346 may be included. In another embodiment, the junction box 350 can be electrically connected to the positive lead 342 and the negative lead 344 prior to the step of removing the edge overflow and performing the high voltage test. Thus, in the step of electrically connecting the first test line 212 to at least one of the positive lead wires 3^4, the first test line 212 can be electrically connected to the positive lead 342 and the negative lead by a junction box. From 344 to} - (as shown in Figure 5). That is to say, the (4) of the junction box of the present invention can be adjusted according to actual needs before or after the step of performing the high-voltage test when the edge of the town layer is removed. In summary, the present invention has at least the following advantages: 13 201100822 To the module and the glue removal module, so that the battery can be produced, so that the sun removal module can be improved. The edge of the sealant layer is removed and the adhesive is used to connect to the head of the Lai module. Therefore, the high-voltage test is carried out on the solar energy bill. Because the proven glue removal module can improve the production efficiency of solar cells.
3.本發明之太陽能電池的製造方法因將去除邊緣溢膠及 ^行高壓職整合在同—步驟,所以能簡化太陽能電池的生產 y驟’進而提升太陽能電池的生產效率。 雖然本發明已以較佳實施例揭露如上,然其並非用以限定 本發明,本發明所屬技術領域中具有通常知識者,在不脫離本 發明之精神和範圍内,當可作些許之更動與潤飾,因此本發明 之保護範圍當視後附之申請專利範圍所界定者為準。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1是習知一種太陽能電池的示意圖。 圖2是本發明一實施例之一種測試裝置用於測試太陽能 電池的示意圖。 圖3是本發明一實施例之測試頭的細部結構示意圖。 圖4是本發明另一實施例之一種測試裝置用於測試太陽 能電池的示意圖。 圖5是圖2之測試裝置用於測試另一種太陽能電池的示 *圖。 圖6A至圖6E是本發明一實施例之一種太陽能電池的製 造方法之流程圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 14 201100822 . 100、300、300’ :太陽能電池 110 :第一玻璃基板 120、320 :封膠層 130:第二玻璃基板 142、342 :正極導線 144、344 :負極導線 146、346 :貫孔 200、200’ :測試裝置 210 :測試模組 ^ 212:第一測試線路 214 :第二測試線路 220 :去膠模組 222 :去膠件 224 :測試頭 224a :本體 224b :接觸件 224c :彈性件 〇 224d :結合部 226 :連接件 230 :可動式承載件 310 :第一基板 312 :光電轉換單元 330 :第二基板 350 :接線盒 352、354 :導線 153. The manufacturing method of the solar cell of the present invention can simplify the production of the solar cell by further integrating the edge overflowing and the high-pressure work in the same step, thereby improving the production efficiency of the solar cell. Although the present invention has been disclosed in the above preferred embodiments, it is not intended to limit the invention, and it is intended to be a part of the invention. The scope of protection of the present invention is therefore defined by the scope of the appended claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a conventional solar cell. 2 is a schematic view of a test apparatus for testing a solar cell according to an embodiment of the present invention. 3 is a schematic view showing the detailed structure of a test head according to an embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a schematic view showing a test apparatus for testing a solar cell according to another embodiment of the present invention. Figure 5 is a diagram of the test apparatus of Figure 2 for testing another solar cell. 6A to 6E are flowcharts showing a method of manufacturing a solar cell according to an embodiment of the present invention. [Main component symbol description] 14 201100822 . 100, 300, 300': solar cell 110: first glass substrate 120, 320: sealant layer 130: second glass substrate 142, 342: positive electrode wire 144, 344: negative electrode wire 146 346: through hole 200, 200': test device 210: test module ^ 212: first test line 214: second test line 220: glue removal module 222: stripping member 224: test head 224a: body 224b: Contact 224c: elastic member 224d: joint portion 226: connector 230: movable carrier 310: first substrate 312: photoelectric conversion unit 330: second substrate 350: junction box 352, 354: wire 15