Papers by Intakhab A Khan

JALHSS, 2023
The present study investigated the role and influence of multimedia glosses on the learning of sp... more The present study investigated the role and influence of multimedia glosses on the learning of specific English vocabulary. This is in exact line with the recommendations of Saudi vision-2030 regarding technology integration for education. The vision advocates transformation of curricula and methods of teaching. Covid-19 pandemic taught us many lessons regarding limitations of traditional classrooms and routine teaching methods. In total, 52 learners of English for Specific purposes (ESP) were chosen following purposive-convenient sampling and grouped into control and experimental groups: n=25 and n=27 respectively. A test of specific English vocabulary was given to both the groups to further test them and ensure they were equal in level. Later, the learners were asked to attend 8 week reading sessions which utilised the experimental group in which the learners were exposed to practice reading computerized texts that integrated glosses. On the other hand, the controlled group took same reading texts, however without any glosses. When the training session (treatment) got over, the Specific English vocabulary test was given to both groups to investigate if there existed and significant difference in the learning of Specific English. Data analysis showed a significant difference between the learning of the two groups. Findings of the study demonstrated that multimedia glosses were helpful in enhancing learning of English for specific purposes (Medical English).
RUDN University, 2023
Advances in technology are opening new opportunities for English language teachers to help studen... more Advances in technology are opening new opportunities for English language teachers to help students improve their language learning. Augmented reality is a new technology that allows virtual objects to be embedded in the physical learning environment. This study will focus on describing the effect of using augmented reality (AR) applications in learning English in general, vocabulary and reading comprehension in particular.

Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, 2023
In the present scenario of an inclusive environment, the focus is mainly on providing equal educa... more In the present scenario of an inclusive environment, the focus is mainly on providing equal education to all students despite special needs. In other words, inclusive education is the need of time. This study deals with the hidden phenomenon of a student who, on the one hand, has a kind of disability, on the other hand, possesses Giftedness. However, the masking effect of either disability or Giftedness keeps this phenomenon hidden from parents, teachers, and even students themselves. This hidden phenomenon, popularly known as dual-exceptionality, is not considered crucial in most schools, which becomes an obstacle to the academic and overall growth of those students who are not exactly like their peers. The present study helps to understand the concept of dual exceptionality and its impact on the learning process by providing an insight for researchers to draw conclusions regarding the presence of dual exceptionality, its impact on learners, and even on teaching. The findings lead to suggestions that such factors should be considered in pedagogy, and researchers, pedagogues, special educators and planners should take into account the factor of Systematic Review Article

Social Science Research Network, Jun 1, 2016
Teaching of English in Saudi Arabia (KSA) is on top priority these days. Linguists, researchers, ... more Teaching of English in Saudi Arabia (KSA) is on top priority these days. Linguists, researchers, pedagogues and teachers have different perceptions and views regarding the approaches/methods/techniques of teaching of English in EFL/ESL classrooms. In today's modern learning scenario, it is believed that appropriate utilization of sophisticated tools of e-learning has generally been recommended in order to yield best possible results in a given situation. It is found that many students are found indifferent towards learning the target language (English). Different reasons are attributed to this situation. However, in order to overcome learning difficulties and motivate the concerned learners it is suggested that the students should be well involved in the teaching/learning activities. Online resources in particular can catch the attention of even a passive learner. While ascertaining the effectiveness of e-learning in general, the following aspects were also taken into account: relevance of e-learning, utilization of e-resource, e-training for the teachers etc. The effectiveness has been measured on account of the observation, responses of the questionnaires, experiment on the sample. The findings of the study are hopefully going to be effective and useful in the current practice of teaching English.

Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, Jul 26, 2021
Background: This study explored the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)... more Background: This study explored the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among the students of 'sterilization program' while learning English language amidst COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia. Aim: To diagnose ADHD among the learners, and later propose some digital strategies to motivate the learners for resilience. Methods: A qualitative exploratory study was undertaken in April, 2020. A diagnostic tool was administered to 41 students pursuing 'Sterilization program' at king Abdulaziz University in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Later, learners with ADHD (N=9) were selected for in-depth study. Data was collected using the ADHD self-report scale V1.1 screener. Results Five professors from the concerned department were purposively selected for the interviews for qualitative analysis using thematic analysis. Confidentiality and anonymity was ensured as per the ethical standard. Many students demonstrate signs of ADHD, therefore there is a need of assessment and intervention. Teachers, counselors and managers need to take care of such learners. Conclusions: Conclusions were drawn that students with ADHD need relevant interventions in general and specific pedagogy.
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 2020
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at 2nd International Conferenc... more All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Wisdom Education and Service Management (HWESM 2023) during March 10-12, 2023 in Wuhan, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees and reviewers] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the conference's review process.

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 2014
Teaching of English has always been an issue of pedagogic debate. The academicians and language m... more Teaching of English has always been an issue of pedagogic debate. The academicians and language masters have been divided into two groups on account of the usability of the specific methods/approaches in an EFL/ESL classrooms. In today's educational environment, a pedagogic compromise has been suggested in the name of 'blended learning: a nice combination of the two or more than two approaches. However, a blended learning approach incorporated e-learning scenario in a traditional but flexible setting. E-learning as a mode of education that may go along with the traditional mode. The teaching/learning activities are nicely blended to deliberately create a room for hybrid learning. It is felt that such electronic modes/resources are more effective and efficient in the process of yielding better and focused results. While ascertaining the effectiveness of blended learning, the following aspects were also taken into account: relevance of e-learning/blended learning, feasibilities, types, availability, development etc. English language teaching for the preparatory year students is going to be in focus for the simple reason that all the specialties and other subjects are taught and evaluated through English.
The real journey of education in general and higher education in particular in India started afte... more The real journey of education in general and higher education in particular in India started after 1947. Education is its journey can't stand alone but institutional roles need to be included to assess the contribution as a whole. The institutions of higher learning are considered the most important agency of social change, social transformation, and entire development of the country. Muslim education has always been a serious issue despite availability of so many academic institutions in general and minority institutions in particular. The poor condition of the Muslims' education can't be attributed to the government only, but the society, home, economy, motivation, employment and similar factors. The present article is a modest attempt towards exploring and analyzing the miserable state of Muslim education and associated factors.
Atlantis highlights in social sciences, education and humanities, 2023
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Sport Science, Education and Social Development (SSESD 2022), Dec 29, 2022

Although EFL students learn English at schools and colleges, the time allotted for their English ... more Although EFL students learn English at schools and colleges, the time allotted for their English lessons per day is very limited. Setting up English Language Clinics at EFL colleges/institutes will help students improve and develop their language skills. This paper aims at helping EFL students develop their English language skills by opening English language clinics in schools and colleges. The paper presents the concept and scope of ELC and its usefulness. It also provides an overview of some of the English language clinics successfully run by various colleges in general and Jeddah community college in particular. Finally, it suggests various ways in which English language clinics can be established and implemented successfully for the benefit of students as well as teachers. It also provides some suggestions for extended tasks that can be carried out by the language clinic given enough administrative and financial support. The work is basically of descriptive-exploratory type that...

Teaching of English for specific purpose (ESP) is more crucial and difficult than teaching genera... more Teaching of English for specific purpose (ESP) is more crucial and difficult than teaching general English to target learners. Sometimes difficulties arise on account of English teachers' lack of knowledge of the field or subject which they are supposed to deal with. Similarly, biology teachers may not teach effectively due to lack of proficiency in English among both teachers and learners. Both English teachers and biology teachers need to be ready to teach English and biology. Main objectives were to find out the types of issues and learning difficulties faced by the teachers of biological subjects related to English as medium of instruction at KAU, and to explore the preparedness of English teachers to teach the students of biology. The study is of descriptive-exploratory type based on the data gathered from a self-developed questionnaire. The findings of the study will contribute to the assessment of learning needs, betterment of methods of teaching of biology and related su...

European Journal of Education Studies, 2017
Language and culture are perhaps inseparable; however, foreign language and local culture may not... more Language and culture are perhaps inseparable; however, foreign language and local culture may not be compatible with each other. Therefore, integration of local culture (Arab) in foreign (English) language teaching is cynically questioned. Studies support the notion that foreign language teaching can be boosted by the incorporation of foreign (British) culture in the target language (English) classroom. But, the application of local culture in the target language classroom poses great challenges as many factors affect the process such as: teachers’ native background, L2 teachers’ experience in native countries, L2 teachers’ preferences, teachers’ lack of local culture’s perception, lack of bilingual or multicultural awareness, administrators’ attitude towards local culture integration, students’ liking for native teacher and native contents, and traditional method of teaching English. Integration of local culture is required if the current books don’t have enough local material, and...

Students fail to attain conceived aims and objectives for a multiple reasons. In a given situatio... more Students fail to attain conceived aims and objectives for a multiple reasons. In a given situation, their failure can be directly attributed to ineffectiveness of teaching. Some students might be affected by some psychological or behavioural issues which may become more crucial in due course of time if instruction is not designed to assist special learners in the area of their difficulties. Anxiety is perhaps the most important factor that may affect the learning as a process. Anxiety may be of different reasons. Learning anxiety may be related to general anxiety which becomes a serious issue if not dealt properly in time. Differentiated instruction (DI) is a designed strategy based on differentiation philosophy to handle the problem faced by diverse/special learners: able, disable or especially ‘able ones’. DI gives all the diverse students the opportunity to learn the same curriculum; however, how each student learns is tailored dependent on students’ individual learning needs. ...

Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2016
Teaching of English in Saudi Arabia (KSA) is on top priority these days. Linguists, researchers, ... more Teaching of English in Saudi Arabia (KSA) is on top priority these days. Linguists, researchers, pedagogues and teachers have different perceptions and views regarding the approaches/methods/techniques of teaching of English in EFL/ESL classrooms. In today's modern learning scenario, it is believed that appropriate utilization of sophisticated tools of e-learning has generally been recommended in order to yield best possible results in a given situation. It is found that many students are found indifferent towards learning the target language (English). Different reasons are attributed to this situation. However, in order to overcome learning difficulties and motivate the concerned learners it is suggested that the students should be well involved in the teaching/learning activities. Online resources in particular can catch the attention of even a passive learner. While ascertaining the effectiveness of e-learning in general, the following aspects were also taken into account: relevance of e-learning, utilization of e-resource, e-training for the teachers etc. The effectiveness has been measured on account of the observation, responses of the questionnaires, experiment on the sample. The findings of the study are hopefully going to be effective and useful in the current practice of teaching English.

Addictive Behaviors, 2013
Aims-Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is widely regarded as a common comorbidity o... more Aims-Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is widely regarded as a common comorbidity of methamphetamine (MA) dependence, but the frequency, persistence, and realworld impact of ADHD among MA users is not known. Methods-Four hundred individuals with MA use disorders within 18 months of evaluation and 355 non-MA using comparison subjects completed a comprehensive neuropsychiatric research battery, including self-report measures of everyday functioning. Results-In logistic regression models adjusting for potential confounds, lifetime diagnoses of ADHD as determined by a structured clinical interview were significantly more prevalent among the MA participants (21%) versus comparison subjects (6%), particularly the hyperactive and combined subtypes. MA use was also associated with an increased persistence of combined subtype of ADHD into adulthood. Among the MA users, lifetime ADHD diagnoses were uniquely associated with greater concurrent risk of declines in instrumental activities of daily living, elevated cognitive symptoms in day-today life, and unemployment. Conclusions-Findings indicate that ADHD is prevalent among chronic MA users, who are at increased risk for persistence of childhood diagnoses of ADHD into their adult years. ADHD also

In the present scenario of an inclusive environment, the focus is mainly on providing equal educa... more In the present scenario of an inclusive environment, the focus is mainly on providing equal education to all students despite special needs. In other words, inclusive education is the need of time. This study deals with the hidden phenomenon of a student who, on the one hand, has a kind of disability, on the other hand, possesses Giftedness. However, the masking effect of either disability or Giftedness keeps this phenomenon hidden from parents, teachers, and even students themselves. This hidden phenomenon, popularly known as dual-exceptionality, is not considered crucial in most schools, which becomes an obstacle to the academic and overall growth of those students who are not exactly like their peers. The present study helps to understand the concept of dual exceptionality and its impact on the learning process by providing an insight for researchers to draw conclusions regarding the presence of dual exceptionality, its impact on learners, and even on teaching. The findings lead to suggestions that such factors should be considered in pedagogy, and researchers, pedagogues, special educators and planners should take into account the factor of Systematic Review Article
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Sep 1, 2021
Papers by Intakhab A Khan
Professor (Dr) Intakhab Alam Khan, an internationally acclaimed educational researcher, educationist, trainer and author is associate professor (Education/Pedagogy) and expert in ESP (health sciences) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia. He has served faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia (a central university) New Delhi, India and Jazan university, KSA. He has almost 27 years of experience in teaching, training, research and publications at various universities. An author of a 18 academic, reference and research books, and around 75 papers in different international online and print journals, Prof Khan has taught foundations of education, educational planning and administration. Besides teaching methodology papers Prof Khan has also taught applied linguistics, medical, health, business and professional English in India and Saudi Arabia. He has developed curriculum/syllabus of Educational management, communication skills, leadership techniques, Specific English for Fine Arts, Pharmacy, medical receptionists, nurses, laboratory technicians, medical doctors (non-English speaking) and so on. Dr Khan has developed an online course for teaching of special need learners, currently taught at the online international Islamic university, Gambia.
Prof Khan has also authored a book on Peace, philosophy and Education which has been recommended as a reference in many universities. Others books and teaching materials have been referenced at many universities. His presentations at international conferences at Brighton (UK), Hong Kong (China), North Cyprus (Turkey), Brussels (Belgium), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Delhi (India) have already been published in refereed/ISSN/Scopus indexed proceedings. He has also attended a two week intensive ‘train the trainer’ programme at Greenwich community college, London, UK. Dr Khan is honorary chief editor/associate editor/asst. editor of more than 35 online educational journals published worldwide. He has already completed 7 King Abdulaziz University- sponsored/funded projects of books/research papers. Dr Intakhab A. Khan has bagged many awards and recognition.
Dr Khan’s researches and works have been read by 3, 90, 000 researchers worldwide according to researchgate database, and cited by more than 650 international researchers according to google scholar details.
Dr Khan’s academic contribution can be accessed by clicking the following: Dr Intakha A. Khan can be reached at: Post Box: 80283, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah-21589, Saudi Arabia. e-mail (primary): e-mail: (Mob.00966-532013051)
Amidst COVID, online delivery and assessment is used by many universities, which presents multiple challenges including authentication of academic integrity. Remote online delivery and assessment are novel experiences for many universities, which presents many challenges, particularly when safeguarding academic integrity. For example, invigilated assessments, often considered as more secure, are not an option given the current situation and detecting any cheating would be significantly challenging. This presentation reviews assessment security in the digital domain and critically evaluates the practices from different universities in safeguarding academic integrity, including associated challenges.
Keywords: academic integrity; COVID-19; remote learning and teaching
academic achievement, learning skills, self-confidence & motivation among the students. In addition, teachers’ and
learners’ readiness and attitudes are also looked into. Al-Kandri (2013) aimed to identify the impact of using eactivities in BB based learning on the academic achievement and motivation in a course in the College of Education
at Kuwait University. Results showed statistically significant differences between the average scores of the two
groups in the academic achievement test in favor of the experimental group but on motivation. Following were the
research questions:
1) What is the effectiveness of Blackboard in the development of academic achievement?
2) What is the level of preparedness among teachers and learners?
3) What is the effect of Blackboard on motivation and self-confidence among the students?
At King Abdulaziz university, there are thousands of students who pursue professional courses in general and business/accounting/management in particular. It has been felt that a book of professional English in Accounting is essential to cater to need of academic and specific English in KSA in general and KAU in particular.
The present attempt of writing a book for specific English (Accounting) is expected to facilitate the learners to acquire desirable level of professional English.
The author tried to incorporate nearly all important topics and sub topics related to Accounting yet the attempt may be modest. The author therefore, expects healthy frank advice, healthy criticism from teachers of ESP, colleagues, scholars, critics, students so that improvement can be made in near future.
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Vishalache Balakrishnan
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Intakhab Alam Khan
Beijing Institute of Technology (Zhuhai), Sakarya, Turkey
Mehmet Cüneyt Birkök
A speech by
Prof (Dr) Intakhab Alam Khan King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia, WhatsApp:00966532013051
Education can be defined, and associated with different life dimensions in many ways. Philosophically, education is a means of making good human beings. It removes darkness or eliminates illiteracy or ignorance. From the view point of psychology, education is a process of personality development. Sociologically speaking, Education makes a society better in many ways. It is a means of socialization process. It targets modernization as well. Politically, education prepares better, dedicated and patriotic citizens. Educationally, it is an all-round development of an individual. On the other hand, education has a vocational aims as well. It helps aspirants to fulfill their career goals. Education is the means and human resource development (HRD) is the target. These days, education is thought as a means of getting jobs, therefore, educational institutions are running different courses to create, and develop human resource. To explain further, men are a kind of resource, and if not utilized, the resource will end up as a waste. Recently, due to COVID-19, we discovered that we need thousands of medical doctors to meet the need or demands of medical care in the global society. Therefore, the role of education in Human Resource Development is immense. It not only helps one get through interviews and get jobs, but also helps in shaping how one thinks and process things. Teachers play important roles in reinforcing the children who want to join future careers.
A speech by
Prof (Dr) Intakhab Alam Khan King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia, WhatsApp:00966532013051
Education can be defined, and associated with different life dimensions in many ways. Philosophically, education is a means of making good human beings. It removes darkness or eliminates illiteracy or ignorance. From the view point of psychology, education is a process of personality development. Sociologically speaking, Education makes a society better in many ways. It is a means of socialization process. It targets modernization as well. Politically, education prepares better, dedicated and patriotic citizens. Educationally, it is an all-round development of an individual. On the other hand, education has a vocational aims as well. It helps aspirants to fulfill their career goals. Education is the means and human resource development (HRD) is the target. These days, education is thought as a means of getting jobs, therefore, educational institutions are running different courses to create, and develop human resource. To explain further, men are a kind of resource, and if not utilized, the resource will end up as a waste. Recently, due to COVID-19, we discovered that we need thousands of medical doctors to meet the need or demands of medical care in the global society. Therefore, the role of education in Human Resource Development is immense. It not only helps one get through interviews and get jobs, but also helps in shaping how one thinks and process things. Teachers play important roles in reinforcing the children who want to join future careers.
educational system across the globe.
Education at all levels suffered especially at elementary level and professional/technical education context.
Quality has been questioned the most.