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Ihe agụnyere

Biko lelee ọdịnaya nke setịpụ tupu imepe ụlọ ntu ahụ nke ọma. Ọ bụrụ na ịchọta ihe na-efu, biko kpọtụrụ ụlọ ahịa ebe ịzụrụ ya ma ọ bụ anyị ozugbo.ZANE-ARTS-PS-503-ZEKUMTC-Inner-Tent-FIG-1

Gbasara ngwaahịa a

  • Biko wepụta oge iji ghọta njirimara ngwaahịa a tupu iji ya.
  • Agụnyeghị mkpọ.
  • Agụnyeghị mkpọ.
  • Biko dozie mkpọmkpọ ụzọ tupu oge eruo.
  • Below are the recommended pegs/quantities.

Mkpọ/ọnụọgụgụ akwadoro

  • TO-518 "GART STAKE 18" / 3 pcs
  • TO-528 "GART STAKE 28" / 18 pcs
  • Ngwaahịa a anaghị egbochi mmiri.
  • The TC fabric of this product is a blended material of natural and chemical fibers.
  • Due to the characteristics of the fabric, the natural fibers expand when they become wet in the rain, which has the effect of making it difficult for rain to penetrate, but it is not completely waterproof.
  • Also, please note that rain may partially enter through the seams.

Mgbochi mmiri anaghị adịgide adịgide

  • The surface is treated with silicone water-repellent, but after use, the water-repellent performance will deteriorate and rain will eventually penetrate the fabric.
  • Please note that the water repellency cannot be maintained long-term. The waterproof performance of the back side is not affected, so even if water repellency deteriorates, there is no issue using it as it is.

Scratches na agba adịghị mma nke akwa TC

  • TC fabric is a material that is prone to weaving unevenness, weaving scratches, and dyeing unevenness.
  • Biko mara na akwụkwọ ikike ekpuchighị ihe ndị a.

A na-eji akwa ákwà dị mfe ịmepụta

  • The fabric is prone to discoloration due to ultraviolet rays. Avoid long-term continuous use or use on beaches where ultraviolet rays are strong.

Kpọọ ma chekwaa nke ọma mgbe ejirichara ya

  • TC akwa bụ ihe na-ejigide mmiri ngwa ngwa, yabụ biko mara na a ga-akpọnwụ ya nke ọma mgbe ejiri ya.
  • Nchekwa na damp ọnọdụ nwere ike ịkpata ebu, isi ọjọọ, nyefe agba, na mmebi.

Ewepụla mmachi ọkụ tag

  • Ebipụla ma ọ bụ wepụ ihe mgbochi ọkụ tag sewn na ngwaahịa. Ngwaahịa na-enweghị mmachibido ọkụ tag agaghị ekwe nkwa ma ọ bụ nabata nrụzi.

echekwabara maka ịtọlite ​​na ojiji

  • Jide n'aka na ị gụọ ma ghọta ọdịnaya ndị a tupu ejiri ya iji gbochie mmebi nke onye ọrụ na ndị ọzọ, na mmebi nke ihe onwunwe ahụ.
  • IHE EGWU NA-egosi ihe dị n'ime ya nwere ike ịkpata ọnwụ ma ọ bụ mmerụ ahụ dị egwu.
  • A machibidoro ọkụ n'ụlọ ntu, ebe nchekwa, na tap. Ọ dị oke egwu n'ihi na enwere ihe ize ndụ nke ọkụ, ụkọ oxygen, nsị carbon monoxide, wdg.
  • Do not use firearms and keep fire away from the product.
  • Ọ bụrụ na a na-atụ anya ihu igwe ọjọọ dịka ajọ ifufe ma ọ bụ ajọ ifufe, biko kwụsị campozugbo.
  • Edobela n'ebe ifufe na-emetụta ngwa ngwa, ma ọ bụ ebe enwere ike ịdaba na nkume, oke mmiri ozuzo, ma ọ bụ idei mmiri.
  • Ịdọ aka ná ntị NA-egosi ọdịnaya ndị nwere ike ịkpata mmerụ ahụ ma ọ bụ mmebi ihe onwunwe.
  • Not for permanent use. If this product is permanently installed, it will deteriorate and be damaged in a short period of time due to the effects of ultraviolet rays and other elements.
  • Haziri n'ebe a na-ekpochapụ nke ọma, dị larịị. Mmiri na unyi na-eduga ná mmebi, na ala siri ike na-eduga ná mmebi n'ihi mgbagha ngwaahịa.
  • Wepu okwute ọ bụla, alaka ma ọ bụ ihe ndị ọzọ nwere ike imebi ngwaahịa tupu ịtọlite ​​ya.
  • Mgbe ị na-edozi ngwaahịa ahụ, jide n'aka na ị ga-eme ya na mmadụ abụọ ma ọ bụ karịa ka ị na-aṅa ntị na gburugburu gị.
  • Edoghachila na ifufe siri ike. Enwere ike ịpụpụ ma ọ bụ mebie ngwaahịa ahụ site na ike ikuku.
  • Mgbe mwube, na-adị njikere maka gusts nke ifufe, na mgbe niile na-akpachara anya na ụlọikwuu ahụ na etiti agaghị efe efe, na-arụ ọrụ mgbe na-akwado ha.
  • Mgbe ị na-agbatị okporo osisi ma ọ bụ okpokolo agba, hụ na etinyere ngalaba ọ bụla na nchekwa. Ịchịkọta ngwaahịa na-ezighi ezi nwere ike ibute mmebi.
  • Mgbe ị na-eji okporo osisi ma ọ bụ okpokolo agba, kpachara anya ka ị ghara ịkụ ma ọ bụ mebie ihe gburugburu gị, ma ṅaa ntị na gburugburu gị.
  • Mgbe edozichara ya, jiri mkpọ na ụdọ chebe ụlọikwuu ahụ, ebe mgbaba na taprọs ka ifufe ghara ibupụ ha.
  • Ahapụla ngwaahịa ahụ n'echeghị ya ogologo oge ka ị nwee ike ịzaghachi mgbanwe ihu igwe mberede.

Akpachara anya maka iwetu ngwaahịa ahụ na nlekọta mgbe emechara

  • Jide n'aka na ị gụọ ma ghọta ọdịnaya ndị a tupu ejiri ya iji gbochie mmebi nke onye ọrụ na ndị ọzọ, na mmebi nke ihe onwunwe ahụ.
  • Ịdọ aka ná ntị NA-egosi ọdịnaya ndị nwere ike ịkpata mmerụ ahụ ma ọ bụ mmebi ihe onwunwe.
  • Mgbe ị na-ewetu ngwaahịa ahụ, jide n'aka na ị ga-eji mmadụ abụọ ma ọ bụ karịa mee ya.
  • Biko wetuo ngwaahịa a n'usoro ndabere nke nhazi. Ịgbasoghị ntuziaka nke ọma nwere ike imebi ngwaahịa.
  • Mgbe ị na-ewepụ okporo osisi ma ọ bụ okpokolo agba, ṅaa ntị na gburugburu gị wee kpachara anya ka ị ghara ịkụ ma ọ bụ mebie ihe gburugburu gị.
  • Mgbe ị na-apịaji etiti ma ọ bụ ogwe nwere eriri arụnyere (ụdọ bungee), malite mpịachi site na etiti, nke a ga-ebelata iyi na eriri ahụ site n'itinyekwu esemokwu.ZANE-ARTS-PS-503-ZEKUMTC-Inner-Tent-FIG-2
  • Mgbe ejiri ya, hichaa akwa ahụ ma kwe ka ọ kpoo nke ọma tupu nchekwa. Nchekwa nwere unyi na damp ọnọdụ nwere ike ịkpata ebu, isi ọjọọ, nyefe agba, na mmebi.
  • After use, also clean the frames, poles, and other metal parts and allow them to dry thoroughly before storage. Storage with dirt and damp ọnọdụ nwere ike ibute mmebi corrosion.
  • Nnu ga-eme ka mmebi nke akwa dị ngwa ngwa. Ọ bụrụ na ejiri ya n'akụkụ oke osimiri, kpochaa ngwaahịa ahụ na mmiri dị ọhụrụ wee kpoo ya nke ọma tupu nchekwa.
  • Jiri akwa towel dị nro na-ehicha ma ọ bụ hichaa mmiri dị nro na akwa ákwà. Ntucha nwere ike imebi mkpuchi nke akwa ahụ.
  • Ejila ihe mgbaze dị ka agba thinners. Enwere ihe ize ndụ nke ịwepụ ma ọ bụ mwepu nke njedebe mmiri na-egbochi mmiri.
  • Ejila akwa akwa. Ọ na-eduga ná mmebi nke ákwà na nkwụsị nke akụkụ.
  • Biko mee ka ụmụ ọhụrụ na ụmụaka ghara iru mgbe ị na-echekwa.

Usoro nhazi

  • Follow the instructions in order to set up the product.


Kwadebe mkpọ́ na hama

  • Mkpọ/ọnụọgụgụ akwadoro
    • TTO-518 “GRART STAKE 18” / 3 pcs
    • TO-528 "GART STAKE 28" / 18 pcs

Mechie zipa niileZANE-ARTS-PS-503-ZEKUMTC-Inner-Tent-FIG-3


    1. A: Make a rectangle by pegging down the four grey ropes in the corners of the grey building tapes. (GRANT STAKE 28)
    2. Due to manufacturing reasons, the positions of the tent body and building tapes may differ from the figure.
    3. In that case, set up the position of the tent body based on the building tape.ZANE-ARTS-PS-503-ZEKUMTC-Inner-Tent-FIG-4
    • B: Insert the center pole in the room and push up the top to make the tent stand on its own.
    • C: Create a hexagon by pegging down the remaining 2 corners (GRART STAKE 28)ZANE-ARTS-PS-503-ZEKUMTC-Inner-Tent-FIG-5


  • A: Insert the clip on the corner into the frame.
  • B: Fix the buckles on the top (2 locations)
  • C: Fix the hooks (4 locations)
  • There are 3 extension frames to install.ZANE-ARTS-PS-503-ZEKUMTC-Inner-Tent-FIG-6


  • A: Attach 3m ropes (15 locations)
  • B: Attach 2m ropes (9 locations)
  • E: Peg down (12 locations) [GRART STAKE 28]
  • F: Peg down (3 locations) [GRART STAKE 18]ZANE-ARTS-PS-503-ZEKUMTC-Inner-Tent-FIG-7

Ntinye eriri





  • A: Slide the end of the pole diagonally.
  • B: Pull the sheet
  • C: Place the end of the pole on the reinforced area of the living sheet.
  • Ụlọ ọrụ ZANE ARTS, Inc.
  • 7190-2 Shimauchi, Matsumoto, Nagano 3900851

Akwụkwọ / akụrụngwa

ZANE ARTS PS-503 ZEKUMTC Inner Tent [pdf] Akwụkwọ ntuziaka
PS-503, PS-503 ZEKUMTC Inner Tent, ZEKUMTC Inner Tent, Inner Tent, Tent


Hapụ ikwu

Agaghị ebipụta adreesị ozi-e gị. Akara mpaghara achọrọ akara *