Meshtastic AndroidAndroid companion application for the Meshtastic ski/hike/fly/Signal-chat GPS radio
RavenRaven Long Range System
LoralibArduino library for LoRa modules based on SX127x/RFM9x chips
Clusterduck ProtocolFirmware for an ad-hoc mesh network of Internet-of-Things devices based on LoRa (Long Range radio) that can be deployed quickly and cheaply.
UpylorawanESP32 using MicroPython meets LoRa and LoRaWAN.
LafThis project intends to provide a series of tools to craft, parse, send, analyze and crack a set of LoRaWAN packets in order to audit or pentest the security of a LoraWAN infrastructure.
MainfluxIndustrial IoT Messaging and Device Management Platform
Meshtastic DeviceDevice code for the Meshtastic ski/hike/fly/customizable open GPS radio
CayennelppLibrary for Arduino compatible with Cayenne Low Power Payload
Esp32 PaxcounterWifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
Lorawan StackThe Things Stack, an Open Source LoRaWAN Network Server
TtnThe Things Network Stack V2
Mars Rover3D printed Curiosity/Perseverance inspired Rover
Softrf✈️ Multifunctional, compatible DIY general aviation proximity awareness system
OpenmqttgatewayMQTT gateway for ESP8266, ESP32, Sonoff RF Bridge or Arduino with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermometer compatibility, SMS & LORA.
Farm-Data-Relay-SystemA system that uses ESP-NOW, LoRa, and other protocols to transport sensor data in remote areas without relying on WiFi.
lora-motes-emulatorThis is a device (mote) emulator for LoRaWAN protocol(1.0 & 1.1). Completely realized by Python 3.6
ResQOpen Source Search and Rescue Tool for ground tracking and air usage based on ESP8266 hardware.
codec2 talkieTurn your Android phone into Codec2 Walkie-Talkie (Bluetooth/USB/TCPIP KISS modem client for DV digital voice communication)
uiUI for Mainflux IoT platform
rust-radio-sx127xRust driver for the Semtech SX127x series of Sub-GHz LoRa/ISM radio transceivers
CatWAN USB StickAn Open Source USB Stick compatible with LoRa and LoRaWAN with Cortex M0+. To connect, review and analyze packages of LoRa®
Penguino-STM32WL-LoRa-E5This repo contains all the necessary design and fabrication files for the Seeed Studio LoRa-E5 based Penguino Feather breakout board.
POST S76GPower-on Self Test for TTGO T-Motion LoRaWAN GNSS tracker and T-Impulse wristband
pyrak811RAK811 Python 3 library for Raspberry Pi
LoraGW-SetupSX1301 Lora Concentrator Raspberry PI based gateway setup
pycayennelppA Cayenne Low Power Payload (CayenneLPP) decoder and encoder for Python
HPR-Rocket-Flight-ComputerA flight computer for high-powered rockets based on the Teensy platform. 4 programmable pyro outputs, Mach immune flight events, air-start & two-stage capable w/ tilt-sensing safety features, GPS & live telemetry. High-rate data logging at 1000 samples per second. 4.0in x 1.25in x 0.5in fits in a 38mm tube coupler.
CMWX1ZZABZCollection of sketches using the Arduino core for Murata's CMWX1ZZABZ (STM32L082 and SX1276)
GXAirComMultifunctional, compatible DIY aviation proximity awareness, variometer and messaging system with FANET+, FLARM and OGN support.
sx1278sx1278 LoRa driver for Stm32 HAL
LoRaPHYComplete LoRa physical layer (LoRa PHY) implementation in MATLAB.
WisBlockQuickstart, tutorials and examples for the RAKwireless WisBlock product line.
EByte LoRa E22 Series LibraryArduino LoRa EBYTE E22 device library complete and tested with Arduino, esp8266, esp32, STM32 and Raspberry Pi Pico (rp2040 boards).. sx1262/sx1268