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esi Active Directory System Software



  • Dzina lazogulitsa: ESI eSIP and iCloud
  • Mbali: ESI Phone LDAP Contacts with Active Directory

Zambiri Zamalonda

  • This document serves as a guideline for setting up access to an Active Directory using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) from an ESI Phone.
  • It outlines the process of accessing a simple Active Directory and retrieving information such as names and phone numbers for users and contacts.

Malangizo Ogwiritsira Ntchito Zogulitsa

Mawu Oyamba

The document provides instructions for accessing a simple Active Directory using LDAP. It emphasizes the importance of involving the Active Directory administrator to provide necessary information for setup.

The Active Directory

Each company will have a unique Active Directory structure. The network administrator should offer guidance on data entry and user credentials.
Access to the Active Directory should be secured, and the network administrator must ensure phones have secure access to the network.

Kukhazikitsa Active Directory kudzera pa GUI ya foni

  • Kupeza the IP address for ePhone8
  • Kupeza the IP address for ePhone3/4x v2, ePhoneX/X-1
  • Kupeza the IP address for ePhone3/4x v1

Kulowa mu GUI ya foni

Instructions on logging in to the phone’s GUI to set up access to Active Directory.

Kupanga ma phonebook

Guidelines on configuring the phonebooks to retrieve names and phone numbers from the Active Directory.


Q: Kodi chikalatachi chingagwiritsidwe ntchito kupeza Active Directory iliyonse?

A: This document is specific to setting up access to a simple Active Directory. The structure of each Active Directory may vary, so involvement from the administrator is crucial.

Q: Kodi mwayi wopezeka pa netiweki uyenera kukhazikitsidwa bwanji?

A: Secure access methods like VPN connections should be set up by the network administrator. Specific setups will vary for each customer.

Chikalatachi chakonzedwa kuti chitsatidwe ngati chitsogozo chokhazikitsa njira yofikira ku Active Directory (AD) yosavuta kuchokera ku ESI Phone pogwiritsa ntchito Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

Mawu Oyamba

  • This document describes the procedure used to access a simple Active Directory (AD) using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
  • This document should not be interpreted as a universal “how to get access to any Active Directory”, but rather a guideline describing how ESI’s product Management set up one phone to retrieve information from a very simple Active Directory.
  • Chonde dziwani kuti mapangidwe a Active Directories adzakhala osiyana mu kampani iliyonse kotero kuti woyang'anira Active Directory ayenera kutengapo mbali popereka chidziwitso choyenera kuti alowe mu foni kudzera mu mawonekedwe a GUI.
  • For the creation of this guideline document, a very simple Active Directory was created with fake values to illustrate the relationship between the data in the Active Directory and the information required in the phone’s GUI to be able to retrieve names and phone numbers for users and contacts.

The Active Directory

  • Each company will have a different structure for the Active Directory being used. The administrator of the Active Directory should provide assistance in identifying what data should be entered.
  • The network administrator should also provide guidelines as to what user should be used to gain access to the Active Directory. For this procedure, the credentials of one of the users were used, but that doesn’t have to be the case always.
  • Access to the company’s Active Directory is always protected and therefore the network administrator should also provide assistance in giving the phones secure access to the network where the Active Directory resides.
  • That may be setting up a VPN connection or something similar. Setting up the secured access to the network where the Active Directory resides is not covered in this document as it will be specific for each customer.
  • For this exercise, a very simple Active Directory was created on a virtual machine in a personal computer. Access to that virtual machine was therefore very easy and no VPN connection had to be set.
  • The IP address of the virtual machine happened to be, but in actual implementations, the IP address to be used should be the address of the server hosting the Active Directory.
  • Chithunzi chotsatira chikuwonetsa ogwiritsa ntchito atatu omwe akufotokozedwa mu Active Directory pansi pa Ogwiritsa ntchito foda komanso pamwamba, njira yomwe ogwiritsa ntchitowo ali.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-1
  • Muzochita izi, wogwiritsa ntchito Jose Mario Venta adzagwiritsa ntchito mbiri yake kuti apeze Active Directory. Chithunzi chomwe chili pansipa chikuwonetsa DN ya wogwiritsa ntchito yomwe ndi imodzi mwazinthu zomwe ziyenera kudziwika. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-2
  • Chithunzi chotsatirachi chikuwonetsa kulumikizana kwakunja komwe kumafotokozedwa mu Active Directory pansi pa Foda Foda. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-3

Kukhazikitsa Active Directory kudzera pa GUI ya foni

Kupeza adilesi ya IP ya foni

Kupeza adilesi ya IP ya ePhone8

  • Obtain the IP address of the phone you want to set up to access the Active Directory. In an ePhone8 you can do that by sliding your finger from the top of the screen down, which will open a small window where the IP address can be seen.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-4
  • Alternatively, you can also find the IP address by selecting Settings (gear icon) on the main screen, and then selecting Network. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-5esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-6
  • Apa mupeza adilesi ya IP. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-7

Kupeza adilesi ya IP ya ePhone3/4x v2, ePhoneX/X-1

  • Dinani batani la Menyu pa foni.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-8
  • Kenako sankhani Status ndikudina Chabwino. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-9
  • Mupeza adilesi ya IP pansi pa Network tabu monga momwe zilili pansipa. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-10

Kupeza adilesi ya IP ya ePhone3/4x v1

  • Dinani batani la Menyu pa foni.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-11
  • Sankhani Status ndikudina Enter. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-12
  • Under Status, you will find the phone IP address. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-13

Kulowa mu GUI ya foni

  • Tsegulani a web browser, enter the phone’s IP address in the URL m'munda ndikudina Enter.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-14
  • Kenako lowetsani Wogwiritsa ndi Mawu achinsinsi pawindo lolowera ndikudina Lowani. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-15

Kupanga ma phonebook

ePhone8, ePhone3/4x v2, ePhoneX/X-1

  • Tsopano muli mu GUI ya foni. Pitani ku Phonebook> Cloud Phonebook.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-16
  • Tipanga mabuku awiri a Active Directory Cloud Phonebook, imodzi ya ogwiritsa ntchito a PBX ndi ina ya olumikizana nawo akunja. Mutha kukhala ndi Mabuku Amafoni a Active Directory mpaka 4.
  • Sankhani LDAP pa menyu yotsitsa, kenako dinani LDAP Phonebook.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-17
  • Kuti mupange bukhu lamafoni loyamba, sankhani LDAP1 kuchokera pa menyu otsika pansi pa zoikamo za LDAP, lowetsani zofunikira monga momwe zasonyezedwera kale.ample below, and click Apply.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-18
  • Mutu Wowonetsera: Give this phonebook a name, in this case, “PBX Phonebook”
  • Adilesi ya Seva: Enter the IP address of the server hosting the AD.
  • LDAP TLS Mode: Use LDAP
  • Kutsimikizira: Select “Simple” from the dropdown menu
  • Dzina lolowera: Enter the complete DN (as shown in the AD) for the user that will give access to the AD. Search Base: Enter the path in the AD where the search should begin, in this example, the users are listed under so, this is CN=Users,
  • DC=testdomain, DC=com
  • Foni: Enter the field in the AD where the extension number is specified, in this example, iPhone Other: If there are other fields populated in the AD you can enter one of them here
  • Sinthani Attr and Name Filter are automatically populated but if they are not just copy what’s shown in the figure above.
  • Mtundu: Select Version 3 from the dropdown menu
  • Seva Port: 389
  • Calling Line and Search Line: Enter the phone line for which you want this Phonebook to show, in this case, there is only one line so you can use “AUTO”
  • Mawu achinsinsi: Enter the AD password for the specified username
  • Name Attr: cn ndi
  • Dzina lowonetsa: cn
  • Number filter: should be automatically populated but if it is not, enter  (|(ipPhone=%)(mobile=%)(other=%))
  • Chonde zindikirani that the first field name (ipPhone) should be the same one you have entered in the Telephone field above.
  • Chizindikiro the “Enable In Call Search” and “Enable Out Call Search”
  • Dinani on the Apply button.
  • CHIDZIWITSO: fields Telephone, Mobile, and Other, can be populated with whatever values of the AD you want to retrieve (where phone numbers may have been stored).
  • Ogwiritsa ntchito omwe achotsedwa mu Active Directory tsopano akuyenera kulembedwa mugawo la Cloud phonebook, ndipo muwona batani latsopano lomwe limawerenga PBX Phonebook monga momwe zilili pansipa. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-19
  • Kuti mupange bukhu lachiwiri la foni lotchedwa Business Contacts, sankhani LDAP2 kuchokera pa menyu yotsikira pansi pa makonda a LDAP, lowetsani zofunikira monga momwe zasonyezedwera kale.ample pansipa ndikudina Ikani. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-20
  • Ogwiritsa ntchito omwe achotsedwa mu Active Directory tsopano akuyenera kulembedwa mugawo la Cloud phonebook, ndipo muwona batani latsopano lotchedwa Business Contacts monga momwe zilili pansipa. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-21

ePhone3/4x v1

  • Zokonda za LDAP za ePhone3 v1 ndi ePhone4x v1 ndizofanana ndi zomwe zili pamwambazi, ndikusiyana pang'ono momwe makonda ochepa amatchulidwira. Mutha kudina chizindikiro cha funso kuti mufotokoze zosintha.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-22
  • Mukakonzedwa, bukhu la foni lidzawonekera pamndandanda wamafoni a Cloud. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-23

Viewing the phonebook on the ePhone8

Viewing ePhone8 individually created Phonebooks

  • Pa ePhone8 yanu, dinani chizindikiro cha Phonebook pa zenera lalikulu.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-24
  • Now tap on the web phonebook pa menyu kumanja kwa chophimba. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-25
  • Both Cloud Phonebooks should be listed on your screen, identified with the names you gave them before.
  • You will see the IP address of the server hosting the Active Directory underneath each name.
  • Tap on the PBX Phonebook.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-26
  • Mudzawona zomwe zatengedwa kuchokera ku PBX Phonebook Active Directory monga momwe zilili pansipa. Mu example is the contents of the folder that contains the Users.
  • Other Active Directories may be structured differently, with Organization Units and such, in this exampmutha kuwona wogwiritsa "Mlendo" wokhala ndi nambala yafoni komanso wogwiritsa ntchito kuwonjezera 1010.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-27
  • Bwererani pazenera lapitalo ndikudina pa Ma Contacts a Bizinesi. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-28
  • Tsopano muwona omwe akulumikizana nawo akunja ndi manambala awo a foni akufotokozedwa mu Bizinesi Yogwira Ntchito Yolumikizana ndi Magulu. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-29

Configure the Phonebook icon to access Active Directory directly

You can set up the ePhone8 Phonebook icon to access the Active Directory directly.

  1. Select Settings Gear Icon which is located on the ePhone8 home screen.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-30
  2. Scroll down to System, and then select Display.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-31
  3. Scroll down, and then select Select Phonebook Type.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-32
  4. Select Network Phonebook.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-33
    • Press the Phonebook iconesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-34 on the home screen and the Active Directory contacts will be displayed where the user can scroll through the directory list or search by either Name or Number.

Sakani ndi nambala:esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-35

Sakani ndi dzina:esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-36

Viewing phonebook on ePhone3/4x v2, ePhoneX/X-1

Konzani Contacts Softkey kuti mupeze Active Directory

Set the contacts Softkey to access the Active Directory as default.

  1. Sankhani Menyu.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-37
  2. Use the arrow keys to scroll to Basic and press OKesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-38
  3. Select 6. Keyboard and press OKesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-39
  4. Select 2 Soft DSS Key Settings and press OKesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-40
  5. Configure the Soft DSS Key Settings as follows:
    • a. Softkey: 1-1
    • b. Type: Key Event
    • c. Key: LDAP Group
    • d. Line: LDAP Group1
    • e. Name: Contacts (or configure your own key name)
    • f. Press OKesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-41
  6. From the Keyboard menu select 3. Softkey and press OKesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-42
  7. Select 2. Contact and press OKesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-43
  8. Using the left/right arrow keys select the soft DSS Key previously configured in step 5 and press OK (Dsskey1 = Softkey 1-1, Dsskey2 = Softkey 1-2, etc)esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-44
  9. Return to the idle screen
    • Dinani Contacts softkeyesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-45 and the full Active Directory is displayed where the user can scroll through the directory list or search by either Name or Number.

Sakani ndi nambala:esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-46

Sakani ndi dzina:esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-47

Viewing phonebook on ePhone3/4x v1

Konzani Contacts Softkey kuti mupeze Active Directory

  1. Sankhani Menyu.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-48
  2. Sankhani Zokondaesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-49
  3. Select Basic Settingsesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-50
  4. Select Keyboardesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-51
  5. Select 2. Soft DSS Key Settings and configure a key as follows:esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-52
    • a. DSS Key1 (or select your desired DSS Softkey).
    • b. Type: Key Event
    • c. Key: LDAP
    • d. Line: LDAP1
    • e. Sankhani Save or OK
  6. Go back to the Keyboard.
  7. Select 5. Softkeyesi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-53
  8. Select 2. Diresi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-54
  9. Use the left/right arrow keys to select the value to DSS Key1 (or select your desired DSS soft key).esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-55
    • Zindikirani kuti dzina la menyu lasintha kuchokera ku Dir kupita ku DSS Key1.esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-56
    • Dinani Chabwino.
    • Return to the idle screen.

Notice that the name of the Dir key at the bottom of the screen changed to LDAP. esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-57

  1. Press the LDAP key to access the Active Directory. The full directory is displayed. The user can scroll through the directory list or search by either name or number.
    • Sakani ndi nambala: esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-58
    • Sakani ndi dzina:esi-Active-Directory-System-Software-FIG-59

Zolemba / Zothandizira

esi Active Directory System Software [pdf] Buku la Malangizo
Active Directory System, Active Directory System Software, Directory System Software, System Software


Siyani ndemanga

Imelo yanu sisindikizidwa. Minda yofunikira yalembedwa *