200402104 (1) 玖、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關一種藉由電感耦合電漿在液晶顯示裝置 (LCD )基板等的被處理基板上進行乾蝕刻等的電漿處理 之電感耦合電漿處理裝置。 【先前技術】 例如,在L C D的製程中,對於被處理基板即L C D玻 璃基板多使用蝕刻、漸鍍、CVD (化學氣相成長)法等的 電漿處理。 雖使用各種電漿處理法進行電漿處理的電漿處理裝置 ,惟其中已知可產生高密度電漿者爲電感耦合電漿(ICP )處理裝置。 電感耦合電漿處理裝置係典型以介電體壁構成有用以 進行可真空保持的電漿處理之處理室的天井,並於其上配 設有射頻(RF )。然後,藉由對該射頻供給高頻電力, 在處理室內形成有電感電場,藉由該電感電場使導入至處 理室的處理氣體電漿化,藉由這種方法形成的處理氣體之 電漿進行蝕刻等的電漿處理。 然而,在LCD的製程中,被處理基板即LCD玻璃基 板係形成由一片至複數片的LCD面板產品所獲得的尺寸 。然後,最近從提昇產率的觀點來看,L C D玻璃基板大型 化的需求增強,而要求一邊超過lm的巨大基板,隨著處 理裝置的大型化亦使得介電體壁大型化。當介電體壁大型 •4- (2) 200402104 化時,爲了保持處理室的內外 度,必須加厚其厚度,當介電 漿區域之距離變大,而使能量 。又,如此,當加厚介電體壁 昂貴。 爲避免這種情況而提案有 技術。該技術係藉由分隔構造 本體容器區隔爲上側的天線室 爲包含介電體壁的構造,以十 壁,並採用藉由將該支持梁固 件懸掛的構造。藉此,由於施 低,故可使介電體壁變薄。 【發明內容】· 〔發明所欲解決之課題〕 然而,在上述特開 2001-由於係以支持粱支持介電體壁 構造,因此爲使分隔構造的一 加寬支持樑的寬度,而加寬支 壁的有效面積變窄,導致能量 本發明係有鑑於上述課題 種不須加大介電體壁的支持部 可控制分隔包含介電體壁之處 造之撓曲之電感耦合電漿處理 壓力差或承受自身重量的強 體壁加厚時,由於射頻與電 效果降低,使電漿密度降低 的厚度時,介電體壁之價格 特開2001-28299號所示的 將電感耦合電漿處理裝置的 與下側的處理室,分隔構造 字狀的支持梁支持該介電體 定在天線室的天井之懸掛構 加在介電體壁的荷重明顯降 28299號所揭示的技術中, 且以懸掛構件懸掛支持梁之 部份即支持樑不撓曲,必須 持樑的寬度時,將使介電體 效率降低。 而硏創者,目的在於提供一 分,且不須加厚介電體壁’ 理室與天線室之間的分隔構 裝置。 (3) (3)200402104 〔用以解決課題之手段〕 爲解決上述課題,本發明係提供一種電感耦合電漿裝 置,其特徵在於具有以下構件:氣密保持且在被處理基板 進行電漿處理之處理室;在上述處理室內供給處理氣體之 處理氣體供給系統;排出上述處理室內的氣體,使上述處 理室內成爲減壓狀態之排氣系統;構成上述處理室的上部 壁之介電體壁;設置在上述介電體壁上方藉由供給高頻電 力,在上述處理室內形成電感電場之射頻;設置於上述處 理室的上方,並藉由上述介電體壁形成底壁,收容上述射 頻之天線室;將上述天線室分隔爲複數個小室,並支持於 上述天線室的側壁之垂直壁,上述介電體壁係與上述複數 個小室對應分割爲複數,上述介電體壁的各分割片係以上 述天線室的側壁與上述垂直壁予以支持。 根據本發明,藉由天線室的側壁所支持的垂直壁將藉 由介電體壁形成有底壁的天線室分隔爲複數個小室,使介 電體壁與複數個小室對應分割爲複數個,介電體壁的各分 割片以上述天線室的側壁與上述垂直壁加以支持,由於垂 直的壁爲支持要素,因此不須加寬介電體壁的支持部分, 且不須加厚介電體壁,可防止分隔包含介電體壁之處理室 與天線室之間的分隔構造之撓曲。 在本發明中,上述射頻係具有分別收容在上述複數個 小室的複數個天線片之構造,從一個高頻電源對上述射頻 供給高頻電力亦可,使上述射頻係與上述複數個小室對應 具有複數個,且具有分別對複數個射頻供給高頻電力之複 (4) (4)200402104 數個高頻電源亦可。 又,係舉出上述垂直壁係以十字狀分隔上述天線室 並分割爲四個小室作爲典型例。 【實施方式】 以下,參照添附圖面說明本發明之實施形態。第1圖 係本發明之一實施形態的電感耦合電漿蝕刻裝置的垂直剖 面圖,第2圖係其天線室的水平剖面圖。該裝置係例如在 LCD製造時,在LCD玻璃基板上形成薄膜電晶體之際, 用於蝕刻金屬膜、ITO膜、氧化膜等。 該電漿蝕刻裝置係具有導電性材料,例如內壁面經陽 極化處理的鋁或由鋁合金構成的角筒形狀之氣密性本體容 器1。本體容器1係以可分解方式組裝,藉由接地線la 接地。本體容器1係藉由介電體壁2上下區劃爲天線室3 及處理室4。因而,介電體壁2係構成處理室4的天井壁 。介電體壁2係以A12 〇3等陶瓷、石英等構成。 本體容器1的天線室3係以分別支持於相對向的兩對 側壁3 a之方式設置有形成十字狀的兩片垂直壁5。因而 ,天線室3係藉由兩片的垂直壁5分割爲4個小室6。在 側壁3 a及垂直壁5的底部設置有支持棚7,將介電體壁2 分割爲4個的分割片2a係分別載置於小室6的支持棚7 上。在介電體壁2的各分割片2a與支持棚7之間介裝有 封條8且氣密性地密封,並以保持器9加以固定。此外’ 垂直壁5係與本體容器1相同,例如形成表面經陽極氧化 (5) (5)200402104 處理的鋁或鋁合金。 天線室3的天壁3 b中央形成有氣體導入口 1 1。然後 ,如第3圖所示,從兩片垂直壁5所交叉的交叉部5 a上 端使連續至氣體導入口 1 1的氣體流路1 2延伸到下方。繼 而,氣體流路1 2係具備有:在交叉部5 a的下部沿著垂直 壁水平且十字狀延伸之水平流路1 2a ;從該十字狀的水平 流路12a延伸至下方的複數個垂直流路12b,在垂直壁5 的底部形成氣體吐出口 13。因而,複數個氣體吐出口 13 係以十字狀配列,在此以噴霧狀將特定的處理氣體噴出。 另外,在氣體導入口 11以與氣體流路12連通的方式 設置有氣體供給管1 4。氣體供給管1 4係從本體容器1的 天井貫通至其外側,與包含處理氣體供給源及閥門系統等 的處理氣體供給系統20連接。因而,在進行電漿蝕刻時 ,從處理氣體供給系統20供給的處理氣體經由氣體供給 管1 4供給至氣體流路1 2,再通過水平流路1 2a及垂直流 路12b,從設置在垂直壁5底部之氣體吐出口 13吐出至 處理室4內,且對處理室4內所配置的LCD玻璃基板G 上形成的特定膜進行鈾刻。 在天線室3內配設有射頻1 5。具體而言,射頻1 5係 分割爲四個天線片1 5 a,上述天線片1 5 a以在天線室3的 各小室6內與介電體壁2相對的方式配設。該射頻片1 5 a 由形成大致角形漩渦狀的平面型之線圈天線所構成’相鄰 接的天線片係彼此逆向捲繞天線線。上述天線片1 5 a係一 端從天線室3的各小室6與垂直延伸於上方之給電棒1 6 (6) (6)200402104 連接,另一端與本體容器1連接,並經由本體容器1接地 〇 在天線室3的天壁3 b上設置有將電漿的阻抗整合在 局頻的傳送路阻抗之整合器1 7,上述各給電棒1 6的上端 與該整合器17連接。另外,整合器17係設置有電感電場 形成用之例如頻率13·56ΜΗζ的高頻電源18。 在進行電漿處理中,從高頻電源1 8將電感電場形成 用之例如頻率1 3 · 5 6 Μ Η z的高頻電力供給至射頻1 5。如此 ,藉由被供給高頻電力的射頻15在處理室4內形成有電 感電場,藉由該電感電場,電漿化從處理氣體供給系統 2 0經過氣體供給管1 4、氣體流路1 2再從氣體吐出口 1 3 吐出的處理氣體。此時的高頻電源18之輸出係適當設定 在可產生電漿的足夠値。 在處理室4內的下方設置有挾住介電體壁2,且與射 頻15相對向用以載置LCD基板G的載置台之基座22。 基座2 2係以導電性材料例如表面經陽極氧化處理的鋁所 構成。在基座22所載置的LCD玻璃基板G係藉由靜電夾 頭(未圖示)吸附保持於基座22。 基座22係收納在絕緣體框24內,亦支持於中空的支 柱2 5。支柱2 5係貫通本體容器1的底部且維持氣密狀態 ,並支持本體容器1外所配設的升降機構(未圖示),在 搬入搬出基板G時藉由昇降機構在上下方向驅動基座22 。此外,在收納基座22的絕緣體框24與本體容器1的底 部之間配設有氣密包圍住支柱2 5的波形管2 6,藉以保證 (7) 200402104 即使基座22上下晃動亦可保持處理容器4內的氣密 又,在處理室4的側壁4a設置有用以搬入搬出基板 搬入搬出口 27,該搬入搬出口 27藉由閥門27a進行 作業。 基座22係藉由中空的支柱25內所設置的給電棒 經由整合器28連接有高頻電源29。該高頻電源29 電漿處理中對基座22施加例如頻率爲3.2MHz的高 力。藉由該偏壓用的高頻電力有效地將處理室4內所 的電漿中之離子有效引入基板G。 再者,爲了在基座22內控制基板G的溫度,設 由陶瓷加熱器等的加熱手段或冷煤流路等所構成的溫 制機構與溫度感測器(皆未圖示)。與上述機構或構 對的配管或配線透過任一中空的支柱25導出至本體 1外。 在處理室4的底部經由排企管3 1連接包含真空 等的排氣機構3 0,藉由該排氣機構3 0排出處理室4 氣體,在進行電漿處理時,將處理室4內設定維持在 的真空環境(例如1.33Pa)。 繼而,使用以如上方法構成的電感耦合蝕刻裝置 明在LCD玻璃基板G施加電漿蝕刻處理之際的處理 〇 首先,在閘閥27a打開的狀態下藉由搬送機構( 示)從搬入搬出口 27將基板G搬入至處理室4內, 置於基座22的載置面之後,藉由靜電夾頭(未圖示 性。 G的 開關 25a 係在 頻電 生成 置有 度控 件相 容器 汞浦 內的 特定 ,說 動作 未圖 在載 )將 Θ2.4 -10- (8) 200402104 基板G固定在基座22上。然後,在處理室4內使從處理 氣體供給系統2 0供給的處理氣體經由氣體供給管1 4、氣 體流路12再從氣體吐出口 13吐出至處理室4內,並且藉 由排氣機構3 0經由排氣管3 1在處理室4內進行真空排氣 ,將處理室4內維持在例如1 . 3 3 P a左右的壓力環境。200402104 (1) 发明 Description of the invention [Technical field to which the invention belongs] The present invention relates to an inductor for performing plasma processing such as dry etching on a substrate to be processed such as a substrate of a liquid crystal display (LCD) by an inductively coupled plasma. Coupling plasma treatment device. [Prior Art] For example, in the L C D manufacturing process, plasma processing such as etching, gradual plating, and CVD (chemical vapor growth) is often used for the L C D glass substrate, which is a substrate to be processed. Although various types of plasma processing methods are used to perform the plasma processing device, it is known that a high-density plasma is an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) processing device. The inductively-coupled plasma processing device is typically a patio with a dielectric body wall forming a processing chamber capable of performing vacuum-holding plasma processing, and is equipped with a radio frequency (RF). Then, by supplying high-frequency power to the radio frequency, an inductive electric field is formed in the processing chamber. The processing gas introduced into the processing chamber is plasmatized by the inductive electric field. Plasma treatment such as etching. However, in the LCD manufacturing process, the substrate to be processed, that is, the LCD glass substrate is formed into a size obtained from one to a plurality of LCD panel products. Then, recently, from the viewpoint of improving the productivity, the demand for the enlargement of the LCD glass substrate has increased, and a large substrate with one side exceeding lm has been required. As the processing device has become larger, the dielectric wall has also become larger. When the dielectric wall is large • 4- (2) 200402104, in order to maintain the inside and outside of the processing chamber, its thickness must be thickened. When the distance between the dielectric regions becomes larger, the energy is increased. Also, as such, it is expensive to thicken the dielectric wall. The proposal is technical to avoid this. This technology uses a partition structure. The main body container is divided into an antenna chamber on the upper side. The structure includes a dielectric wall, and a ten-wall structure is adopted to suspend the supporting beam. This makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the dielectric wall because it is lowered. [Summary of the Invention] [[Problems to be Solved by the Invention] However, since the above-mentioned Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2001-supports the dielectric body wall structure with a supporting beam, the width of a supporting beam is widened in order to widen a width of the supporting structure. The effective area of the branch wall is narrowed, resulting in energy. The present invention is in view of the above-mentioned problems. The inductively coupled plasma treatment pressure difference of the flexure where the dielectric wall is separated can be controlled without increasing the support portion of the dielectric wall. Or when the strong body wall that bears its own weight is thickened, due to the decrease in radio frequency and electrical effects, the thickness of the dielectric body is reduced, the price of the dielectric body wall is an inductively coupled plasma processing device shown in JP 2001-28299. The supporting structure separated from the lower processing chamber by a letter-shaped support beam supports the dielectric body fixed to the antenna chamber's patio. The load on the wall of the dielectric body is significantly reduced in the technology disclosed in No. 28299. The part of the member that supports the support beam, that is, the support beam does not flex, and when the width of the support beam must be maintained, the efficiency of the dielectric body will be reduced. The purpose of the creator is to provide one point without the need to thicken the partition structure between the dielectric wall and the antenna chamber. (3) (3) 200402104 [Means for solving problems] In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, the present invention provides an inductively coupled plasma device, which is characterized by having the following components: airtightly maintaining and performing plasma processing on a substrate to be processed A processing chamber; a processing gas supply system for supplying a processing gas in the processing chamber; an exhaust system for exhausting the gas in the processing chamber to make the processing chamber into a decompressed state; a dielectric wall constituting an upper wall of the processing chamber; The radio frequency is arranged above the dielectric wall by supplying high-frequency power to form an inductive electric field in the processing chamber; it is arranged above the processing chamber, and forms a bottom wall through the dielectric wall to house the radio frequency antenna The antenna chamber is divided into a plurality of small chambers and supported by the vertical walls of the side walls of the antenna chamber; the dielectric body wall is divided into a plurality of corresponding to the plurality of small chambers; Supported by the side wall of the antenna chamber and the vertical wall. According to the present invention, the antenna chamber with the bottom wall formed by the dielectric wall is divided into a plurality of chambers by a vertical wall supported by the side wall of the antenna chamber, so that the dielectric wall and the plurality of chambers are divided into a plurality of chambers correspondingly, The divisions of the dielectric wall are supported by the side wall of the antenna chamber and the vertical wall. Since the vertical wall is a supporting element, it is not necessary to widen the supporting portion of the dielectric wall, and it is not necessary to thicken the dielectric wall. , Can prevent the deflection of the partition structure between the processing chamber containing the dielectric wall and the antenna chamber. In the present invention, the radio frequency system has a structure in which a plurality of antenna pieces are respectively housed in the plurality of cells, and the radio frequency may be supplied from a high frequency power source to the radio frequency, so that the radio frequency system corresponds to the plurality of cells. A plurality of (4) (4) 200402104 and a plurality of high-frequency power supplies may be provided for supplying a plurality of high-frequency power to a plurality of radio frequencies, respectively. A typical example is that the vertical wall system divides the antenna chamber into a cross shape and divides the antenna chamber into four cells. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. Fig. 1 is a vertical sectional view of an inductively coupled plasma etching apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention, and Fig. 2 is a horizontal sectional view of an antenna chamber thereof. This device is used to etch a metal film, an ITO film, an oxide film, and the like, for example, when a thin-film transistor is formed on an LCD glass substrate when an LCD is manufactured. This plasma etching apparatus is an air-tight body container 1 having a conductive material such as a prism-shaped aluminum whose inner wall surface is anodized or an aluminum alloy. The main body container 1 is assembled in a detachable manner and grounded by a ground wire la. The body container 1 is divided into an antenna chamber 3 and a processing chamber 4 by a dielectric wall 2. Therefore, the dielectric body wall 2 constitutes the ceiling wall of the processing chamber 4. The dielectric wall 2 is made of ceramics such as A1203, quartz, and the like. The antenna chamber 3 of the main body container 1 is provided with two vertical walls 5 formed in a cross shape so as to support the two pairs of opposite side walls 3 a respectively. Therefore, the antenna chamber 3 is divided into four small chambers 6 by two vertical walls 5. A support shed 7 is provided on the bottom of the side wall 3 a and the vertical wall 5. The divided pieces 2 a that divide the dielectric wall 2 into four are placed on the support shed 7 in the small room 6, respectively. A seal 8 is interposed between each of the divided pieces 2a of the dielectric wall 2 and the support shed 7 and hermetically sealed, and is fixed by a holder 9. In addition, the 'vertical wall 5' is the same as the main body container 1, for example, it is formed of aluminum or aluminum alloy whose surface is anodized (5) (5) 200402104. A gas inlet 11 is formed in the center of the sky wall 3 b of the antenna chamber 3. Then, as shown in FIG. 3, from the upper end of the crossing portion 5a where the two vertical walls 5 intersect, the gas flow path 12 continuous to the gas introduction port 11 is extended downward. Next, the gas flow path 12 is provided with a horizontal flow path 12 a extending horizontally and in a cross shape along the vertical wall at the lower part of the crossing part 5 a; and a plurality of vertical lines extending from the cross-shaped horizontal flow path 12 a to the lower part. The flow path 12 b has a gas outlet 13 formed at the bottom of the vertical wall 5. Therefore, the plurality of gas discharge ports 13 are arranged in a cross shape, and a specific process gas is sprayed out here. A gas supply pipe 14 is provided at the gas introduction port 11 so as to communicate with the gas flow path 12. The gas supply pipe 14 passes from the patio of the main body container 1 to the outside thereof, and is connected to a processing gas supply system 20 including a processing gas supply source, a valve system, and the like. Therefore, when plasma etching is performed, the processing gas supplied from the processing gas supply system 20 is supplied to the gas flow path 12 through the gas supply pipe 14, and then passes through the horizontal flow path 12a and the vertical flow path 12b, and is installed vertically. The gas outlet 13 at the bottom of the wall 5 is discharged into the processing chamber 4, and a specific film formed on the LCD glass substrate G disposed in the processing chamber 4 is etched with uranium. A radio frequency 15 is arranged in the antenna room 3. Specifically, the radio frequency 15 is divided into four antenna sheets 15a, and the antenna sheets 15a are arranged so as to face the dielectric wall 2 in each of the cells 6 of the antenna chamber 3. The radio frequency chip 15a is composed of a planar coil antenna forming a substantially angular vortex shape. The adjacent antenna sheets are wound around the antenna wires in the opposite direction. The above-mentioned antenna sheet 1 5 a is connected to the power supply rod 16 (6) (6) 200402104 extending vertically from each of the small compartments 6 of the antenna chamber 3 at one end, and connected to the body container 1 at the other end, and grounded through the body container 1. An integrator 17 that integrates the impedance of the plasma to the impedance of the transmission line of the local frequency is provided on the sky wall 3 b of the antenna room 3, and the upper end of each of the power supply rods 16 is connected to the integrator 17. The integrator 17 is provided with a high-frequency power source 18 for forming an inductive electric field, for example, a frequency of 13.56 MHz. In the plasma treatment, high-frequency power for forming an inductive electric field, for example, a frequency of 1 3 · 5 6 Η Η z is supplied from a high-frequency power source 18 to a radio frequency 15. In this way, an inductive electric field is formed in the processing chamber 4 by the radio-frequency 15 supplied with high-frequency power, and the inductive electric field causes the plasma to flow from the processing gas supply system 20 through the gas supply pipe 14 and the gas flow path 1 2 The processing gas is then discharged from the gas discharge port 1 3. The output of the high-frequency power source 18 at this time is appropriately set to a level sufficient to generate plasma. A base 22 for holding the LCD substrate G and holding the dielectric wall 2 is provided below the processing chamber 4 and faces the radio frequency 15. The base 22 is made of a conductive material such as aluminum whose surface is anodized. The LCD glass substrate G placed on the base 22 is held and held on the base 22 by an electrostatic chuck (not shown). The base 22 is housed in an insulator frame 24 and is also supported by the hollow pillars 25. The pillars 2 and 5 penetrate the bottom of the main body container 1 and maintain an airtight state, and support a lifting mechanism (not shown) provided outside the main body container 1. The base is driven by the lifting mechanism in the vertical direction when the substrate G is carried in and out twenty two . In addition, a corrugated tube 2 6 is provided between the insulator frame 24 of the housing base 22 and the bottom of the main body container 1 to air-tightly surround the pillars 25 to ensure (7) 200402104 that the base 22 can be held even if it shakes up and down. The inside of the processing container 4 is air-tight, and a side wall 4a of the processing chamber 4 is provided with a loading / unloading substrate loading / unloading port 27 which is operated by a valve 27a. The base 22 is connected to a high-frequency power source 29 via an integrator 28 via a power supply rod provided in the hollow pillar 25. This high-frequency power source 29 is subjected to a plasma treatment to apply a high force to the base 22, for example, at a frequency of 3.2 MHz. The high-frequency power for the bias voltage effectively introduces ions in the plasma in the processing chamber 4 into the substrate G. In addition, in order to control the temperature of the substrate G in the susceptor 22, a heating mechanism and a temperature sensor (both not shown) composed of a heating means such as a ceramic heater or a cold coal flow path are provided. The piping or wiring corresponding to the above-mentioned mechanism or structure is led out of the main body 1 through any hollow pillar 25. An exhaust mechanism 30 including a vacuum and the like is connected to the bottom of the processing chamber 4 through a discharge pipe 31, and the gas in the processing chamber 4 is exhausted by the exhaust mechanism 30. During the plasma processing, the interior of the processing chamber 4 is maintained. The vacuum environment (eg 1.33Pa). Next, using the inductive coupling etching device configured as described above, the process when plasma etching is applied to the LCD glass substrate G is performed. First, the gate valve 27a is opened by the transfer mechanism (shown) from the loading port 27 The substrate G is carried into the processing chamber 4 and placed on the mounting surface of the susceptor 22, and then an electrostatic chuck (not shown in the figure) is used. The switch 25a of the G is installed in a phase-contained phase-container mercury container. Specifically, the operation is not shown in the figure.) Θ2.4 -10- (8) 200402104 The substrate G is fixed to the base 22. Then, in the processing chamber 4, the processing gas supplied from the processing gas supply system 20 is discharged into the processing chamber 4 through the gas supply pipe 14 and the gas flow path 12 from the gas discharge port 13, and is exhausted by the exhaust mechanism 3. 0 The vacuum exhaust is performed in the processing chamber 4 through the exhaust pipe 31, and the inside of the processing chamber 4 is maintained at a pressure environment of, for example, about 1.3 Pa.
然後,從高頻電源1 8經由整合器1 7及給電棒16將 13.5 6MHz的高頻施加在射頻15的各天線片15a,藉此經 由介電體壁2在處理室4內形成均勻的電感電場。藉由以 此方法形成的電感電場在處理室4內電漿化處理氣體,並 且生成高密度的電感耦合電漿。以如此方法生成的電漿中 之離子係藉由從高頻電源29對基座22施加的3·2ΜΗζ之 高頻電力有效地被拉進基板G,可對基板G施加均勻的蝕 刻處理。Then, a high-frequency of 13.5-6 MHz is applied to each antenna piece 15a of the radio frequency 15 from the high-frequency power source 18 through the integrator 17 and the power supply rod 16, thereby forming a uniform inductance in the processing chamber 4 through the dielectric wall 2. electric field. A processing gas is plasmatized in the processing chamber 4 by the inductive electric field formed in this way, and a high-density inductively coupled plasma is generated. The ions in the plasma generated in this way are effectively pulled into the substrate G by the high-frequency power of 3.2 MΗζ applied from the high-frequency power source 29 to the base 22, and the substrate G can be uniformly etched.
此時,分別支持於藉由介電體壁2形成有底壁的天線 室3之相對向的兩對側壁3 a,且設置有構成十字狀的兩 片垂直壁5,藉由垂直壁5將天線室3分隔爲4個小室, 使介電體壁2與複數個小室對應而分割爲複數,並以天線 室3的側壁3a與垂直壁5支持介電體壁2的各分割片2a ,由於支持要素爲垂直的壁,因此不須加寬介電體壁2的 支持部分,且不須加厚介電體壁2,可防止分隔包含介電 體壁2之處理室4與天線室3之間的分隔構造之撓曲。 此外,本發明係不限定於上述實施形態,可進行種種 的變形。例如,在上述實施形態中,雖然從一個高頻電源 經由整合器對各小室6所配置的射頻1 5之各天線片1 5 a -11 - (9) 200402104 供電,但是如第4圖所示,在各小室6設置各自獨立的射 頻15’,與各射頻15’對應設置複數個整合器17,及高頻電 源1 8 ’亦可。At this time, two pairs of opposite side walls 3 a of the antenna chamber 3 having a bottom wall formed by the dielectric wall 2 are respectively supported, and two vertical walls 5 forming a cross shape are provided. The antenna chamber 3 is divided into four chambers, so that the dielectric wall 2 corresponds to a plurality of chambers and is divided into a plurality of sides. The side walls 3a and the vertical walls 5 of the antenna chamber 3 support the divided pieces 2a of the dielectric wall 2. The supporting elements are vertical walls, so it is not necessary to widen the supporting part of the dielectric wall 2 and it is not necessary to thicken the dielectric wall 2 to prevent the processing chamber 4 and the antenna chamber 3 containing the dielectric wall 2 from being separated. Deflection of the separation structure. The present invention is not limited to the above-mentioned embodiments, and various modifications can be made. For example, in the above-mentioned embodiment, although a high-frequency power is supplied to each antenna piece 15 of a radio frequency 15 arranged in each cell 6 via an integrator 1 5 a -11-(9) 200402104, as shown in FIG. 4 It is also possible to set a separate radio frequency 15 'in each of the small rooms 6, a plurality of integrators 17, and a high-frequency power supply 18' corresponding to each radio frequency 15 '.
又,在上述貫施形態中’雖以十字狀設置垂直壁,惟 如第5圖所示,亦可僅設置一片垂直壁5且將天線室3分 割爲二,又,如第6圖所示,亦可將垂直壁5平行配置複 數片,且分割天線室3。 再者,在上述實施形態中,雖表示將本發明應用在蝕 刻裝置之情況,惟不限定於應用在蝕刻裝置,亦可應用在 濺鍍、CVD成膜等其他的電漿處理裝置。然後,雖使用 L C D基板作爲被處理基板,惟本發明並不限定於此亦可應 用在處理半導體晶圓等其他基板之情況。 〔發明的功效〕 如以上所說明,根據本發明,係將藉由以介電體壁形 成有底壁的天線室之側壁所支持的垂直壁分割成複數個小 室’使介電體壁與複數個小室對應而分割爲複數,並以上 述天線室的側壁與上述垂直壁支持介電體壁的各分割片, 由於支持要素爲垂直的壁,因此不須加寬介電體壁的支持 部分’且不須加厚介電體壁,可防止分隔包含介電體壁之 處理室與天線室之間的分隔構造之撓曲。 【圖式簡要說明】 第1圖係本發明之一實施形態的電感耦合電漿触刻裝 •12- (10) (10)200402104 置的垂直剖面圖。 第2圖係第1圖的電感耦合蝕刻裝置之天線室室的水 平剖面圖。 第3圖係第1圖的電感耦合蝕刻裝置之垂直壁的斜視 圖。 第4圖係本發明之其他實施形態的電感耦合電漿蝕刻 裝置的天線部分之槪略斜視圖。 第5圖係表示天線室的垂直壁之分隔狀態的其他例之 剖視圖。 第6圖係顯示天線室的垂直壁之分隔狀態又一例之水 平剖面圖。 〔元件符號說明〕 1 本體容器 2 介電體壁 2a 分割片 3 天線室 3a 側壁 4 處理室 5 垂直壁 5a 交叉部 6 小室 7 支持棚 11 氣體導入口 (11) 200402104 (11)In the above embodiment, although the vertical wall is provided in a cross shape, as shown in FIG. 5, only one vertical wall 5 may be provided and the antenna chamber 3 may be divided into two, as shown in FIG. 6. It is also possible to arrange a plurality of vertical walls 5 in parallel and divide the antenna chamber 3. In addition, in the above-mentioned embodiment, although the present invention is applied to the etching device, it is not limited to the etching device, and may be applied to other plasma processing devices such as sputtering and CVD film formation. Then, although the LCD substrate is used as the substrate to be processed, the present invention is not limited to this and can be applied to the case of processing other substrates such as semiconductor wafers. [Effect of the Invention] As described above, according to the present invention, the vertical wall supported by the side wall of the antenna chamber having the bottom wall formed by the dielectric wall is divided into a plurality of cells. Each cell is divided into a plurality of corresponding ones, and the side walls of the antenna chamber and the vertical wall support the divided pieces of the dielectric wall. Since the supporting elements are vertical walls, it is not necessary to widen the supporting portion of the dielectric wall. It is not necessary to thicken the dielectric wall, and it is possible to prevent the deflection of the partition structure between the processing chamber containing the dielectric wall and the antenna chamber. [Brief Description of the Drawings] Figure 1 is a vertical cross-sectional view of an inductively-coupled plasma touch engraving installation according to an embodiment of the present invention. 12- (10) (10) 200402104. Fig. 2 is a horizontal sectional view of the antenna chamber of the inductive coupling etching apparatus of Fig. 1; Fig. 3 is a perspective view of a vertical wall of the inductive coupling etching apparatus of Fig. 1; Fig. 4 is a schematic perspective view of an antenna portion of an inductively coupled plasma etching apparatus according to another embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view showing another example of the partitioned state of the vertical wall of the antenna room. Fig. 6 is a horizontal sectional view showing still another example of a partitioned state of a vertical wall of the antenna room. [Explanation of component symbols] 1 Body container 2 Dielectric wall 2a Divider 3 Antenna room 3a Side wall 4 Processing room 5 Vertical wall 5a Intersection 6 Small room 7 Support shed 11 Gas inlet (11) 200402104 (11)
12 氣 體 流 路 13 氣 體 吐 出 □ 14 氣 體 供 給 管 15、 15 射 頻 15a 天 線 片 18 局 it® 頻 電 源 20 處 理 氣 體 供 給系統 22 基 座 30 排 氣 機 構 G LCD 玻 璃 基 板12 Gas flow path 13 Gas is discharged