Electron Vue Adminvue electron admin template web: http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-admin-template
PolyonicAn Electron Ionic application shell for creating Web Apps, Progressive Mobile Web Apps, Native Mobile Apps and Desktop Apps.
Vue Objccn🔥 Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application / 用 Vue.js 开发的跨三端应用
TobyA YouTube player for the desktop
MookMarkdown editor based on Electron and React
Electron Release ServerA fully featured, self-hosted release server for electron applications, compatible with auto-updater.
RunjsA JavaScript playground that auto-evaluates as you type
Lepton💻 Democratizing Snippet Management (macOS/Win/Linux)
DesktopThe Wakatime Desktop Application.
Electron Progressbarelectron-progressbar provides an easy-to-use and highly customizable API to show and control progress bars on Electron applications.
Bozon🛠 Command line tool for building, testing and publishing modern Electron applications
Wnr⏱️ It's a time-management tool for computers. Work and rest, with wnr now.
Electron Xiami虾米音乐 & 虾米电台 - Linux & Mac | Xiami Player & Xiami Radio desktop for Linux & Mac supported by Electron
8ComicDownloaderElectron8Comic下載器:一個從8Comic網站下載漫畫的簡單程式,並以GitHub's Electron為開發架構,支援Windows/Linux/Mac,最新版本下載位址:https://github.com/wellwind/8ComicDownloaderElectron/releases
qikQRminimal desktop app to create QR codes.