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This is a policy discussion paper aimed at addressing possible alternative approaches for environmental flows (e-Flows) assessment and identification within the context of best strategies for fluvial restoration. We focus on dammed rivers... more
In recent times, habitat models at the meso-scale have become widely accepted techniques to quantify the impact of hydro-morphological pressures on rivers. However, several limitations limit a broader applicability of such models: 1)... more
Within the framework of REFORM a thematic workshop on “Linking E-Flows to Sediment Dynamics” is organized in Rome in September 2015. A recent European Commission guidance on environmental flows [3] (e-flows) identifies a series of overall... more
Every year public administrations, private companies and individuals perform repeated treatments with pesticides to fight the presence of mosquitoes and other insects considered harmful in anthropized areas. Therefore, large quantities of... more
The use of pesticide, whose active ingredients are almost always synthetic chemicals, raises serious concern for natural areas ,subject to protection under the European Directive "Habitat" and "Birds", often... more
DESCRIPTION Indagine tecnico conoscitiva sul fenomeno della moria delle api registrate nell'anno di studio condotte in cinque parchi individuati e rappresentativi delle diverse bioregioni geografiche dell'Italia.
L'uso dei prodotti fitosanitari, i cui principi attivi sono quasi sempre sostanze chimiche di sintesi, desta serie preoccupazioni non solo per la salute umana e l’ambiente, ma anche per le aree naturali, sottoposte a tutela in base alle... more
The dispersion of plant protection products and plant protection products, covers a large sections of national territory used for agricultural uses, is putting a series of problems, seriously ignored, to populations resident in urban... more
At the end of July 2017, with the continued drought and water scarcity, ISPRA, at the request of MATTM, launched a number of cognitive activities in order to assess the effects that these conditions could have led to the environmental... more
A partire dal mese di maggio del 2009 è stata promossa dal Ministero dell´Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare un’indagine all’interno di cinque aree naturali protette (Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi (PNDB,... more