Bst🔧 Bespoken Tools - Tools for making voice apps faster and better
Homebridge GshAllow Google Assistant to control your Homebridge accessories.
Yoda.jsApplication Framework that powered YodaOS
TockTock - the open source conversational AI toolkit
Jaicf KotlinKotlin framework for conversational voice assistants and chatbots development allows you to control (almost) anything with Google Assistant, by translating voice commands to MQTT messages.
Awesome Voice Apps🕶 A curated list of awesome voice projects, tools, and resources for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and more.
Flow DashboardA goal, task & habit tracker + personal dashboard to focus on what matters
AssistantjsTypeScript framework to build cross-platform voice applications (alexa, google home, ...).
Jovo Framework🔈 The Open Source Voice Layer: Build Voice Experiences for Alexa, Google Assistant, Samsung Bixby, Web Apps, and much more
Laibot Client开源人工智能,基于开源软硬件构建语音对话机器人、智能音箱……人机对话、自然交互,来宝拥有无限可能。特别说明,来宝运行于Python 3!
Mic hat2 Mic Array for Raspberry Pi
Voice Z MachineConverts z-machine games to web service output - without session or server state
ClinetOfficial repository for Clinet, a Discord bot intended for assistance and control within your guilds.
GassistpiGoogle Assistant for Single Board Computers
Assistant RelayA Node.js server that allows for sending commands to Google Home/Assistant from endpoints
Alexa AssistantImplementation of the Google Assistant SDK as an Alexa skill
Flask AssistantFramework for Building Virtual Assistants with Dialogflow and python
Seeed Voicecard2 Mic Hat, 4 Mic Array, 6-Mic Circular Array Kit, and 4-Mic Linear Array Kit for Raspberry Pi
assistant-freeboxPlugin pour contrôler la Freebox Révolution via un Assistant comme Google Home
AthenaA free and open source replacement for Google Assistant on Android devices, meant to integrate with the Sapphire Framework. It contains both speech-to-text and text-to-speech services. It does not require Google services or network connectivity
google assistant vietnamese speakingĐây là dự án độ lại loa thông minh chạy Google Assistant hỗ trợ đa ngôn ngữ trong đó có tiếng Việt, phần source code do Nguyễn Duy code lại từ Source Gốc của Google
Asher.AiWelcome to the API side of Asher, where all the language processing happens.
actions-toolsThis provides you some useful tools to build your actions for Google Assistant.
linux-controlControl your Linux laptop/desktop via Google Assistant
GitInfo-Git-for-Google-AssistantGitInfo is a conversational data retrieval bot for Github repositories. It provides a conversational experience to access information. Information that can be retrieved using GitInfo include: stars, latest commit details , no of forks , no of issues etc.
notion-herokuHeroku hosted application that performs Notion actions (i.e., new task, new note) based on voice requests via IFTTT Webhooks and Google Assistant.
gluco-checkUse Nightscout with Google Home: "Hey Google, check my sugar"
wiki2ssmlWiki2SSML provides the WikiVoice markup language used for fine-tuning synthesised voice.