A common sight in the game of w:softball: players and umpire ready to receive a pitch during a softball game. Taken on 2005-11-01 by Yours Truly. This is an amateur game (although both teams have national and international-level players), played at Hawker International Softball Centre.
The man in green and white is the batter (that's why he's holding a bat), the man in white, red and blue is the catcher, and the man in all blue is an umpire. The ground is brown, indicating that this diamond is "skinned" – the infield is dirt, while the outfield is grass. The white patch next to the batter is "home plate"; the barely-visible white lines running to the plate are the "foul lines". On the right of the picture is the "on-deck circle".
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A common sight in the game of w:softball: players and umpire ready to receive a pitch during a softball game. Taken on 2005-11-01 by Yours Truly. This is an amateur game (although both teams have national and international-level players), played at
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