KadaluA lightweight Persistent storage solution for Kubernetes / OpenShift using GlusterFS in background.
AskyAsky开源架构:极简、轻量、极致性能《Asky零基础1小时学编程 dnc+vue+tidb+redis+rabbitMQ+ES》QQ群 779699538
K3dLittle helper to run Rancher Lab's k3s in Docker
K8s1.13微服务容器化持续交付总体流程:开发代码提交到Gitlab;Rahcher设置代码库为Gitlab;Rahcher流水线配置编译源码;Rahcher流水线Build Docker镜像;Rancher流水线Push Docker镜像到私有镜像库Harbor;Rancher流水线根据k8s yaml部署文件部署容器。
K3s AnsibleAnsible playbook to deploy k3s kubernetes cluster
Rancher Active ProxyAll in one active reverse proxy for Rancher ! For Kubernetes : https://github.com/adi90x/kube-active-proxy
Rancher CronA service that can start containers on a defined schedule.
Guide rancher monitoringEasy to follow guide on how to deploy and make the best use of the Rancher community catalog template for Prometheus.
GauchoA Python CLI tool for Rancher's API
Crane⬆ A GitLab CI ready image to upgrade services in Rancher
Rancher AlarmsWill kick your ass if found unhealthy service in Rancher environment
Rancher Lets EncryptAutomatically create and manage certificates in Rancher using Let's Encrypt webroot verification via a minimal service
Docs Rancher2Rancher 中文文档,包括Rancher1.x、Rancher 2.x、RKE、K3s、Octopus和Harvester的中文文档,其中Rancher1.x的文档已经不再维护;Rancher 2.x、RKE、K3s、Octopus和Harvester会定期刷新。
Rancher Letsencrypt🐮 Rancher service that obtains and manages free SSL certificates from the Let's Encrypt CA
RancherComplete container management platform
ez-rancherTerraform to provision vSphere VMs, and install Rancher on an RKE cluster
ansible-rancherSome Ansible plays & roles to install Rancher and Kubernetes Cluster
skalogs-bundleOpen Source data and event driven real time Monitoring and Analytics Platform
k3d-demoDemo of k3d: Tool to run k3s (Kubernetes) in Docker
rancher-redisA containerized redis master/slave configuration with sentinels for use in Rancher
Certified-Rancher-Operator-Thaiมาเรียนรู้ Kuberntes แบบ On-Premise และ Architecture ของ Rancher ที่ใช้ในการจัดการ Kubernetes Cluster เพื่อนำสู่ Certified Kubernetes Administrator และ Certified Rancer Operator
paas-templatesBosh, CFAR, CFCR and OSB services templates for use with COA (cf-ops-automation) framework
bovineManager for single node Rancher clusters
nextmoovWe are nextmoov — a Belgian Digital Agency that reinvents the way we work.
check rancher2Monitoring plugin to check Docker / Kubernetes clusters managed by Rancher 2.x
faas-rancher[DEPRECATED] Enable Rancher as a backend for Functions as a Service (OpenFaaS) https://github.com/alexellis/faas
action-setup-kube-toolsGithub Action that setup Kubernetes tools (kubectl, kustomize, helm, kubeconform, conftest, yq, rancher, tilt, skaffold) very fast and cache them on the runner. Please [✩Star] if you're using it!
kconnectKubernetes Connection Manager CLI
waldur-homeportWaldur HomePort is web-based client for the Waldur MasterMind.
k3d-actionA GitHub Action to run lightweight ephemeral Kubernetes clusters during workflow. Fundamental advantage of this action is a full customization of embedded k3s clusters. In addition, it provides a private image registry and multi-cluster support.