Nomad HelperUseful tools for working with @hashicorp Nomad at scale
Stars: ✭ 96 (+380%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
ReplicatorAutomated Cluster and Job Scaling For HashiCorp Nomad
Stars: ✭ 166 (+730%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Hashi Upbootstrap HashiCorp Consul, Nomad, or Vault over SSH < 1 minute
Stars: ✭ 113 (+465%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
NomadfilesA collection of Nomad job files for deploying applications to a cluster
Stars: ✭ 89 (+345%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
local-hashicorp-stackLocal Hashicorp Stack for DevOps Development without Hypervisor or Cloud
Stars: ✭ 23 (+15%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Python NomadClient library Hashicorp Nomad
Stars: ✭ 90 (+350%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
SherpaSherpa is a highly available, fast, and flexible horizontal job scaling for HashiCorp Nomad. It is capable of running in a number of different modes to suit different requirements, and can scale based on Nomad resource metrics or external sources.
Stars: ✭ 165 (+725%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
LevantAn open source templating and deployment tool for HashiCorp Nomad jobs
Stars: ✭ 510 (+2450%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
hashicorp-labsDeploy locally on VM an Hashicorp cluster formed by Vault, Consul and Nomad. Ready for deploying and testing your apps.
Stars: ✭ 32 (+60%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
nomad-droplets-autoscalerDigitalOcean Droplets target plugin for HashiCorp Nomad Autoscaler
Stars: ✭ 42 (+110%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Hashi UiA modern user interface for @hashicorp Consul & Nomad
Stars: ✭ 1,119 (+5495%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
damonA terminal UI (TUI) for HashiCorp Nomad
Stars: ✭ 274 (+1270%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
TrekTrek is a CLI/ncurses explorer for HashiCorp Nomad clusters.
Stars: ✭ 26 (+30%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Nomad FirehoseFirehose all nomad job, allocation, nodes and evaluations changes to rabbitmq, kinesis or stdout
Stars: ✭ 96 (+380%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Awesome NomadA curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.
Stars: ✭ 530 (+2550%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Ansible Nomad⌚️ Ansible role for Nomad
Stars: ✭ 157 (+685%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
nomad-toastA tool for receiving notifications based on HashiCorp Nomad events.
Stars: ✭ 40 (+100%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
libraA Nomad auto scaler
Stars: ✭ 72 (+260%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
nomad-boxNomad Box - Simple Terraform-powered setup to Azure of clustered Consul, Nomad and Traefik Load Balancer that runs Docker/GoLang/Java workloads. NOTE: Only suitable in dev environments at the moment until I learn more Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vault :P
Stars: ✭ 18 (-10%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad