= SD card boot image =
Platform: Application:
- Copy the contents of this directory to an SD card
- Set boot mode to SD
- All MSEL switches must be set to 0
- Insert SD card and turn board on
The Blue LED (LED9) means that the 3V3 convertor is activated The Orange LED (LED10: CONF_DONE) means that the FPGA is configured
KEY4 (HPS_RESET_N) is the cold reset Active low input which resets all HPS logics that can be reset. KEY3 (HPS_WARM_RST_N) is the warm reset. Active low input affects the system reset domain for debug purpose.
Those scripts generates a complete system for a DE0 Nano SoC board. The system contains:
- Linux Kernel
- Config of the FPGA (bitstream)
Please download:
(sources) and put it to the begining of the folder hierarchy.
#Run ./create_hierarchy.sh
- Creates all the folders
- Download (if not already) the "altera_source.tar.gz" archive
- Uncompress and send the source to the proper folders
- Make all the script executable (chmod)
#Source ./setup_env.sh To have all the necessary commands/variables
#./part_sd_card.sh <1 or 0> This script will create the partitions needed to run linux on the SD card You need to specify the path of the SD card: /dev/sdc
- This script will create a partition vfat32 (named boot) and a partition ext4 (named rootfs)
- If the second argument is 1, it calls ./sd_write_image.sh
#./sd_write_image.sh This script will copy the linux image located in ./filesystem/ to the SD card specified. All files in the SD card will be removed and the default configuration will be set
#./clean_file.sh Remove all the generated files
#./copy_to_sd_card.sh Copy all necessary files to the SD card.
Kernel images (pick one, or use the one given in the dropbox link)
Packages needed:
sudo apt-get install indent sudo apt-get install tree