“We Build the Wall” Leader Tim Shea Convicted by Obama Judge in NYC Kangaroo Court
We Build the Wall’s Tim Shea was convicted yesterday in another kangaroo court in New York City in front of an Obama Judge. It’s likely Shea will appeal because the DOJ withheld information that would have exonerated Shea in the case. The walls of justice in the United States have fallen. When will Americans wake up and see that Obama Judges and the DOJ do not ...

Steve Bannon Sentenced to 4 Months in Federal Prison by DC Judge for Ignoring J6 Show Trial Subpoena
Judge Carl Nichols lectured Steve Bannon before sentencing him to 4 months in federal prison and fined him $6500 for not speaking with Pelosi-Cheney Moscow Show Trial. Judge Nichols is knocking down Bannon's "executive privilege" argument — Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) October 21, 2022 More… Judge says it "cuts in Mr. Bannon's favor" that the committee didn't go to court to enforce its subpoena, but sought out ...

Decorated Marine and 21-Yr NYPD Officer Thomas Webster Turns Himself in to Serve 10-Yrs in Prison for Defending Himself on J6
A decorated US Marine Veteran, 20 Year NYPD Police Officer, Husband and Father of 3 will turn himself in tomorrow to serve the longest sentence that a Judge has handed to a J6 Defendant to date – 10 Years! Please see the never-before-seen and heartbreaking video below that proves Marine Thomas Webster’s innocence and exculpatory footage of a DC Metro Police Officer provoking him and punching ...

America’s Frontline Doctors Founder, Dr. Simone Gold, Sentenced To Jail For Entering Capitol On Jan. 6
Dr. Simone Gold of California has been sentenced to 60 days in jail for “entering and remaining in a restricted building” when she walked into the U.S. Capitol building on January 6th. BREAKING: Dr. Simone Gold sentenced to 60 days in prison for 'illegal entering' of the US Capitol on Jan 6 — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 16, 2022 Dr. Gold, a Stanford graduate who ...

Thousands Of Ukrainian Citizens Rounded Up By Their Own Government, Labeled ‘Traitors’
Ukrainian citizens accused of “helping Russia” during the recent war are being snatched out of their homes by the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU). According to the Associated Press, nearly 400 citizens were arrested in the Kharkiv region alone. This means there are thousands of Ukrainians being thrown into “traitor” prisons where they face up to fifteen years in jail, but the exact amount of people detained ...

Lawyer Arrested For Proving World Leaders’ Genocidal Vax Crimes
A French lawyer has been arrested for treason after helping Reiner Fuellmich prove world leaders have committed crimes against humanity in the name of Covid-19 Virginie de Araujo Recchia (pictured), a French attorney living in France who is participating in the work of the Citizen Jury with Reiner Fuellmich, was arrested in her home at dawn on March 22nd in front of her children. The arrest ...

FBI Arrests Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio at 6 AM in Early Morning Roger Stone-Style Raid
The Deep State and Biden DOJ are at it again. After peacefully serving his prison sentence related to the high crime of “burning a BLM flag” in Washington DC during a series of peaceful protests in December of 2021, former Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio got a visit from federal law enforcement officials in the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 8th. According to local news ...

Former Hong Kong Independence Group Leader Gets 43 Mos. Under Security Law
The former leader of Hong Kong pro-independence group Studentlocalism was sentenced on Tuesday to a total of 43 months in prison for trying to separate the city from China, and for money laundering. Tony Chung, 20, was charged with secession, under a sweeping national security law, and money laundering in October 2020 and was denied bail. Local media reported at the time that he was detained ...

CDC Announces Covid Internment Camps for Unvaxed; will Separate Families by Force, MINIMUM “Humanitarian” Standards
Initially launched by the CDC in 2020, they updated it in July 2021. It calls for nationwide covid concentration camps to be operated at the “camp / sector level” which will be populated by individuals designated “high-risk” who are forcibly ripped from their families and homes to be imprisoned by the CDC. The document, entitled, “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 ...

Trump CFO Surrenders to Manhattan DA on Garbage Charges As Obama/Biden Try to Destroy the Trump Organization
You no longer can do your job in America if you work for an entity not ordained by the Obama/Biden gang of crooks. Trump’s longtime CFO turned himself in this morning after being indicted by the corrupt Manhattan DA who’s working for the Obama/Biden gang. President Trump’s longtime CFO of his company handed himself in this morning after it was reported yesterday that the man was ...