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Top 33 glove open source projects

Datastories Semeval2017 Task4
Deep-learning model presented in "DataStories at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Deep LSTM with Attention for Message-level and Topic-based Sentiment Analysis".
Embedding As Service
One-Stop Solution to encode sentence to fixed length vectors from various embedding techniques
Wordembeddings Elmo Fasttext Word2vec
Using pre trained word embeddings (Fasttext, Word2Vec)
Coreference Resolution
Efficient and clean PyTorch reimplementation of "End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution" (Lee et al., EMNLP 2017).
Hierarchical Attention Network
Implementation of Hierarchical Attention Networks in PyTorch
TextClf :基于Pytorch/Sklearn的文本分类框架,包括逻辑回归、SVM、TextCNN、TextRNN、TextRCNN、DRNN、DPCNN、Bert等多种模型,通过简单配置即可完成数据处理、模型训练、测试等过程。
Half Size
Code for "Effective Dimensionality Reduction for Word Embeddings".
Glove As A Tensorflow Embedding Layer
Taking a pretrained GloVe model, and using it as a TensorFlow embedding weight layer **inside the GPU**. Therefore, you only need to send the index of the words through the GPU data transfer bus, reducing data transfer overhead.
Vectorsinsearch repo to accompany the 'Vectors in Search' talk by Simon Hughes, from the Activate 2018 search conference, and the 'Searching with Vectors' talk from Haystack 2019 (US). Builds upon my conceptual search and semantic search work from 2015
reference pytorch code for named entity tagging
Visualize word embeddings of a vocabulary in TensorBoard, including the neighbors
Tf ner
Simple and Efficient Tensorflow implementations of NER models with tf.estimator and
Fast vectorization, topic modeling, distances and GloVe word embeddings in R.
Four word embedding models implemented in Python. Supporting arbitrary context features
Lmdb Embeddings
Fast word vectors with little memory usage in Python
Natural Language Processing
Programming Assignments and Lectures for Stanford's CS 224: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Python package with source code from the course "Creative Applications of Deep Learning w/ TensorFlow"
Word Embeddings (e.g. Word2Vec) in Go!
Seq2seq Chatbot For Keras
This repository contains a new generative model of chatbot based on seq2seq modeling.
Source code for the paper A Memory-Augmented Neural Model for Automated Grading
Compact high quality word embeddings for Russian language
Exploring the simple sentence similarity measurements using word embeddings
1-33 of 33 glove projects