Windows Azure Active Directory Client Library for js
Windows Azure Active Directory Client Library for js
Google Signin for your react native applications
An open source headless CMS solution to create and manage your own API. It provides a powerful dashboard and features to make your life easier. Databases supported: MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Authentication for Next.js
Simple HMAC-SHA1 for JavaScript. The code was extracted directly from Chromium examples for extensions.
Koa middleware for validating JSON Web Tokens
React Native bridge for AppAuth for supporting any OAuth 2 provider
Official library for interacting with Slack's Oauth endpoints
Angular Lib for OpenID Connect & OAuth2
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server implementation for Node.js with OpenID Connect
Implementation of Google OAuth 2.0 for server-to-server interactions, allowing secure use of Google APIs without interaction from an end-user.
Azure Active Directory (ADAL) support for ReactJS
OAuth 1.0a signature generator (RFC 5849)
Passport strategy for authenticating with Azure AD using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Middleware for different authentication flows of commercetools platform API, to use with @commercetools/sdk-client
A passport.js add-on to provide automatic OAuth 2.0 token refreshing.
Microsoft [Graph] authentication strategy for Passport.
OAuth provider for express
GitHub OAuth App authentication for JavaScript
User profile plugin for Grant