Foreign Language Studies">
Noun Phrase 2
Noun Phrase 2
Noun Phrase 2
Noun Phrase adalah frasa antara Noun, Pronoun atau Number (berfungsi sebagai head)
dan satu atau lebih modifier.
Frasa Kata benda digunakan ketika single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk menunjuk kata
Noun Phrase
Ada beberapa Komponen pembentuk Basic Noun phrase antara lain sebagai berikut:
Determiner yaitu:
Head yaitu:
Nounatau numeral/number.
A noun phrase berisi noun modifiers. Jika modifiers- modifiers ini diletakkan sebelum noun
mereka ini disebut pre-modifiers. Sedangkan jika mereka ditem[atkan setelah noun
disebut post-modifiers. Yang termasuk kedalam Noun Modifier adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Determiner:
Articles (the, a),
Demonstrative (this, that)
Numeral (two, five, etc.)
Possessive (my, their, etc.)
Quantifier (some, many, etc.).
2. Adjective ( the delicious food)
3. complement dalam bentuk prepositional phrase (seperti: the student of physics), or
a That-clause (the idea that the world is a small village
1.One-noun NPs
John, students
2. Determinative + N
that book, Alison’s divorce
3. Determinative + modifier + N
4. Determinative + N + modifier
Latihan Soal
1. Noun phrase:to win the first prize; it acts as the object of the verbhope
2. Noun phrase:to solve the puzzle; it acts as the object of the verb tried
3. Noun phrase:Watching the movie ; it acts as the object of the verb enjoy
4. Noun phrase:to go home; it acts as the object of the verbwants
5. Noun phrase:living in dark stables; it acts as the object of the verbprefer
6. Noun phrase:to answer the question; it acts as the object of the verbrefused
7. Noun phrase:stealing the money; it acts as the object of the verb denied
8. Noun phrase:to write such rubbish; it acts as the subject of the verbis.
9. Noun phrase:having to punish my kids; it acts as the object of the verbdislike.
10. Noun phrase: to do such a thing; it acts as the object of the verb hate.