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Reported Speech

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Definisi Reported Speech

Tak hanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dalam Bahasa Inggris pun juga
terdapat kalimat langsung (direct speech) dan juga kalimat tidak langsung
(indirect speech) atau disebut sebagai reported speech.

Secara sederhana, perubahan kalimat langsung menjadi tidak langsung ini

disebut sebagai repored speech.

Jenis reported speech:

● Statement (pernyataan)
● Imperative/ command (perintah),
● Prohibition (larangan )
● Pertanyaan : Yes or no question (pertanyaan yang membutuhkan
jawaban ya atau tidak dan diawali dengan kata tanya modal (will,
can, must dll), tobe (is, am, are, was, were), did, do, does, had.
● Pertanyaan : WH-questions ( kalimat tanya yang diawali dengan
what, when, where, who, why dan how)

Cara Mengubah Direct Speech menjadi Reported Speech

Jika kamu ingin mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak

langsung, ada beberapa cara yang perlu kamu ingat. Di antaranya adalah:

● Kamu tidak perlu lagi mencantumkan tanda kutip pada kalimat tidak
● Biasanya kalimat tidak langsung bisa ditambahkan kata sambung
‘that’ , if,wether, to. Namun hal ini bersifat opsional.
● Mengubah pronoun menjadi orang ketiga. Sesuai yang dijelaskan di
atas kamu perlu menambahkan sumber atau siapa yang
menyampaikan pesan pertama kali.
● Dalam kalimat tidak langsung, biasanya juga disematkan keterangan
waktu atau time of reference agar penerima pesan bisa lebih jelas
dalam menangkap informasi.
● Terakhir, kamu bisa juga menyesuaikan grammar yang dipakai.
sesuai kalimat yang melaporkan

Perubahan Reported Speech

1. Statement / kalimat pernyataan.

Sebuah pernyataan sering kali diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.
Contohnya adalah:

● Direct speech: I like ice cream.

● Reported speech: She said (that) she liked ice cream.
● Direct Speech: I am living in London
● Reported Speech: She said (that) she was living in London.
● Direct Speech: I had taken English lessons before.
● She said (that) she had taken English lessons before.

2. Questions WH- questions

Tak hanya pernyataan, pertanyaan pun juga bisa diubah menjadi sebuah
kalimat tak langsung yang akhirnya berubah jadi pernyataan. Dalam
kalimat tak langsung menggunakan kata sambung kata tanya / WH
question itu sendiri.

● Direct question: Where do you live?

● Reported question: She asked me where I lived.
● Direct question: Where is Julie?
● Reported question: She asked me where Julie was.
● Direct question: Did you enjoy your holiday?
● Reported question: He wanted to know if I had enjoyed my holiday.
● Direct question: Where is the Post Office, please?
● Reported question: She asked me where the Post Office was.
3. Command/ Probhibition (perintah dan Larangan)
Kalimat perintah dan larangan ketika diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung
hanya menambah kata sambung TO untuk perintah dan NOT TO untuk
● Direct request: Please help me.
● Reported request: She asked me to help her.
● Direct request: Could you bring my book tonight?
● Reported request: She asked me to bring her book that night.
● Direct request: Would you mind coming early tomorrow?
● Reported request: She asked me to come early the next day.
● Direct order: Go to bed!
● Reported order: He told the child to go to bed.
● Direct order: Don’t worry!
● Reported order: He told her not to worry.
● Direct order: He told me to be on time.
● Reported order: He told us not to smoke.

Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in
direct speech:

She said, "I am tired." = She said that she was tired.

Phrase in direct speech Equivalent in reported


Simple present Simple past

"I always drink coffee", She said that she always

she said drank coffee.

Present continuous Past continuous

"I am reading a book", He explained that he was
he explained. reading a book

Simple past Past perfect

"Bill arrived on He said that Bill had

Saturday", he said. arrived on Saturday.

Present perfect Past perfect

"I have been to Spain", He told me that he had

he told me. been to Spain.

Past perfect Past perfect

"I had just turned out He explained that he had

the light," he explained. just turned out the light.

Present perfect Past perfect continuous

They complained, "We They complained that they
have been waiting for had been waiting for
hours". hours.

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

"We were living in They told me that they

Paris", they told me. had been living in Paris.

Future Present conditional

"I will be in Geneva on He said that he would be

Monday", he said. in Geneva on Monday.

Future continuous Conditional continuous

She said, "I'll be using She said that she would

the car next Friday". be using the car next

Perubahan Adverb / kata keterangan:

Now menjadi Then
Today That day
Tomorrow The following day, the day after
Next…. The following….
Yesterday The day before
Last…… The …..before
This That


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