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The Examen de ingenios para las ciencias (1575/1594), a key work in the development of Western psychological thinking, has aroused the interest of scholars from various disciplines. Its author, Juan Huarte de San Juan, is considered a... more
[this is a draft of an article published in Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos, (2012), 8: 137-150] Leido desde una perspectiva narratológica, el cuentecillo cervantino del Quijote de 1615 sobre el licenciado que decía ser Neptuno resulta... more
In spite of its centrality to the plot of the Segunda Parte del Lazarillo (Antwerp, 1555), the detailed account of Lázaro’s conversion—i.e., the series of events leading to his metamorphosis and the vicissitudes of assuming a new... more
The present study explores the relation between madness and ingenio (wit), as represented in the Examen de ingenios para las cienciasi (1575/1594), written by the physician Juan Huarte de San Juan. A close reading of two cases related by... more
In my doctoral dissertation I reconstruct the early modern Spanish category of madness (locura) by exploring the ways it was imagined, theorized, and narrated in medical, lexicographic, and literary texts of the Golden Age (16 th and 17... more
Composed around 1575 and published in 1622, Alfonso de Santa Cruz’s Dignotio et cura affectuum melancholicorum was one of the most elaborate clinical texts written on melancholy in early modern Spain. Mostly known for its description of... more
Nos complace informarles que la organización del XX Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (AIH) como también la inscripción al mismo avanzan de modo muy satisfactorio. En esta Tercera Circular queremos informarles acerca... more
Alcalá de Henares, 23-25 octubre 2019 ¿Cómo podemos definir centros y periferia? ¿Acaso podemos tratar el estudio de los centros sin tener en cuenta la periferia? ¿Y viceversa? ¿Existe realmente periferia sin centro y centros periféricos?... more