From IndieWeb
Revision as of 06:31, 1 June 2021 by (talk | contribs) (Created Backlinks section for mentions/examples of me on the IndieWeb wiki; link to wiki contributions;)
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Chris Aldrich


Pronouns: he/him/his

Chris Aldrich is a talent manager, producer, and publisher who lives in Los Angeles, California. He tinkers on (read: breaks) the IndieWeb in his spare time.

Chat Nickname: chrisaldrich

Elsewhere:  @chrisaldrich , , GitHub, ALL the rest...

Chris Aldrich


Hi! My name is Chris. I've been on the internet since at least 1992 when HTML was the "thing". PHP is my primary web-based programming language, though I'm trying to sharpen my JavaScript skills to better break all the things.

I helped to start the Los Angeles chapter of the Homebrew Website Club in 2016 and helped to organize IndieWebCamp LA 2016. If you're in the area, we're happy to have you join us or help out by volunteering. I'm also happy to help people set up and run online Camps or Pop-up sessions, just let me know what you feel like you need.


I use a multi-site strategy. My primary site ( is powered by WordPress while I also (poorly) maintain a secondary self-hosted "social stream" powered by Known. I'm also running two other WordPress installs Boffo Socko Publishing and Boffo Socko Books that are indieweb compatible in various stages. I also have experience with Drupal and a few other PHP-based CMSes.

Beginning in late 2019/early 2020 I started tinkering with some wikis including MediaWiki ( and TiddlyWiki ( both of which can do RelMeAuth and accept Webmention via

I have an open Known instance at known.boffosocko.comthat Indieweb users are welcome to create an account on to try out. (One may need to ping me to test out an account as I sometimes close off sign ups to prevent spam.) This may be particularly useful for either newcomers to HWC or IndieWebCamps who need something to play around with or kick the tires on. It has OAuth enabled, so users could potentially POSSE to from their own Known instance, which I've done in the past.

IndieWeb Wiki

If you want to add a sparkline like the following for Chris Aldrich, just copy/paste: {{chrisaldrich}} into the page where you would like it to appear. (To set up your own, see: How to make a small h-card template. For more details see also wikify#Wikify_yourself.)

I'm not the most advanced wiki user in the community, but I'm always happy to help anyone who would like to learn how to wikify themselves or do various things on the wiki--catch me in chat.

Working On

  • Write post to encourage smaller social media silos to support Micropub



  • Spend more time in the WordPress community, particularly to do outreach for Indieweb concept
    • Regularly attending WordPress Pasadena and Santa Clarita Valley Meetups
  • Begin planning IndieWebCamp LA 202X (post-pandemic)??


  • 2020-07-25 Work on trouble-shooting issue with IndieAuth/Micropub
  • Build a WordPress-based aggregation hub or pre-print server using Webmention
  • Improve the JavaScript for my bookmarklets for PostKinds plugin based on IndieWeb bookmarklets and PressForward Bookmarklets
  • Add an alternate linkblog (archive page view) from bookmarks, reads, watches, and listens...
    • Anders Noren has some interesting examples of this in his McLuhan theme
    • This might also make an interesting set up for a custom now page
  • Reading through microformats2 spec and contemplating updating current theme to support it better
    • Fix h-entry on posts--some data is missing; in particular figure out a way to add tag: img class="u-photo" src="…" / to the photo on individual posts to get photo into h-entry. Also wrap category and tag portions with tag: a class="p-category" href="…" … /a to get categories in as well.
  • Improve recipe support and microformats for WordPress
  • Continue playing around with Ozh plugin to own all past Twitter data and be able to display.
  • Look into accessability (a11y) [1]
  • Make a decision on AMP, cf 1


  • Fix my install which has been broken for too long
  • Spend some time helping out on documentation for the platform (and self-hosters) and integrating plugins
  • Update self-hosted Known site and play around with internals


  • Check out IndieMark for additional ideas of things to add to my site
  • Added h-card to site (previously only had mf1 hcard)
  • Set up an IndieWebCamp outpost with regular HWC meetings in Los Angeles
  • Introduced IndieWeb concepts at DrupalCampLA at UC Irvine in 2015
  • Added proper User setup on; created redirect from older/more awkward one
  • Finally figured out how to properly add a Template:sparkline so my name/photo popup in groups and discussions like so Chris Aldrich.
  • Learned more about wikifying and added myself to list of IRC_People
  • Taking over IndieWebCamp LA 2016 planning from Shaners
  • Set up multi-user Known installation that anyone can sign up for and participate in (expecially for HWC meetings and IndieWeb Camps for which users need a "playground")


  • Add a more extensive h-card on my site
  • Updated to more modern responsive theme that is as IndieWeb compatible as possible
  • Set up Micropub endpoint and ownyourgram to publish photos to my own site.
  • Updated IndieWeb Press This on WordPress site; made some suggestions on GitHub for changes
  • 3/25/16 Finished setting up my first podcast feed by uploading audio files to Boffo Socko Books.
  • Configure SNAP and compare it with current set up which simply uses JetPack publicize
    • Added in mid-March '16 and seems to work well, particularly with Syndication Links
      • Tumblr certainly has far better support in SNAP than Jetpack
      • Twitter seems roughly equivalent
      • Nice that SNAP allows easy secondary posting later on
      • Facebook will require some tweaking and formatting, but seems workable and has more flexibility
      • Still using JetPack for G+ as it requires paid SNAP pro version; SNAP pro only works without 2-factor authentication turned on.
  • Given that Bridgy seems to be giving webmentions for my Twitter @username and assigning them to the homepage of my domain, figure out a way to "archive" these comments into a category other than "approved" (so they don't show up on the homepage), or spam or trash (where they'd be automatically deleted/purged.) See
  • 5/16/16 Streamlined micropub PESOS of Instagram and made modifications to site to allow Bridgy to import comments/likes.
  • 5/17/16 Set up PESOS of checkins via OwnYourCheckin
  • Late June: Added support and plugin for keeping notes.
  • 6/16: Finished PESOS of all Instagram data so that I own the entirety of what's in that silo.
  • Early July: fixed issues with Instagram PESOS and finalized workflow
  • Attended WordCamp OC in early July '16
  • Registered for WordCamp LA and submitted IndieWeb session proposal
  • 7/14/16 Added documentation to Syndication Links
  • 7/19/16 This week got the sharedaddy JetPack "like" functionality to filter out of syndicated copies to Tumblr.
  • 7/20/16 Added mf2 support for recipe via JetPack code which I hope will be included in the future.

7/29/16: Added web-based push notifications for future post updates

  • 8/20/16: I've been using POSSE for Tumblr for quite a while now, but I finished importing and displaying of all past Tumblr data, prior to POSSE efforts.
  • 12/18/16: Figure out how to better segregate content on site and make subsections of it more easily subscribe-able
  • December (?) 2016: Fix custom code so that auto-posting from ownyourgram or other services like Woodwind doesn't automatically syndicate out to Facebook, Twitter, et al. via Jetpack in WordPress. This Jetpack functions.php snippet should work, but I'm having problems with it not triggering things anyway. I suspect it's the e-content microformat not closing early enough in my theme. - Essentially created a functions.php filter that prevents posts to particular categories from auto-emailing and changed my syndication workflow subtly.
  • December 2016: Started posting more listen, watch posts and occasional jams after reconfiguring a work-in-progress set of bookmarklets for Post Kinds plugin
  • 12/31/16: Find better integrated reader to go with WordPress. Play around more with IndieWeb feed readers Woodwind (as Monocle "died"), WhisperFollow, and PressForward. Decided in December 2016 to use PressForward as my daily tool.
  • Check out Bridgy Publish functionality either in repo or
  • 1/17: Added Simple Location plugin to display maps and location information which moves me closer to better supporting checkins (6/9/16 David Shanske said he will be coming back to this shortly; he revamped in December 2016.)
  • 2017-01-26 Fix issue of backfeed of Instagram account to WordPress (from 12/18/16)



CEO and publisher of Boffo Socko Books, a publishing company attempting to disrupt the status quo.

See Also


See my contributions to the wiki.


Pages on the IndieWeb wiki that link back to this userpage or my sparkline ( Chris Aldrich) to indicate my examples, participation in events, or mentions of me: