oiramOiram is a Mario platformer clone
MarioProgressBarThe Mario progress bar for IntelliJ IDEA and other JetBrains IDEs.
super-mario-rlDeep Reinforcement learning and Python learn how to play the original Super Mario Bros
Level-HeadedRandom Level Generator for Super Mario Bros. 1 on the NES
cliThe front end project template cli
smaghettiA web based level editor for Super Mario Advance 4, the GBA port of Super Mario Bros 3
SuperMarioBrosA work-in-progress remake of the original Super Mario Bros. for NES, in the browser using canvas and P5JS.
smmdbcross console/emulator sharing platform for Super Mario Maker courses
MushROMsSuper Nintendo game editing libraries and tools
MARIOFontThe Mario fonts you usually see in Mario games
MiyamotoA supercharged fork of the modern day level editor.
smw-tasUtility scripts and TAS tools for Super Mario World to be run on lsnes or Snes9x-rr.
Mario5TSThe TypeScript version of the Mario5 demo application.
mario-homepageA Super Mario portfolio homepage that you can play with.
PMMasterQuestTake Paper Mario 64, buff old and new enemies to absurd levels, then rebalance Mario's overpowered strategies, and you've got one of the most difficult hacks of all time: Paper Mario Master Quest. The Discord: