Mtailextract internal monitoring data from application logs for collection in a timeseries database
Log KillerClear all your logs in [linux/windows] servers 🛡️
GologA high-performant Logging Foundation for Go Applications. X3 faster than the rest leveled loggers.
Applicationinsights HomeApplication Insights main repository for documentation of overall SDK offerings for all platforms.
Jljl — JSON Logs, a development tool for working with structured JSON logging.
LogsuckEasy log aggregation, indexing and searching
PathivuAn efficient log ingestion and log aggregation system
CkubeA cli to simplify working with kubectl for some common workflows
ZoyaTruly highly composable logging utility
Now Logsrealtime logging for now -
RitaReal Intelligence Threat Analytics (RITA) is a framework for detecting command and control communication through network traffic analysis.
SystemdloggerExports systemd logs to an external service, eg cloudwatch, elasticsearch
React Native LogsPerformance-aware simple logger for React-Native with namespaces, custom levels and custom transports (colored console, file writing, etc.)
Kailkubernetes log viewer
TelerReal-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
Terraform Aws S3 Log StorageThis module creates an S3 bucket suitable for receiving logs from other AWS services such as S3, CloudFront, and CloudTrail
LogvacSimple, lightweight, api-driven log aggregation service with realtime push capabilities and historical persistence.
Webtools.bundleWebTools is a collection of tools for Plex Media Server. Like the Unsupported AppStore (UAS)
Ios SdkAppSpector is a debugging service for mobile apps
SawFast, multi-purpose tool for AWS CloudWatch Logs
LoreleySimple and extensible colorizer for programs' output
BrimDesktop application to efficiently search large packet captures and Zeek logs.
TestlogcollectorsA framework for capturing log statements during tests. Compatible with most popular logging frameworks. Works with JUnit and TestNG
CartusA structured logging abstraction with multiple backends.
GollumAn n:m message multiplexer written in Go
VectorA reliable, high-performance tool for building observability data pipelines.
LogmonitorMonitoring log files on windows systems.
Pm2 LogrotateAutomatically rotate all applications logs managed by PM2
LogbookAn extensible Java library for HTTP request and response logging
LoghouseReady to use log management solution for Kubernetes storing data in ClickHouse and providing web UI.
OpstraceSecure observability, deployed in your own network. An open source alternative to SaaS solutions like Datadog, SignalFx, ...
EkaniteThe Syslog server with built-in search
Hyperlog AndroidUtility logger library for storing logs into database and push them to remote server for debugging
Cabin🌲 Cabin is the best JavaScript and Node.js logging service and logging npm package
LoghubA large collection of system log datasets for AI-powered log analytics
Docker monitoring logging alertingDocker host and container monitoring, logging and alerting out of the box using cAdvisor, Prometheus, Grafana for monitoring, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash for logging and elastalert and Alertmanager for alerting.
CwThe best way to tail AWS CloudWatch Logs from your terminal
HoneypotLow interaction honeypot that displays real time attacks
Node TailThe zero dependency Node.js module for tailing a file
Logagent JsExtensible log shipper with input/output plugins, buffering, parsing, data masking, and small memory/CPU footprint
CwhAmazon Web Services CloudWatch Logs Handler for Monolog library
Vortex🌀 Discord Moderation Bot
BenthosFancy stream processing made operationally mundane
Stern⎈ Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes -- Friendly fork of
Rz GoRipzap - Fast and 0 allocs leveled JSON logger for Go ⚡️. Dependency free.
exoA process manager & log viewer for dev
TarkinA tool for anomaly detection over streaming data based on sentiment analysis
narcSmall utility to watch log files and ship to syslog service.