Yin YangAuto Nightmode for KDE, Gnome, Budgie, VSCode, Atom and more
JxthemeA powerful and lightweight and customization theme/skin library for iOS 9+ in swift. 主题、换肤、暗黑模式
DeluminateAn extension for Google Chrome (and Chromium) that inverts the luminance of websites.
Swifttheme🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 9+ 主题/换肤, 暗色模式
ThememanagerThemeManager is a lightweight library for application to switching themes. support more attributes and theme extensions. more easy and convenient to use.
ChameleonAndroid Change Skin, Android Night Mode, 安卓换肤,安卓夜间模式
Jekyll Theme Yat🎨 Yet another theme for elegant writers with modern flat style and beautiful night/dark mode.
DarkreaderDark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
NightnightElegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
RedshiftRedshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. This may help your eyes hurt less if you are working in front of the screen at night.
Red MoonAndroid screen filter app for night time phone use.
DknightversionManage Colors, Integrate Night/Multiple Themes. (Unmaintained)
Falconmessenger🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Falcon Messenger is a Fast and Beautiful cloud-based messaging app. With iOS and IPadOS Support. Available on the App Store.
AndTTT🎲 Simple tic tac toe game for Android
swebAndroid Simple Web Browser
react-mui-pro-starterMix of Create React App and Material UI with set of reusable components and utilities to build professional React Applications faster.
mtpThemeManagerAn iOS theme manager with all the features. Everything you expect from a theme manager, contains apply theme to whole app, multiple themes, night mode, styles , ...
dark-modeDark Mode - Chrome extension. Relax your eyes at night and day.
DiscordNightAn actual Dark/Nightmode Theme for Discord/BetterDiscord
wlumaAutomatic brightness adjustment based on screen contents and ALS