jippi / Awesome Nomad
Licence: wtfpl
A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.
Stars: ✭ 530
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Awesome Nomad
DigitalOcean Droplets target plugin for HashiCorp Nomad Autoscaler
Stars: ✭ 42 (-92.08%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
An open source templating and deployment tool for HashiCorp Nomad jobs
Stars: ✭ 510 (-3.77%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Deploy locally on VM an Hashicorp cluster formed by Vault, Consul and Nomad. Ready for deploying and testing your apps.
Stars: ✭ 32 (-93.96%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Sherpa is a highly available, fast, and flexible horizontal job scaling for HashiCorp Nomad. It is capable of running in a number of different modes to suit different requirements, and can scale based on Nomad resource metrics or external sources.
Stars: ✭ 165 (-68.87%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Code used for the demo of Going Multi-Cloud with Terraform and Nomad
Stars: ✭ 20 (-96.23%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Automated Cluster and Job Scaling For HashiCorp Nomad
Stars: ✭ 166 (-68.68%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Deploy nomad & consult on centos with ansible
Stars: ✭ 17 (-96.79%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Nomad Firehose
Firehose all nomad job, allocation, nodes and evaluations changes to rabbitmq, kinesis or stdout
Stars: ✭ 96 (-81.89%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Syntax highlighting for HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)
Stars: ✭ 83 (-84.34%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Hashi Up
bootstrap HashiCorp Consul, Nomad, or Vault over SSH < 1 minute
Stars: ✭ 113 (-78.68%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Nomad Helper
Useful tools for working with @hashicorp Nomad at scale
Stars: ✭ 96 (-81.89%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Local Hashicorp Stack for DevOps Development without Hypervisor or Cloud
Stars: ✭ 23 (-95.66%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
A collection of Nomad job files for deploying applications to a cluster
Stars: ✭ 89 (-83.21%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Nomad Box - Simple Terraform-powered setup to Azure of clustered Consul, Nomad and Traefik Load Balancer that runs Docker/GoLang/Java workloads. NOTE: Only suitable in dev environments at the moment until I learn more Terraform, Consul, Nomad, Vault :P
Stars: ✭ 18 (-96.6%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Rundeck plugin running jobs on Nomad cluster.
Stars: ✭ 17 (-96.79%)
Mutual labels: hashicorp, nomad
Awesome Nomad
A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.
Pull requests with additional tools and projects are more than welcome!
User interfaces
- jippi/hashi-ui - Interface for Consul & Nomad by HashiCorp, live stream of data, fast search and resource visualization per cluster or client.
Auto Scalers
- jrasell/chemtrail - Chemtrail is a client scaler for HashiCorp Nomad allowing for dynamic and safe scaling of the client workerpool based on demand.
- jrasell/sherpa - Sherpa is a job scaler for HashiCorp Nomad and aims to be highly flexible so it can support a wide range of architectures and budgets.
- underarmour/libra - Scale Nomad task group counts based on external metrics Graphite or AWS CloudWatch.
- Spotinst - SaaS Nomad Cluster autoscaler with option to run the clients on Spot Instances (AWS Only)
- trivago/scalad - Scalad is a nomad horizontal scaler that can be setup from each job Taskgroup meta stanza based on external metrics.
- getnelson/nelson - Lights-out deployment and lifecycle manager for Nomad (and other pluggable schedulers). Fully integrated with Vault and Consul. Optionally can act as a control plane for your traffic routing teir.
- jenkinsci/nomad-plugin - Jenkins plugin to allow using Nomad Jobs to scale out Jenkins build slaves.
- jrasell/levant - A templating and deployment tool for HashiCorp Nomad jobs that provides realtime feedback and detailed failure messages upon deployment issues.
- ValFadeev/rundeck-nomad-plugin - A Rundeck plugin for authoring and running Nomad jobs by operators or in automated deployment pipelines.
- screwdrivercd/nomad - Use nomad to schedule and execute workflows triggered by an scm (github/bitbucket).
- fortress-shell - Self-written CI/CD SaaS based on Hashicorp Nomad
- trivago/nomad-pot-driver - Plugin for managing FreeBSD Jails with Hashicorp's Nomad
- cneira/jail-task-driver - Task driver that uses FreeBSD jails
- pascomnet/nomad-driver-podman - A nomad task driver for podman containers
Roblox/nomad-driver-containerd - A nomad task driver for containerd. Documentation on
Self Service
- data-science-platform/cluster-broccoli - Cluster Broccoli is a RESTful web service + UI to manage Nomad jobs through a self service application. Jobs are defined based on templates, allowing for a selectable amount of customization.
Job files
- jrasell/nomadfiles A collection of Nomad job files for deploying applications to a cluster.
- perrymanuk/hashi-homelab Job files for a small lightweight homelab based on nomad and consul from hashicorp.
- seatgeek/nomad-helper - Simple helper binary to allow you to reevaluate all jobs, drain an node (and wait for all allocations to stop), force a garbage collection, export / import job task group counts in YAML format.
- seatgeek/nomad-firehose - Go binary that "tails" API endpoints and emit messages for each changed resource to RabbitMQ, AWS kinesis or stdout.
- seatgeek/nomad-crashloop-detector - Consuming the RabbitMQ output from seatgeek/nomad-firehose, will detect when allocations restart too fast or too often, outputing the offending allocation to RabbitMQ, AWS Kinesis or stdout.
- jrasell/nomad-toast - A tool for receiving notifications based on HashiCorp Nomad events.
- sepulworld/deadman-check - A monitoring companion for Nomad periodic jobs that alerts if periodic isn't running at the expected interval.
- blalor/nomad-watcher - A simple service that watches Nomad's nodes, jobs, allocations, deployments, and evaluations, and writes the events to a file. Also includes a utility for tailing events to a console window.
- smintz/nomadgen - Define your Nomad jobspecs using Python.
- jet/nomad-service-alerter - A tool which provides opt-in alerting for the jobs running on Nomad. It mainly covers Consul Health-check alerts and Restart-Loop (when allocations switch between "pending" and "running" state often due to internal errors) alerts providing integration with PagerDuty.
- 42wim/nomadctld - Ssh server with ability to exec/attach/logs/tail/stop hashicorp nomad containers.
- ataccama/nomad-deploy - Python3 script that renders a Jinja2 template, plans and registers job. Installable as an executable from pypi.org.
- anubhavmishra/envoy-consul-sds - A tutorial on how to get Envoy running on Nomad and using Envoy's SDS(Service Discovery Service) to access Consul API.
- kelseyhightower/hashiconf-eu-2016 - Repo from a talk on building out a deployment with GCE/Consul/Nomad/Fabio loadbalancer. Check out the talk on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nosa5-xcATw
Examples / Demos
- pete0emerson/hashipoc - A Vagrant driven example of getting Consul / Vault / Nomad up and running with a sample app deployed
- numkem/nomad-spk - spk (Synology package) to install Hashicorp's nomad scheduler into Synology NAS
Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].