Books by Mateusz Bogucki
![Research paper thumbnail of Slivers of Antiquity. The Use of Ancient Coins in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe in the Medieval and Modern Periods / Okruchy starożytności. Użytkowanie monet antycznych w Europie Środkowej, Wschodniej i Północnej w średniowieczu i w okresie nowożytnym (eds. Bogucki, Dymowski & Śnieżko)](
Warsaw University Press, 2020
The present monograph reports on the results of a research project Use of ancient coins in East-C... more The present monograph reports on the results of a research project Use of ancient coins in East-Central Europe in the medieval and modern periods project financed by the National Science Centre in Poland (No. 2016/23/B/HS3/00173), completed 2017–2020 under the direction of dr hab. Arkadiusz Dymowski at the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. The aim of the Project was to examine the use of ancient coins (understood here as pre-AD 6th century Greek, Celtic and Roman issues) in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe in a period spanning the early medieval period and the modern age (approximately 7th – turn of the 18th century). The main territory addressed in our studies of the archaeological, numismatic and written sources was that of Poland within its present-day borders. A detailed preliminary survey of Polish coin finds was made, its results published in a catalogue included in the present monograph. Similar resources from the Baltic States, western Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, eastern Germany and Scandinavia provided a rich reference base for our research. In addition, as a background for the main research problem, some important processes and phenomena have been addressed in less detail: first – the influx and use of ancient coins into the territories of European Barbaricum during the pre-Roman, Roman and Migration periods, second – the collecting of ancient coins in Polish lands during the pre-partition period (before the partition of Poland in 1772), third – prehistoric and classical objects other than coins discovered in East-Central Europe in medieval and modern period contexts.
![Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Grosspolen](
Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen Inventar. I. Grosspolen , 2017
Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Band I für Grosspolen. 954 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 287 verzeichnete Funde, die 88.415 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 126 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: ( oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Wielkopolski. Na 954 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 287 znalezisk, zawierających 88 415 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 126 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Greater Poland. At 954 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 287 registered finds, containing 88 415 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 126 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
![Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen Inventar. V. Ermland und Masuren. Funde aus Polen 2011-2013. Addenda et Corrigenda](
Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Band V für Ermland und Masuren. Funde aus Polen 2011-2013. Addenda et Corrigenda. 340 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 127 verzeichnete Funde, die 8.643 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 90 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: ( oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Warmii i Mazur oraz znaleziska z Polski z lat 2011-2013 wraz z uzupełnieniami i poprawkami. Na 340 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 127 znalezisk, zawierających 8 643 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 90 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Ermland and Masuria together with finds from Poland 2011-2013 and Addenda et Corrigenda. At 340 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 127 registered finds, containing 8 643 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 90 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
![Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen Inventar. Pommern](
Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Als erstes erschienen ist der Band II für Pommern. 817 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 291 verzeichnete Funde, die 65.404 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 109 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: ( oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher: ISBN: 978-83-63760-84-7 PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Pomorza. Na 817 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 291 znalezisk, zawierających 65 404 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 109 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Pomerania. At 817 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 291 registered finds, containing 65 404 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 109 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
![Research paper thumbnail of Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen. Inventar: Masowien, Podlachien, Mittelpolen](
Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die ne... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Als erstes erschienen ist der Band III für Masowien, Podlachien und Mittelpolen. 700 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 220 verzeichnete Funde, die 61.434 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 152 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Mazowsza, Podlasia i Polski środkowej. Na 700 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 220 znalezisk, zawierających 61 434 obiektów. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 152 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Masovia, Podlachia and Central Poland. At 700 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 220 registered finds, containing 61 434 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 152 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
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![Research paper thumbnail of co-editor: Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen. Inventar: Kleinpolen, Schlesien](
Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die n... more Das Institut für Archäologie und Ethnologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften veröffentlicht die neue Reihe Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, in der alle Schatz- und Einzelfunde des Zeitraums 500–1150 veröffentlicht werden. Als erstes erschienen ist der Band IV für Kleinpolen und Schlesien. 500 Seiten liefern detaillierte Listen und Beschreibungen der Schätze, Münzen und der Schmuckstücke: insgesamt 231 verzeichnete Funde, die 31.921 Objekte enthalten. Die Listen werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche Abbildungen auf 78 Tafeln. Das Buch kann bestellt werden beim IAE: oder bei dem Buchladen Historische Bücher: ISBN: 978-83-63760-19-9 PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Małopolski i Śląska. Na 500 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 231 znalezisk, zawierających 31 921 obiektów. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 78 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-19-9 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Lesser Poland and Silesia. At 500 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 231 registered finds, containing 31 921 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 78 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-19-9 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
Economies, Monetisation and Society in West Slavic Lands 800–1200 AD, 2013
Numismatics by Mateusz Bogucki
![Research paper thumbnail of NEW TYPES OF THE OLDEST POLISH COINS 2022](
Polish Numismatic News X (Wiadomości Numizmatyczne), 2022
Artykuł prezentuje odkrycia monet nowych typów, które można przypisać do najstarszego mennictwa p... more Artykuł prezentuje odkrycia monet nowych typów, które można przypisać do najstarszego mennictwa polskiego. W przypadku łańcucha połączeń stempli PRINCES POLONIE udało się zidentyfikować jeden nowy stempel, w niezwykle zbarbaryzowanym stylu, co po raz kolejny ukazuje, że nie istnieje jednolity styl najdawniejszych monet polskich oraz, że w mennictwie Bolesława Chrobrego panował chaos. W przypadku drugiego łańcucha połączeń stempli – .VIDV ujawniono aż siedem nowych tłoków. Ich szczegółowa analiza wskazuje, że monety wybijane tymi stemplami nie musiały być produkowane w jednym czasie, lecz nawet przez kilkanaście lat. Nowo ujawnione stemple nie rozwiązały problemu atrybucji denarów z legendą .VIDV, lecz ich przynależność do mennictwa Bolesława Chrobrego lub Mieszka II jest bardzo prawdopodobna.
This article presents discoveries of new types of coins that can be assigned to the oldest Polish coinage. In case of the PRINCES POLONIE die-chain, it was possible to identify one new die, in an extremely barbaric style, which once again shows that there is no uniform style to the oldest Polish coins and that there was chaos in Bolesław I the Brave’s coinage. In the case of the second – .VIDV die-chain as many as seven new dies have been revealed. Detailed analysis shows that the coins produced with these dies were not necessarily produced at the same time, and that production could have lasted up to several years. The newly revealed dies do not solve the problem of the attribution of denarii with the .VIDV inscription, but their ascription to the coinage of Bolesław I the Brave or Mieszko II is very likely.
Animos labor nutrit. Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Buko w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin, 2018
W pracy przedstawiono odkrycie niewielkiego skarbu z XIV wieku na grodzisku w Radomiu. Wśród mone... more W pracy przedstawiono odkrycie niewielkiego skarbu z XIV wieku na grodzisku w Radomiu. Wśród monet zidentyfikowano dwa egzemplarze nieznanego dotyczas typu denarów, wybitych dla księstwa Sandomierskiego w czasach panowania Władysława Łokietka lub Kazimierza Wielkiego
Lubin. Early Medieval Stronghold at the Mouth of the Oder River, Szczecin, 2018
W trakcie wykopalisk przeprowadzonych na grodzisku w Lubinie w latach 2008–2011 znaleziono jedena... more W trakcie wykopalisk przeprowadzonych na grodzisku w Lubinie w latach 2008–2011 znaleziono jedenaście monet. Siedem z nich odkryto w warstwach osadniczych, cztery natomiast w grobach. Najstarszą monetą jest niewielki fragment dirhema wybitego zapewne pomiędzy 942 a 952 rokiem, być może w Samarkandzie za panowania samanidzkiego emira Nūḥ ibn Naṣr. Najmłodszą zaś jest 10 sowieckich kopiejek z 1945 r. W tej niewielkiej grupie monet zwraca uwagę przede wszystkim seria brakteatów z XII i XIII wieku, których pochodzenie nie jest obecnie do końca rozstrzygnięte, jednak wiele poszlak wskazuje, że przynajmniej część z nich mogła zostać wybita na Pomorzu Zachodnim.
Silver, Butter, Cloth. Monetary and Social Economies in the Viking Age, 2018
![Research paper thumbnail of S. Suchodolski, M. Bogucki, Inwentaryzacja wczesnośredniowiecznych znalezisk pieniądza kruszcowego w Polsce / Cataloging the Early Medieval Silver Hoards and Coins from Poland](
Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2017
Research on the history of Early Medieval metal money has been conducted at the Institute of Arch... more Research on the history of Early Medieval metal money has been conducted at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology almost from its beginning. The main center of this research was the Department of Numismatics in Cracow, leaded by the orientalist, prof. Tadeusz Lewicki. As a result, a series of monographs of hoards focusing exclusively or mainly of Arabic dirhams were published (Czapkiewicz et al. 1957; Czapkiewicz et al. 1964; Kmietowicz et al. 1969; Dekówna et al. 1974).
Of course, the idea of cataloging and studying such finds was not new. Joachim Lelewel, a pioneer in this kind of research in Poland, published a 11th century hoard found in Trzebuń near Płock (Lelewel 1826). Next came Kazimierz Stronczyński, who described the whole, then known set of early medieval hoards (Stronczyński 1847; 1883). In his footsteps went Marian Gumowski in the first half of the 20th century (Gumowski 1905; 1953).
The new stage of recording and studying the coin and hoard finds from Poland came after the war. The pioneers of this research were Jacek Slaski (1953), Stanisław Tabaczyński (1958) and Ryszard and Teresa Kiersnowscy (Kiersnowski 1960). The entire material was divided into 4 volumes covering Wielkopolska; Pomerania; Mazovia and Central Poland; and Małopolska, Silesia and Masuria (PSW I-IV). These inventories included not only coins, but also other hoard components – silver ornaments and bars, silver scrap, glass beads and many more. Attention was also paid to the forms of protection (pots and other containers) as well as the way of depositing and the archaeological context. Contrary to the title, not only hoards but also the single or loose coin finds have been cataloged. Cartographic elaboration of the entire material collected in the PSW (with the additions up to 1973) was published as Skarby wczesnośredniowieczne z obszaru Polski. Atlas (L. Gajewski et al. 1982).
After more than 30 years, the old inventories were partly outdated and required extensive modernization. In 1996, the IAE PAS signed an agreement with the German Numismatic Commission concerning the joint preparation of inventories of the early medieval coin finds from Polish lands. The most important was the help of Dr. Peter Ilisch of Münster, the eminent expert on the most numerous German coins found in our finds. In 2000, a two-year grant from the Scientific Research Committee was awarded. As result a typescript was prepared in German, for financial reasons without Silesia and Małopolska. Stanisław Suchodolski supervised the work, and the authors were researchers of the younger generation (por. Suchodolski 2000; 2006; Ilisch 2000).
As a result of separate grants, inventories of finds from Małopolska and Silesia were prepared. Silesian volume was published with extensive comments (Butent-Stefaniak, Malarczyk 2009). Bożena Reyman's inventory of Małopolska finds remained in typewriting. All these accomplishments have facilitated the completion of the third stage of finishing and publication of a new inventories.
The next stage started in 2011, when a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was awarded to publish the entire inventories in German. This task was undertaken by Mateusz Bogucki, who is supervising all works and became the main editor of this publication. He is supported by Peter Ilisch and Stanisław Suchodolski.
An important factor that made the reedition of the inventories necessary has been and continues to be a steady advance in coinage research since then and a huge increase in the number of finds over the last 20 years, primarily due to numerous construction investments, an increase in archaeological activity and with the widespread use of metal detectors. In 1973 there were 468 hoards and 198 single coin finds recorded (Gajewski et al. 1982). Today we know of at least 1,151 finds, including 664 hoards and 489 single and grave finds.
The purpose of the new project is to publish all known early medieval hoards and coins finds (6th-middle of the 12th century), made within the current borders of Poland by 2013. Inventories of 1959-1964 and Inventories created by the 2000-2003 grant became the basis for the new edition. It should be emphasized that the Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen (FMP) series is a rewriting based on PSW inventories from 1959-1966. For this reason, former authors have been included as contributors to the current edition. The FMP series fills the gap between the already existing (or just finished) inventories of ancient coin finds on the one hand (Ciołek 2001, 2007; 2008, Romanowski 2008) and late medieval coins on the other (Kubiak, Paszkiewicz 1998). The basic change over previous inventories was the assumption that each item (coin, ornaments, bars, others) should have a unique number, so that the inventory could serve as a reference corpus. The concept was taken from the Swedish CNS series.
The material collected in all five volumes counts for a total of 1,151 finds. The largest increase was recorded in single or cumulative coins. In 1973 there were 198 grave and single finds (Gajewski et al. 1982), while 489 are recorded now. In 2006, Jakub Łyszkowski noticed 462 single coins, now there are at least 2 871 coins recorded. In the new material, a new type of loose finds, so-called cumulative finds, has emerged - when many single coins were discovered in a single archaeological site. In this category, well-known political and settlement centers such as Kraków, Tum near Łęczyca, Giecz, Ostrów Lednicki, Kalisz, Kruszwica, Wolin and finally Janów Pomorski (Truso) with over a thousand coins come to the fore. But in smaller sites, more and more sets of single coins are discovered. In this context, it is worth mentioning the discoveries in Bytom Odrzański, Ryczyn, Niemcza, Lądek, Grudusk, Radom, Zgłowiączka, Wawrzeńczyce, Kołobrzeg-Budzistowo, Kałdus and Pawłówek.
The benefits of updating the data on previously known hoards and collecting information about new ones are of course uncertain. It seems, however, that the greatest changes in our perception of the early medieval Poland economy is due the increase of single and grave finds. This is a phenomenon that in a completely new light places such issues as market exchange, monetization, their territorial and chronological dynamics, the role and function of coins in early medieval societies. Providing sources for the aforementioned research and many other problems was the primary goal of the FMP series. It is hoped that the authors will meet the expectations and that the studies of coinage, money circulation and early medieval economy will gain a new, much richer dimension.
Books by Mateusz Bogucki
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Wielkopolski. Na 954 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 287 znalezisk, zawierających 88 415 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 126 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Greater Poland. At 954 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 287 registered finds, containing 88 415 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 126 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Warmii i Mazur oraz znaleziska z Polski z lat 2011-2013 wraz z uzupełnieniami i poprawkami. Na 340 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 127 znalezisk, zawierających 8 643 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 90 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Ermland and Masuria together with finds from Poland 2011-2013 and Addenda et Corrigenda. At 340 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 127 registered finds, containing 8 643 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 90 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Pomorza. Na 817 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 291 znalezisk, zawierających 65 404 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 109 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Pomerania. At 817 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 291 registered finds, containing 65 404 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 109 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Mazowsza, Podlasia i Polski środkowej. Na 700 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 220 znalezisk, zawierających 61 434 obiektów. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 152 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Masovia, Podlachia and Central Poland. At 700 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 220 registered finds, containing 61 434 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 152 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
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watch it, share it, post on FB, promote.
On behalf of the Organizers,
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Małopolski i Śląska. Na 500 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 231 znalezisk, zawierających 31 921 obiektów. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 78 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-19-9 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Lesser Poland and Silesia. At 500 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 231 registered finds, containing 31 921 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 78 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-19-9 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
Numismatics by Mateusz Bogucki
This article presents discoveries of new types of coins that can be assigned to the oldest Polish coinage. In case of the PRINCES POLONIE die-chain, it was possible to identify one new die, in an extremely barbaric style, which once again shows that there is no uniform style to the oldest Polish coins and that there was chaos in Bolesław I the Brave’s coinage. In the case of the second – .VIDV die-chain as many as seven new dies have been revealed. Detailed analysis shows that the coins produced with these dies were not necessarily produced at the same time, and that production could have lasted up to several years. The newly revealed dies do not solve the problem of the attribution of denarii with the .VIDV inscription, but their ascription to the coinage of Bolesław I the Brave or Mieszko II is very likely.
Of course, the idea of cataloging and studying such finds was not new. Joachim Lelewel, a pioneer in this kind of research in Poland, published a 11th century hoard found in Trzebuń near Płock (Lelewel 1826). Next came Kazimierz Stronczyński, who described the whole, then known set of early medieval hoards (Stronczyński 1847; 1883). In his footsteps went Marian Gumowski in the first half of the 20th century (Gumowski 1905; 1953).
The new stage of recording and studying the coin and hoard finds from Poland came after the war. The pioneers of this research were Jacek Slaski (1953), Stanisław Tabaczyński (1958) and Ryszard and Teresa Kiersnowscy (Kiersnowski 1960). The entire material was divided into 4 volumes covering Wielkopolska; Pomerania; Mazovia and Central Poland; and Małopolska, Silesia and Masuria (PSW I-IV). These inventories included not only coins, but also other hoard components – silver ornaments and bars, silver scrap, glass beads and many more. Attention was also paid to the forms of protection (pots and other containers) as well as the way of depositing and the archaeological context. Contrary to the title, not only hoards but also the single or loose coin finds have been cataloged. Cartographic elaboration of the entire material collected in the PSW (with the additions up to 1973) was published as Skarby wczesnośredniowieczne z obszaru Polski. Atlas (L. Gajewski et al. 1982).
After more than 30 years, the old inventories were partly outdated and required extensive modernization. In 1996, the IAE PAS signed an agreement with the German Numismatic Commission concerning the joint preparation of inventories of the early medieval coin finds from Polish lands. The most important was the help of Dr. Peter Ilisch of Münster, the eminent expert on the most numerous German coins found in our finds. In 2000, a two-year grant from the Scientific Research Committee was awarded. As result a typescript was prepared in German, for financial reasons without Silesia and Małopolska. Stanisław Suchodolski supervised the work, and the authors were researchers of the younger generation (por. Suchodolski 2000; 2006; Ilisch 2000).
As a result of separate grants, inventories of finds from Małopolska and Silesia were prepared. Silesian volume was published with extensive comments (Butent-Stefaniak, Malarczyk 2009). Bożena Reyman's inventory of Małopolska finds remained in typewriting. All these accomplishments have facilitated the completion of the third stage of finishing and publication of a new inventories.
The next stage started in 2011, when a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was awarded to publish the entire inventories in German. This task was undertaken by Mateusz Bogucki, who is supervising all works and became the main editor of this publication. He is supported by Peter Ilisch and Stanisław Suchodolski.
An important factor that made the reedition of the inventories necessary has been and continues to be a steady advance in coinage research since then and a huge increase in the number of finds over the last 20 years, primarily due to numerous construction investments, an increase in archaeological activity and with the widespread use of metal detectors. In 1973 there were 468 hoards and 198 single coin finds recorded (Gajewski et al. 1982). Today we know of at least 1,151 finds, including 664 hoards and 489 single and grave finds.
The purpose of the new project is to publish all known early medieval hoards and coins finds (6th-middle of the 12th century), made within the current borders of Poland by 2013. Inventories of 1959-1964 and Inventories created by the 2000-2003 grant became the basis for the new edition. It should be emphasized that the Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen (FMP) series is a rewriting based on PSW inventories from 1959-1966. For this reason, former authors have been included as contributors to the current edition. The FMP series fills the gap between the already existing (or just finished) inventories of ancient coin finds on the one hand (Ciołek 2001, 2007; 2008, Romanowski 2008) and late medieval coins on the other (Kubiak, Paszkiewicz 1998). The basic change over previous inventories was the assumption that each item (coin, ornaments, bars, others) should have a unique number, so that the inventory could serve as a reference corpus. The concept was taken from the Swedish CNS series.
The material collected in all five volumes counts for a total of 1,151 finds. The largest increase was recorded in single or cumulative coins. In 1973 there were 198 grave and single finds (Gajewski et al. 1982), while 489 are recorded now. In 2006, Jakub Łyszkowski noticed 462 single coins, now there are at least 2 871 coins recorded. In the new material, a new type of loose finds, so-called cumulative finds, has emerged - when many single coins were discovered in a single archaeological site. In this category, well-known political and settlement centers such as Kraków, Tum near Łęczyca, Giecz, Ostrów Lednicki, Kalisz, Kruszwica, Wolin and finally Janów Pomorski (Truso) with over a thousand coins come to the fore. But in smaller sites, more and more sets of single coins are discovered. In this context, it is worth mentioning the discoveries in Bytom Odrzański, Ryczyn, Niemcza, Lądek, Grudusk, Radom, Zgłowiączka, Wawrzeńczyce, Kołobrzeg-Budzistowo, Kałdus and Pawłówek.
The benefits of updating the data on previously known hoards and collecting information about new ones are of course uncertain. It seems, however, that the greatest changes in our perception of the early medieval Poland economy is due the increase of single and grave finds. This is a phenomenon that in a completely new light places such issues as market exchange, monetization, their territorial and chronological dynamics, the role and function of coins in early medieval societies. Providing sources for the aforementioned research and many other problems was the primary goal of the FMP series. It is hoped that the authors will meet the expectations and that the studies of coinage, money circulation and early medieval economy will gain a new, much richer dimension.
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Wielkopolski. Na 954 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 287 znalezisk, zawierających 88 415 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 126 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Greater Poland. At 954 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 287 registered finds, containing 88 415 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 126 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PREIS: 50 PLN (ca. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Warmii i Mazur oraz znaleziska z Polski z lat 2011-2013 wraz z uzupełnieniami i poprawkami. Na 340 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 127 znalezisk, zawierających 8 643 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 90 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Ermland and Masuria together with finds from Poland 2011-2013 and Addenda et Corrigenda. At 340 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 127 registered finds, containing 8 643 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 90 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop:
ISBN: 978-83-63760-851-4
PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Pomorza. Na 817 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 291 znalezisk, zawierających 65 404 obiekty. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 109 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: ( oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Pomerania. At 817 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 291 registered finds, containing 65 404 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 109 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: ( or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Mazowsza, Podlasia i Polski środkowej. Na 700 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 220 znalezisk, zawierających 61 434 obiektów. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 152 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Masovia, Podlachia and Central Poland. At 700 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 220 registered finds, containing 61 434 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 152 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-61-8 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
Dear All,
watch it, share it, post on FB, promote.
On behalf of the Organizers,
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN prezentuje tom Inwentarzy Polskich Skarbów Wczesnośredniowiecznych, w którym zebrano znaleziska skarbów i monet z lat 500–1150, z obszaru Małopolski i Śląska. Na 500 stronach znajdują się szczegółowe wykazy i opisy skarbów, monet i ozdób – łącznie zarejestrowano 231 znalezisk, zawierających 31 921 obiektów. Wykazy uzupełnione są licznymi ilustracjami na 78 tablicach. Książkę można zamawiać w IAE PAN: oraz w Księgarni Historycznej: ISBN: 978-83-63760-19-9 CENA: 50 PLN
The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology presents the Polish Early Medieval Hoards Inventories, bringing together all the hoard and single finds (500–1150) in the area of Lesser Poland and Silesia. At 500 pages the volume provides detailed lists and descriptions of hoards, coins and ornaments – a total of 231 registered finds, containing 31 921 objects. The lists are supplemented with numerous illustrations on 78 plates. The book can be ordered from IAE PAN: or Historical Bookshop: ISBN: 978-83-63760-19-9 PRICE: 50 PLN (approx. 17 Euro)
This article presents discoveries of new types of coins that can be assigned to the oldest Polish coinage. In case of the PRINCES POLONIE die-chain, it was possible to identify one new die, in an extremely barbaric style, which once again shows that there is no uniform style to the oldest Polish coins and that there was chaos in Bolesław I the Brave’s coinage. In the case of the second – .VIDV die-chain as many as seven new dies have been revealed. Detailed analysis shows that the coins produced with these dies were not necessarily produced at the same time, and that production could have lasted up to several years. The newly revealed dies do not solve the problem of the attribution of denarii with the .VIDV inscription, but their ascription to the coinage of Bolesław I the Brave or Mieszko II is very likely.
Of course, the idea of cataloging and studying such finds was not new. Joachim Lelewel, a pioneer in this kind of research in Poland, published a 11th century hoard found in Trzebuń near Płock (Lelewel 1826). Next came Kazimierz Stronczyński, who described the whole, then known set of early medieval hoards (Stronczyński 1847; 1883). In his footsteps went Marian Gumowski in the first half of the 20th century (Gumowski 1905; 1953).
The new stage of recording and studying the coin and hoard finds from Poland came after the war. The pioneers of this research were Jacek Slaski (1953), Stanisław Tabaczyński (1958) and Ryszard and Teresa Kiersnowscy (Kiersnowski 1960). The entire material was divided into 4 volumes covering Wielkopolska; Pomerania; Mazovia and Central Poland; and Małopolska, Silesia and Masuria (PSW I-IV). These inventories included not only coins, but also other hoard components – silver ornaments and bars, silver scrap, glass beads and many more. Attention was also paid to the forms of protection (pots and other containers) as well as the way of depositing and the archaeological context. Contrary to the title, not only hoards but also the single or loose coin finds have been cataloged. Cartographic elaboration of the entire material collected in the PSW (with the additions up to 1973) was published as Skarby wczesnośredniowieczne z obszaru Polski. Atlas (L. Gajewski et al. 1982).
After more than 30 years, the old inventories were partly outdated and required extensive modernization. In 1996, the IAE PAS signed an agreement with the German Numismatic Commission concerning the joint preparation of inventories of the early medieval coin finds from Polish lands. The most important was the help of Dr. Peter Ilisch of Münster, the eminent expert on the most numerous German coins found in our finds. In 2000, a two-year grant from the Scientific Research Committee was awarded. As result a typescript was prepared in German, for financial reasons without Silesia and Małopolska. Stanisław Suchodolski supervised the work, and the authors were researchers of the younger generation (por. Suchodolski 2000; 2006; Ilisch 2000).
As a result of separate grants, inventories of finds from Małopolska and Silesia were prepared. Silesian volume was published with extensive comments (Butent-Stefaniak, Malarczyk 2009). Bożena Reyman's inventory of Małopolska finds remained in typewriting. All these accomplishments have facilitated the completion of the third stage of finishing and publication of a new inventories.
The next stage started in 2011, when a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was awarded to publish the entire inventories in German. This task was undertaken by Mateusz Bogucki, who is supervising all works and became the main editor of this publication. He is supported by Peter Ilisch and Stanisław Suchodolski.
An important factor that made the reedition of the inventories necessary has been and continues to be a steady advance in coinage research since then and a huge increase in the number of finds over the last 20 years, primarily due to numerous construction investments, an increase in archaeological activity and with the widespread use of metal detectors. In 1973 there were 468 hoards and 198 single coin finds recorded (Gajewski et al. 1982). Today we know of at least 1,151 finds, including 664 hoards and 489 single and grave finds.
The purpose of the new project is to publish all known early medieval hoards and coins finds (6th-middle of the 12th century), made within the current borders of Poland by 2013. Inventories of 1959-1964 and Inventories created by the 2000-2003 grant became the basis for the new edition. It should be emphasized that the Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen (FMP) series is a rewriting based on PSW inventories from 1959-1966. For this reason, former authors have been included as contributors to the current edition. The FMP series fills the gap between the already existing (or just finished) inventories of ancient coin finds on the one hand (Ciołek 2001, 2007; 2008, Romanowski 2008) and late medieval coins on the other (Kubiak, Paszkiewicz 1998). The basic change over previous inventories was the assumption that each item (coin, ornaments, bars, others) should have a unique number, so that the inventory could serve as a reference corpus. The concept was taken from the Swedish CNS series.
The material collected in all five volumes counts for a total of 1,151 finds. The largest increase was recorded in single or cumulative coins. In 1973 there were 198 grave and single finds (Gajewski et al. 1982), while 489 are recorded now. In 2006, Jakub Łyszkowski noticed 462 single coins, now there are at least 2 871 coins recorded. In the new material, a new type of loose finds, so-called cumulative finds, has emerged - when many single coins were discovered in a single archaeological site. In this category, well-known political and settlement centers such as Kraków, Tum near Łęczyca, Giecz, Ostrów Lednicki, Kalisz, Kruszwica, Wolin and finally Janów Pomorski (Truso) with over a thousand coins come to the fore. But in smaller sites, more and more sets of single coins are discovered. In this context, it is worth mentioning the discoveries in Bytom Odrzański, Ryczyn, Niemcza, Lądek, Grudusk, Radom, Zgłowiączka, Wawrzeńczyce, Kołobrzeg-Budzistowo, Kałdus and Pawłówek.
The benefits of updating the data on previously known hoards and collecting information about new ones are of course uncertain. It seems, however, that the greatest changes in our perception of the early medieval Poland economy is due the increase of single and grave finds. This is a phenomenon that in a completely new light places such issues as market exchange, monetization, their territorial and chronological dynamics, the role and function of coins in early medieval societies. Providing sources for the aforementioned research and many other problems was the primary goal of the FMP series. It is hoped that the authors will meet the expectations and that the studies of coinage, money circulation and early medieval economy will gain a new, much richer dimension.
Zaprezentowano też nowe stemple wchodzące w skład łańcucha połączeń stempli DVX INCLITVS – brakujący do tej pory awers w typie bawarskim oraz silnie zbarbaryzowane naśladownictwo, nawiązujące do typu II denarów Mieszka II.
Analizując przedstawione łańcuchy połączeń stempli postawiono tezę o wytwarzaniu zgodnych stylistycznie kompletów stempli w mennicach Bolesława Chrobrego, które dopiero w trakcie produkcji monet ulegały przemieszaniu. W oparciu o takie założenie, przedstawiono hipotetyczną listę nieznanych jeszcze stempli, które powinny zostać odnalezione w przyszłości.
Przedstawione odkrycia potwierdzają niestabilność i chaotyczność najstarszego mennictwa polskiego. Rozważając kwestie chronologii i liczebności monet Bolesława Chrobrego postawiono tezę, że być może za próbę jego względnego uporządkowania od około 1015 roku odpowiadał następca tronu – Mieszko II.
The chapter discusses the influence the neighbours had on the population of
Poland in the period in question, as well as the impact exerted by the said communities.
The aim was to demonstrate the diverse cultural models that were
reaching Polish lands in the 9th and 10th century. This being said, the article
also emphasises the relative homogeneity of the local culture. Phenomena presented
in detail include the impact of the culture of the Avar, Great Moravia, Bohemia,
Hungary, Germany and Scandinavia. Considerable space is also devoted
to the functioning of ethnically foreign enclaves, particularly the small
group of Hungarians living in southern Poland and the slightly larger community
of Scandinavians settled near the coast of the Baltic Sea.
Significant aspects of the present chapter include tracing the more or less consequential
influences from abroad, as well as illustrating how strong an effect
the inhabitants of Poland had on their neighbours. Such tendencies are particularly
apparent in the development of settlements and Slavic influences in Scandinavia
and in the impact of Slavs on the politics and culture of Arab states. It
has been determined that in the 9th and 10th century Slavs hailing from the river
basins of the Vistula and the Oder were more than unresisting slaves whom
‘Vikings’ sold for Arab gold. There is much evidence to suggest that it was the
Piasts themselves who sold their closest neighbours into slavery, investing the
acquired means into developing the structures of the state. Known data also
indicates that Polish warriors sought service at the courts of foreign rulers, e.g.
Harald Bluetooth.
The cultural interaction of the inhabitants of the Vistula and Oder
basin involved communication, commercial exchange, migration
and travel. The examples discussed in the present chapter clearly
suggest that the inhabitants of early-mediaeval Poland played an
active role in the transformations affecting European communities
in the second half of the first millennium AD.
This book is designed mainly for readers outside Poland. The reader is offered a collection of chapters, combining analyses and syntheses of the source material, and a discussion of its etno-cultural and political significance. The authors formulate new hypotheses and ideas, which put the discoveries in a broader European context.
Contributors are Wiesław Bogdanowicz, Mateusz Bogucki, Andrzej Buko, Magdalena M. Buś, Maria Dekówna, Alicja Drozd-Lipińska, Władysław Duczko, Karin Margarita Frei, Tomasz Goslar, Tomasz Grzybowski, Zdzisław Hensel, Iwona Hildebrandt-Radke, Michał Kara, Joanna Koszałka, Anna B. Kowalska, Tomasz Kozłowski, Marek Krąpiec, Roman Michałowski, Michael Müller-Wille, T. Douglas Price, Tomasz Purowski, Tomasz Sawicki, Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka, Stanisław Suchodolski and Kinga Zamelska-Monczak.
Die fruhmittelalterlichen Kaufleute im Ostseeraum
Die Problematik des Handels und der wirtschaftlichen Kontakte zwischen verschiedenen Kulturkreisen ist ein unerlassliches Element der Forschungen fast jeder vorgeschichtlichen oder geschichtlichen Epoche. Der Austausch oder das Erlangen von Gutern verschiedener Arten und Bestimmung ist ein wesentliches Element menschlicher Tatigkeit. Und obwohl Beispiele bekannt sind, in denen sich die ganze Gesellschaft gelegentlich mit Handel mit „Fremden” beschaftigt, so kommt es doch in den meisten Fallen zu einer Spezialisierung der gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben, die zur Entstehung des Kaufmannsberufes fuhrt – Personen, deren Aufgabe es ist, ihrer Gruppe schwierig zu erlangende Guter zu beschaffen, deren Erlangung Reisen zu benachbarten oder fernen Volkern mit zum Tausch bestimmten Waren notig macht. Der Kaufmann selbst, der normalerweise nichts produziert, lebt von den infolge der Handelsaktionen erzielten Preisunterschiede. Die aktuellen Forschungen konzentrieren sich in der Regel auf das wirtschaftliche und Handelspotential einer Region, auf die Effekte, die Bedeutung und das Ausmas des lokalen und des Fernhandels, die Rekonstruktion der Handelswege, wobei die die wichtigsten Trager von Waren und was noch wichtiger ist, von Ideen, hauptsachlich im Schatten der sehr haufig beeindruckenden Gegenstande bleiben, die diese aus oftmals sehr fernen Gegenden herbeibrachten.
Archaeology of the Slavs. Marek Dulinicz in Memoriam
Pages: 297
PL ISSN 0066-5924
Publisher: The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Editors of the volume: Mateusz Bogucki and Aleksandra Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz
Biorąc pod uwagę całokształt problematyki podjętej w ramach projektu, którego wyniki najpełniej prezentuje świeżo opublikowana monografia (Bogucki, Dymowski , Śnieżko 2020), nasuwają się dwie uwagi natury ogólnej. Po pierwsze, monety antyczne stanowią najliczniejszą kategorię przedmiotów antycznych użytkowanych w wieloraki sposób w średniowieczu i w okresie nowożytnym na terenach Europy Środkowej, Wschodniej i Północnej, rozpatrywanych całościowo. Po drugie, monety antyczne użytkowane na tych obszarach stanowią bardzo niewielką część monet, w przeważającej mierze pochodzących z aktualnych emisji i pozostających w użytkowaniu w danym wycinku czasowym średniowiecza lub nowożytności. Tak więc niezależnie od pełnionej funkcji zjawisko użytkowania monet antycznych w interesującym nas zakresie chronologicznym jest marginalne w stosunku do użytkowania monet w ogóle, choć jednocześnie bardzo ciekawe pod względem badawczym, choćby przez swoją wieloaspektowość i długotrwałość. W kolejnych rozdziałach czytelnik może znaleźć odpowiedź na wiele pytań odnoszących się do średniowiecznych i nowożytnych dziejów pieniądza w Europie Środkowej, Wschodniej i Północnej, w tym także w odniesieniu do wierzeń i zwyczajów w ramach sfery religijnej i magicznej. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły ponadto uzyskać szereg odpowiedzi na pytania związane z recepcją antyku i starożytności jako takich, także poza ścisłą elitą społeczno-kulturową.