Bumped📦 Makes easy release software
Ibm Z ZosThe helpful and handy location for finding and sharing z/OS files, which are not included in the product.
Github semantic-release plugin to publish a GitHub release and comment on released Pull Requests/Issues
Commit Analyzer💡 semantic-release plugin to analyze commits with conventional-changelog
Changelog📘 semantic-release plugin to create or update a changelog file
Sailboat🐍 A quick and easy way to distribute your Python projects!
ChyleChangelog generator : use a git repository and various data sources and publish the result on external services
Dephell📦 🔥 Python project management. Manage packages: convert between formats, lock, install, resolve, isolate, test, build graph, show outdated, audit. Manage venvs, build package, bump version.
Gh Release Create a github release for a node package.
Git Changelog LibLibrary for parsing and generating a changelog, or releasenotes, from a GIT repository
Publish Nuget📦 GitHub action to automate publishing NuGet packages when project version changes
Npm🚢 semantic-release plugin to publish a npm package
Bintray PublishSuper easy way to publish your Android and Java artifacts to bintray.
RelsGithub release analytics for the console
Dune ReleaseStreamlining the release of dune packages to opam
Git ReleasePublish a GitHub Release 📦 with Assets 📁 and Changelog 📄
Pleaseplease is semver release made easy
AutoGenerate releases based on semantic version labels on pull requests.
MetavRelease and Versioning of Clojure projects using tools.deps
FugitiveSimple command line tool to make git more intuitive, along with useful GitHub addons.
Condition Travis🚫 semantic-release plugin to check Travis CI environment before publishing.
NgcNewGoCommand - An opinionated and lightweight project starter. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Github Release NotesNode module to create a release or a changelog from a tag and uses issues or commits to creating the release notes.
ShipjsTake control of what is going to be your next release.
GuessitGuessIt is a python library that extracts as much information as possible from a video filename.
Standard Version🏆 Automate versioning and CHANGELOG generation, with semver.org and conventionalcommits.org
Release It🚀 Automate versioning and package publishing
GithubupdatesCocoa framework to install application updates from GitHub releases.
BumpBump updates the project's version, updates/creates the changelog, makes the bump commit, tags the bump commit and makes the release to GitHub. Opinionated but configurable.
Rolling RhinoRolling Rhino; convert Ubuntu into a rolling release. As seen on YouTube 📺
Releaser ToolsCreate a GitHub/GitLab/etc. release using a project's commit messages and metadata.
Cli🆑📍 Setup automated semver compliant package publishing
Python SemverPython package to work with Semantic Versioning (http://semver.org/)
changeA simple tool that automates generating and updating a changelog
glaregracefully download (latest) releases from GitHub
natuna-fivemTypescript/Javascript Bundled FiveM Framework with single module engine that runs on Javascript runtime. Powered with NodeJS.