Dont BreakChecks if the current version of your package would break dependent projects
InnodependencyinstallerDownload and install any dependency such as .NET, Visual C++ or SQL Server during your application's installation!
Boss Dependency Manager for Delphi
Pdf ViewerA Lightweight PDF Viewer Android library which only occupies around 125kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies up to 16MB space.
TsyringeLightweight dependency injection container for JavaScript/TypeScript
Objc Dependency VisualizerObjective-C and Swift dependency visualizer. It's tool that helps to visualize current state of your project. It's really easy to see how tight your classes are coupled.
React In PatternsA free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.
GitdependencyresolverforunityThis plugin resolves git url dependencies in the package for Unity Package Manager. You can use a git url as a package dependency!
RedoSmaller, easier, more powerful, and more reliable than make. An implementation of djb's redo.
Imposter PluginComposer plugin that wraps all composer vendor packages inside your own namespace. Intended for WordPress plugins.
Container IocInversion of Control container & Dependency Injection for Javascript and Node.js apps powered by Typescript.
DikitDependency Injection Framework for Swift, inspired by KOIN.
InjexSimple, Decorated, Pluggable dependency-injection framework for TypeScript applications
Vue SlicksortA set of vue mixins to turn any list into an animated, touch-friendly, sortable list ✌️
Injia dependency inject container for golang (golang inject), objects will be closed on a reverse order of their creation
Kodein MvvmExample app using Kodein for dependency injection with MVVM and Architecture Components
TslibRuntime library for TypeScript helpers.
ProjenyA project and package manager for Unity
Cpm.cmake📦 CMake's missing package manager. A small CMake script for setup-free, cross-platform, reproducible dependency management.
PyupA tool to update your project's dependencies on GitHub. Runs on, comes with a command line interface.
RocketXPlugin🔥🔥 android 端编译加速插件🚀 自动识别未改动 module 并在编译流程中替换为 aar ,只编译改动模块,加速 Android apk 的编译速度。
updatebota simple bot for updating dependencies in source code
menu buttonFlutter plugin to display a popup menu button widget with handsome design and easy to use.
siringaMinimalist dependency injection library for Python that embraces type annotations syntax
presetter🛹 Reuse and manage build scripts, devDependencies and config files from your favourite presets, instead of copy and paste!
merge-confidenceThe home of WhiteSource's Merge Confidence feature, for Renovate and WhiteSource Remediate
elftreeELF library dependency viewer
ts-depgraphGenerate a visually stunning dependency graph from your Angular or Typescript project
sbt-hacklingPrototype of the Libling concept. Libling is a way to add source dependencies to your sbt project.
Mimick.FodyAn integrated framework for dependency injection and aspect-oriented processing.
CNeptuneCNeptune improve productivity & efficiency by urbanize .net module with meta-code to lay foundation for frameworks
PackageProject.cmake🏛️ Help other developers use your project. A CMake script for packaging C/C++ projects for simple project installation while employing best-practices for maximum compatibility.
ngx-print🖨️ A plug n' play Angular (2++) library to print your stuff
kube-lineageA CLI tool to display all dependencies or dependents of an object in a Kubernetes cluster.
oteote updates a packages' go.mod file with a comment next to all dependencies that are test dependencies; identifying them as such.
ScanTreeScan a JS file tree to build an ordered and grouped dependency listing
easy-ansible基于Ansible的自动部署平台-Automatical Deployment Platform Based on Ansible。
typeiocDependency injection container for typescript / javascript
py-dependency-installA GitHub Action that installs Python package dependencies from a user-defined requirements.txt file path with optional pip, setuptools, and wheel installs/updates
gochkStatic Dependency Analysis Tool for Go Files