AilightAiLight is a custom firmware for the esp8266 based Ai-Thinker (or equivalent) RGBW WiFi light bulbs
MornuiMorn UI is an ActionScript 3 UI Components for Flash,with lightweight, high performance, and a visual ui editor
JumpdriveFlash/Rescue SD Card image for PinePhone and PineTab
Vscode As3mxmlActionScript & MXML language extension for Visual Studio Code. Develop apps for Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash Player, or Apache Royale.
Aura.sessionTools for managing sessions, including session segments and read-once messages
Dynamicaudio.jsAn interface for the Web Audio API with a Flash shim for older browsers
Layaair discardThis is old LayaAir veriosn writetten by ActionScript 3.0 ,now LayaAir is using TypeScript as the Engine Script,Please use instead.
Flash cc2531flash CC2531 USB dongle from your Raspberry, without Arduino nor CC Debugger.
SwiftycamA Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
PystlinkPython tool for flashing and debugging STM32 devices using ST-LINK/V2
Cargo Flasha cargo extension for programming microcontrollers
Reflvreact component wrap flv.js
FlashmingoAutomatic analysis of SWF files based on some heuristics. Extensible via plugins.
EeEEPROM emulation for stm32.
HydrabusHydraBus an open source multi-tool hardware for researcher, hackers, students, embedded software developers or anyone interested in debugging/hacking/developing/penetration testing
JesfsJo's Embedded Serial File System (for Standard Serial NOR-Flash)
Cargo Embeda cargo extension for working with microcontrollers
FalFlash Abstraction Layer implentment. Manage flash device and partition.
Mediaelement FilesSample media files (MP4, WebM, Ogv, MP3, etc.) for the MediaElement.js library
OmeglemiddlemanLets you connect strangers to each other, and intercept messages AKA Man in the Middle Attack
EasyflashLightweight IoT device information storage solution: KV/IAP/LOG. | 轻量级物联网设备信息存储方案:参数存储、在线升级及日志存储 ,全新一代版本请移步至
BiosteamThe Biorefinery Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis Modules; Chemical Process Simulation Under Uncertainty
SpiffsWear-leveled SPI flash file system for embedded devices
RaisetheempiresRaise the Empires project: facebook 2011-2013 Empires & Allies preservation
Vuex FlashVueJs Flash Message Component within Vuex
WaflashA WebAssembly ActionScript 3.0 Flash player built with Emscripten
HexmachinaReleases, issues, documentation, website of hexMachina, framework written in Haxe
Gameina🎮 — GameINA adalah Web Portal Game yang dibuat oleh SYAUQIZAIDAN KHAIRAN KHALAF. Dilengkapi Game Market, Website Based Game dan Layanan Top-up yang dibuat untuk membantu para developer di Indonesia GameINA dibuat ditujukan agar para developer dan publisher indonesia dapat memasarkan gamenya di platform game milik negaranya sendiri.
MediaelementHTML5 <audio> or <video> player with support for MP4, WebM, and MP3 as well as HLS, Dash, YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud and others with a common HTML5 MediaElement API, enabling a consistent UI in all browsers.
PmbootstrapRepository has been moved! 🚚 🚚 🚚
RuffleA Flash Player emulator written in Rust
Alivepdf[Official AlivePDF] - AlivePDF is a client side AS3 PDF generation library for Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR
Video.jsVideo.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player
Esp RfidESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS
FlashCommand line script to flash SD card images of any kind
ZeroclipboardThe ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface.
KorgeKorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
TasmotizerESP... The time has come to... Tasmotize!
SfudAn using JEDEC's SFDP standard serial (SPI) flash universal driver library | 一款使用 JEDEC SFDP 标准的串行 (SPI) Flash 通用驱动库
Livegolive video streaming server in golang
Stm32 BootloaderCustomizable Bootloader for STM32 microcontrollers. This example demonstrates how to perform in-application-programming of a firmware located on an external SD card with FAT32 file system.
Simple CameraQuick photo and video camera with a flash, customizable resolution and no ads.
Swf2jsswf2js is Flash Player Runtime Engine written in pure JavaScript.
Format UdfBash script to format a block device (hard drive or Flash drive) in UDF. The output is a drive that can be used for reading/writing across multiple operating system families: Windows, macOS, and Linux. This script should be capable of running in macOS or in Linux.
IronosOpen Source Soldering Iron firmware for Miniware and Pinecil