OIDC and Bearer Passport strategies for Azure Active Directory
OIDC and Bearer Passport strategies for Azure Active Directory
React Native wrapper for iOS and Android
Lightweight (<320kb unzipped) library to validate Microsoft AzureAD. Written in typescript fully-tested with 100% code coverage.
Vue plugin for using Azure Active Directory
An Azure Active Directory Token Validation component for node.js
Plugin to integrate AAD authentication in Piral.
React library (MSAL wrapper) for Azure Active Directory authentication.
An Azure Active Directory Token Validation component for node.js that supports AAD v2
Financial Technical Analysis in JavaScript
An Azure Active Directory Token Validation component for node.js
MSAL.js integration for react
AAD JWT authentication middleware.
WSFED/SAMLP/OIDC/Bearer Passport strategies for Azure Active Directory
Passport strategy for authenticating with Azure AD using x.509 Client Certificate
AAD JWT authentication middleware.
An Azure Active Directory Token Validation component for node.js
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph Cordova plugin.
An Azure Active Directory Token Validation component for node.js
Capacitor plugin for Microsoft Authentication
A vue adal login, with no automatic redirect.