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I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....
Showing posts with label Classes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Classes. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 October 2006

Belated Arabic Exam...

"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence..." - Robert Frost

Since early this year, I have been attending the Arabic classes two nights in a week. The class was interesting and the Ustaz was good. We learned our lessons in a relaxed environment and most of the time we deviated from the syllabus to cater for some slow coaches and those who often took unauthorized absence more too often.

Although it was the policy for all students to have more than 75% record of attendance to sit for the final exam, only a handful of us met that criteria. The Ustaz being lenient and nice, would not report on us. The reason being only a small minority were of hardcore miscreants. The rest of us were good and obedient and never missed to submit our homework.

Towards the end of the semester, attendance got better and the class was full-house again. I made a point not to miss classes as Ustaz would, in between revisions, sometimes gave hints on probable questions for the final exam. A list of soalan bocor circulated among the 3 classes and students were all excited and geared up to sit for the final exam. Confident to receive the much coveted certificate, a license to enroll for advanced Arabic class next year.

I was the unlucky one. I missed my final exam as the date clashed with my Umrah trip. Sensing my frustration, Ustaz advised me to request for a special sitting at a later date. After I came back from my trip, I was engrossed in my normal busy life and forgotten all about the exam.

Until last Tuesday, when I received one sms from my Ustaz: ‘Saya dah arranged untuk awak ambik exam hari Khamis. Datang lah, pukul 8 pagi…’

This morning, sitting in one corner in the administrative office in Masjid Negara, I took my written Arabic exam, while eaves-dropping on conversations among the office staff discussing about balik kampung, kueh raya, ketupat and rendang…

Monday, 16 January 2006

Arabic for dummies...

"Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers..." - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

We checked out around 10 a.m. Had breakfast at Subaidah Restaurant and headed to Bota to send Ella. Had lunch at Ella's place and then continue our journey to KL. We stopped at Tapah for solat and reached Bidara House at 5 p.m. to drop Iwan there and went to Putramas Apartment to change clothes. Hubby sent me to the office to fetch my car and we went our separate ways.

Hubby went to TM for a meeting and I went to Mesjid Negara for the taklimat for the new intakes. I was late and by the time I joined the participants in the Dewan Besar they nearly finished the briefing. We had jamuan of mihun and kueh mueh where I met up with a few friends who will be in the same Arabic Class.

Hubby came to Mesjid Negara near magrib as he had Tajwid class tonight.

Tuesday, 29 November 2005

Pelajar Terbaik Wanita...

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire..."

(Summary of my result)

Last Friday I received a letter from Mesjid Negara, signed by the Imam Besar Mesjid Negara. Enclosed was the result for the Peperiksaan Persijilan Kelas Lanjutan al-Quran Pengajian Dewasa Mesjid Negara Sesi Jun 2003/Ogos 2005. I was the best among the ladies!

Late that night, I received sms from Habsah.

Habsah:  katanya result dah kuar
Aku:        dah dpt. dorang hantar surat. my result alhamdulillah. Result u ok ke?
Habsah:  mine lum tau lagi.
Aku:        maybe esuk lusa dpt surat kot. kalau tak, gi ofis tanya. let me know ye..
Habsah:  ok. suspen betul. katanya pelajar kelas kita highest.
Aku:        ye ke? (segan pulak nak bagi tau yang aku lah pelajar terbaik tu. biarlah orang lain 
cerita... ha ha)

Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Hold the delivery...

“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field...” - Niels Bohr

Right after office, hubby met me at our Sri Putramas apartment to inspect the status of the renovation. Most probably by mid of October the apartment will be ready. Earlier today, we called the furniture company to keep in storage our sofa and dining set until further notice from us.

Tonight hubby attended his class at Masjid Negara and I drove straight home. When he came home in the heavy rain, we had garlic prawn and fried chicken for dinner. It was difficult to keep awake when we were full and sleepy…

Wednesday, 7 September 2005

Farewell and goodbye...

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world...” - Nelson Mandela

Tonight we had a special dinner function for our Masjid Negara class. It was also a farewell dinner as we will be graduating soon. For some of us who excel in the final exam will be invited to join the Tafaqquh Class. For the rest, this will not be the end of the journey. There are many other classes organized by Masjid Negara. In fact some of us are already planning to enroll in Arabic class this November.

After office I went to UIA to fetch Sara. She just came back from Langkawi on a project trip. Hubby came separately on his big-bike. Met up with the rest of my classmates at 8.30 p.m. at Retoran Nelayan, Tasik Titiwangsa. Originally we estimated the turnout to be around 25 persons so we booked 3 tables but it turned out to be more than 35 people came, some with spouses and kids and we have to open another table. We had set dinner of seafood. While having dinner, we were entertained by live performance of cultural dance.

Photo shots followed after speeches by the class rep and from the Ustaz. We handed Ustaz presents from the anak-anak murid and thanked him for his perseverance and tolerance in dealing with us in the class. Ustaz Mohamad is my favorite Ustaz and one of the best Ustaz that taught me throughout my beginner to advance classes. Time flies so fast. All in all, I have spent five years attending Monday and Wednesday night classes in Masjid Negara.

Along these years we make a lot of friends. We lose some too…

Sunday, 4 September 2005

Post-Exam Blues?

"Education is hanging around until you've caught on..".- Robert Frost 

This morning I woke up earlier and drove to Tanglin. I promised a friend to have breakfast together.

The Syafawi Exam will start at 8.30 a.m. sharp and we were divided into 4 groups. I was in the 2nd group and my name was last in the group. I wish I was earlier but I guessed it’s a blessing in disguise. At least I could do some revision while waiting and had the opportunity to ask those tested earlier what questions were asked. I was supposed to be tested by Ustaz Mokhtar but last minute change was made to put me into Ustaz Nazri’s group. I heard that this Ustaz is notorious in asking difficult questions and some from out of the syllabus. When my time came, to my surprise, it went pretty well. My hafazan for both Surah As-Sajadah and Al-Insan was excellent. My recital of the al-Quran was not bad. I missed answering one or two questions but that’s ok. I couldn’t have done better. 

Yesterday when I sat for the written exam, I was quite disorganized. The questions were not difficult and I had answered all questions quite well but I had left blanks thinking that I will have ample time to revisit and fill in good examples. But the 1 1/2 hours allocated were too short for some of us. The Ulumul-Quran exam was better and we have ample time to check and re-check our answers.

I have done my best. Insya-Allah, I will pass the exams with flying colors...

Monday, 22 August 2005

Warong Teh Tarik...

“I can resist anything except temptation...” - Oscar Wilde

We used to have our sunset rendezvous at our favorite warong teh tarik at the Lake Gardern.

But lately, ever since Nasi Lemak Tanglin opens business everyday and extends business hours till 10 at night, we have been visiting the stall almost everyday. In the morning for breakfast and Monday and Wednesday evenings for teh tarik and sometimes Nasi Lemak for early dinner before we go for our classes at Masjid Negara.

A few years back, the Nasi Lemak Tanglin was a small shabby pondok under the giant Angsana trees with branches that droop till they touch the ground. Situated next to the Butterfly Park, they shared business with the makeshift Chinese coffee shop next door. When the children were young, going to eat Nasi Lemak here on Saturday mornings was a family outing. The children loved the Nasi Lemak and the Kuah Daging.

I love the ambiance. It was like having breakfast in Taman Negara, where sometimes we share tables with the monkeys and the crows. We didn’t mind the biji saga scattering into our plates when the pods exploded. Or the crawlies hanging from the trees into our cups of tea. They were harmless caterpillars, which will later transform into beautiful butterflies. We used to eat amidst the sound of chirping birds and crickets and admired the lush greenery. We used to just sit down to contemplate on the beauty of the place. You will find the feeling of peace lingers within the serenity of nature and its surroundings.

Now that they have turned the area into a large parking lot and relocated the warong at the new modern food stalls, I missed the tranquility and peacefulness…

Monday, 15 August 2005

Love is never too much...

“Dreams are always crushing when they don't come true..."

I left the house early. Hubby followed suit on his big-bike half an hour later. The traffic was smooth so I arrived early and had time to do some recital while waiting for him to arrive. We had breakfast Nasi lemak at Tanglin. Whole day today was spent discussing on budget preparation. Don’t even have time to reply sms and answer calls.

After office we met at Tanglin and again I had a round of Nasi Lemak. Twice of Nasi Lemak a day? that’s too much! That was also my dinner for tonight. In class we had a revision session with Uztaz on Ulumul-Quran and we had a few spot questions to work on.

Happy Birthday yang. I love you so very much….

Wednesday, 20 July 2005

Weak and feeble...

“Try a little harder to be a little better...” - Gordon B. Hinckley

Early in the morning, the Director and I were summoned by the DG to explain on the issues raised by our department in the Board Note.

The Management was not pleased on the decision made earlier and commented that the way we handled our relationship with our outsourced agents may not benefit the organization in the long run. From now on, we were asked to refer to the Management concerning any issues related to outsourced agents. We anticipated these red tapes will certainly slow down our operations.

During lunchtime, the ladies in the department went to Damansara Specialist Centre to visit Afiqah. According to Linda, her daughter has been given 5 bottles of drips to prevent her from dehydrating. The purging and vomiting has made her cute little girl weak and feeble. At least she put up a wee bit of smile when we handed her the green little rabbit soft toy. Linda will be off the whole week to look after her little girl.

After office hubby came from home to fetch me and we went to our favorite teh tarik stall before attending our classes at Masjid Negara. Tonight, Ustaz announced the dates of the final exam. I have to start my revision, I have less than a month to prepare.

Wednesday, 6 July 2005

Quran recitation test...

“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars...” - Stephenie Meyer

Today is one hectic day. 

From early morning to nightfall we’ve been struggling to complete the management reports and the board papers. In between, the Director and I sat with the Section Heads to go through the presentation slides to the management.

We were still in the mist of heated discussion, when hubby came. We solat in my room while waiting the drafts to be finalised for the Director to endorse. The Boss is flying to Jakarta early tomorrow morning to handle unfinished business there and Che D will be accompanying him. I am left to guard the fort.

When we arrived at Masjid Negara our classes have already started. While waiting for Isya’ each of us took turn to read the Quran. Tonight we had individual recital test for Surah As-Saj’dah and I had the opportunity to practice my 15-lines recital with Hj Rani in the office earlier this afternoon. Yet, I didn’t do quite well tonight.

Wednesday, 16 February 2005

Not in attendance...

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go..” -TS Elliot

We had teh tarik at the Lake Garden before we go to class. I informed Ustaz that I would not be attending the class for 2 weeks. Hopefully someone could take down notes for me to revise later although our exam will not be until July or August.

Had burger for dinner and tonight tried to start packing clothes and things that I need to bring for the trip. Most probably need to bring thick warm clothing as it is still snowing in Washington and Stockholm.

Monday, 17 January 2005

Building learning partnership...

 “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all...” - Oscar Wilde

Human Resource and Development Centre organized a forum for all Deputy Directors and Training Managers. The objectives of the forum were to create greater partnership in learning among all stakeholders; to understand key responsibility in building meaningful partnership and to enhance understanding on linkages between learning and performance.

Tonight I attended my class at Mesjid Negara after a very long vacation. I heard that we are getting a new Ustaz as our Ustaz will be posted in Kuching very soon.

Monday, 4 October 2004

Preparing for Ramadhan...

“When we get out of the glass bottle of our ego and when we escape like the squirrels in the cage of our personality and get into the forest again, we shall shiver with cold and fright...” - D. H. Lawrence

Tonight our class was having a doa selamat menyambut Ramadhan and makan-makan.

The mee curry was very nice, courtesy of Haji Dollah. A lot of food to be consumed. We even invited Ustaz from the other classes to join us. Our last class for the semester will be on Wednesday. Ustaz has given everyone a task to complete during the fasting month. To recite the whole of surah Sejadah.

There will be a recital test when we commence class after the Hari Raya festivals.

Saturday, 2 October 2004

Exam fervor...

'"You care about something, you fight for it..."

I did not have any specific plan this morning.

So I lazed around and had toast for breakfast in bed and dozed off again only to wake up when dear hubby called around noon from Masjid Negara to remind me about tonight’s dinner. He was having his final Tajwid exam today. Good luck yang, I know you will do well.

After my spa session, went to have my hair cut and wash at Nur Cahaya Salon. At least this time I don’t need to go to the unisex salon for hair wash. Arranged with Ira for a facial tomorrow afternoon.

Dinner was delicious and filling.