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د محصول مشخصات

  • Product Name: MATA 7S Multi-trailer TPMS
  • Suitable for: 12-24V trucks, B-doubles, and road-trains
  • Maximum Monitored Tyres: Up to 110 tyres (1 towing truck with max 14 tyres + 6 trailers with max 16 tyres each)

د محصول کارولو لارښوونې

د بسته محتويات
Package contents include the following components:

  • Mata 7S Display
  • External truck sensor
  • Booster KC-01 for truck
  • Repeater TC-02 for trailer
  • کیبل ښکاره کړئ

د ښودلو نصب کول
Follow the steps outlined in the manual for installing the display which includes connecting the necessary cables and securing the display in a suitable location within the vehicle.

Booster Installation for Truck
Install the booster KC-01 in the truck as per the provided instructions to enhance signal reception for the TPMS system.

Repeater Installation for Trailer
Mount the repeater TC-02 in the trailer to ensure proper transmission of tire data to the display unit in the truck.

ډیری پوښتل شوي پوښتنې (FAQ)

Q: What are the TPMS warning signals?
A: The TPMS warning signals include alerts for abnormal tire pressure, high temperature, and other tire-related issues. These signals are designed to prompt timely action to prevent potential hazards.

Package Contents (External)

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (2)

Package Contents (Internal) SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (3)


SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (4)

  1. Display ON/OFF/SLEEP
    Display will automatically turn on when charging or connected to power. Display can also be manually turned ON/OFF by holding SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)او SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5)button for 3 seconds, when the display is disconnected from power.
    Display will automatically go into SLEEP mode to save power in 4 minutes if there is no vibration detected. If vibration is detected, display will awaken from SLEEP mode.
  2. چټک چک
    To manually check the next two tyre temperatures and pressures, press the button. To check the previous two tyre temperatures and pressures, press the button.
  3. د لوستلو لوستل
    When the display is set to Front Axle Only View, the display will only show the front axle tyre pressure and temperature. This does not affect the alarm function: if another tyre is experiencing tyre problems, it will pop up on the display.
    When the display is set to Truck Only View or All Tyre View, the display scrolls through tyre pressure and temperature data two at a time on the screen, starting from the first axle to the last, and then loops back.
    When the display is set to All Tyre View, for trailers, the display will assign each trailer a random “trailer number”. It will then scroll through truck, trailer 1, trailer 2, trailer 3… up to trailer 6, before looping back to truck data.
    If there is an alert, the warning indicatorSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (7) will flash. Flip to the last few pages of this manual for different warning signals.

نصب کول

Four installation steps:

  1. ښودل
  2. بوسټر
  3. تکرار کوونکی
  4. سینسرونه

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (8)

  1. د ښودلو نصب کول

هغه څه چې تاسو ورته اړتیا لرئ: SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (9)د ښودلو نصب کول: SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (10)

Mount the display stand onto the dashboard with screws or double-sided sticker. Choose somewhere visible but not obtrusive. Make sure the display cable can reach the display stand. Do not place in an airbag deployment area. SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (11)

د تار پیوستون SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (12)Booster Installation for truck

هغه څه چې تاسو ورته اړتیا لرئ

  • (2) Booster Installation for truck What you need:Install the booster on the truck / prime mover. The booster front side must not face metal parts.
  • Booster is waterproof and can be installed on the underside of the truck.
  • Position the booster at a short distance from the sensors.
  • The booster should be mounted firmly by tie or screw.

Wiring & positioning(2) Booster Installation for truck What you need:

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (15) Repeater Installation for trailer

د نصبولو لارښوونهSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (16)

  • TC-02 repeater communicates trailer data to the display through power line.
  • Install the repeater on the trailer. It needs to be connected to the same power loop as the display (e.g. park light).
  • One trailer, one repeater. The repeater should be positioned as short distance as possible to the trailer sensors.
  • The repeater has a screen that will show the trailer number when powered. Ensure the screen is visible.
  • The repeater should be mounted firmly by a tie or screw.SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (17)

 د سینسر نصب کول

  • General sensor position diagram
  • Sensor position is labeled using a number followed by a letter.
  • The number represents the axle number (maximum 4 axles), starting from the front of the vehicle. The number can be 1, 2, 3 or 4.
  • The letter represents the tyre position (maximum 4 tyres per axle), starting from the left side of the vehicle. The letter can be A, B, C or D.

د مثال لپارهampleSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (18)Generally, each module’s sensors are labelled this way, unless it is a custom order. The display will show the outline of the tyres for paired sensors. Position with no paired sensors will be blank.
Please install the sensors in their correct position.
Note: Kits usually come pre-paired, however, the user can customize where each sensor goes by deleting or pairing sensors (see page 21).

د بهرني سینسر نصب کول

  1. Take an external tyre sensor.
  2. Remove the original valve cap.
  3. په سینسر باندې پیچ کړئ.
  4. د صابون اوبه په سپری کولو سره د هوا جریان چیک کړئ.SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (20)

د داخلي سینسر نصب کول

  1. Loop the strap around the drop centre of the wheel. Make sure the strap is straight.
    Cut off excess strap 3cm past the band clamp.
  2. Thread sensor into the strap. Then thread strap through the band clamp.
  3. Move sensor along the strap until close to the tyre valve. The sensor should always be installed near the valve in order to know the sensor’s approximate location.
  4. Make sure strap is straight and tighten the band clamp with screw, so that the strap fixed securely and not moving. Do not over tighten.

Functional Test after Installation

After installation, perform a two-step functional test to check that the product is installed and functioning correctly.

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (22)

  1. step 1. Turn on truck ACC to confirm that products are on the same power loop.
    • The display automatically turns on as soon as it is powered.
    • The display is showing the correct number of tyre outlines in the correct positions.
    • If trailers are connected, the trailer outline and tyre outline will appear on the Mata7S display within 30 seconds.
    • If trailers are connected, each repeater screen shows a random red numeric digit between 1~6.
      SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (22)
  2. Step 2. Connect/disconnect with some trailers normally and drive the truck. All tyre data should appear in 60 seconds.
    • After connecting/disconnecting the trailers, the trailer outline and tyre outline will automatically appear/disappear on the Mata7S display within 60 seconds.
    • Pressure data updates as soon as the truck starts driving. After several minutes, the user can quickly check all tyre data on display using the button.
    • The display may alarm if any tyre is 25% lower or 25% higher than the default pressure alarm. In this case, the user can adjust the alarm (see page 16~17).SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (24)

 د محصول مشخصات


SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (25)

د TPMS ترتیبات

امستنې حالت

  1. ننوتل SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)Settings Mode: Hold button for 3 seconds until you hear button to rotate through the functions,
    • beep, then short press SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button to rotate through the functions, pressSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (30) or to make a choice.
  2. Exit Settings Mode: Hold button until you hear me beeps.

Functions rotation SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (26)

Pressure unit selection:

  1. نیولSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. BAR” or “PSI” will flash on-screen. Shon pressSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5) to choose between “BAR” or “PSI”.
  3. To go to the next setting, shod press SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button once; or exit by holding button until you hear beeps.

د حرارت واحد انتخاب:

  1. نیول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. Shon press SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)the button once. ” oc ” or” OF ” will flash on-screen.
  3. لنډ پریس SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5)button to choose between ” oc ” or ” OF
  4. To go to the next setting, short theSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button onæ; or exit by holdingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear me


Front axle tyre baseline pressure:
This sets the pressure baseline of the first axle of the truck (the Wvo steering wheels). Alarm will be triggered when type pressure is ±25% of the baseline.

  1. نیول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. Shon press SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button Wice. Front axle tyres and “102′ (PSI) or ” 7.00 ” (BAR) will flash on the screen.
  3. کارولSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (30) and buttons to set the new baseline pressure.
  4. To go to the next setting, shortSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) press button once; or exit by holding buttonSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)until you hear two steps.
    Default front axle baseline pressure: 7.00 BAR/102 PSI

Rear tyre baseline pressure
This sets the pressure baseline of the rear axles of the truck and trailers. Alarm will be triggered when type pressure is ±25% of the baseline.

  1. نیول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. لنډ پریس SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button three times. All rear tyres and “101” (or “7.00”) will  on the screen.
  3. کارولSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (30) and button to set the new baseline pressure.
  4. To go to the next setting, short pressSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button once; or exit by holdingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear two beeps.
    Default rear tyre baseline pressure: 7.00 BAR/101 PSI

د لوړ حرارت الارم

Alarm will be triggered when the tyre temperature is higher than the high-temperature value.

  1. نیول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. لنډ پریسSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button four times. “90” or “194” will  on the screen.
  3. کارول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (30)and button to set the new high temperature value.
  4. To go to the next setting, short pressSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button once; or exit by holdingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear two beeps.
    Default high temperature: 90°C/194°F .

د ښودلو طریقې:
All Tyre View: the display will cycle through and show all tyre data, including any trailer tyre data (default setting).
مخکینۍ محور View: the display will only show the front two tyre pressures and temperatures.
ټرک View: the display will cycle through and show tyre data of the truck (not the trailer).

د دې ترتیب بدلولو لپاره:

  1. نیول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2.  لنډ پریس SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button five times. All tyre symbols will flash.
  3. لنډ پریسSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5) the button to set the desired display mode.
  4. To go to the next setting, short pressSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button once; or exit by holdingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear two beeps.
    NOTE: the display mode does not affect the alarm function of the device. The device will monitor all tyres.

Alarm sound ON/OFF

  1. نیول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. لنډ پریسSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) تڼۍ شپږ ځله.
  3. لنډ پریسSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5) button to toggle ON or OFF the alarm sound.
  4. To go to the next setting, short pressSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button once; or exit by holding SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear two beeps.

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (27)

Tyre swap function
This function is useful for internal sensors. For external sensors, we recommend unscrewing and re-installing the sensors in the correct position, or repairing the sensors to the correct position instead of using the Tyre Swap function.
This function swaps two tyre positions on the display.

  1. نیولSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. لنډ پریس SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button eight times, “C1” and the left front tyre will  on the screen. SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (28)
  3. کارولSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (30) button to select the  tire position for the swap. The selected position will pressSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) یوځل؛ SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (29)
  4. After confirming C1, “C2” will flash on the screen, now select the second tyre to swap, to confirm tyre swap press SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)یوځل.
    Note: If C1 and C2 positions are different, tyre swap will occur. If you didn’t want to perform tyre swap, simply make sure that C2 is the same position as C1, so that no swap occurs.SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (31)5. The next setting (BAR/PSI) will flash on-screen. Exit by holdingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear two beeps. SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (32)

To swap another set of sensors, users need to exit Settings Mode and repeat step 1~5.

 د سینسر جوړه کول

  1. Sensor pairing is used to pair a new sensor to the display or to change a sensor position. All our TPMS units come with sensors already paired to the display.
    Sensor Pairing Instructions:
  2. مطبوعاتيSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button 5 times to enter Pairing Mode with a beep. Left front tyre and “—” will  on the screen.SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (33)
  3. Keep sensors at least 50cm away from the display. HoldSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5) ت buttonۍ تر هغه وخته چې تاسو غوږۍ واورئ. PR  and the left front tyre will  on the screen. SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (34)
  4. کارول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (30)button to select the tyre position you want to pair sensor to.SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (35)
  5. After you selected the position, bring one sensor close to the top side of the display and move it around a bit for the display. A beep sound will indicate that the new sensor is paired and real-time pressure “0” (PSI/BAR) will appear on the screen. Put the paired sensor back to 50cm away from the display. SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (36)
  6. Repeat step 4~5 to pair another sensor, or exit by holdingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear two beeps.

Sensor Pairing Method 2 (for trucks only, not trailers):

This method is for truck sensors only, trailer sensors cannot be paired using this method.

  1. مطبوعاتي SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button 5 times to enter Pairing Mode with a beep. Left front tire and “—” will on the screen.
  2. Use or button to select the tyre position you want to pair the sensor to. The chosen position will.
  3. Take the respective sensor and screw it onto a tire, and make sure the display is close by. When the pressure data shows on the display by short pressingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button once. The chosen position will stop  the sensor is paired successfully.SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (37)
  4. Repeat steps (2)~(3) to pair another sensor or exit by holding button until you hear two beeps.

Sensor Deletion

WARNING: consider carefully which sensors to delete before proceeding. Trailer sensor cannot be deleted, it can only be overwritten.

  1. مطبوعاتي SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button 5 times to enter Pairing Mode with a beep.
  2. کارولSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (30) button to select the tyre position you want to delete.
  3. نیول SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5)button until you hear a beep p37 and the selected tyre will on the screen.
  4. SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (38)Conrm by short pressing button once, “ – – – ” will on the screen; to cancel, press button once.
  5.  To delete another sensor repeat steps (2)~(4); or exit by holdingSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear two beeps.

Accidental Deletion: Accidentally deleted sensors can be repaired to the correct position using sensor pairing.

Trailer Sensor Overwrite
Trailer sensors on the display cannot be deleted. They can only be over-written by another sensor.

د مثال لپارهample, the user wishes to remove sensor 3B on the trailer:

  1. Take another sensor that is paired to the display (e.g. 3A) and pair it to position 3B on the display. This will overwrite 3B’s data. Save and exit.
  2. Take the same sensor, and pair it back to its original position 3A on the display. Save and exit. Now, 3B position should be blank, and the 3B sensor should be a free sensor (not paired).

External Sensor Battery Replacement

  1. Unscrew the sensor cover with spanner
  2. پخوانی بیټرۍ لرې کړئ SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (40)
  3. Replace with new CR2050 battery (the + side faces upwards)
  4.  Screw on the sensor cover

پوښتنه او ځواب

The display is showing “---”, what should I do?

Drive for 1 minute; Ensure that all the sensors are present; Ensure there is no electronic interference around (e.g. turn off DVRs); Change sensor battery; If data is still missing, commence sensor pairing.

How to silence the display alarm?

You can press any button to temporarily silence the display, or turn off the alarm sound (visual alarm will still be on), see page 18.

The display is constantly alarming for low pressure, how to keep it quiet?

Set the tyre baseline pressure to a lower value. Inflate tyres to correct pressure. Turn off the alarm sound, see page 18.

What to do if I want to add more sensors?

A Please purchase extra sensors from authorised stores and follow the sensor pairing instructions (page 21) to pair the extra sensors to the display. To add sensors to a trailer, make sure you have a TC-02 repeater for trailer .

Q The sensor is in the wrong position, what can I do?

Please pair the sensor to the correct position If one of my TPMS sensors becomes lost or damaged, can I just buy a new sensor and pair it to my existing TPMS display A Yes. An individually purchased sensor needs to be paired to your existing display, please refer to page

I accidentally deleted one of the sensors from display using the Sensor Deletion function, how can I get it back?

Please follow instructions on page 21 to re-pair the deleted sensor to the display.

During a wheel rotation, how can I make sure the sensors are in the right position?

Extemal sensors can be taken off and installed to the correct position Tyre swap can be performed for internal sensors.

My display only shows the two front tyres, but doesn't rotate and show other tyres?

The device is set to Front Axle View Please follow instructions on page 17 to change to All Tyre View The display warns me of low sensor battery, but it stops after a while.

Why is that so?

The warning for low sensor battery is only 2 beeps during a trip, it alerts the user to change the battery. There are two cases when the system think the sensor battery is low The sensor battery is low. The user needs to change the battery. The temperature is less than -40°C and the battery cannot output normal power. In this case, the user does not need to change the battery

Display cannot be turned off manually?

The display cannot be turned off while it is connected to power. The display can be turned off manually when the display is disconnected to power.

Where do I find help?

Please contact your direct seller or retailer

What to do if I get an alarm?

There are some things to keep in mind TPMS most commonly alarms for low pressure and fast leakage TPMS can only warn the driver which tyre is experiencing issues It cannot resolve tyre issues. Driving without resolving the issue may be dangerous. For multiple trailers, each trailer is assigned a random at the beginning of each drive. Therefore, when there is a problem with one of the trailer tyres, please do not turn off the ACC The repeater needs power to show the trailer number on their little screens

Q How do I restore factory default settings?
یو نیول  SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5)for 3 seconds will restore factory default settings.
This clears the data and resets parameters, but does not change sensor pairings.

steps after the display starts beeping:

  1. Drivers should respond to the warning by stopping safely. The beep can be temporarily stopped by pressing any button.
  2. DO NOT TURN OFF ACC*. If turned  please turn on ACC within 3 minutes.
  3. Check the problem trailer number, tyre position and the warning signal that is on the display. (Warning signals see next page.)
  4. ACC still on, locate the problem tyre on the truck or the trailers. The trailer number will show on the repeater screens as well.
  5. Resolve the tyre problem before getting back on the road.
    Note: If it is not possible to immediately rectify the issue, and the user wishes to stop the beeping, see below for alarm sound ON/OFF:

Alarm sound ON/OFF

  1. نیولSINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) button until you hear a beep to enter Settings Mode.
  2. لنډ پریس SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6) تڼۍ شپږ ځله.
  3. لنډ SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (5)pressbutton to toggle ON or OFF the alarm sound.
  4. To go to the next setting, short SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)press button once; or exit by holding SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (6)button until you hear two beeps.

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (41)

*What happens if ACC is turned off

  1. Situation 1. If the driver has turned off ACC, repeater will lose power and will not display the trailer number. Therefore, turn on ACC within 3 min to re-display the number.
  2. Situation 2. If ACC is turned off for 3 min or more, the trailer number may be different the next time the driver is driving.
  3. Situation 3. If the repeater is connected to constant power that does not cut off when ACC is turned off, then booster will not lose power. Therefore it is irrelevant whether ACC is turned off or on throughout this process.

TPMS Warning Signals

When the unit detects abnormal tyre conditions or low sensor battery, the display will emit audible beeps and visual warning in the corresponding tyre location.

Alarm on trailer:

  • Check problem position
  • Check trailer No.
  • مه ګرځئ
  • ACC Go to trailer to check
  • Low pressure alarm, below 25% of the baseline pressure
  • High pressure alarm, above 25% of the baseline pressure
  • High temperature alarm, above the set high temperature alarm

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (42)

  • Air leakage alarm, when tyre is losing pressure
    Sensor low battery alarm Sensor low battery alarm
  • Sensor failure or missing sensor alarm

SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (1)

The display will give alert* when it doesn’t detect a particular sensor. Prolonged non-detection will result in an alarm**.
*Alert: SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (7) turns on, problem tyre outline blinks slowly.
**Alarm: “—”,SINOTEK-MATA-7S-TPMS-Multi-Trailer- (7)and  with audible beeps.

د FCC بیان

  1. دا وسیله د FCC قواعدو برخه 15 سره مطابقت لري. عملیات د لاندې دوو شرایطو تابع دي:
    1. دا وسیله ممکن د زیان رسونکي مداخلې لامل نشي.
    2. دا وسیله باید هر ډول لاسوهنه ومني، په شمول هغه مداخله چې ممکن د ناغوښتل شوي عملیاتو لامل شي.
  2. بدلونونه یا تعدیلات چې د موافقت لپاره مسؤل ګوند لخوا په څرګند ډول تصویب شوي ندي کولی شي د تجهیزاتو چلولو لپاره د کاروونکو واک باطل کړي.
    یادونه: دا تجهیزات ازمول شوي او موندل شوي چې د B ټولګي ډیجیټل وسیلې لپاره محدودیتونو سره مطابقت لري ، د FCC مقرراتو 15 برخې سره سم. دا محدودیتونه ډیزاین شوي ترڅو د استوګنې په نصب کې د زیان رسونکي مداخلې پروړاندې مناسب محافظت چمتو کړي.

This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.if this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • د ترلاسه کونکي انتن بیا ځای پرځای کول یا ځای په ځای کول.
  • د تجهیزاتو او رسیدونکي ترمینځ جلا کول زیات کړئ.
  • تجهیزات په یوه سرکټ کې له هغه څخه توپیر سره وصل کړئ چې ریسیور ورسره وصل دی.
  • د مرستې لپاره د ډیلر یا تجربه لرونکي راډیو / تلویزیون تخنیکین سره مشوره وکړئ.

وسیله د عمومي RF افشا کولو اړتیا پوره کولو لپاره ارزول شوې ، دا تجهیزات باید د ریډیټر او ستاسو بدن ترمینځ لږترلږه د 20 سانتي مترو په فاصله نصب او چلول شي.

  • Model: TE05, FCC ID: 2AP2YTE05
  • Model: TN05, FCC ID: 2AP2YTN05
  • Model: KC-01, FCC ID: 2AP2YKC-01
  • Model: TN01, FCC ID: 2AP2YTE01

اسناد / سرچینې

SINOTEK MATA 7S TPMS Multi Trailer [pdf] لارښود لارښود
MATA 7S, MATA 7S TPMS Multi Trailer, TPMS Multi Trailer, Multi Trailer, Trailer


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