PydbgenRandom dataframe and database table generator
SynthThe Declarative Data Generator
CopulasA library to model multivariate data using copulas.
GeneratedataA powerful, feature-rich, random test data generator.
GratisGRATIS: GeneRAting TIme Series with diverse and controllable characteristics
NeuralyzerNeuralyzer is a library and a command line tool to anonymize databases (by updating existing data or populating a table with fake data)
Awesome Ai Ml DlAwesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
Data Augmentation ReviewList of useful data augmentation resources. You will find here some not common techniques, libraries, links to github repos, papers and others.
Stream dataData generation and property-based testing for Elixir. 🔮
DeepconvsepDeep Convolutional Neural Networks for Musical Source Separation
MockneatMockNeat is a Java 8+ library that facilitates the generation of arbitrary data for your applications.
SdvSynthetic Data Generation for tabular, relational and time series data.
CtganConditional GAN for generating synthetic tabular data.
AutofillrA browser extension that fills registration forms with randomly but consistently generated fake data.
datamakerData generator command-line tool and library. Create JSON, CSV, XML data from templates.
DeepEchoSynthetic Data Generation for mixed-type, multivariate time series.
hypothesis-graphqlGenerate arbitrary queries matching your GraphQL schema, and use them to verify your backend implementation.
synthThe Declarative Data Generator
genalogGenalog is an open source, cross-platform python package allowing generation of synthetic document images with custom degradations and text alignment capabilities.
rangerRanger is contextual data generator used to make sensible data for integration tests or to play with it in the database