In 2009 the dogma of the “too big to fail” financial institutions was widely promulgated by the commercially-controlled media, as top executives were rewarded at taxpayers’ expense for their losing speculations. This increased the size of the those financial institutions in proportion to their leverage over national governments. Smaller institutions, the productive sector of the economy and ordinary citizens found themselves under increasing financial pressure as the windfall profits given to the largest banks decreased the effective value of their assets.
Fort Hood Massacre False Flag; Christmas Underwear Bomber a False Flag? Full Body Scans in Airports Follow
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Christmas Underwear Bomber a False Flag? Full Body Scans in Airports Follow

Actress Brittany Murphy, Set to Testify on the DHS Harassment of Whistleblower Julia Davis, is Found Dead

The Norway Spiral in the Sky Phenomenon

Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Claims The U.N. Would Release A Virus To Trigger Depopulation Through Vaccines!

Climategate: Leaked Emails Reveal Scientific Fraud & Data Manipulation for Global Warming

Fort Hood Massacre False Flag

Fast and Furious Begins: Secret Government Gun Smuggling Operation

Last McDonald’s Burger Sold in Iceland Goes on Display with Livestream to See if It Would Decompose. Check it Out Live!

UN Whistleblower, Rasna Warah, Who Exposed a Culture of Corruption Only to be Retaliated and Attacked for Reporting the Wrongdoing