Papers by Vladan Vidosavljević
Гласник Српског археолошког друштва, 2024
Средњовековно утврђење Јелеч налази се на планини Рогозни, која је још од антике била извор драго... more Средњовековно утврђење Јелеч налази се на планини Рогозни, која је још од антике била извор драгоцених рудних богатстава. Утврђење се састоји од Горњег, Средњег и Доњег града. За сада је позната и локација оближње некрополе, а претпоставља се и положај Подграђа. Први пут је поменут у 13. веку, а сасвим је извесно да је саграђен током ранијих векова. Након доласка Османлија, Jeлеч
остаје под њиховом контролом, а постаје и средиште истоимене нахије, све до средине 16. века када је напуштен. Утврђење никад није археолошки истраживано, нити су његови остаци у потпуности документовани. Остаци утврђења су у веома лошем стању, како због природних процеса који доводе до његове разградње, тако и честог раскопавања и уништавања од трагача за драгоценостима. Због тога је неопходно евидентирати и документовати све видљиве остатке утврђења и његове околине. Аутори текста су геодетски снимили габарит утврђења и документовали све видљиве структуре, као и део некрополе у подножју утврђења. Међутим, ово су само први кораци у већем подухвату који би требало да обухвати комплетно документовање утврђења и његове околине недеструктивним методама и теренском проспекцијом.
Новопазарска тврђава у светлу најновијих археолошких истраживања, 2023
Eight Balkan Symposium on Archaeometry 3rd—6th October 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022
8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BALKAN HISTORY STUDIES Culture, Architecture and art in the Balkans (September 1 st-4th, 2022, Istanbul/Türkiye) PROCEEDING BOOK-V.1, 2022
8 th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BALKAN HISTORY STUDIES Culture, Architecture and art in the Balkans (September 1st -4 th, 2022, Istanbul/Türkiye), 2022
It is assumed that the Novi Pazar Fortress was built in the second half of the 15th century, as p... more It is assumed that the Novi Pazar Fortress was built in the second half of the 15th century, as part of the endowment of Isa Beg Ishaković, the founder of the city of Novi Pazar. The fortress was first built as a palisade fortification and was a part of the Ottoman provincial defense system. According to the results of archeological excavations, at the end of the 17th century, after the great war between the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the Ottomans, the fortress began to be built and rebuilt as a stone fortress, and especially large-scale interventions on the fortification were carried out during the reign of Sultan Abdulaziz.
Zbornik apstrakata XVIII Kongres geologa Srbije, 2022
Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Univerzitet u Beogradu -Rudarsko-geološki faku... more Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Univerzitet u Beogradu -Rudarsko-geološki fakultet "Jelen Do" Lime & Aggregates -Carmeuse Group Rudarski institut d.o.o. Beograd IBIS-INŽENJERING d.o.o. Banja Luka Geoing Group GeoProspect d.o.o.
Новопазарски зборник 42, 2019
Glasnik DKS, 2019
Virtuelni muzej "Ras" ima za cilj da naučnoj i široj javnosti ... more
Virtuelni muzej "Ras" ima za cilj da naučnoj i široj javnosti približi rezultate višedecenijskog proučavanja kulturne baštine novopazarskog kraja kao važne multietničke i multikulturalne sredine. Tokom trajanja projekta delimično je izvršeno formiranje savremene digitalne dokumentacije, koja će uz propratne tekstove biti prikazana u okviru sajta.
Гласник Друштва конзерватора Србије, 2016
Новопазарски зборник, 2017
Владан Видосављевић Музеј "Рас" Нови Пазар Угљеша Војводић Београд ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ЗАШТИТНИХ АРХЕОЛОШ... more Владан Видосављевић Музеј "Рас" Нови Пазар Угљеша Војводић Београд ИЗВЕШТАЈ СА ЗАШТИТНИХ АРХЕОЛОШКИХ ИСТРАЖИВАЊА ЛОКАЛИТЕТА ДУБЉЕ ИЗНАД КУЋЕ У НОВОМ ПАЗАРУ Локалитет Дубље изнад куће налази се на врху и падинама маљег брега,
Новопазарски зборник, 2016
Током извођења земљаних радова испред источног улаза зграде Основног и Вишег Суда у Новом Пазару,... more Током извођења земљаних радова испред источног улаза зграде Основног и Вишег Суда у Новом Пазару, 1 3.августа 2017. године дошло је до открића старијих зидова грађевине. Радови су извођени због повећања габарита зграде ради постављања тракастих темеља и темеља самаца као и ради замене електро и птт инсталација.
Conference Presentations by Vladan Vidosavljević
MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, Conference Programme and Abstract Book, 2024
Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to ... more Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to the devastation and desecration of churches and monasteries, looting of their assets, and the conversion of some sacred Christian sites into mosques. Despite this, the Serbian Orthodox Church persisted and even expanded during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. While some monasteries fell into disrepair, others prospered, such as the St. Barbara Monastery, located on Reljina Gradina near Novi Pazar (Southwestern Serbia). Based on written sources, the monastery was built during the 16th century, which was proved by archaeological excavations. It was burned down at the end of the 17th century. The excavations have also confirmed an older Medieval necropolis beneath the monastery buildings. The monastery consists of the church, east and west blocks of buildings, and a surrounding wall. It also includes a well, refectory, and kitchen. During the excavations in 2022 and 2023, a small surface in the western part within and outside of the churchyard was excavated. Archaeological material of the 16th and 17th centuries was not abundant, consisting mostly of kitchen and tableware, and less numerous small finds and faunal remains. This paper aims to present faunal analysis results from St. Barbara Monastery, and reveal the dietary habits and characteristics of everyday life of monastery inhabitants from a zooarchaeological perspective. The analysis suggests that domestic animal meat and fish were predominantly consumed. Caprine remains were the most abundant, as the most significant source for exploitation of primary and secondary products. Albeit small, the faunal assemblage from a few contexts of St. Barbara uncovered by now is significant since it is the only known Modern period monastery faunal collection from the territory of Serbia.
Papers by Vladan Vidosavljević
остаје под њиховом контролом, а постаје и средиште истоимене нахије, све до средине 16. века када је напуштен. Утврђење никад није археолошки истраживано, нити су његови остаци у потпуности документовани. Остаци утврђења су у веома лошем стању, како због природних процеса који доводе до његове разградње, тако и честог раскопавања и уништавања од трагача за драгоценостима. Због тога је неопходно евидентирати и документовати све видљиве остатке утврђења и његове околине. Аутори текста су геодетски снимили габарит утврђења и документовали све видљиве структуре, као и део некрополе у подножју утврђења. Међутим, ово су само први кораци у већем подухвату који би требало да обухвати комплетно документовање утврђења и његове околине недеструктивним методама и теренском проспекцијом.
Virtuelni muzej "Ras" ima za cilj da naučnoj i široj javnosti približi rezultate višedecenijskog proučavanja kulturne baštine novopazarskog kraja kao važne multietničke i multikulturalne sredine. Tokom trajanja projekta delimično je izvršeno formiranje savremene digitalne dokumentacije, koja će uz propratne tekstove biti prikazana u okviru sajta.
Conference Presentations by Vladan Vidosavljević
остаје под њиховом контролом, а постаје и средиште истоимене нахије, све до средине 16. века када је напуштен. Утврђење никад није археолошки истраживано, нити су његови остаци у потпуности документовани. Остаци утврђења су у веома лошем стању, како због природних процеса који доводе до његове разградње, тако и честог раскопавања и уништавања од трагача за драгоценостима. Због тога је неопходно евидентирати и документовати све видљиве остатке утврђења и његове околине. Аутори текста су геодетски снимили габарит утврђења и документовали све видљиве структуре, као и део некрополе у подножју утврђења. Међутим, ово су само први кораци у већем подухвату који би требало да обухвати комплетно документовање утврђења и његове околине недеструктивним методама и теренском проспекцијом.
Virtuelni muzej "Ras" ima za cilj da naučnoj i široj javnosti približi rezultate višedecenijskog proučavanja kulturne baštine novopazarskog kraja kao važne multietničke i multikulturalne sredine. Tokom trajanja projekta delimično je izvršeno formiranje savremene digitalne dokumentacije, koja će uz propratne tekstove biti prikazana u okviru sajta.
Vreme izgradnje Jeleča je nepoznato. Postoje indicije da je postojao još u 6. veku, ali se pominje prvi put sredinom 12. veka kada je grad srušio vizantijski car Manojlo I Komnin (Petrović, 1984). Sledeći pouzdan podatak je iz 1282. i kralja Dragutina (Danilo II, 1988; Kalić i Popović, 1985). Kao jedini utvrđeni grad u Raškoj u 13. veku imao je ulogu vladarskog refugijuma, a prema nepotvrđenim podacima i dvor kralja Uroša I (Popović, 1999, 2000; Ćulafić, 1982). Nakon pada Srpskog carstva Jeleč je bio u vlasništvu različitih srpskih velikaša da bi završio kao artiljerijska baza Osmanlija (Mihaljčić, 1969; Petrović, 1984). Napušten je u julu 1540. i od tada se više ne pominje (Premović-Aleksić, 2014). Gornji ili Jerinin grad je utvrđenje poligonalne osnove, dimenzija oko 50 h 35 m. Izgrađen je na stenovitom masivu zvanom Veliki krš koji je nivelisan zasecanjem stena kako bi se dobila veća korisna površina za izgradnju objekata. Prilaz gradu moguć je samo uz istočnu padinu gde su mestimično vidljivi ostaci cik-cak staze i nekoliko stepenika usečenih u stenu. Prolaz, pored kule u jugozapadnom delu, vodi do staze na južnoj, strmoj padini i podseća na tajni prolaz za slučaj opsade. Uz severni zid sačuvani su ostaci žitnice koja je nastala zasecanjem stene i zidanjem kamenim blokovima. Blokovi su spajani vodonepropustivim krečnim malterom kojim je obložena i unutrašnjost građevine (Popović, 1999). Ostaci Srednjeg grada sa bunarima nalaze se zapadno od Gornjeg, dok se istočno i jugoistočno nalaze ostaci više građevina.
Blokovi kvarclatita, bilo tesani za fasadu i zidove Jeleča, ili lomljeni, vezani su krečnim malterom. Kvarclatiti su produkt oligocenske vulkanske aktivnosti (Cvetković et al., 2004, Borojević-Šoštarić et al., 2011). Porfirske su strukture i izgrađeni od kvarca, plagioklasa, sanidina i amfibola. Akcesorne faze su alanit, apatit i pentlandit, dok je od sekundarnih minerala posebno interesantno prisustvo ankerita, CaFe(CO3)2, koji se u bubrežastim, oolitičnim formama nalazi u osnovnoj masi kvarclatita. Kalcijum- aluminijum silikatne (SAS) i kalcijsko silikatne (SS) faze nastale hidratacijom detektovane su u malteru. Danas Jeleč, prilično oronuo i sklon daljem urušavanju, najviše privlači pažnju planinara i zaljubljenika u prirodu, ali i onih koji metal-detektorima tragaju za dragocenostima i dodatno uništavaju ovaj značajan i nedovoljno proučen spomenik kulture. Neophodno je preduzeti mere zaštite, detaljno snimiti postojeće stanje i pokrenuti inicijativu za pridruživanje Jeleč grada listi zaštićenih objekata geonasleđa, kako bi se ovaj važan spomenik kulture sačuvao za buduće naraštaje. Ovaj rad finansiran je po „Ugovoru o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada NIO u 2022. godini“, br. 451-03-68/2022-14/ 200126
Remains of the medieval city Jeleč are located about 25 km south of Novi Pazar, on one of the peaks of the Mts. Rogozna (1262 m), which according to some beliefs is a paleovolcanic cone. In the immediate vicinity are recognizable traces of the undertaken mining activities, as has been additionally supported by the Ottomans name for the mountain: Gümüş Dağ (Silver Mountain) (Petrović, 1984). That was probably the reason why, since the ancient time, the important roads have passed along Jeleč towards Brnjak, in the river Ibar valley where was the summer residence of Queen Helen of Anjou, and further to Kosovska Mitrovica, Banjska and Zvečan.
Exact time of construction is not known. Regardless a story on its existence as early as the 6th century the Jeleč and its destruction by the Byzantine emperor Manuel I Komnenos has been mentioned for the early first time in the half of 12th century (Petrović, 1984). Next relieable data is concerned to 1282 and the Serbian king Dragutin (Danilo II, 1988; Kalić & Popović, 1985). As the only fortified city in the Serbian Principality Raška in 13th century, Jeleč served as the royal refugium, and according to the unproven data it was a court of the King Uroš I (Popović, 1999, 2000; Ćulafić, 1982). After the breakdown of the Serbian Empire, Jeleč had been the property of different Serbian nobles and finally became the military base for Ottoman artillery (Mihaljčič, 1969; Petrović, 1984). It was abandoned in July 1540 and, has not been mentioned again (Premović-Aleksić, 2014).
The Upper or Jerina`s town is the castle of polygonal basement, about 50 h 35 m in size. It was built on rock massif named Veliki krš by cutting rocks in order to enlarge useful area for the construction of buildings. Town is accessible only along the eastern slope where the remains of the chevron designed path and a few stairways hacked into the rocks could be seen sporadically. A side exit, next to the tower in the southwestern part, leads to the path on the southern steep slope and resembles secret exit in a case of siege. Remains of granary, which was built by cutting of rocks and matching a stone block, are discovered beside the northern wall. Waterproof lime mortar was used for binding of blocks, as well as for coating the interior of the construction (Popović, 1999). Remains of the Middle town with wells are found west of the Upper town, whereas on the east and southeast of it remains of several objects are recorded. Quartz latite blocks, either carved for facade and walls, or cracked, are connected by lime mortar. Quartz latites are products of the Oligocene volcanic activity (Cvetković et al., 2004; Borojević- Šoštarić et al., 2011). Their texture is porphyritic and the main minerals, also the phenocrysts, are plagioclase, quartz, sanidine and amphibole. Accessory constituents are allanite, apatite and pentlandite. Among the secondary phases of particular interest is ankerite, CaFe(CO3)2, occurring in kidney-shaped, oolitic forms in the groundmass. In the mortar were detected hydration-derived calcium-aluminosilicate
(SAS) and calcium silicate (SS) phases. Today, Jeleč, significantly damaged and prone to further destruction, mainly attracts nature lovers and mountaineers. However, there are still a lot of treasure- hunters that by metal detectors additionally destroy this important and insufficiently investigated cultural monument.It is necessary to undertake preventive protection measures, record detailly the current conditions and initiate the inclusion of the Jeleč castle in the list of protected geoheritage objects, aiming to preserve this important cultural monument for future generations.
This paper has been financed by the „Contract on realisation and financing of scientific research of SRI in 2022“, Nr. 451-03-68/2022-14/ 200126
After a short break, the research of medieval Ras was relaunched with the programmes of field surveys and excavations. In this new stage, archaeological sites are viewed in a wider spatial and functional context, within a multidisciplinary approach. With the actualization of important knowledge of Ras as the center of the Nemanjić state, the inclusion of natural sciences in the interpretation of the past has opened up a series of new research questions. Responding to the questions of natural resources use and the organization of the production of items necessary for daily life, among other things, would lead to the creation of settlement pattern models, as well as to a better understanding of the variety of functions of the župa, a medieval territorial unit, and its rural settlements. Also, by observing and understanding the remains from a better-known historical period, late medieval and post medieval, i.e. Ottoman, preconditions for the next step in the exploration of heritage from the lesser-studied Byzantine and Roman periods in the area of Ras would be created.
The Virtual Museum Ras Project is a continuation of the long-lasting fruitful cooperation between the experts of the Institute of Archaeology and the Museum in that area. The Project plan envisages the creation of digital documentation on immovable cultural monuments from the area and the material stored in the museum showcases and depots. They will be recorded with photogrammetry, which provides the opportunity to obtain as valid and quality documentation as possible. Also, the documentation will be georeferenced and, unlike the usual photodocumentation, would store precise data on the dimensions and the relationship between the documented units. In addition to being used for scientific purposes, it would be possible to present movable and immovable monumental heritage outside the original location, making it more accessible to the general public and to people with disabilities.
The creation of georeferenced documentation for this area has already begun during the 2017 rescue excavations at the Dublje iznad kuće site in the immediate vicinity of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. A medieval cemetery was unearthed, preliminarily dated between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. All archaeological contexts were recorded using photogrammetry and three-dimensional digital models were created, on the basis of which it is possible to compile the documentation and also to restore the information from archaeological excavation.
The urgency of making comprehensive documentation stems from the regular destruction of the localities in this area. Such a situation points to the necessity of application of modern digitization methods and the completion of digital documents, through which the cultural heritage data will remain preserved even in the case of complete physical destruction of the monuments.
The ultimate goal of the Project is to create a digital library which will be used for long-term storage of digital collections of movable and immovable cultural monuments under the authority of The Ras Museum. Access to digital objects will be enabled through the newly-formed section of the Virtual Museum 'Ras' within the already existing website.