
From IndieWeb

Online in a Day

Online in a day was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2019.

Video: ▢️42:13s

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/online1day

IndieWeb Summit 2019
Session: Online in a Day #OnlineInADay
When: 2019-06-29 14:20



Jared of Name.com is distributing credits to help people purchase a domain to start their IndieWeb journey.

Following the outline of the getting started wiki page

Step zero to owning your online identity: Get a domain!

Then, you can take a variety of different routes to put that domain to use:

  1. You can start with micro.blog ($5/month)
  2. Pick a content management system (CMS). Choices include
    • Known
    • WordPress
      • pick a theme, 3 specific ones to work from
    • straight HTML
  3. Build your CMS


Then start with a one-sentence purpose for your website

3-5 goals, what do you want to accomplish

Three pages

  • home
  • about
  • contact

Session broke into discussions of individuals websites

See Also