Tldr📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
lab-manualLab manual for the Contextual Dynamics Laboratory at Dartmouth College
javaparser-visitedCode samples for the book "JavaParser: Visited"
robot hacking manualRobot Hacking Manual (RHM). From robotics to cybersecurity. Papers, notes and writeups from a journey into robot cybersecurity.
Clover-CrateClover Bootloader (with Quirks) and Clover Configurator explained. My attempt of creating a usable documentation for the popular boot manager.
yoshimi-docA PDF advanced reference manual for the Yoshimi software synthesizer, generated using LaTeX. V. 2.2.0 2022-05-16.
FindMyDocDocumentations, manuels et guides d'utilisation
emanualWelcome to the ROBOTIS e-Manual ! The e-Manual page rendered from this repository is available for everyone. Just simply click the provided link below :)
lsdj-docDocumentation for Little Sound Dj (LSDj), the Game Boy music program
tldrSimplified and community-driven man pages (tldr-pages) in a single binary.
FAQUnofficial Fedora FAQ in russian